BSBCMM511 Assessment Instructions V1.0221A

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Assessment Instructions

BSBCMM511 Communicate with influence

Unit of competency information

Assessment overview
How to work through the assessment
The tasks in this assessment will assess competency for the unit BSBCMM511 Communicate with
influence, Release 1.
• This document provides instructions only; Students do not upload this document to

Features Explanation

Assessment • The assessment process requires you to complete all assessment tasks.
Process • You must complete all your assessments unassisted by the assessor
or anyone else.
• You must not plagiarise. Greystone College uses third party software to
detect plagiarism.
• To gain a ‘Competent’ outcome in BSBCMM511 Communicate with
influence you must achieve:
o 100% in all Online Quizzes
o a ‘Satisfactory’ result in the other assessment tasks.
• If you do not meet the criterion, you will receive the result ‘NYC’ = Not
Yet Competent, and you can be re-assessed.
o You can continue to resubmit an Online Quiz (Task 1) until you
achieve 100%.
o For all other assessment tasks, you have three (3) submission
• The assessment tasks that you will need to complete are listed below.
• For Tasks 2 and 3, you will need to complete the Assessment
Templates document provided.

Assessment Students must demonstrate the skills and knowledge required to present and
information negotiate persuasively, lead and participate in meetings and make presentations
and scope
to customers, clients and other key stakeholders.
The unit applies to individuals who are managers and leaders required to identify,
analyse, synthesise and act on information from a range of sources, and who deal
with unpredictable problems as part of their job role. They use initiative and
judgement to organise the work of self and others and plan, evaluate and co-
ordinate the work of teams.

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Assessment Each student must successfully complete all the following assessment tasks to
Tasks demonstrate competency in this unit.
• Task 1 - Online Quizzes
Answer 31 Online Quiz questions.
• Task 2 – Knowledge Questions
Answer 25 short and long answer questions.
Answers must be recorded in the Assessment Templates document.
• Task 3 – Project
Students will prepare a presentation meeting with BizOps staff to present and
share ideas on customer service strategies.
Complete the following:
o Develop a Communication Plan
o Write two Emails – Request approval and Meeting invitation
o Develop a Negotiation plan
o Prepare for a Presentation Meeting
• Task 4 – Role plays 1 & 2
Students will participate in and lead two meetings and prepare and make a
presentation to two different groups.
Role-play 1
Part A: Presentation meeting with staff and external consultant
Part B: Post Presentation
Complete the following:
o Feedback record and feedback using Moodle Forum
o Report
o Observation assessment
Role-play 2
Part A: Prepare for a management presentation meeting
Part B: Present to management
Part C: Post presentation
Complete the following:
o Communication plan
o Negotiation plan
o Email invite
o Feedback record
o Meeting minutes
o Observation assessment

Assessment The Assessment Templates document, located under the Assessment tab in
Templates Moodle, contains the templates you will use to record your responses to relevant
assessment tasks.

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Task 1 – Online Quizzes
Complete in Moodle
• Topic 1: Online Quiz – 5 questions
• Topic 2: Online Quiz – 9 questions
• Topic 3: Online Quiz - 10 questions
• Topic 4: Online Quiz - 7 questions

Task 2 – Knowledge Questions

Student Instructions This task consists of 25 short answer questions.
• You must use the Task 2 – Knowledge Questions template to record
your answers.
• You must not copy your answers from another student, and
• You must not use the words or ideas of another as your own.

Templates and resources You will need the following resources to complete Task 2:
required • Task 2 – Knowledge Questions Template in the BSBCMM511
Assessment Templates document
• Student book and additional learning resources

1. Why is it important to understand the needs of your audience and the purpose of your
communication when preparing your position?

2. Outline three (3) strategies for cross cultural communication.

3. Define the purpose and the position you would take in the following situations:
• Providing a new employee with company history, policies and personnel within the
• A review with an under-performing employee supported with productivity reports and
• Promotion of a new product range that your company is introducing to the market that
will save customers money.

4. Select communication techniques for problem-solving strategies by placing the letter of the
communication technique next to the correct problem-solving strategy.
Communication techniques:
A. Negotiation
B. Mediation
C. Conflict Resolution
D. Incident De-escalation

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5. Outline three (3) types or reasons for workplace meetings and include the purpose, types of
materials used and expected schedule.

