Nouns and Verbs Quiz

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Quiz on Nouns and Verbs (1)

Part One. Identify each italicized noun as a direct object (D), indirect object (I),
subject (S), object of a preposition (O), appositive (A), or predicate nominative (P).

______ 1. The owner of the movie theatre was boycotting all Disney films.

______ 2. The dancer pirouetted sixteen times and then landed on her head.

______ 3. Dr. Philips is the best dentist in southeastern Windham county.

______ 4. Virginia handed the jar of olives to the detective.

______ 5. Al Holm, the inventor of bifurcated shoelaces, is being honored at the banquet.

______ 6. After the collision, the two drivers flipped a coin to decide who would call the

______ 7. The name of the man who will be helping you with your orthopedic problems
is Elliot.

______ 8. At the reception, we will serve bruchetta, a classic Italian appetizer.

______ 9. In exchange for her secretarial services, Paul built Carol a house on the far
corner of his property.

______ 10. The lawyers decided to settle the case over dessert at a local cafe.

Part Two. Identify each italicized verb as active transitive (AT), active intransitive
(AI), or linking (L).

______ 1. The horses smelled like perfume after the ten year-old girl took care of them
for the weekend.

______ 2. Brad ran six marathons in 2007.

______ 3. Kenny is afraid that his cat will bite his baby.

______ 4. Because she was stressed out, Allison slept on the couch all afternoon.

______ 5. Henry seems angry because his car keeps breaking down.
______ 6. Jake smothered the giraffe with a very large pillow.

______ 7. Vinnie screamed when he found out that he didn’t get the part in the horror

______ 8. The watermelon tastes a little rancid after sitting all day in the sun.

______ 9. Lawrence threw away his coffee maker because it had begun to smell bad.

______ 10. Brian looked all over the house for his glasses and found them in the freezer.
Answer Key: Quiz on Nouns And Verbs (1)

1) O
2) O
3) P
4) D
5) A
6) S
7) P
8) D
9) I
10) D
11) L
12) AT
13) L
14) AI
15) L
16) AT
17) AI
18) L
19) AT
20) AI

Quiz on Nouns and Verbs (2)

Part One. Identify each italicized noun as a direct object (D), indirect object (I),
subject (S), object of a preposition (O), appositive (A), or predicate nominative (P).

______ 1. Jeremy gave Eliza five dollars and told her to go away.

______ 2. After George swallowed the goldfish, he cried.

______ 3. The tooth fairy left a couple of DVD’s under the child’s pillow.

______ 4. Howard, the president of the local chapter of the Elks’ Club, is holding a
fundraiser at his lake house.

______ 5. At 6’5”, Otis is the tallest member of the hockey team.

______ 6. At the end of the meeting about next year’s budget, the firefighters decided to
purchase three new vehicles.

______ 7. Theresa gave Alexander a haircut in the backyard.

______ 8. Paula brought her friends a dish of her favorite dessert, key lime pie.

______ 9. My least favorite quality about Billy is his arrogance.

______ 10. Right after dinner, the dog licked up the crumbs from the kitchen floor.

Part Two. Identify each italicized verb as active transitive (AT), active intransitive
(AI), or linking (L).

______ 1. Montana seems like a nice, quiet place to live.

______ 2. The angry Congresswoman threw her shoe at her assistant.

______ 3. Justin bubbled with excitement when he talked about his new puppy.

______ 4. The area around the town square looks exactly like a set from an old-fashioned

______ 5. The cash register chimed when the clerk hit the ‘Enter’ key.
______ 6. The hamster smells as if he’s been playing in the cat’s litterbox again.

______ 7. Fred struggled with his seatbelt when he tried to get out of the car.

______ 8. Natalie enjoys science so much that she wants to be a chemistry teacher.

______ 9. Kelly smelled the milk because it was almost past its expiration date.

______ 10. Carl bounced the baby on his lap to make him stop crying.
Answer Key: Quiz on Nouns and Verbs (2)

1) I
2) D
3) O
4) A
5) P
6) S
7) I
8) A
9) P
10) O
11) L
12) AT
13) AI
14) L
15) AI
16) L
17) AI
18) AT
19) AT
20) AT

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