Software Spark Analyzer Pro Maxx Version 2000

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Spark Analyzer Pro MAXx Version 2.00



1 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................. 3
1.1 Conventions .............................................................................................................................. 3

1.2 Terms ......................................................................................................................................... 3

1.3 Concept and Navigation .......................................................................................................... 4

1.3.1 The Concept of Application Profiles ....................................................................................... 4
1.3.2 Navigation .............................................................................................................................. 5

2 DESCRIPTION .................................................................................................... 8
2.1 Settings...................................................................................................................................... 8
2.1.1 Application Profiles ................................................................................................................. 8 Creating new Application Profiles .................................................................................. 9 Editing existing Application Profiles ............................................................................. 18
2.1.2 Methods ................................................................................................................................ 49 Method Selection ......................................................................................................... 49 Method Editor .............................................................................................................. 50 Element Extensions ..................................................................................................... 51
2.1.3 APF ...................................................................................................................................... 65 APF Editor ................................................................................................................... 65
2.1.4 Grades .................................................................................................................................. 67 Grades Editor .............................................................................................................. 67 Grade Definition ........................................................................................................... 68 Creation of a Grade ..................................................................................................... 70 Modification of Grade Data .......................................................................................... 76 Duplication of a Grade ................................................................................................. 85 Deletion of a Grade ..................................................................................................... 86 Multi-Deletion of Grades .............................................................................................. 87 Import of Grades.......................................................................................................... 88 Saving of Grades ......................................................................................................... 91 Export of Grades ......................................................................................................... 93 XML Format of Grades Import ..................................................................................... 94 Example of a Grades Import File ................................................................................. 95
2.1.5 User Management ................................................................................................................ 96 User Management View .............................................................................................. 96 User Authentication ................................................................................................... 115
2.1.6 Argon Saver ....................................................................................................................... 117 Argon Saver Module .................................................................................................. 118
2.1.7 Standards ........................................................................................................................... 122

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SPECTRO Global Standard Manager ......................................................................................... 122

2.2 Measurement ........................................................................................................................ 125

2.2.1 Quantitative Analysis .......................................................................................................... 125 Routine Analysis ........................................................................................................ 125 Type Standardization................................................................................................. 160 Control Standard Test ............................................................................................... 166 Options ...................................................................................................................... 171
2.2.2 iCALization ......................................................................................................................... 184 Performing an iCALization ......................................................................................... 184 iCAL Errors ................................................................................................................ 189

2.3 Maintenance and Service..................................................................................................... 194

2.3.1 System Diagnosis .............................................................................................................. 194 General Instrument Status ........................................................................................ 194 System Diagnosis View ............................................................................................. 195
2.3.2 Maintenance Reminders .................................................................................................... 214 Maintenance Control System .................................................................................... 214 Maintenance Reminder Views ................................................................................... 214 External Reset of Maintenance Reminder................................................................. 217 Reminder Message ................................................................................................... 220 Maintenance Logbook ............................................................................................... 222 User Permissions ...................................................................................................... 222
2.3.3 Service Report.................................................................................................................... 224 Service Report View .................................................................................................. 224 Storing the Service Report ........................................................................................ 225
2.3.4 Service ............................................................................................................................... 227 Instrument .................................................................................................................. 227 Argon Valves ............................................................................................................. 228

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1 Introduction
The measurement program of the Spark Analyzer Pro MAXx system is used to
perform quantitative element using the SPECTROMAXx instrument.
All relevant settings to support the analysis of samples can also be configured
within the measurement program.

1.1 Conventions
DisplayText Name of an item or control within the user interface of
the program.
Note Remark for additional information regarding a specific

1.2 Terms
Quantitative Analysis Measurement process, which evaluates the elemental
composition of a sample.
Application Profile Application profiles simplify the measurement process
by defining settings and behaviors of the system for
the measurement.
In general, application profiles include display, export
and print settings to be applied as well as the definition
of sample identification fields, number formatting and
the assembly of the toolbar within the measurement
Method Methods consist of an analytical section with
definitions of the analytical elements and lines,
excitation and detection parameters, calibration
parameters and calculation settings. The data of the
analytical section are essential for performing
measurements. They are independent on user specific
configuration. The data of the analytical section of a
method cannot be modified within this program.
Besides the analytical section, there is a section for
additional application related data, which depend on
the analytical section of the method. The application
related section consist of the definition of element
extensions, pseudo elements, control standards, type
standards, grade filters, grade relations and automatic
reproducibility test criteria.
APF Abbreviation for Automatic Method Selection (called

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Automatic Program Finder before):

Function for the search and automatic selection of the
best suitable method within the selected base for a
given sample.
Grade A grade describes the chemical element contents of an
Each grade is identified by the name and an optional
description. Additionally, a grade contains the base
element of the alloy, the norm in which the grade is
defined and the list of element with corresponding
concentration ranges.
Grade ID Evaluation process to verify, that a result of a
measurement of a given sample matches to a grade
specification (Grade Verification) or to search for a
grade specification (Grade Search). Grade ID can also
be a combination of both modes (Grade Verification
and Grade Search). Grade Search is useful, when the
Grade Verification fails.
Sample Identification Predefined property fields of a sample.

1.3 Concept and Navigation

1.3.1 The Concept of Application Profiles

The usage of the software is simplified by usage of Application Profiles.
Application profiles define settings and behaviors for the analysis of samples.
It is possible to define multiple application profiles for different analysis activities.
Application profiles include display, export and print settings for results. The
configuration of sample identification definitions is part of application profiles.
Moreover, function keys and toolbar buttons to be available from within the
measurement screen can be defined.
For quantitative analysis, an analytical method is used to evaluate element
concentrations, which are the result for this measurement mode.
In analytical profiles, a start-up method can be defined, which is loaded, when the
profile is loaded. It is also possible to define an automatic program finder (APF) to
find a matching method for a given sample. Grade search and grade verification
can also be configured in analytical profiles.
The creation of application profiles is aided by a wizard.
The following drawing shows the content of application profiles:

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1.3.2 Navigation
The home view of the program displays icons for the following functions:
 Settings
 Application Profiles

 Methods

 Grades

 Standards


 Argon Saver

 Plasma Assessment

 User Management

 Change Login

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 Measurement
 iCAL

 Analysis
 Maintenance and Service
 Maintenance Reminders

 Service

 Service Report

Navigation from a different screen back to the home view can be done by using
the Back button, which is visible in each screen, which has the home view as

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2 Description

2.1 Settings

2.1.1 Application Profiles

Application profiles simplify the measurement process by defining settings and
behaviors of the system for the measurement.
In general, application profiles include display, export and print settings as well as
the definition of sample identification fields, number formatting and the assembly
of the toolbar within the measurement screen.
In addition profiles contain settings for method selection and grade identification.
For creating, managing and loading of profiles click on the icon Application
Profiles in the home view.

The Application Profiles view will be displayed. It contains a list of already defined
application profiles with base element specification of the assigned default
analytical method and short description. The currently active application profile is
marked by the green check sign.

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A click on an application profile in the list activates (loads) immediately the

selected profile.
The New Profile button starts the Application Wizard. The wizard provides a
quick and easy way to create new application profiles with default settings.
The Edit Profile button opens the Application Profile Editor. The editor allows
advanced settings modification of the existing application profiles.
The button Delete removes permanently the selected profile from the memory. Creating new Application Profiles

Click on the icon New Profile in the tool bar. The Application Wizard will be
started and the first wizard’s page displayed.

Overwrite the default profile name with requested new name and enter the
corresponding description.
Note: Make sure, that the new profile name doesn’t already exist on your
system. It’s not possible to enter the next wizard page until an application
name has been entered.
Click on the button Next to display the next wizard page. Automatic Method Selection (APF)

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The wizard page for Automatic Method Selection (APF) settings will be

Determine whether APF support is requested in this application profile and

activate (Yes) or deactivate (No) the corresponding option.
Note: The AFP will automatically select the best suitable method within the
selected base for the analyzed samples.
Press the Next button to step to the next wizard page. APF Mode

The wizard page for APF mode settings will be displayed.
Note: This wizard step does only appear if APF was activated before.