6. Name four (4) strategies you would employ to run a structured and inclusive meeting.

7. Organisations operate with many policies and procedures to assist with the smooth and
legal running of their business. Using the numbered list below, identify all policies and
procedures that would be used in the following communication situations (Note – some may
be assigned more than once).
Policies and Procedures:
1. Health and Safety policy
2. Employment contracts
3. Code of Conduct
4. Recruitment policy
5. Employee handbook
6. Complaints procedure
7. Confidentiality policy

Workplace policies and procedures relating to confidentiality and privacy are influenced by
state, territory and federal legislation. It is important to stay up to-date with relevant policies to
ensure you are behaving ethically and legally when presenting and negotiating and participating
in meetings.

8. Name the government legislation that protects the Privacy of Information in Australia
and describe what it regulates.

9. List at least three (3) pieces of personal information that are protected under the Act.

10. Confidential information can concern areas of a business such as communication,

technology, operations, finance, transactions or third parties such as suppliers. Name at
least five (5) sources of confidential information within a business.

11. Where could you seek advice on how to handle confidential information? Provide at
least three sources.

12. When communicating with others it is important to determine the tone, structure, and style
to use. Explain why this is important and the impact it can have on others. Include a
workplace communication example in your answer.

Read the scenario below and answer questions 13 – 15

Mark has become very upset with his colleague Jenny. Jenny has been appointed a role running
a project that Mark thought he should have. He believes he is more qualified, and has better

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project and time management skills. Jenny has been trying to negotiate with Mark to give him
some responsibility in the project, however Mark is not happy with any of the options that
Jenny is offering. This is causing tension in the office and several other staff have mentioned to
Jenny that they are feeling uncomfortable with the situation.

13. Provide three (3) reasons why it is important to resolve conflict in the workplace.

14. What steps could Jenny take to resolve the conflict effectively? List five (5) steps.

15. List three (3) techniques Jenny could use to control her emotions when talking to Mark.

16. Access the BizOps Management team document. Use the organisational chart to complete
the following:
Name a relevant stakeholder, a reason why the stakeholder could be communicating with
BizOps, and which department manager at BizOps would need to give approval.
An example: HR Manager (Department) may communicate with Fair Work (Government
agency) when determining changes to work conditions (reason).

17. Outline the process you would use to plan and document a negotiation and meet the needs
of stakeholders.

18. It is important to confirm the outcome of a negotiation. Name two (2) ways you could
communicate with stakeholders and establish common ground for a potential compromise.

Decide the best meeting forum for stakeholders to contribute to discussions for the following
business objectives. Name two (2) for each:

19. To inform all staff of a new system being introduced.

20. To share details of a new product in the marketplace.

21. List at least (6) meeting materials to be prepared and distributed to stakeholders prior to
and after a meeting.

22. Why is it important to follow up with stakeholders after a meeting? Give two (2) reasons.

23. What must you first consider when beginning to prepare for a presentation?

24. Why is it important to provide opportunities for the audience to ask questions and how
would you follow up with the audience after a presentation?

25. Identify two (2) strategies for evaluating a presentation.

25 questions total

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Task 3: Project – Develop a Communication plan

Instructions for the Student

Assessment context You are the manager of the Phone Sales Department at BizOps Enterprises, the
and overview organisation for this assessment. You will be working with other class members
who represent staff in your department to develop ideas and strategies to
improve customer service.

Student Instructions • Access the BizOps business and customer profile to familiarise yourself with
the organisation. You will be studying BizOps business documents to
complete the project.
• Read the scenario below and instructions for each step to complete the
• Use the templates in the Task 3 – Project template in the Assessment
Templates document to:
o develop a Communication Plan
o create two Emails – Request for Approval & Meeting Invitation
o develop a Negotiation Plan
o prepare for a presentation meeting

Templates and The following templates and resources are required to complete your Task 3:
Resources required Project. You will find these in Moodle assessment tab for this unit.
Task 3: Templates in the Assessment templates document:
• Communication plan template
• Email template
• Negotiation plan template
• BSBCMM511 BizOps Organisational Operational Plan
• BSBCMM511 BizOps Customer Service policy
• BSBCMM511 BizOps Organisational Chart
• BizOps Business and service profile (Access the link on Moodle)

Project Activities and Directions

Read the scenario carefully and follow the steps to complete the project.

Scenario – Phone Sales Department Customer Service plan

Sarah Voss, the Customer Service Manager at BizOps Enterprises has noticed an increase in
phone sales of 30% in the last three months. She is concerned that the standard of service could
decrease with this higher demand. She has asked the managers from the Phone Sales

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Department to come up with a strategy to ensure BizOps is able to manage the phone orders
with accuracy and maintain its high standards of service.
She has suggested that you, as a manager of this department, meet and speak to a Call Centre
Consultant, Darren Lin, from The Communication Centre, who she has dealt with before. He is
happy to consult via video conferencing which is his preferred method.

