Portrait: Tabroducion

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Khushwant Sind
Tabroducion to tme esson:
ho lortrart oa lady qives
humom relactionsbip ina Toit a pictu
is a realistic account tomy
dboA ha
atandpmrents give all Thaitime.
attemon and Love, o o
gYand childrern
n his Lesbon,he
his author descriloes
Ove ho his grand mohe
yeau. He pos douon hos
daily activities a houo bho evolved
OSa characteL_a time pasAd
He explainb hoH Oppeaance by
help 0ate an image in ha
20 odosls mino. Sh oths UMd
arahdbonD a qmndimo hDO
Charactes Stet Skelch of Sho beccme a ailunt Apoctator as ho
Grandmofhez pussuodhisown infesoss.
Crancmothex uuas anexhrenmely ha aLmairada distaat well-wishase
Aoligious OOman ith a ALen_whgn ho gKauy up_ and
Soachaeiactes secamaAa-Cealiant

Shespend aqpod chtunk a ho hydcallAho as anold urinkly

fihoepredomiantly in dhanttng WOmqa wth apucketac Jaco
pnayes,Sho uad dsaintt
oman, 9utegeaciouD and kird, ho asshostt, plump and sliaty
lanmlovihg attetve agnalho.couldnt have gowrd O
availalalo_ ord casina Olda

Sho demonstrated a memengocs Ono nad Auppoxttng hoo hack

amount doneamo Abnaas- Quohas Cocuhtfng Sa0say

g dexoto haxasll in lookng aluwaus lOre a ish he Aas

oteo nas@ualo whilo ho
0 Hn Ailve locks coveaing hazace
Aho exudo Reacoalno
na ncurrator docaked hox. Ana hada unlqus Saloonabe coila
a w i h t e S landscaR in hs degs ahd possauls tuhich
aha enenda
CTmanolmatho Was kkeau
Qu hnu asauty Aahos hana
ooly Aeaiphusa> dhoha or
Lh hao aCaln omposag
dO Gutl arda toaSsua Shu has quite cld lashion.ad accustoe
ace o Old radution
Sho wo vey kind-ho.aotted Cho. biasnb Asally intessated in sicnce
animoA Chd birols. and medean educoetio
Sha d stalo dnapctis tookcoa Sha did hot_ks his sasnins
and aigg Umoas to Tho osanlnd
shasstous hageh_alno Westee
Stence ahd Scienti-jc
dho s0ung olac h tha Paniynciplos in Schoe
COnpan aninals Qol_bnols
hscisgppxoueo dhinta
myisessonb a, shs
bolieve music u0os R
OonOpou hasiltsaavd

Heaold achq uated inkina

Stye le, Mot
ackaptsng chan
Ynindac gnd htsoton
a nada hos OMoAJT
idsa o &OSnl auuule
A Phctoaraph
Shiley laulson
Originate) in an old photoqraph.

Racaps ah dld akaly holiday

u h ho ach

brokas pkasan Memories

A Link lo the Pat
Listonsg ere kiados
Speake Ih oe
AYouus hopp e
Fond memories
Nostal s n Ssed hor
Canole ayt
Daugheq/oissib ha> POETIC TECHNIQUE
Ynoha h o I s no more Larnd a cobmmonplaco evert iuto
a souca ox a metaphysica
Lnmortalty e- a mix oToy ahcdsoarDs
AtO-phctogzaph Memoreshdidau oashoa
Nastuad Ata past mina e ha laughtes
DeatR-Silancos evesy Che
Martolt eves TimO-a asoaJhveld Qho
Poe o Momom
olerstisg has StopOa coind Uhassumlhg 2eRhap)
Moving On Dm kon iesodelyto aiiit la
Unlversa sma
Silahco TSiplis o ahguag
limeTa 920athcalo CDatras
eatR ehorm ohs tRough
kut tho aMtmartcahlusad
ILe pscho A potoRagh is hhelogaaph n Tho
4e Patins-
Mank weSA s a 0 th metho
Uhen &he weuwS d Ahcly
e hye mest 09NMOMULulAOd Te oty ycas ates
Ika Ensiy daamalic epic
af the psom FoETIC DeVICes
tho u aoppaRe
hotdT 2*l
aitomnos lusion h allusion is a roeh ce
hygthon. hhetegaahh is omothina O a n nciodota metion
that cahtsos LRaim MBMont d dDmelhiag efhea directly_o l
&emena Jhotth implicatfo bX Eah alusion0
OApr mightchomge nCEUAS Photugraph he casdboal
mo u t tho Momoius phOtogaaph isalha durabilte
attachad with the hhelsaahh a casclboaad shosos t lac
togmal in this hoo thopoots 205LoAhenco a hunan ite

hhetegahh Mmake hox moorios 2 Alteration: ltesattcm is tho

Cema aliwe Jho metheals AWedt Sopton hinitia Lettea
ac ho CeuAUMB heaKUy gehaRal a con) onat a,
dsossodl o ho eod OAesal oords makirg ho
have all changeo_wtth Jime Dresaco syllablas a lin a
poehu- 4-Oxymoon Zh Oxurnorpia 1g a
examplo o allteqation_Dm
L o spck in which tuw
Joppoitidea QsaJoinadto
TersiL anAient silanco CAadte m eed. Jho comman
Oxy morch gorA isaCOmbiafru
n adiective procoadoc bu
a YO un atth Cotrastis e0rin
3.Traaasd pihat A tranalsa Auch aS "Cualkivdnes Ox
eptheis a daACAiption wch ivigdsatb
aeless o q ha9jacteg Ox event
Laboured Ea8
b tis Q&s to doqibe a
dfPerot Siuatich orchaaactes. SessOhificotipn eaqttribunst
Tronevd fect is 4 tranlaoe C ron_chazacteidis
epithotih thaFeeE poe laon-auman hQ al
Phatgxaph relereles ahstac idaas aualt
otho humaoc but tt 's silknca nces
ussd to dosaihe ha
lace o 20s manMCO humarn CDest silancab eyozuoh
ehS0a IS Cprntant
Ovd atesa ghlla thhuman
o Ldoich asQ baing washoe
aa by 0a TroenT

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