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Three APF modes are available: Single Measurement, Full Automatic and
Semi Automatic. Single Measurement

In this mode the automatic selection of the best suitable analytical method results
at each single measurement. The start-up method is reloaded automatically at
the measurement start. Full Automatic

In this mode the automatic selection of the best suitable analytical method results
at the first single measurement of a sample analysis. The following single
measurements are performed within the automatically selected method. The
start-up method is reloaded, when the analysis finishes (‘Next Sample’). Semi Automatic

In this mode the automatic selection of the best suitable analytical method results
at the first single measurement of a sample analysis. The following single
measurements and analyses are performed within the automatically selected
method, i.e. when the analysis finishes (‘Next Sample’) the automatically selected
method stays active. The start-up method has to be reloaded manually

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Note: The analytical configuration of the APF has to be defined within the
separate APF definition tool.
Select the desired APF Mode and press the Next button to step to the next
wizard page. Selection of the Start-up Method

The wizard page for the selection of the default analytical method of the profile
will be displayed.
Note: The list of available methods may depend on the APF functionality
selection done before. If the APF was activated, only orientation methods
are available.

In the Methods Overview select the requested base element (left list) and then
choose the method you want to use for your application. You may click on the
corresponding method name or navigate with the cursor keys through the list and
then accept the selection with the Return key. The selected method is marked by
the green check sign and will be loaded automatically, when the application
profile is activated.
For your information the elements of the selected method with their concentration
ranges are displayed in the Method Info table.

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If you request the automatic measurement reproducibility test is available in the

application profile, activate (check) the checkbox Active in the panel Automatic
measurement reproducibility test.
Note: The criteria of the reproducibility test depend on the analytical
method and have to be defined for the corresponding methods within the
Method Editor.
Click on the Next button to enter the next wizard step.
Note: The button Next is active only if a method has been selected. Grades
The wizard page for the selection of the grade identification mode of the profile
will be displayed.

Two grade identification modes are available: Grade Verification and Grade
Search. If not requested, the grade identification may be deactivated (option No). Grade Verification

In this mode the test of the measured concentrations against the limits of a
specified grade is performed. Grade Search

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In this mode the program searches automatically for the grade, which fits the best
to results of a measured sample.

Note: When the Grade Search is selected, the Sample IDs definition is
extended automatically with the Grade Norm field. For the Grade
Verification selection, the Sample IDs definition is extended with the Grade
Norm and Grade Name fields.
Select the grade identification mode you want to use for your application and
confirm your selection with a click on the Next button. Sample Identification

The wizard page for the selection of the sample identification mode of the profile
will be displayed.

Two sample identification modes are available: Automatically and Manually. If

not requested, the sample identification may be deactivated (option No). Automatically
In this mode the Sample Identification dialog opens automatically, when the
sample analysis finishes (‘Next Sample’)

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SPECTRO Manually
In this mode the Sample Identification dialog opens on user’s request (by a
corresponding function button or key shortcut).

Note: When the Automatically or Manually is selected, the Sample IDs

definition is extended automatically with a Sample Name field.
Select whether and how you would like to use sample identification and click on
the Next button for stepping forward. Results Printout

The wizard page for the selection of the automatic result printout mode of the
profile will be displayed.

Two automatic printout modes are available: Replicates and Mean on ‘Next
Sample’ and Only Mean on ‘Next Sample’. If not requested, the automatic
printout may be deactivated (option No). Replicates and Mean on ‘Next Sample’

In this mode, when the analysis finishes, i.e. when the Finish Sample button is
pressed, all replicate values and statistics (average) are automatically printed out
at the default printer.
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SPECTRO Yes, only Mean on ‘Next Sample’

In this mode, when the analysis finishes, i.e. when the Finish Sample button is
pressed, only statistics (without replicates) is automatically printed out at the
default printer.

Note: The manual printout of not finished or finished analyses results on

user’s request (by a corresponding function button or key shortcut)
independent on the activation and selection of the automatic printout
Select the activation and mode of the automatic printout and click on Next to
enter the next wizard step. Results Export

The wizard page for the selection of the automatic result export mode of the
profile will be displayed.

Two automatic export modes are available: On ‘Next Sample’ (Analysis Finish)
and On each Replicate (Measurement Finish). If not requested, the automatic
export may be deactivated (option No). Yes, on ‘Next Sample’ (Analysis Finish)

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In this mode the complete analysis results (all replicates and statistics) are
automatically exported, when the analysis finishes, i.e. when the ‘Next Sample’
button is pressed. Yes, on each Replicate (Measurement Finish)

In this mode the current analysis results (available replicates and current
statistics) are automatically exported, the single measurement finishes.

Note: The results are exported in the XML format.

Select the activation and mode of the automatic export and click on Next to enter
the next wizard step. Final Application Wizard Page

The final wizard page will be displayed.

At the actual state, all basic information has been entered. The wizard logic
checks all settings for completeness and correctness. Any detected errors are
displayed in a red text area. To correct the errors, navigate to the corresponding
wizard page and correct your settings. Come back to final wizard page. To
finalize the wizard and store the new application profile click on Finish.

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SPECTRO Editing existing Application Profiles

Click on the icon Edit Profile in the toolbar. The Application Profile Editor will
be started and its first property page displayed.

The editor consists of following property pages: General, Analytical, Grade ID,
Sample IDs, Display, Print, Export, Formatting and Function Keys.
Each page corresponds to a related parameters group. A click on the desired tab
activates the corresponding parameter view. Parameters can be changed in any
Note: Parameter changes can influence settings of other parameters in the
same or another group.
If any parameter was changed, the buttons Save and Cancel in the toolbar
become active.

A click on the Save button stores the modified application profile on disk. The last
saved version of the profile is then immediately reloaded and the buttons Save
and Cancel become inactive.
The not yet saved changes can be rejected with a click on the Cancel button.
To leave the editor, click on the Back button in the toolbar. If the application
profile was modified and not stored yet, an appropriate warning dialog appears
and you can choose to save or to reject the changes.

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This page allows modifying the profile identification settings like the Profile Name
and the Description.

If you modify the Profile Name and save this modification, a new profile with the
specified name will be created. The original profile stays unchanged by this

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Note: An already existing application profile with the same name will be
overwritten! Analytical
This page allows modifying the analytical characteristics of the application profile:
You can activate or deactivate the Automatic Method Selection (APF), select
the APF Mode, activate or deactivate the Automatic measurement
reproducibility test and select the start-up method. Automatic Method Selection

Automatic Method Selection (APF) finds the best suitable analytical method for
the current analytical task.
The APF activates the automatic method selection. The determination of the best
suitable method depends on the result of the first measurement with the
preselected start-up method (orientation method). If a fitting method has been
found the instrument loads this method automatically and recalculates the result
with the analytical performance of this method.
Note: The APF considers only methods of the same base like the start-up
The APF Mode defines the behavior of software after an automatic methods
selection has been succeeded.
 Full Automatic: The software reloads the start-up method (orientation
method) automatically, when the user finishes sample analysis with a
click on the Finish toolbar button in the measurement screen.