To complete Task 3, you must:

• Develop a Communication Plan
• Write two Emails – Request approval and Meeting invitation
• Develop a Negotiation plan
• Prepare for a Presentation Meeting


1. Review BizOps Customer Service Policy and Organisational Plan. This can be found in the
Required Resources folder in Moodle. Study the documents carefully and use these to
create some ideas on how you can continue the high service levels in your department
and meet the demand of the increase in phone sales. Add these ideas to the Assessment
Templates document. You will use your ideas for a presentation and meeting in Task 4.

2. Develop the Communication Plan using the template in the assessment template
document in preparation for a meeting with colleagues and Darren Lin, the external
consultant. You will be participating in a presentation and meeting in Task 4.
• The communication plan will assist with choosing the style of meeting, the type of
presentation that is appropriate (slides, video, reports, PowerPoint slides), details of
the meeting such as location, time and date and any questions that you may like to
ask the external consultant, Darren Lin. Also, ensure you include the method of
communication he prefers.

3. Prepare an email using the template in the assessment templates document to Sarah
Voss and other relevant personnel. Access the BizOps Organisational Chart to decide who
else will need to receive your email. Write the email to request approval to present
sensitive and confidential information in a meeting with Darren Lin, the external
Your email should include:
• record your name in the From field
• record the receiver’s full name in the To field
• begin with a greeting (for example, Hi or Hello)
• the date you write the email in the Sent field
• request to share sensitive and confidential information
• sign off at the end and include your name (for example, Kind regards, Sincerely or
Best regards)

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4. Prepare an email using the template in the assessment templates document to invite
your department managers and Darren Lin to the meeting. You must follow BizOps
policies and procedures when sending email.
Your email should include:
• record your name in the From field
• record the receiver’s full name in the To field
• begin with a greeting (for example, Hi or Hello)
• the date you write the email in the Sent field
• an invitation to attend the meeting
• Use appropriate language
• sign off at the end and include your name (for example Kind regards, Sincerely or
Best regards)
5. Prepare a 15-minute presentation
You will be presenting to managers in your department and the external consultant,
Darren Lin.
• You will be presenting the ideas that you have to maintain the BizOps customer
service levels during this period of increased call. You will need three (3) ideas to
• Use the information from your Communication plan to develop your presentation.
• You will need to distribute handouts to support your presentation. These can be
done electronically.
• Address any relevant organisational policies or procedures that will need to be
• Add your presentation notes and handout material to the Assessment Templates
• This presentation forms Task 4 – Observation Role Play 1.

6. Prepare a Negotiation Plan using the template in the Assessment Templates document.
Managers will bring their ideas to the meeting to discuss and agree on solutions. As a
management team you will need to decide on just two (2) ideas to present to the BizOps
management team. This will require discussion, collaboration and negotiation to decide
on the best ideas to present. The negotiation plan will prepare for any potential problems
or issues, define your position and any supporting argument you have for your ideas. You
will use your Negotiation Plan for a meeting in Task 4.

IMPORTANT: Check you have completed the following for Task 3.

 Communication Plan
 Two Emails – Request for approval & Meeting invite
 Presentation notes & Handout Material
 Negotiation plan

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Task 4 – Role plays 1 & 2

Instructions for the Student

Observation context and You will be participating in two (2) Role plays and assessed while being
overview observed by your assessor according to the observation checklist.
Role play 1
Part A: Presentation meeting with staff and external consultant
• The role-play assessment will be undertaken either face to face
or with the use video conferencing software. i.e. Zoom
• You must lead and participate in a group of 2 to 4 class
members according to the scenario below. The assessor or
other personnel will play the part of external consultant, Darren
Lin to challenge your ideas and evoke discussions and
• You will use your presentation notes to present your ideas and
negotiate with others influencing the decision process.
• The role play will take approximately 15 minutes
Part B: Post Presentation
In part B, you will complete a report and gain Feedback from at least 2
group members using the template and Moodle forum.
Role Play 2
Part A: Prepare for a management presentation meeting
In this role play you will prepare to present two of the ideas, from the
previous meeting in role play 1 to the BizOps management team. During the
meeting, you will need to use persuasive communication style to influence
the management team to agree to your ideas.
Part B: Present to management
You will be assessed while being observed by your assessor according to the
scenario and observation checklist.
Part C: Post presentation
You must complete the post presentation steps and using the templates in
the Assessment Templates documents.

Observation Student Role Play 1:

instructions You will be assessed according to the observation checklist for Role play 1.
Your assessor in the role of the external consultant Darren Lin, will
negotiate with you and ask two verbal questions. You will be observed by
your assessor while performing the role play. Refer to Role play 1
instructions in the section that follows.
Role Play 2:
You will be observed and assessed according to the observation checklist for
Role play 2. Refer to Role play 2 instructions in the section that follows.

