Santia Mustika Sari - Tugas Chapter 6 Cause and Effect 9 Nopember 2021

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Name : Santia Mustika Sari (27)

Class : XI Tata Boga 1


(A) Definition Cause

The word cause in English can be categorized as either a noun or a verb. The noun
means someone or something that causes something to happen. The verb means an
action that makes something happen.

(B) Definition Effect

Just like cause, effect can be seen in noun or verb sentences . The noun means a
change that is the result of an action or cause. While in the verb, effect is written as
affect which means to produce an effect or cause a change in something.

(C) The Meaning of Cause and Effect

Cause and effect is a concept that describes the relationship of two or more
situations that cause and are caused by one another.

(D) Social Function

The cause-and-effect essay is to determine how various phenomena relate in terms
of origins and results.

1) Doni doesn't want to eat vegetables and fruit, so he gets sick easily.
2) So your brother went to Jogja, or stayed here to accompany Dad.
3) Calm down Romi, you deserve it, according to what you've always dreamed
4) Since Karno attended the Military Academy, he has become more assertive
and mature.
5) I chose this laptop brand, because it is famous and durable.
6) Irma didn't want to do the immunization so then the classroom teacher came
to persuade her.
7) Eren is willing to become a titan and fight against enemies for Mikasa and
8) He is often staying up late, so often sleepy during lessons.
9) Accelerated students learn seriously, because they will take the accelerated
passing test.
10) Tedi acted like usual, so then we didn't realize that he was sick.

(E) Signal Words - Cause

Such as, because, so, consequently, therefore, thus, and since.

(F) Signal Words - Effect

Because, since, thus, so that, if...then, therefore, nevertheless, this led to, as a result
of,, for this reason, on account of, due to..., consequently.

PAGE 79-81
1) Read the following sentences. Decide if the words in bold are cause or the effect.
Write cause or effect on the line. Then, underline the “signal” word or phrase.
1. Early man used weapons because they needed to find food. → cause
2. The glacier began to melt; therefore, the land bridge between Asia and North
America became flooded. → effect
3. Because they wanted to learn about different civilizations that existed,
archeologists studied artifacts. → cause
4. Early man slowly started to grow food, and as a result, their lives became
easier. → effect
5. My sister was very tired because she stayed up past midnight. → cause

2) Read the cause, write the effect, then write the complete sentence using signal
words. The first one has been done for you.
1. Cause : It was very windy.
Effect : All the flight were canceled.
Sentence : It was very windy; therefore, all the flight were canceled.

2. Cause : She ate too much.

Effect : She got a stomach hurts.
Sentence : She ate too much. Consequently, she got a stomach hurts.

3. Cause : Cause I ran out of money.

Effect : I need to make my own food.
Sentence : I need to make my own food because I ran out of money.

4. Cause : He is afraid to fly.

Effect : We use a cruise ship instead.
Sentence : He is afraid to fly. So, we use a cruise ship instead.

5. Cause : After the car accident.

Effect : She studied from home.
Sentence : Because of the car accident, she studied from home.

3) Read the sentences and find the cause and effect. The first one has been done for
1. The milk spilled all over the floor, so Jane got a mop and cleaned it up.
Cause : milk spilled
Effect : Jane mopped

2. Siti has planned a trip to her uncle’s house because she loves her cousins.
Cause : siti loves her cousins.
Effect : Siti has planned a trip to her uncle’s house

3. The green house gasses trap the heat in the air, so the Earth becomes warmer.
Cause : the green house gasses trap the heat in the air
Effect : the Earth become warmer.

4. Because the Sumatran Tigers were almost extinct, the Indonesian government
declared them as endangered species.
Cause : Sumatran tigers were almost extinct.
Effect : Indonesian government declared them as endangered species.