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 Semi Automatic: The software keeps the automatically selected

analytical methods even if the user finishes sample analysis by clicking
the Finish button in the measurement screen.
 Single Measurement: The software reloads the start-up method
(orientation method) automatically after each single measurement. Automatic Measurement Reproducibility Test

If the Automatic Measurement Reproducibility Test is active in the application
profile, the corresponding test of the single measurements reproducibility is
performed during sample analysis. The activation results generally for the
application profile. The reproducibility test criteria are specific for the analytical
method and can be set at the Method Editor, in the section Automatic Repro
Test. Selection of the Start-up Method

The start-up method of the profile is marked by the green check sign. It will be
loaded automatically, when the application profile is activated.
For your information the elements of the selected method with their concentration
ranges are displayed in the Method Info table.
Note: If the Automatic Method Selection is active (the APF checkbox is
checked), only orientation methods are available for the selection. Grade ID
This page allows configuring parameters for the automatic grade identification
(Grade ID).

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One of two Grade ID modes can be activated: Grade Verification and Grade
Search. If not requested, the automatic grade identification may stay deactivated.
The Grade ID Mode determines if and how the grade identification is performed.
 If the Grade Search is activated, the program searches automatically
for a grade, which fits the best to sample analysis results.
 If the Grade Verification is activated, the test of the sample analysis
results against the limits of a specified grade is performed. The grade
specification results in the special field of the sample identification and
can be supported by method dependent grades filtering.
Note: Either Grade Search or Grade Verification may be activate at the
same time.
 The option Apply Grade Search in the panel Action if Grade
Verification fails allows activation of the automatic grade search, if the
grade verification fails.
 The option Show Message in the panel Action if Grade Verification
fails indicates whether a message box is displayed if grade verification
 The option Show Message in the panel Action if Grade Search fails
indicates whether a message box is displayed if no matching grade has
been found.

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Note: When the Grade Search is activated, the Sample IDs definition is
extended automatically with the Grade Norm field. At activation of the
Grade Verification, the Sample IDs definition is extended with the Grade
Norm and Grade Name fields.
The Search Mode specifies the algorithm of results and grade limits comparison
at the grade search:
 The Sharp Limits is the classical algorithm. Only grades, which at all
element concentrations match exactly to concentrations of the verified
analysis results are accepted and displayed as the search result.
 The Smart Search is a flexible algorithm based on the probability
calculations. It uses tolerant matching criteria at borders of the
concentration limit ranges and evaluates the probability of matching to
concentrations of the verified analysis results. Grades, whose probability
exceeds a predefined threshold, are accepted and displayed as the
search result.
The Common Settings are parameters concerning both grade ID modes.
In the panel Proceed On the type of analysis result, for which the grade ID is to
be performed, is specified.
 If the Each Replicate is active (checked), the grade ID operation is
applied for each single measurement result (replicate).
 If the Average is active (checked), the grade ID operation is applied for
the average result.
In the panel Limits the kind of grade limits, which should be used at values
comparison, is specified.
 If the Check Internal Limits is active (checked), the internal (warning)
limits are used.
 If the Check External Limits is active (checked), the external
(acceptance) are used.
 The activation of the Grade Filtering option causes that at the grade
verification and search only these grades are considered, which pass a
grades filter of the applied analytical method. Sample IDs

This page allows defining and modifying the sample identification format (Sample
IDs). The sample identification is used for the description of an analyzed sample.
It is printed out and stored as a part of the analysis results.

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In the section Fields the list of sample ID fields is presented. The fields can be
added, modified and removed.
A click on the button adds an empty sample ID field to the list.
The order of the fields can be modify using the and buttons.
A field can be deleted from the list with a click on the button.
Each sample ID field consists of a set of parameters:
 Display Name is the name of the sample ID field. This name identifies
the field and will be displayed together with the corresponding
identification value.
 Default Value specifies a value that will be set automatically in this field,
when the sample identification dialog opens. The value can be then
modified by the user.
 Type defines the type of the sample ID field. It determines which values
can be entered into the field in the sample identification dialog. The
following field types are available:
 Direct text input: entry of any text is possible
 Predefined list of labels: entry of only predefined texts is
possible (see List of Labels below for external definition
 Predefined editable list of labels: entry of any text is
possible. The entered texts are stored and can be used as
predefined texts (see List of Labels below for external
definition details).

Note: The Predefined editable list of labels field can be

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used to define texts to be available later in the

Predefined list of labels field.
 Grade Norm Name: a special sample ID field dedicated for
a grade norm name. The desired grade norm can be
selected from a list of available grade norms. This field is
usually created automatically, when the grade ID
functionality is activated within the application profile.

Note: It’s not possible to define more than one field of

the Grade Norm Name type.
 Grade Name: a special sample ID field dedicated for a grade
name. The desired grade name can be selected from a list of
available grade names. This field is usually created
automatically, when the grade ID functionality is activated
within the application profile.

Note: The list of available grade names depends on the

selected grade norm. It’s not possible to define more
than one field of the Grade Name type.
 Grade Comment: a read only info field displaying the
comment of the currently selected grade.

Note: It’s not possible to define more than one field of

the Grade Comment type.
 Numerical value: entry of only numerical value is possible.
 Numerical value (auto-increment on measurement
finished): entry of only numerical value is possible. Then the
software increments the entered value automatically on
every single measurement.
 Numerical value (auto-increment on analysis finished):
entry of only numerical value is possible. Then the software
increments the entered value automatically, when the
analysis finishes (‘Next Sample’).

Note: A field of the type Numerical value is necessary in

the sample IDs definition, if a sample ID value should be
used as input in a pseudo element formula.
 Timestamp: automatic entry of the current date and time.
 Must Exist indicates that the user will have to enter a value into this
sample ID field. If this field stays empty, the sample analysis will not be
able to be finished and warning message will appear.
 Keep Last indicates that the last value of this sample ID field will be
used as default value for the next sample identification.
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 Read Only indicates the user is not able to modify the value of this
sample ID field. This option is helpful if a preset Default Value shouldn’t
be modified during the sample identification input.
 Unique Name indicates that the value at this sample ID field will be
used for generation of a unique sample result ID. If this option is
activated for multiple sample ID fields, the result ID is built from all of
their values separated with a / character.
In the section Settings the additional parameters related to the sample
identification can be set.
 Display Sample ID Dialog after Next Sample: If this option is activated
the sample identification dialog opens automatically, when the sample
analysis finishes, i.e. when the user clicks on the Finish button in the
measurement screen (‘Next Sample’).
 In the panel User Task the facility for external sample identification (see
External Sample Identification below) can be activated and
configured. If the option is activated (the checkbox Enabled is checked),
the path and name of the executable of batch can be specified in the
standard file selection dialog ( button). The checkbox Start minimized
should be checked, if the user task application should start without
appearing on the screen. List of Labels

Choice lists used by sample ID fields of type Predefined list of labels and
Predefined editable list of labels are stored in a special application status file
xxxx_SampleIDChoiceLists.xcfg (where xxxx is the name of the application
profile) in the subdirectory Spectro Smart Studio\Spark Analyzer Pro
There are two facilities supporting modification of the predefined lists: direct
choice list clearing and status file edition.

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When a sample ID filed of the type Predefined list of labels and Predefined
editable list of labels is selected in the fields table, buttons and appear.
 Direct choice list clearing:
A click on the button clears (after warning) the choice list of the
selected sample ID field. This option is useful for a Predefined editable
list of labels field, when the user requests quick clearing of labels
accumulated in the choice list.
 Status file edition:
The button is provided for opening of the Settings Editor and edition
of the xxxx_SampleIDChoiceLists.xcfg file.

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Sub nodes of the root node correspond to names of the sample ID fields of
type Predefined list of labels or Predefined editable list of labels defined
in the profile.

Each sample ID field node contains the item MaxItemsCount, which specifies the
capacity of the corresponding label list.