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Verbal questioning In addition to the tasks in Observation checklist below, during the
(If verbal questioning is Observation task, you may be required to answer verbal questions from
being used as part of the your Assessor.
assessment) Your assessor will also be acting as an external consultant and will ask
questions during your presentation.

Feedback All observation criteria must be satisfactorily demonstrated by the student.

For any observation assessment conducted that is incomplete, or without
satisfactory performance, the observation will need to be completed again
after further training support. The observation may be re-attempted on two
further occasions (maximum three (3) attempts in total).

Role-Play 1
Your assessor will provide you with clear instructions before commencing the role play. Read
the instruction carefully to completed each part.
Part A: Presentation meeting with staff and external consultant
Part B: Post presentation

Part A: Presentation meeting with staff and external consultant

The time has come to present your ideas to the staff members of the BizOps Phone Sales
department. After your presentation, you will ask group members to provide feedback on your
ideas and ask any questions and invite others to share their ideas. You will need to adapt your
personal communication style to build trust and positive working relationships and to show
respect for the opinions and values of others. You will need to use a persuasive communication
style to influence your colleagues to use your ideas for the improvement plan management are

To complete Role-Play 1, you must:

• Conduct a presentation meeting
• Gain feedback using Moodle Forum and complete the feedback record template
• Write a report

1. Form a group of 2 to 4 class members. Class members represent the staff in the BizOps
Phone sales department. Your assessor will play the role of Darren Lin, the external
consultant who will contribute to opinions on the group’s ideas.

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2. Conduct a presentation meeting: You will present your ideas to the group using your
hand out notes. Support your ideas with reference to organisational policies and
procedures and your relevant information from your communication plan.
• At the start of the meeting seek consensus on the meeting objectives
• Each student must take the lead when they present their three (3) ideas to the group
and Darren Lin.
• Invite questions and give clear and concise answers to any questions.
• Ask questions of your colleagues to clarify or better understand the information they
• At the end of the meeting you must choose two (2) ideas to present to management
in Role play 2.

Observation Assessment: Ensure you use a range of communication skills including active
listening, negotiation skills, questioning techniques and presentation skills when you are
discussing ideas with your team. your assessor will be looking to ensure you use these. It is
important that you use culturally appropriate language, so avoid using slang or terms others
may not understand. Your assessor will be observing and assessing your performance.

Observation Checklist – Role-play 1

You will be observed and assessed according to the following criteria:

Observation criteria

O1 Presentation is appropriate to audience needs, context and purpose.

O2 Taking a lead role in the meeting during the presentation

O3 Using active listening.

O4 Answering questions clearly and concisely.

O5 Using questions to seek clarification and understanding and seek consensus

O6 Contributing to discussions, demonstrating control by using a range of communication

skills including problem solving and decision making.

O7 Adjusting language and adapting communication style and demonstrating the ability to
engage and motivate others

O8 Demonstrating a communication style that builds trust and positive working

relationships and shows respect for the opinions and values of others

Verbal Questioning

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VQ1 The student must demonstrate understanding of high-level conflict resolution skills in
situations requiring negotiation and collaboration and takes a lead role
Simulation: - Assessor in the role of an external consultant asks:
Question: How would you handle a situation where a colleague does not agree with you
on any points in your presentation and is making it difficult to get an agreement?

VQ2 The student must demonstrate understanding to use analytical process to evaluate
options and aid in problems solving and decision making
Simulation: - Assessor in the role of an external consultant asks:
Question: I can’t make up my mind. How is your idea better than if nothing was

Part B – Post Presentation

Following your meeting, you will need to seek feedback on your presentation.

3. Complete the Feedback record template in the Assessment Templates document about
for your presentation. You will include feedback using Moodle Forum.

a. Gain feedback on your presentation using Moodle Forum. Your assessor will give
you instructions on how to use Moodle Forum. Ask questions to at least 2 group
members on the following topics. Add their responses to the Feedback Record template.
Feedback topic questions:
• Was the presentation information informative?
• Were the objectives achieved?
• Any suggestions for improvement?

b. Update your feedback form with a self-evaluation, reflecting on the feedback

and areas for improvement.

4. Write a Report to summarise the key findings.

Using the template in the Assessment Templates document write a report. The report
needs to include:

• the key points or ideas discussed

• the discussion points for each idea
• how the team decided on the outcome (2 ideas to move forward with) and that will
form the improvement plan.
• any recommendations or actioned required.

