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Day 29 Massively Transformative Fears

1. Today’s task is to plan your MTF exercise, not to execute it. Wait until you learn
how to de-risk (in tomorrow’s lesson) before going directly at your fear.
2. But practice one of the cognitive reframing techniques today

Fear is our constant companion. So rather than avoiding it, let’s train ourselves to use it
as a compass, and go directly at it.

Here’s an idea on how to use your MTF as a compass and plan your exercise:

1. Make a list of 3-5 things that scare you most, that might be your biggest obstacles
in achieving your dreams. By identifying this and going directly at it, you might be
able to unlock the ultimate blocker of your success. The most potent ones that you
probably didn't know before.

For example:
Fear of public speaking

Why am I scared of public speaking?

• People’s opinion or negative thoughts about me
• Forgetting my talking points on stage
• Saying the wrong things
• Unintentionally insulting others

And what if I’m able to master this skill?

• I’ll be able to move and influence people to support my MTPs
• I’ll be able to spark ideas and inspire others to do the same
• I’ll be closer to my authentic self

2. Break them down into small, attainable steps. 

For example: Having a fear of public speaking, I won’t go directly to do a TED talk.

What are the smallest steps I can do to start speaking publicly?
• Record a 3-minute video and post it on Facebook
• Join a public speaking group like Toastmasters, and commit to always be the first
to speak.
• Make a 1-minute video on Instagram

3. Do this once a week. Reserve it on your calendar. (Suggestion: You can start as early
as tomorrow, after you learn how to de-risk)

4. Share your motivation, plans, and concerns with your accountability partner or group.

5. Keep each other accountable, and execute your plan

When and how to use the cognitive reframing techniques:

Steven explained about three cognitive reframing techniques. They can be powerful
and very effective, if you use each of them for the right occasion.

“I’m excited”

When you feel nervous about doing something you’re scared about, or for the first time.
Notice how the feeling might be similar to excitement.

For example:
first day at work, delivering a very important presentation, or going on a solo trip to a
country you’ve never been to before.

Say "I'm excited" out loud, 3 times.

"Do I have enough information?"

You're waiting on some news or a result you may receive in the future, maybe it scares
you or consumes your energy and hinders your thinking or from moving forward. You are
in a situation where you can't fasten the process of results delivery.

For example:
waiting for a job selection result, waiting for your health check result from the hospital

Ask yourself, "Do I have enough information?"
If necessary, write down the answer on a piece of paper or your journal. 

“Do I want to do anything differently?”

You feel scared of the possible implication of an action you are currently doing. You are
anxious of how your actions may impact yourself, other people, or surroundings.

For example:
you’re in the middle of executing an important plan, that you have decided through
serious and thorough considerations

Ask yourself, "Do I want to do anything differently?"
If necessary, write down the answer on a piece of paper or in your journal. 

Day 30 De-Risking

Here’s a suggestion how to de-risk your risk before going directly at your fears.

1. Look at your chunks of MTF's, the simple steps you want to take, the plan you
created yesterday.

2. One by one decide with your intuitive gut feeling what is your chance of success

3. Imagine, sense, or draw a scale like a thermometer with 0 to 100 - representing

0% up to 100% success rate.

4. Just make that decision and write it down. (Gut and heart decisions are very
good at creating a starting point, because we can only hypothesize about the
percentage of risk) 

5. If any of your MTFs are below 50% chance of success then chunk them down
again into more easily manageable steps OR

6. Think if you have any ideas to increase your chances of success. Anyone you can
collaborate with? Anyone you can ask for a support? Or any other actions you
can take?

Day 31 Track and Plan Your Total Reset Session.

Here are a couple of ideas on how to start tracking your energy levels, when you need a
total reset session:

Social Gauge

• Include your closest friends, partner, family members, or accountability group into
this process. 

• Ask them to be aware and inform you about your behavior, moods, reactions and
responses, performance and tiredness levels, so you could become more aware
of yourself and your need for reset. Use them as your gauge. 

A Daily Practice

• It is very simple and it only takes seconds. The idea with this simple exercise is to
take an intuitive inventory of your state of being in the morning and in the

• On a scale of 1 to 10 (1 = absolutely drained, limited cognition and no energy, and

10 = On top of the world, good brain function, full of energy.) Close your eyes, take
one deep breath. Then ask yourself: “Where am I on this scale right now?” 

• Take the first answer and write it down.

• You can use this to notice a pattern in your energy level over time, to know when
you need a total reset.

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