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 The label list is then specified as values of items (1 up to the list capacity) in the
sub node Items. External Sample Identification

 Synchronous sample identification:
User Task: If the user task name is specified and the check box
Enabled checked, before each sample identification dialog the specified
user task (SampleID user task) is performed. The extended setting of
this task can be modified in the file Business_Setting.xcfg in the
subgroup SampleID of the group UserTasks. These setting allows
customization of the input and output file of the user task as well as the
user task execution time limit. Note that the input file of the user task
contains the sample identification template. The output file of the user
task is expected to contain the complete sample identification. Both files
are xml formatted. The contained xml structure corresponds to the
sample ID format defined in the currently loaded application profile.
 Asynchronous sample identification:
Before each sample identification dialog the software verifies the
existence of the external sample identification file. The setting of this
identification method (the name of the external sample identification file)
can be modified in the file Business_Setting.xcfg in the group
ExternalSampleID. Note that the file is expected to contain the
complete sample identification in the xml format. The contained xml
structure has to correspond to the sample ID format defined in the
currently loaded application profile. The sample identification template of
the currently loaded application profile is available in the State directory
in the file CurrentSampleIDTemplate.xml.

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The settings on this page control the presentation of analysis results at the
measurement screen.

The section Display Result Selection specifies which result details are to be
displayed on the screen.
In the subsection Replicates displaying of single measurement results
(replicates) is determined:
 All: results of all single measurements (replicates) will be displayed.
 Only Last: results of only last single measurement will be displayed.
 None: results of single measurements won’t be displayed.
In the subsection Statistics displaying of statistical measurement results
(average and standard deviation) is determined:
 Mean: averages of single measurement values will be displayed.
 SD: Standard Deviations of single measurement values will be
Note: When this option is activated, displaying of the average is
activated automatically.

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 RSD: Relative Standard Deviations of single measurement values will

be displayed.
Note: When this option is activated, displaying of the average and
standard deviation is activated automatically.
In the subsection Verified Grade Limits displaying of All limits of the currently
verified grade can be activated. If this checkbox is unchecked only the
considered limits (defined in the Common Settings group of the Grade ID
section) will be displayed.
Note: The grade limits are displayed for analyses with the active grade
verification only. The considered limits (Acceptance/External or
Warning/Internal) are then presented together with the results statistics
(average). The All option allows additional presentation of the not
considered limits. Settings
The items in the section Settings provide the control on the displayed elements
or channels and the applied display styles.
In the subsection Element Order Selection the set of presented elements is
specified. Note that these settings are base element specific. The base element,
for which the settings are provided, can be select in the Settings for Base list.
 All: all elements of the applied analytical method will be displayed.
 All except Base Element: all elements with exception of the base
element of the applied analytical method will be displayed.
 Filter: the collection of displayed elements depends on the specified
element list. The list and the elements order can be modified with the
buttons below the list control. The button provides the possibility to
fill the element list with the element list of the used analytical method.
Copy Settings to all Output Devices facilitates copying of the display element
filter to the Print and Export settings.
Fonts and Colors determine font and display colors for the different value and
state types. It is also possible to define the ordering of statistics rows (mean, SD,
RSD, limits).
 Template: allows using one of the preinstalled templates. The template
can be selected from the list below.
 User Defined: provides the customization of font and color sets. A click
on the button opens the related editor dialog (see the Template
Editor for Fonts and Colors below).
 Font Size Analysis Results: the values in this group determine the user
defined sizes of fonts in the table of Quantitative Results.
 Font Size Found Grades: the values in this group determine the
independent sizes of fonts in the table of Grade Search Results.

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The Initial Rows Count specifies the count of rows initially visible in the
In the subsection Value Control a setup of display options controlled by the
result values is possible.
 Sort by Values of first Replicate: the display order of the elements will
be determined dynamically based on the element concentration of the
first replicate measurement. The element with the highest concentration
appears on first position.
 Hide Values below DL: elements whose measured concentration is
below their detections limits won’t be shown at the display. This option is
available only in combination with the Replicates setting Only last.
Initial Display Control allows predefining, which panels of the Measurement
Screen (Sample Identification, Sample Properties, Quantitative Results,
Grade Search Results) are initially visible. Note that the panels can be activated
or deactivated automatically (by measurement process) or manually at the
Measurement Screen. Template Editor for Fonts and Colors

The template editor for fonts is used for the definition of custom specific font and
color sets. It is also possible to change the order of the statistics rows (mean, SD,
RSD, limits) within the editor. The editor is accessible by pressing the User
Defined button within the Fonts and Colors group.

Statistics Row Selection

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Clicking on one of the buttons on the left hand side within this group will toggle
the display of the corresponding statistics row. When rows will be activated, the
corresponding entry in the ordering list will be added at the end of the list. The
ordering of the active rows can be changed by using the arrow buttons.
Note: Statistics rows are only visible in the measurement screen, if
corresponding values are available within the result. Example: If the result
does not contain warning limits, the warning limits rows W. Min and W. Max
will not be displayed independent of the setting within this definition. On
the other hand, if a given row is deselected within this definition, the row
will not be displayed even if corresponding values exist in the result.
Display Styles
The Display Styles group consists of a navigation tree at the left hand side of the
group and a details section at the right hand side. The navigation tree has three
main sections for General display data and display data for Row Styles and
Value Styles:
 General
 Extra Font Size: Font size for the last replicate row
 Font Name: Font name of the font to be applied for the
measurement screen
 Font Size: Font size for all values within the measurement
tables with the exception of the last replicate row, which uses
the Extra Font Size
 Table Header Font Size: Font size for the table header
 Row Styles: Replicate, Deleted Replicate, Mean, SD, RSD, Reported,
Acceptance (External Limits) Range, Warning (Internal Limits) Range,
Calibration Range
 BackColor: Background color
 Font Style: One of the following types: Regular, Bold, Italic,
Underline, Strikeout
 ForeColor: Foreground color
 Value Styles: Deleted Value, Status Analytical Error, Status Math Error,
Status Overflow, Ext. Status Inhomogeneous, Ext. Status Modified, Ext.
Status Outlier, Acceptance InRange, Acceptance OverRange,
Acceptance UnderRange, Acceptance OutOfRange, Warning InRange,
Warning OverRange, Warning UnderRange, Calibration OutOfRange,
Calibration OverRange, Calibration UnderRange
 Appendix: Text or character, which will be appended to the
 BackColor: Background color

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 Font Style: One of the following types: Regular, Bold, Italic,

Underline, Strikeout
 ForeColor: Foreground color
 Prefix: Text or character, which will be placed before the
Save as Template
Press the button within the Save as Template group, to store the template with
the name, which can be entered in the Template Name field. Current Analysis Result Cleaning

The settings in the section Current Analysis Result Cleaning control the
removing of results of finished sample analysis from the Analysis View.
As default the sample analysis results are removed from the Analysis View as
soon as the analysis has finished (the flag When current analysis finishes is
active and the Max. pinned results value is 0).

However it is possible to preserve the recent analysis results in the Analysis View
up to the start of the next sample analysis or also during the analysis of
successive samples.
To preserve the analysis results in the Analysis View up to the start of the next
sample analysis the flag When next analysis starts needs to be activated. The
SPECTRO Analytical Instruments GmbH 34 of 228

Analysis View is then cleared only, when the first measurement of the next
sample begins.
If preserving of the analysis results on screen, also during the successive
analyses, is requested, the results pinning mechanism can be activated (the Max.
pinned results value needs to be set greater than 0). The results of the finished
analysis can be then pinned manually (the flag When next analysis starts has
to be active) or automatically (the flag Pin results automatically needs to be
activated). The Max. pinned results value decides, how many pinned results
can be shown at the Analysis View simultaneously. On exceeding this value, the
oldest result is removed from the view automatically.

Then they can be reconsidered during the successive sample analyses.

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To pin the analysis results automatically (also when Analysis View cleaning
When current analysis finishes is active), activate the flag Pin results
If preserving of the lasts analysis results only up to the start of the next sample
analysis is requested, activate the flag When next analysis starts. Than the
results of the finished analysis are not removed from the Analysis View, when the
analysis finishes, even the results pinning mechanism is deactivated (the Max.
pinned results value is 0). Print
The settings on this page configure the printout of analysis results.