5. Animals are becoming extinct because humans are moving into their habitats.
Cause : Humans are moving into their habitats.
Effect : Animals are becoming extinct
4) Complete the cause and effect transactional conversation given below. Use signal
like because, due to, so, therefore, the reason for, then, ect.
1. This conversation between two friends is about the effect of exercise on
our body.
Siti : Hey! Why are you wearing sports wear?
Edo : I am going for exercise.
Siti : Why? I have never seen you exercising before.
Edo : That was the old me, and now I decided to have an exersice at least
one hour a day.
Siti : What did you do? And why?
Edo : Skipping, I need to have some height. Since I don’t like swimming, so
skipping is the next option.
Siti : What would we get if we do that?
Edo : It can help in improving bone density, thus helping you avoid bone
diseases. It also reduces your chances of developing osteoporosis. Skipping
Rope raises your heart rate, boosting the blood circulation throughout your
Siti : Ok, then I’ll do that too.

2. Write a cause and effect conversation on forest fires in Sumatra.

Ijhon : Have you heard about the recent news?
Santia : No, I’ve been so busy last night. What kind of news did you heard?
Ijhon : About a forest fires in Sumatra.
Santia : Oh my god, how could it be?
Ijhon : I head that it’s came from a natural causes.
Santia : Natural causes? Never heard that before.
Ijhon : Yeah, it is from a lightning.
Santia : Wow, that’s might be a huge lightning, isn’t it?
Ijhon : Yeah, it is.
1) Think of 2 endangered animals in Indonesia. Why are the animals becoming
endangered and how can it be prevented? Write a conversation about it.
A : Do you know that Komodo is one of endangered animal?
B: Yes I do, but I don't know exactly why it is so.
A: because the amount number of it. Komodo is only present on five Indonesian
islands, and in no other country in the world.
B: Really? Why could it be?
A: The komodo dragon is only found on five islands in Indonesia, therefore making
its population quite small in relation to other reptiles. Moreover, the lack of
egg-laying females, habitat destruction and human poaching has threatened the
existing species’ population.
B. Oh i see. I think other reasons are fire and tourism. Humans put Komodo Dragons
endangered by poaching their deer and destroying their habitat.
A: I agree with you. That's why we need to protect them.
B: Yes, we can participate to save the Komodo with not buy any products made from
them because they're killed for it and if nobody buys them, then they will stop
hunting Komodos. Also, avoid buying timber or wood from the Komodo Islnd. When
you go to a Komodo Island as a tourists, avoid harming them.
A: absolutely. I hope it Will help to save them for our future generation.

1. Choose one of the topics given below and create a dialogue.
(Causes and effect of flooding in Jakarta)
Andy : Have you read today's news?
Billy : Yes, i have. It is about flooding in Jakarta, right?
Andy : Yes, you're right. Flooding has been a serious problem in Jakarta nowadays
Billy : The government has to put more attention on this problem. It has many
negative effects for those whose houses are sunk by the flood. For example,
destruction oh houses and it's property, loss of property, illness, and even death
Andy : I agree with you. But flood happens because human's fault. People often
throw the rubbish in wrong places such as in the river or sewer. It makes the river
and sewer full of rubbish so that the vater overflowed into the streets when the
rain comes and causes the flood
Billy : That's not the only cause. People also cut tree illegally. Because oh that,
there's not water absorption by the trees. It makes the rainwater goes into the
river or sewer directly
Andy : So, it means the flood is caused by ourselves. It is our fault
Billy : You're right. We must cooperate in order to solve this problem
Andy: I think so

1) Choose one of the topics for your project.
(Effects of Global Warming)
Hello, Good Morning

My name is Santia and I would like to discuss about 'Effect of Global Warming'.
As carbon dioxide (CO2) and other air pollution and greenhouse gasses build up in
the atmosphere, they absorb sunlight and solar radiation that has bounced off the
earth's surface, resulting in global warming. Normally, this radiation will disperse
into space, but these contaminants, which can remain in the atmosphere for years or
decades, trap the heat and cause the earth to get hotter. The greenhouse effect is the
result of this.

Climate change is an issue that humans are actually facing, and the ones causing
these problems are humans. Although it is difficult to avoid global warming, people
can indeed help to mitigate and slow its effects. If no action is taken to address this
problem, people will perish as a result of climate change and natural disasters.
Humans changed the world; now it's time for humans to change themselves.

So, that's a brief explanation from me about the effect of global warming.
Thank You

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