Learning English 1. Which Ways of Learning English Do You Think Are Efficient?

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Learning English

1. Which ways of learning English do you think are efficient?

 Learning texts by heart
 Reading books and magazines
 Listening to music or podcasts
 Watching films
 Translating
 Using post-it notes
 Talking to people in English
 Writing stories
 Going to language courses
 Making associations
 Switching your devices to English
 Doing grammar exercises

2. Match the words and the pictures

a) headphones
b) a pot
c) a dog
d) a rubber duck 1. 2. 3. 4.
e) a fork
f) a knife
g) bread
h) a suitcase
i) a toothbrush 5. 6. 7. 8.
j) pajamas
k) a taxi cab
l) an airport

9. 10. 11. 12.

3. Put the events in order

____ he learned English on the bus
____ he watched a film
____ he received his books
____ he wrote the names of things on post-it notes
____ he ordered a course for beginners online
____ he named a fork and a knife differently
____ he travelled by plane
____ he ordered a suitcase online
____ he used an F-word in the bath
____ he travelled by taxi
____ he saw his granddaughter

3. Put the events in order

__4_ he learned English on the bus
__6_ he watched a film
__2_ he received his books
__3_ he wrote the names of things on post-it notes
_1__ he ordered a course for beginners online
__5_ he named a fork and a knife differently
__9_ he travelled by plane
__8_ he ordered a suitcase online
__7_ he used an F-word in the bath
__10 he travelled by taxi
11__he saw his granddaughter

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