How To Use Cohesive Devices

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How To Use

Cohesive Devices


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The information in this ebook is provided to help you study for

the IELTS Test. This is for your personal use and information

purposes only. The material provided in this ebook has been

created by experienced IELTS teachers and ex-examiners.

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Page 1
Table of Contents

Page 3: Introduction

Page 4: Cohesive devices

Page 5: Examples

Page 6: Bad example paragraph

Page 7: Good example paragraph

Page 8: How should I use them in my essay?

Page 9: Essay example

Page 10: About the author

Page 2

In this section, we will look at how to use cohesive devices in

your IELTS writing task 2 essay.

Being able to include cohesive devices in your writing is

important because it shows the examiner that you know how

to use them effectively.

This can increase your band score in the coherence and

cohesion section.

Cohesive devices are also known as linking words and they

are there to help the examiner to read your essay clearly.

Linking words are a great way to join your ideas together and

make your sentences and your paragraph much more


Page 3
Cohesive Devices

Below is a list of cohesive devices that you will use in your IELTS


In the IELTS exam, to reach a band 7 or above you need to be

able to use a range of cohesive devices accurately.

Page 4

In the writing task 2 marking criteria for a band score 7, it

states - ‘uses a range of cohesive devices appropriately

although there may be some under-/over-use’.

This means that the student understands how to use the

cohesive devices but is using too many (in nearly every

sentence) or too few.

Many students who receive a band score 6 or lower, will have

used far too many, making the writing sound mechanical and

not like a native speaker.

A high scoring answer of 8+ will contain a few but well placed

cohesive devices as using them with precision and in the

correct context counts for more than inserting as many as


Page 5
Bad Example

Take a look at the example below with the cohesive devices

highlighted in bold >>

On the one hand, the main advantage of having a

standardised punishment system could lead to a downward

trend in crime, as the system would serve as a deterrent.

Therefore, this would allow the courts to easily hand out

justice to all criminals, in order to make the judiciary system

more powerful.

For example, in some states in the USA, there are tough

sanctions in place for criminals, including death by lethal

injection. However, in 2014, the New York Times reported that

up to 65% of criminals who were incarcerated for high-level

crimes (murder, manslaughter) received the lethal injection.

Page 6
Good Example

Take a look at the better example below with the cohesive

devices highlighted in bold >>

On the one hand, the main advantage of having a

standardised punishment system could lead to a downward

trend in crime, as the system would serve as a deterrent.

This would allow the courts to easily hand out justice to all

criminals, in order to make the judiciary system more


For example, in some states in the USA, there are tough

sanctions in place for criminals, including death by lethal

injection. In 2014, the New York Times reported that up to

65% of criminals who were incarcerated for high-level crimes

(murder, manslaughter) received the lethal injection.

Page 7
How Should I Use Them In My Essay?

Review sample essays and see how many are used in high-

level answers.

You will see that there are the same ones used in many

sample essays time and time again.

Learn a core few and use them during your writing practice.

Take a look at this band 9 essay example below and see

how the cohesive devices have been used to introduce the

reader to the paragraphs and to lead them through the

essay effortlessly.

The cohesive devices are highlighted in bold.

Page 8
Essay Example


In current society, many people are struggling with obesity. What is the main

cause of this? What are the effects?


In many countries all over the world today, there are many people who are

extremely overweight. This essay will firstly discuss the main reasons that
this is happening and secondly look at the effects this is having on
individuals and society.

Firstly, obesity is caused by many factors in modern society, including the

easy availability of unhealthy food. When a bad diet is matched with a

sedentary lifestyle, weight gain is inevitable, since eating large portions of

food that is mainly processed, high in salt, sugar and filled with chemicals,

the body gains weight fast. For example, a documentary by Channel 4 in

2016 showed that the most obese populations were situated in

underdeveloped nations, like Venezuela, where people admitted to finding it

difficult to eat a balanced and healthy diet and had no nutritional


Secondly, the effect that immense weight gain can have on a person, is
that they will likely develop health issues, like diabetes or heart disease.  As

the body becomes larger, the metabolism slows down, so that the body is

more likely to get a chronic illness. This is impacting on health services

around the world, as hospitals are seeing an increased demand to care for

obese patients. For instance, The NHS in the UK has admitted to spending
around 16 billion per year on obese related diseases like diabetes. UK

newspaper The Telegraph reported in 2016 that more money is spent on

treating obesity in the UK than on staffing the police force and fire service.  

In conclusion, obesity is being caused by easily available calorie-rich

processed food and little exercise. The effects of this are impacting

individuals health as well as the cost of national healthcare services. In

order for obesity to be lessened, individuals should be educated about

nutrition, furthermore, the governments should implement higher taxes on

all junk food and sugar.

Page 9
Thank You!

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About the author - Louise Bollanos

Louise had been teaching in the UK for over 10 years in further

education. She worked in colleges for a number of years

before deciding to teach online.

Louise has experience teaching IELTS to nurses and doctors

from around the world, with many starting out at a 6.5 or lower

and passing with band scores of 7, 8 or above.

She writes IELTS study materials for schools internationally and

has completed extensive IELTS training.

Louise loves to meet new IELTS students and works hard with

them to improve their band scores. Louise is originally from the

UK and currently lives in Corfu, Greece with her husband and


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