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The section Print Result Selection defines the printout target and which result
details will be printed out.
In the subsection Printer Target the target for the printout of the analysis results
is determined. The results can be printed automatically at only one target.
 Default Printer: The results will be printed out on the default printer of
the operating system (for installation of the default printer, please refer
the help of your Windows© operating system).
 PDF File: The results will be stored as the PDF document. Click on the
button to select the desired path and name of the target file. The
activation of the Auto Increment option results with adding of a
numerical suffix to the specified file name, incremented each time the
results are printed to the PDF file. Otherwise a new PDF result file will
overwrite the existing one.
Note: PDF documents can be opened and displayed with the Adobe©
In the subsection Automatic Printout a time point the results are printed out
automatically can be set. The results can be printed automatically at only one
time point.
 On each replicate (Measurement Finish): The results will be printed
out automatically directly after each single measurement finishes.

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 On ‘Next Sample’ (Analysis Finish): The results will be printed out

automatically when an analysis finishes, i.e. when the Finish button in
the measurement screen is clicked (‘Next Sample’).
The items in the section Advanced Settings provide control of the printout
contents and of the printed elements or channels. Also the applied display styles
may be customized here.
In the subsection Printout Data the content of the results printout is defined.
 Replicates: results of single measurements will be printed.
 Mean: averages of single measurement values will be printed.
 SD: standard deviations of single measurement values will be printed.
Note: When this option is activated, printing of the average is
activated automatically.
 RSD: relative standard deviations of single measurement values will be
Note: When this option is activated, printing of the average and
standard deviation is activated automatically.
 All Grade Limits: all limits (warning and acceptance limits) of the
currently verified grade will be printed.
 Used Grade Limits: the considered limits of the currently verified grade
will be printed.
Note: When this option is activated, printing of the average is
activated automatically.
In the subsection Element Order Selection the set of presented elements and
their order are specified.
 All: all elements or channels of the applied analytical method will be
 All except Base Element: all elements with exception of the base
element of the applied analytical method will be printed.
 Filter: The collection of the printed elements depends on the specified element
list. The list and the elements order can be modified with the buttons below the
list control. The button provides the possibility to fill the element list with the
element list of the used analytical method.

In the subsection Print Header Text an own customer’s text can be entered. It
will appear in header on every printout.
In the subsection Extended Settings font and display colors for the different
value and state types can be determined. It is also possible to define the order of
statistics rows (mean, SD, RSD, limits).

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 Page Optimized Printout: The activation of this option causes the

optimized use of the print area. That effect that the printout only starts, if
the complete printer page has been filled with content.
 Hide deleted Replicates: If this option is active, deleted replicate
measurements will be hided for the printout.
 Template: allows using of one of the preinstalled templates. The
requested template can be selected from the list below.
 User Defined: provides the customization of font and color sets. A click
on the button opens the related editor dialog (see the Template
Editor for Fonts and Colors below).
In the subsection Value Control a setup of display options controlled by the
result values is possible. These options are available only, if the Page Optimized
Printout option is disabled.
 Sort by Values of first Replicate: The print order of the elements will
be determined dynamically based on the element concentration of the
first replicate measurement. The element with the highest concentration
appears on first position.
 Hide Values below DL: Elements whose measured concentration is
below their detections limits won’t be printed out.
Template Editor for Fonts and Colors
The template editor for fonts is used for the definition of custom specific font and
color sets. It is also possible to change the ordering of the statistics rows (mean,
SD, RSD, limits) within the editor. The editor is accessible by pressing the User
Defined button within the Extended Settings group.

 Statistics Row Selection

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Clicking on one of the buttons on the left hand side within this group will toggle
the display of the corresponding statistics row. When rows will be activated, the
corresponding entry in the ordering list will be added at the end of the list. The
ordering of the active rows can be changed by using the arrow buttons.
Note: Statistics rows are only visible in the measurement screen, if
corresponding values are available within the result. Example: If the result
does not contain warning limits, the warning limits rows W. Min and W. Max
will not be displayed independent of the setting within this definition. On
the other hand, if a given row is deselected within this definition, the row
will not be displayed even if corresponding values exist in the result.
Print Styles
The Print Styles group consists of a navigation tree at the left hand side of
the group and a details section at the right hand side. The navigation tree
has four main sections for General settings, General Styles, Row Styles and
Value Styles:
 General
 Font Name: Font name of the font to be applied for printing
 Font Size: Normal font size for all values to be used, when
no different font size has been specified
 Image Header: Picture to be used within the results header.
The image can be one from the existing image files (png
format) in the Template\Print\Results of the software (default:
C:\Spectro Smart Studio\Spark Analyzer Pro

 Print Template Selection: Selection of the template used

for printing. The print template defines the page size and
layout of the content (header image, tables). There are
predefined templates in the folder Template\Print\Results of
the software (default: C:\Spectro Smart Studio\Spark

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Analyzer Pro Mobile\Template\Print\Results) for paper size

A4 and Letter for the orientations landscape and portrait.

The Design button can be used to modify the template layout.

 Property Font Size: Font size for sample result properties
(Name, Sample Type etc.).
 Table Header Font Size: Font size for the table header
 Title Font Size: Font size for the title of the print document
 General Styles: Styles for the Title (Print Header Text in the Settings
group of the Print section), Property Description (Sample Property and
Sample ID Names), Property Values (Sample Property and Sample ID
Content), Table Header
 Appendix: Text or character, which will be appended to the
 Bold: Flag for printing the content in bold
 ForeColor: Foreground color
 Italic: Flag for printing the content in italic style
 Prefix: Text or character, which will be placed before the
 Strikeout: Flag for striking out the content
 Underline: Flag for underlining the content
 Row Styles: Replicate, Deleted Replicate, Mean, SD, RSD, Reported,
Acceptance (External Limits) Range, Warning (Internal Limits) Range,
Calibration Range
 Appendix: Text or character, which will be appended to the
 Bold: Flag for printing the content in bold
 ForeColor: Foreground color
 Italic: Flag for printing the content in italic style
 Prefix: Text or character, which will be placed before the
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 Strikeout: Flag for striking out the content

 Underline: Flag for underlining the content
 Value Styles: Deleted Value, Status Analytical Error, Status Math Error,
Status Overflow, Ext. Status Inhomogeneous, Ext. Status Modified, Ext.
Status Outlier, Acceptance InRange, Acceptance OverRange,
Acceptance UnderRange, Acceptance OutOfRange, Warning InRange,
Warning OverRange, Warning UnderRange, Calibration OutOfRange,
Calibration OverRange, Calibration UnderRange
 Appendix: Text or character, which will be appended to the
 Bold: Flag for printing the content in bold
 ForeColor: Foreground color
 Italic: Flag for printing the content in italic style
 Prefix: Text or character, which will be placed before the
 Strikeout: Flag for striking out the content
 Underline: Flag for underlining the content
Save as Template
Press the button within the Save as Template group to store the template with
the name, which can be entered in the Template Name field. Export
This page provides the settings for the export of analysis results in a file.

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The section Export Result Selection activates and configures the export
In the subsection Export Format the used data format for the export is selected.
The results may be exported in different formats at the same time.
 XML: activates the export of analysis results in an XML format to the
specified file. A click on the button allows selection of the path and
name of the target file. The activation of the Auto Increment option
results with adding of a numerical suffix to the specified file name. The
suffix is incremented each time the results are exported.
Note: The XML export includes all available result information and thus is
extremely convenient for a further data processing or formatting.
 ASCII: activates the export of analysis results into an ASCII file. A click
on the button allows selection of the path and name of the target file.
The activation of the Auto Increment option results with adding of a
numerical suffix to the specified file name. The suffix is incremented
each time the results are exported.
Note: The content of the ASCII export is customizable in the section
Advanced Settings (ASCII Format only) described below.
In the subsection Automatic Export a time point the results are exported
automatically can be set. The results can be exported automatically at only one
time point.
 On each replicate (Measurement Finish): The results will be exported
automatically directly after each single measurement finishes.

