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(to) offer Giảm  giá We are offering discounts on all

discounts on + of our video editing products.
Chúng tôi đang có chương trình
giảm giá đối với sản phẩm~

An hour from Trong vòng 1 We’ll be on the ground an hour

now tiếng đồng hồ from now.

(to) conduct Thực hiện các Our guest speaker has

research projects dự án nghiên conducted many major research
cứu projects and is currently
teaching at Michigan University.

Increase (raise) Nâng cao nhận A director of Public Relations, I

public awareness thức công have taken a number of steps to
of chúng increase public awareness of
our products

I’m honored to + Tôi rất vinh Thank you very much. I’m
V dự/hân hạnh honored to be here and truly
được happy to receive this award

A wealth of Có rất nhiều He is an expert in the field of

experience kinh nghiệm telecommunications with a
wealth of experience

What with Nào thì, nào là Vacations can be exhausting,

(dùng để thể what with shopping and
hiện sự khó sightseeing and trying to enjoy
yourself every minute.
chịu của người

(to) wind up a Kết thúc buổi Before we wind up our meeting, I

meeting họp need to convey a message from
the building maintenance

Please note Vui lòng lưu ý Please note that the staff
(that) S+ V rằng~ meeting scheduled for this
Friday has been moved to next

S (person) has ____ đã làm Mr. Rodrigez has been with Uni-
been with việc cho công Tech Corporation for 20 years
(company) + for ( ty ____ trong
duration of time)
khoảng thời
gian ____

Please refrain Vui lòng For other moviegoers, please

from + V-ing không~ refrain from talking during the

I am away from (Dùng khi người I’m away from my desk at the
my desk at the nói không có moment. If you’d like to leave a
moment mặt ở văn message, please do so after the
phòng làm việc)

(to) fall behind in Tụt lại phía sau, Due to high sales and increased
không theo kịp, orders, we are falling behind in
không đáp ứng our output this month.

We are in need Chúng tôi đang If you didn’t get a job yet, I
of cần~ thought you might want to know
that we are in need of an
electrical engineer

Please stay on Vui lòng giữ máy Please stay on the line, and an
the line operator will be with you in a

You will find Các bạn có thể This week, D&G Apparel is having
low prices on + tìm thấy mức giá a spring sale. You’ll find low
(product) thấp đối với các prices on all winter clothing,
including coats, boots, hats, and
mặt hàng~

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