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Arma, Klairren J.

Devpath Quiz 1
OLDI4 July 17, 2022
I. Explain the ff (In 500 Words)

A. .Equity (NPA)

The general meaning of equity is the quality of being ‘impartial’, wherein

there will be no kind of preferential treatment given to a specific agenda or
person. But, to describe ‘equity’ in the perspective of New Public
Administration Theory, the word is placed in an organizational context
wherein the persons in authority or those in administrative positions are
given the responsibility to distribute wealth and opportunities accordingly
in society. Specifically, this is referred to as social equity. The idea of
social equity was formulated as the traditional values of public
administration of efficiency and effectiveness are proven to be insufficient
in addressing emerging social problems such as poverty, inequality, racial
tensions, and poor health among workers. This idea, in turn, re-shaped
public administration to be more humanitarian, wherein it adheres to the
values of social justice, fairness, and equality among institutions.

B. Processes (NPM)

As the NPA theory focuses on societal values, the New Public

Management Theory focuses on the process of improving public services
in order to reinforce individual output. The NPM implies that in order to
improve individual productivity, there must be certain discipline to be
undertaken and that it is imperative to go through a concrete process. The
process is necessary in order to find out what works the best and to come
up with methods that are flexible and can be used for a long time. One
idea that this theory has procured is the realization that a business-lead
administration is essential in order for a firm’s efficient way of
management that can secure the welfare of its workers at the same time
can produce quality output. Included in this motion is the process of a
‘hands-on’ professional management of the public sector, wherein the
standards for public service are set higher in order for citizens to attain
adequate services.

C. Citizen’s nudging and participation (Reinventing Government)

To sum up, the principles of the Reinventing Government Theory is the
about the decentralization of authority, the empowerment of citizens to
“solve their own problems”, the proper allocation of resources to the
public, having a “value-based” management system, and the influencing of
market forces for the benefit of the public. This theory also sheds light on
the shifting away from bureaucracy in order for the economy to centralize
among the markets (which also includes the market). In my
understanding, the theory presents a democratic form of administration
where the people’s voice greatly influences the decision-making
capabilities of management systems. It is also believed that the voice of
the people (or rather, their needs) will be the one to transform society to
be business-centered.

D. Development Issues (Good Governance)

It was mentioned that an establishment has good governance if its

management were able to adequately exercise the rule of law, have
transparent and accountable authorities, and most especially,
‘people-centered’ governance. In my perception, people-centered
governance is able to recognize the factors that can contribute to and
hinder community development. It always strives for the ‘greater good’
rather than satisfying the select few. However, in the case of the
Philippines, a third-world country plagued with developmental issues, the
root of its problems because the government lacks the ‘people-centered’
aspect. Poverty and income inequality remained an issue for generations,
and this is because the administration favors the ‘elite few’ rather than the
public. This ‘favoritism’ impedes the equal distribution of wealth among the
public and renders the authorities improperly carrying out their
responsibilities, thus worsening the issues the Philippines are currently
facing. The Philippines lacks the understanding of good governance,
wherein the people in authority, are able to find adequate solutions for
such issues without compromising other factors for growth (i.e. finance,
welfare, supply, etc,) and ensure that it is flexible and can be beneficial for
longer terms.

II. Are they still relevant to the Philippine Setting? Why/ Why not?

In my opinion, the four concepts are related in the Philippines in the sense that
these are what the current government lacks thereof. As I’ve mentioned in the
‘Development Issues’ part, good governance is where our country severely lags
behind as our economy remains ‘agriculture-based’ and bureaucracies have the
capability to monopolize public goods for self-serving gain. Poverty is still
rampant which is due to inequalities in income distribution, which is also the
cause of the country’s low productivity. All of this is because the administration
does not have a grasp of what good governance should be.

In line with this, though the Philippines claim to be a liberal and democratic
country, I have observed that this principle is not heavily applied among
authorities and management. Management systems lack in the aspect of “social
equity”, as the poor get more marginalized and the rich continuously gain profit.
This is because the public sectors, and some private firms, lack value in their
management and are content with mediocrity.

As there are no substantial changes happening in the economy and more

“motherhood statements” from the mouth of officials, the ideas of the New Public
Management cannot thrive. Bureaucracies continue to exploit workers and
establish monopolies on modes of production, thus worsening the issue of
poverty and inequality in the country. Not only that but the Philippines in the
recent administration were also faced with issues with suppressions with the
shutting down of t.v. networks and countless reported deaths of minorities due to
the ‘war against drugs’. It is like the Philippines is slowly stirring away from what
was proposed by the four theories.

Positively, the Philippines had come a long way ever since its independence, but
it will still need to come a long way in order to be prosperous. To achieve this
requires strong political will and changing the mindset of Filipinos into being more
nationalistic. But of course, change starts with the government as countless
livelihoods are in their hands, with this, they should let the people have more
presence in shaping the country.

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