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 On ‘Next Sample’ (Analysis Finish): The results will be exported

automatically when an analysis finishes, i.e. when the Finish button in
the measurement screen is clicked (‘Next Sample’).
In the subsection User Task the facility for external sample results export (see
below) can be activated and configured. If the option is activated (the checkbox
Enabled is checked), the path and name of the executable or batch can be
specified in the standard file selection dialog ( button). Additionally parameters
for the user task application can be specified in the field Parameters.
The checkbox Start minimized should be checked, if the user task application
should start without appearing on the screen.

External Sample Results Export

User Task: If the user task name is specified and the check box Enabled
checked, after each export (XML or ASCII) the specified user task (Export User
Task) is started. The extended setting of this task can be modified in the file
Business_Setting.xcfg in the subgroup Export of the group UserTasks. These
settings allow customization of the user task execution time limit. Note that the
user task is expected to read the sample results from the output file of the XML or
ASCII Export and to perform the user specified action.
Note: For the conversion of XML results into the Spectro 4.4 Format the
SampleResultConversionTool.exe can be applied as user task. This tool is
located in folder Spectro Smart Studio\SampleResultConversion.
The input and output file names and folders can be setup by the
configuration file (SMConversionConfig.xcfg) or via command line
parameters entered into the Parameter field of the export view.
If only the currently generated XML result file should be converted the
following command line must be entered into the Parameter field: -input
%XMLExportFile%. The name of the output file can be setup with the
additional parameter –output. The following example shows the command
line parameters for the conversion of the current XML result into a Spectro
4.4 format file with the name Analysen.dat:
-input %XMLExportFile% -output Analysen.dat
For more detailed information please refer the online help of the conversion
The section Advanced Settings (ASCII Format only) is active only, if the ASCII
export format is activated. It contains parameters responsible for the generation
of result files of the ASCII export.
In the subsection Export data the content of the ASCII export is specified.
 Replicates: results of single measurements will be exported.
 Mean: averages of single measurement values will be exported.

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 SD: standard deviations of single measurement values will be exported.

Note: When this option is activated, export of the average is
activated automatically.
In the subsection Elements Order Selection the set of presented elements is
specified. Note that these settings are base element specific. The base element,
for which the settings are provided, can be select in the Settings for Base list.
 All: all elements or channels of the applied analytical method will be exported.
 All except Base Element: all elements or channels with exception of the
base element of the applied analytical method will be exported.
 Filter: The collection of the exported elements and channels depends on the
specified element list. The list and the elements order can be modified with the
buttons below the list control. The button provides the possibility to fill the
element list with the element list of the used analytical method.

In the subsection Value Control a setup of display options controlled by the

result values is possible.
 Sort by Values of first Replicate: The export order of the elements will
be determined dynamically based on the element concentration of the
first replicate measurement. The element with the highest concentration
appears on first position.
 Hide Values below DL: Elements whose measured concentration is
below their detections limits won’t be exported. Formatting
This page presents rules for formatting of the result values and allows their

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In the section Edit or Remove Formatting Rules the displayed precision of

concentrations in dependence on their values is described. The entire value
range (0 – 100%) is divided into sub ranges. Each sub range has assigned a
specific number of decimal places.
Each formatting rule consists of a Lower Bound and a Decimal Places number.
Values, which exceed the lower boundary, will be displayed with the
corresponding number of decimals. The formatting rules can be cascaded, that
provides the possibility of a dynamic formatting mechanism. The Default item
works on all values, which don’t match any of the rules in the list.
A defined formatting rule can be removed from the list by selection of the rule and
a click on the button below the list.
In the section Add Auto Formatting Rules new formatting rules can be defined
and added to the defined rules collection.
To add a new formatting rule item enter the Lower Bound value, which defines
the lower value limit. Values, which exceed this limit, will be formatted with the
corresponding number of Decimal Places. A click on the button adds the new
rule to the list of defined formatting rules.
The section Formatting Exceptions allows definition of element specific
exceptions from the Auto Formatting Rules. The exceptions can be separately
defined for Display and for Print output in all installed Settings for Base.
A click on the right arrow of the button shows a base specific list of methods a
click on the preferred method presets the Formatting Exceptions of with the list of
element of the selected method.

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With a click on the button can be easily copied the entered formatting
exceptions for the output devices Display to the Print device. Function Keys

The items of this page determine properties of the program’s function keys.
Function keys are provided for getting a fast and easy access to the program

In the section Function Key Assignment all available function keys are listed.
The field Function describes the functionality associated with this function key.
The checkbox Enabled generally activates or deactivates the functionality.
Note: The effective activation or deactivation of functions depends on the
temporary state of the program.
The option Toolbar adds or removes the corresponding function button
(presented in the Icon column) in the toolbar of the measurement screen.
Note: The appearance of the button icon may depend on the temporary
program state.
The Key represents the keyboard short key assigned to the function. It can be
chosen from the list of available keyboard keys. The field Key Extender provides

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the possibility to activate the function only in combination with one of the
additional keys Shift, Ctrl or Alt.
In the section Tool Bar the preview of the function buttons in the toolbar of the
measurement screen is presented. The order of the buttons can be modified with
the and buttons.

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2.1.2 Methods
Each analytical method consists of analytical section (analytical core) and
additional, application related data.
The analytical core is essential for performing of measurements. It contains
definitions of analytical elements and lines, excitation and detection parameters,
calibration parameters and calculation settings. These data are independent on
the user specific configuration. The data of the method analytical core cannot be
modified within this program.
The additional, application related data depend on the corresponding method
analytical core. They consist of element extensions, pseudo element definitions,
type standard and control standards collections, grade filters and relations as well
as of automatic reproducibility test criteria.
Note: Because of the dependency on the analytical core, the application
related data are not a matter of the Application Profile definition, which can
use different methods.
For loading of analytical methods and managing their additional application
related data click on the icon Method in the home view. Method Selection

Usually, if you load an application profile the associated start-up Method is
loaded automatically. However it’s possible to load another method manually with
a click on the corresponding function button in the measurement screen or using
the Methods item of the home view.
To load a method from the home view, click on the item Methods.

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The Methods Selection view will be displayed. It contains a list of available

analytical methods (Available Methods) with their base elements and short

The list on the left hand side shows the available bases. The base element of the
currently loaded method is marked with a green check sign. Methods available
for the currently selected base are shown in the list aside. The loaded method is
marked with a green check sign.
On the right side (the Method Info table) the element concentration ranges of the
selected method are shown.
A click on the desired method name loads the method immediately. Method Editor

A click on the button opens the Method Editor. It provides possibility to display
and modify the additional, application relevant data of the method: Element
Extentions, Pseudo Elements, Type Standards, Control Standards, Grade
Filter, Grade Relations and Automatic Repro Test.
If any modifications have been done the toolbar buttons and are activated.

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SPECTRO Element Extensions

The features of elements presentation (names, order and display units) are
principally defined by the method analytical core. However the specific
application of methods within an analytical profile may request using of different
element concentration display units and a special allowance for a manual
adjustment of analysis results.
The page Element Extensions provides the facility for modification and
activation of these two element features.402/

The table Elements presents the element list of edited method. For each element
is its Concentration Range, Unit, Visible and Editable flag shown.
The Concentration Range is provided for information only (the field is read-
The element Unit can be modified by selection from the list of units defined at the
instrument. Note, that the modification of the unit has influence on the values
presentation only. The calculations and values archiving stay unchanged.
The Visible flag provides the opportunity to generally disable the element from
the output.
The flag Editable activates a special functionality of the measurement screen,
which allows an in-site correction of average analysis results (element
concentrations). See Manual Correction of Analysis Result below for details.