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Role-Play 2
Your assessor will provide you with clear instructions before commencing the role play. Read
the instruction carefully to complete each part.
Part A: Prepare for a management presentation meeting
Part B: Present to management
Part C: Post presentation

Part A: Prepare for a management presentation meeting

It is now time for the Phones Sales department to present their Customer Service plan to the
BizOps management team. You are presenting the agreed two (2) ideas on how to plan and
maintain Customer Service levels due to increase sales activity. You will be trying to persuade
the management team to use your ideas.
You may participate in the meeting as a representative of your group or invite other members
to join you. If you are meeting in a group, you will need to complete the communication and
negotiation plan individually and take a lead role to present and discuss the report you
completed in Task 3.

To complete Role-play 2, you must:

• Develop a Communication Plan
• Prepare a Negotiation Plan
• Create an Email invite to the management team
• Participate in a presentation meeting
• Complete the Feedback record
• Create Meeting Minutes


1. Develop a Communication plan

Think about the most suitable method and style of presentation and reliability of
information. How you plan to lead the meeting and if any supporting documents are

2. Develop a Negotiation Plan.

To be prepared for the management team, identify any issues that you may need to
address, define your negotiation objectives and anticipate any arguments.

3. Prepare an email invite to the management team using the email template in the
Assessment Templates document.
• Use the information from your completed Communication Plan to provide the BizOps
management team with details about the upcoming meeting presentation.

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• Ensure you follow BizOps policies and procedures and codes of practice when
sending emails.
• Include any preparation that you require from them prior to attending the meeting.
This could be such things as any relevant reports, costing or projections. Indicate
these are included in the email.
Your email should include:
• record your name in the From field
• record the receiver’s full name in the To field
• begin with a greeting (for example, Hi or Hello)
• the date you write the email in the Sent field
• an invitation to attend the meeting
• use appropriate language
• indicate attached documents
• sign off at the end and include your name (for example Kind regards, Sincerely or
Best regards)

4. Prepare to meet with members of the BizOps management team using the information
determined in the Communication plan, and Negotiation plan. Consider the audience you
will be presenting to when designing your presentation. Decide if you will be using
handout notes, your completed report or slides.

Part B: Present to management

5. Conduct the presentation meeting. You will be observed by your assessor during this
presentation meeting. Your assessor or another person with management experience will
play the part of management.
• To start your meeting, seek consensus on meeting objectives
• Distribute any prepared materials
• Ensure you take the lead when presenting. Encourage questions and answer any
questions clearly and concisely.
• Negotiate and collaborate with the management team to persuade them to use your
• Ask the management team for any feedback on your presentation. You will need to
take note of this feedback to use on your feedback record.
o Feedback on your presentation
o Feedback on the delivery of the presentation
o Were the objectives achieved?
o Any suggestions for improvement?

Observation Assessment: Ensure you use a range of communication skills including active
listening, negotiation skills, questioning techniques and presentation skills when you are
discussing ideas with your team. your assessor will be looking to ensure you use these. It is

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important that you use culturally appropriate language, so avoid using slang or terms others
may not understand. Your assessor will be observing and assessing your performance

Observation checklist – Role-play 2

You will be observed and assessed according to the following criteria:

Observation criteria

O1 Presentation is appropriate to audience needs, context and purpose

O2 Taking a lead role in the meeting during the presentation

O3 Using active listening

O4 Answering questions clearly and concisely

O5 Using questions to seek clarification and understanding and seek consensus

O6 Contributing to discussions, demonstrating control by using a range of communication

skills including problem solving and decision making

O7 Adjusting language and adapting communication style and demonstrating the ability to
engage and motivate others

O8 Demonstrating a communication style that builds trust and positive working

relationships and shows respect for the opinions and values of others

O9 Communicating with management, and establishing areas of common ground and

potential compromise

Part C: Post Presentation

6. Use the feedback obtained from the management team during your presentation. Add
this to the feedback record template in the Assessment Templates document. Use the
following topic questions:
o Feedback on your presentation
o Feedback on the delivery of the presentation
o Were the objectives achieved?
o Any suggestions for improvement?

7. Prepare Meeting Minutes.

• After the meeting, write up the meeting minutes. You would distribute these to all
relevant stakeholders.

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• The minutes should outline the plan that was presented, the discussion and the
outcome of discussions. Include any resources that were used to support your

IMPORTANT: Check you have completed the following for Role play 1 & 2.
 Conduct a presentation meeting
 Gain feedback using Moodle Forum and complete the feedback record template
 A written report
 Communication Plan
 Negotiation Plan
 Email invite to the management team
 Feedback record
 Meeting Minutes

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