Final Trivia - Preparation Sheet-LibreOffice 2345678

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Final Trivia - Preparation Sheet

The instructor will assess students’ mastery of pharmacotherapy pertaining to the treatment of
diseases associated with the nervous, endocrine, GI, reproductive, urinary and integument
systems. The final trivia is a graded activity that is worth 30 points (See grading rubric below).
 Activity #1 aims to test students’ knowledge of commonly prescribed drugs, trade and
generic names, their mechanism of actions and classifications
 Activity #2 aims to test the knowledge of common antibiotics, their endings, classifications,
and side effects/warnings.
 Activity #3 aims to test the knowledge of common antidepressants drugs and their endings.
 Activity #4 aims to test the ability to identify drugs classification using generic name
 Activity #5 aims to assess students’ ability to solve “real-world” scenarios using knowledge
acquired in the course.
Trivia Activities

The instructor will ask each student 3-5 questions from the list below
1. ___acitromicine_________ is an antibiotic available as a 6-tablet pack to be used for 5 days
2. Aricept is the drug of choice in the treatment of ___alzheimer____
3. Benzodiazepine drugs should not be used by patients taking _opioide y alcohol_____
4. Give an example of a sulfonylurea drug. What is the most common side effect of
sulfonylureas? hipoglucemia
5. List three no-insulin injectables for treating diabetes Trulicity Lixissematida Ozemgic
6. List two long-acting insulins Lantus-Basaglar
7. Myrbetriq is indicated for the treatment of _OAB_____
8. Namenda is the brand name for ___Memantine______
9. Omeprazole should not be used by patients currently taking___Methotrexate___St John"s
10. Oxybutynin is the drug of choice for people suffering from ___OAB______
11. Patients taking PDE5 blockers cannot take ___nitroglicerin ____
12. Provide three drugs that can be used to treat neuropathic pain amitriptyline gabapentin
duloxetine pregabalin
13. St. John’s Wort should be avoided in people taking ____antideprecivos y ansioliticos______
14. Tapered dosing is recommended for ____esteroides, ansioliticos, antidepresivo_________
15. The most important vitamin during pregnancy is _B9_____
16. Two indications for finasteride are ____caida del cabello________ and
17. What 5-HT3 blocker is effective for treating nausea and vomiting? zofran
18. What antifungal can be used as a one dose treatment for vaginal candidiasis? fluconazole/
Diflucan/ Metronidazol
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19. What benefit does Jardiance hold over sulfonylureas in the treatment of T2DM? Reduce el
riesgo de muerte por causa cardiovasculares
20. What drug is a combination of sitagliptin and metformin? Janumet
21. What herbal product can treat anxiety? Chamomile Valerian.
22. What is the brand name and drug class of sitagliptin? Januvia
23. What is the drug of choice to treat T2DM? What is the classification? Metformina /
24. What is the generic for Medrol? Methylprednisolone
25. What is the generic name for Actos? Pioglitazone
26. What non-benzodiazepine treatments are available for anxiety? Ssri snri buspirone
27. What three amphetamines are used to treat ADHD Adderall focalina concerta
28. What two non-stimulant treatments are available to treat ADHD? ,Clonidine  Guanfacine
29. Which drug is commonly administered using pulse dosing? vancomycin
30. Which hypnotic carries a boxed warning for abnormal sleep behaviors?
Activity #2

The instructor will ask 2-3 questions about commonly used antibiotics. Use the table below
to prepare for this activity.

Antibiotic Class Common Common Drugs Warnings

Cephalosporins Cepha Cephalexina Alergicos a la
Fluoroquinolones Flu Levoflacin Rompe los tendones
en las mujeres
Macrolides Mycin Azithromycina No se puede tomar si
estas embarazada
Penicillins Cillin Ampicillin Terotegenico
Tetracyclines Cyclin Dexycycline Teratogenico,impair
ment renal or hepatic

Activity #3

The instructor will ask 2-3 questions about antidepressants. Use the table below to prepare
for this activity.
Generic Brand Antidepressant Class
Bupropion  Aplenzin Miscellaneous
cessation agents
Citalopram Celexa Selective serotonin reuptake
Desvenlafaxine Khedezla, Pristiq Serotonin-norepinephrine
reuptake inhibitors
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Duloxetine Cymbalta Serotonin-norepinephrine

reuptake inhibitors
Escitalopram  Lexapro Selective serotonin reuptake
Fluoxetine Prozac, Sarafem, Rapiflux. Selective serotonin reuptake
Mirtazapine Remeron, Remeron SolTab Tetracyclic antidepressants
Nortriptyline Pamelor, Tricyclic antidepressants
Sertraline Zoloft Selective serotonin reuptake
Trazodone Desyrel, Desyrel Dividose Phenylpiperazine
Venlafaxine Effexor XR, Effexor Serotonin-norepinephrine
reuptake inhibitors
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Activity #4

The instructor will ask each student to identify classes of given drugs based on their endings. Use
the table below to prepare for this activity.
Common endings Drug Class Common endings Drug Class
-umab Monoclonal antibody -etine Selective serotonin
ruptake inhibitor
-epam Benzodiazepine -afil  Phosphodiesterase
-dine Antiviral nucleoside -razole Proton pump
analogues inhibitor
-one Corticosteroid -cycline Tetracycline
-thromycin Antibiotic,antibacteri -floxacin Quinolone antibiotic

Activity #5

The instructor will provide 3 case studies during the trivia. Students will be given 15
minutes for preparing answers to the associated questions.
 The instructor will ask students to provide complete and concise present answers to each
scenario and then ask other students for feedback.

Grading Rubric – 30 points

Student Missed
demonstrated the Meet and exceed Meet most of Need Low-level of almost all
knowledge expectations the expectation Improvement knowledge   expectations
Activity #1 7 pints 6 4 2 0
Activity #2 5 points 4 2.5 1 0
Activity #3 5 points 4 2.5 1 0
Activity #4 5 points 4 2.5 1 0
Activity #5 8 pints 7 5 2.5 0

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