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Manual Correction of Analysis Result

In special cases the average element concentration of a current analysis results
may need to be modified manually. For this case the functionality of Manual
Correction of Analysis Result is provided. It allows modification of element
concentration values. The modified concentrations are marked correspondingly
and can be restored to their original values, if requested.
Note: If this functionality is requested, the flag Editable of the
corresponding element at the Element Extensions page of the Method
Editor has to be activated.
To modify an element concentration of an analysis result, double click on the
mean value (<x>) of the requested element in the measurement screen. The Edit
Concentration dialog for the selected element opens. In the field Measured
value the original result of analysis is presented. In the field Modified value the
modified concentration value is shown and can be adjusted.

Enter the modified value and click on the button Apply. The value is put into the
sample results and the dialog closes. The new value overwrites the
corresponding analysis results element concentration in replicates and in the
statistics (the SD and RSD are removed). The modified value is marked (here by
the prefix M and blue color).

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To restore the original element concentration, open the same dialog with the
double click on the mean value of the requested element and push the button
Reset. The original concentration value is put into the sample results and the
dialog closes.
Note: The Manual Correction of Analysis Result is possible only for element
concentrations of not finished analyses. Pseudo Elements

Pseudo Elements are additional result values based on the results of current
analysis and calculated from them using a Pseudo Element Formula.
There are two types of the pseudo elements:
 User defined
 Impurities. User defined

The Data Source for the user defined formulas can be element concentrations,
line concentrations, line intensities or input values entered in numerical fields of
the sample ID.

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The tree on the left hand side of the Pseudo Element Editor view provides the
available Data Source for the Pseudo Elements. The list of pseudo elements of
current method is displayed on the right hand side.
To create a new pseudo element, click on the button below the formula list. A
new empty formula of type User def. appears. Enter the Display Name of the
formula. If the formula result is a concentration value then check the option Is
Concentration and select the Display Unit from the list of available units.
Otherwise enter your own unit name.
Select the first variable from the Data Source. Add the selected item with a
double click or press the button below the Data Source. The item will be
added to the formula.
Enter, if necessary, an arithmetic operator. Possible operators are + - * / ().
Repeat this procedure until the formula is completed.
The formula syntax can be checked with a click on the button.
An existing formula can be deleted with the button.
By default the pseudo element symbols are added at the end of the method
elements list. The display order depends on the order in the formula list, which
can be modified with the and buttons.
Data which has been modified since the last storage are marked with a yellow
background color.
SPECTRO Analytical Instruments GmbH 54 of 228
SPECTRO Impurities
A pseudo element of the type Impurities is a special value calculated in relation
to the grade verification.
To create a pseudo element of type Impurities, click on the button below the
formula list, enter the Display Name of the added pseudo element and change
its Type to User def.. The formula of such pseudo element will be generated
automatically during the analysis and need not to be specified here. It will
consider the elements marked as Impurity in the grade assigned to the analysis
results and calculated as sum of their concentration values. See the paragraph
Grades for specification of the grade impurity marks. Type Standards

Type Standards are used for the determination of alloy specific concentration
correction coefficients. These correction data can be applied to the results of
unknown samples of the same alloy to get a better accuracy. A standard sample,
to be used as a type standard, has to exist in the list of global standards library
and be marked as a possible type standard.
Note: A standard can be marked as type standard in the Standards view
accessible with a click on the button in the toolbar.

The upper list in the group Global Standards shows all standards of the global
standards library, which belong to the base of the currently loaded method and
are marked as a type standard.
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The list below displays the element data of the selected global standard.
The upper list in the group Type Standards shows the type standards associated
with the loaded method.
 Name: Name of the type standard (read only).
 Alloy Group: Name of the alloy group the standard belongs to (read
 Used: Indicates whether the type standard can be selected for type
 Valid: Indicates whether the type correction data are valid or not (read
only). Note that a type standard correction data becomes valid after
successful type standardization and a subsequently performed
ICalization invalidates this data.
 Min. Measurements: Min. number of measurements required for this
standard at the type standardization.
 Modification Date: Date and time of the last modification (read only).
 Measure Date: Date and time of the last type standardization with this
standard (read only).

The list below displays the element data of the selected type standard.
 Element: Name of the element (read only).
 Use: Indicates whether the element should be used for type correction
or not.
 Unit: Display unit of the element (read only).
 Min. Conc: Lower acceptance limit of the measured element
concentration during type standardization.
 Max. Conc: Upper acceptance limit of the measured element
concentration during type standardization.
 Max. RSD: Upper acceptance limit of the measured element RSD
during type standardization.
 Corr. Value: Correction value that will be applied at the type correction
to the element concentration. The meaning of the value depends on the
Apply Offset setting.
 Apply Offset:
 Checked: The Corr. Value is a concentration value. This
value will be added to the measured element concentration.
 Unchecked: The Corr. Value is a factor. This factor will be
multiplied with the measured element concentration.

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A click on the button adds a global standard to the list of available type
A click on the button removes a type standard from the list of available type

 The button generates a printout of the currently selected type


Data which has been modified since the last storage are marked with a yellow
background. Control Standards

Control Standards are used to verify the accuracy of measure results. The
measured element concentrations of a control standard are compared with the
corresponding set concentrations. Elements, which exceed a predefined
tolerance range are marked and reported to the user.
Note: A Control Standard Test reminder can be activated in the
Maintenance Reminders system.
A standard sample, to be used as a control standard, has to exist in the list of
global standards library and be marked as a possible control standard.
Note: A standard can be marked as control standard in the Standards view
accessible with a click on the button in the toolbar.

The upper list in the group Global Standards shows all standards of the global
standards library, which belong to the base of the currently loaded method and
are marked as a control standard.
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The list below displays the element data of the selected global standard.

The upper list in the group Control Standards shows the control standards
associated with the loaded method.
 Name: Name of the type standard (read only).
 Alloy Group: Name of the alloy group the standard belongs to (read
 Min. Measurements: Min. number of measurements required for this
standard at the control analysis.
 Modification Date: Date and time of the last modification (read only).
 Measure Date: Date and time of the last control standard analysis (read

The list below displays the element data of the selected control standard.
 Element: Name of the element (read only).
 Unit: Display unit of the element (read only).
 Min. Conc: Lower acceptance limit of the measured element
concentration during a control standard test. The default value is 90% of
the Set Conc. value.
 Set Conc: The expected concentration value of the element.
 Max. Conc: Upper acceptance limit of the measured element
concentration during a control standard test. The default value is 110%
of the Set Conc. value.
 Max. RSD Upper acceptance limit of the measured element RSD during
a control standard test.
A click on the button adds a global standard to the list of available control
A click on the button removes a type standard from the list of available control
The button generates a printout of the currently selected control standard.
Data which has been modified since the last storage are marked with a yellow
background. Grade Filter

The number of grades for a given base can be very large. When using grade
identification functionality (Grade ID) at a given method, it is meaningful to
consider only those grades, which element concentration composition
corresponds to the measurement ranges of the selected method.
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Using the Grade Filter, only such grades are considered in the Grade ID, which
match the concentration ranges of the elements defined in the filter. Elements,
which are not defined in the filter, are not considered within the filtering process.

The Method Elements tree at the right hand side of the Grade Filter window
shows the elements of the method together with the corresponding concentration
A click on the button adds the selected element to the list of Grade Filter
Elements. Each filter element provides the following parameters:
 Display Name: The name of the filter element. The name has to match
the display name of the element in the grade’s definition (read only).
 Display Unit: The concentration unit of filter range.
 Min. Conc.: The lower limit of the filter range. If no value has been
entered the limit won’t be considered for filtering.
 Max. Conc.: The upper limit of the filter range. If no value has been
entered the limit won’t be considered for filtering.
A click on the button deletes the selected element from the list.
The buttons and allow to modify the check order of the elements. This can
take influence on the performance of the filtering process.

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A click on the button presets the grade filter with the elements used for APF
method selection (see APF Editor).
Note: This button is not active, if the current method doesn’t exist in the
APF configuration.
Data which has been modified since the last storage are marked with a yellow
background. Grade Relations

Independent on filtering of grades by the element concentration ranges, to each
grade an analytical method and a type standard can be assigned manually. Note,
that only one method and only one type standard can be bound with a grade on
this way. The page Grade Relations provides the facility for presentation and
modification of these assignments.

The list Available Grades contains names of grades, to which the edited method
can theoretically be assigned. If to any presented grade another method than the
edited one has already been assigned, the name of this method, and if applicable
the name of the assigned type standard, is specified. The activation of the option
Use at sample identification below this list assures that the grade selection list
in the Sample Identification dialog will be filled with names of Available Grades.

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The list Referencing Grades contains names of grades, to which the edited
method is assigned. If to any presented grade a type standard is assigned, the
type standard is specified. The activation of the option Use at sample
identification below this list assures that the grade selection list in the Sample
Identification dialog will be filled with names of the Referencing Grades names.
The Grade section in the center presents parameters and limits of the currently
selected grade.
Note, that the list of the Available Grades may be limited correspondingly, if
the method Grade Filter is configured and active.
For assigning of the edited method to a grade, select the requested grade in the
list of Available Grades and click on the button below. The selected grade
moves to the list of Referencing Grades.
Note: You can assign only one method and one type standard to a grade. If
you want to assign the just edited method to a grade, which have already
another method assigned, you can simply overwrite the existing
assignment by the above procedure.
For assigning of a type standard to a grade, select the requested grade in the list
of Referencing Grades and in the section Grade, select the name in the field
Type Standard. Note, that type standards have to be preset in the Type
Standards of the edited method.
Note: The same type standard may be assigned to different grades.
For removing of the edited method assignment to a grade, select the requested
grade in the list of Referencing Grades and click on the button below. The
selected grade moves to the list of Available Grades.
Note: This view supports multiple selection and drag and drop mechanism
for grade assignments. Automatic Repro Test

The credibility of a measurement replicate results can be verified by the
automatic reproducibility test.
The Automatic Repro Test page facilitates the determination of the way and the
criteria of the measurement replicates reproducibility test.
Note: The activity of the automatic reproducibility test depends on the
application profile and can be set in the section Analytical of the
application profile editor.

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SPECTRO General Parameters

 Min. Replicate:
The automatic reproducibility test is initiated by reaching the preset
minimal count of measurement replicates (Min. Replicates).
Note: If the count of result values being provided to consider at the
statistics calculation is less than the minimal count of measurement
replicates, the final measurement statistics is not calculated and not
 Reproducibility Test Type:
The Grubbs’ Outlier Test is a statistical test used to detect outliers,
based on the published “Grubbs’ test for outliers” algorithm, also
known as the “maximum normed residual test”. It is the default selection.

The SD/RSD Test uses the standard deviation of replicate values for
outliers’ detection.
Note: When the Grubbs’ Outlier Test is selected the minimal count of
measurement replicates (Min. Replicates) has to be greater or equal 3.
 Outlier Type:
When the Entire Replicate is selected, a single outlier causes the entire
replicate it belongs to, is automatically marked as the outlier. It is the
default selection.

When the Single Value is selected, only this value is marked as an

outlier and other values of the replicates it belongs to, stay valid result

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Note: The outlier values are marked at the measure grid by a color, font
style and/or prefix. If the outlier type Entire Replicate is selected, all values
of the outlier replicate are marked too. The marking of the non-outlier
values of the outlier replicate differs from the marking of the outlier values.
The marking style can be customized in the application profile (section
Display – Fonts and Colors – User Defined).
 Outlier Handling:
Marking a single value or an entire replicate as an outlier eliminates it
automatically from the statistics calculation of the measurement.

By deactivation of the flag Ignore Outliers at Statistics Calculation

this behavior can be suppressed. Then the automatic reproducibility test
results only with marking of the detected outliers (single values or entire
replicates) but has no influence on the measurement statistics. Element Parameters

The Element Parameters table presents all elements of the method and allows
the customization of the necessary parameters for their reproducibility test.
The considering of an element in the reproducibility test can be activated or
deactivated by the Use flag.
The set of parameters for the reproducibility test of an element depends on the
selected Reproducibility Test Type:
 Grubbs’ Outlier Test
At the Grubbs’ Outlier Test the Significance Level value is the only
reproducibility criterion.

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At this test the concentration values are reproducible, if the significance

(probability of error) of the value the most deviated from the average is greater,
than the specified Significance Level. In the recursive steps, the test marks the
test marks values the most deviated from the average as outliers, until the above
condition is fulfilled or the count of non-outlier values falls below the Max.
Replicates count.
 SD/RSD Test
At the SD/RSD Test the entire available concentration range of the element can
be divided into sub-ranges, in which different reproducibility criteria parameters
can be applied.

The Conc. Limit value determines the upper concentration limit for a sub-range.
The corresponding Max. Deviation and Deviation Type values describe the
used reproducibility criterion in this sub-range.
The Deviation Type indicates, if the Max. Deviation value is a relative standard
deviation (RSD) or a standard deviation (SD). The Unit indicates, in which unit
the Max. Deviation is expressed.
At the SD/RSD Test the concentration values are reproducible, if their (relative)
standard deviation doesn’t exceed the specified Max. Deviation. In the recursive
steps, the test marks values the most deviated from the average as outliers, until
the above condition is fulfilled or the count of non-outlier values falls below the
Max. Replicates count.

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2.1.3 APF
APF (Automatic Method Selection) is a procedure that provides the possibility to
determine the best fitting method based on a measurement with an Orientation
Method. Orientation methods are calibrated over a wide concentration range and
provide approximate analysis. These concentration values are used to determine
be best fitting method within the same base for the given analysis result. If a
fitting method has been found, the software loads this method automatically and
recalculates the analysis with the intensities determined by the orientation
The usage of APF can be configured for Analytical Application Profiles. APF Editor

The APF Editor allows setup the APF procedure. APF Settings

 Methods

The Filter settings determine the group of methods which should be currently
setup for the APF.
 Base: Determines the base element the displayed methods.
 Orientation Method: Defines the method which should be used as
startup method for the selected analytical methods in the list below.
Analytical Method data:

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 Name: The name of the APF application

 Use: Indicates whether this APF application is used for the currently
selected Orientation Method.
 Base: The base element of the method
 Method: The name of the method
 Description The method description

This list contains all analytical elements of the currently selected method. By
default the elements concentration ranges are preset with the measuring ranges
of the method.
 Element: The name of the element
 Use: indicates whether this element is used for determination of the best
fitting method
 Unit: The concentration unit of the element
 Min. Conc.: The lower concentration boundary of the element
 Max. Conc.: The upper concentration boundary of the element

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2.1.4 Grades
Grades describe chemical element composition of alloys.
At the instrument a basis library of common grades (Grades Library) is installed.
This library is used by the Grade ID functionality for the grade search and the
grade verification.
A grades library can be presented, managed and extended by the Grades Editor. Grades Editor

 To access the Grades Editor, click on the icon Grades in the home

The grades overview will be displayed.

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It presents a collection and the data of grades in the Grades Library.

The defined grades are listed in form of tree, classified by the grade base
element and the grade norm.
The attributes and chemical specification of the grade selected in the tree is
shown in the central data view.
The Grades Editor provides following operation on grades:
 Creation
 Modification
 Duplication
 Deletion
 Import
 Export Grade Definition

Each grade definition consists on the grade identification and the grade chemical
composition data. Grade Identification

The grade is identified by its Name, a Norm the grade belongs to and the alloy

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An optional Description allows specification of additional grade information.

The Name of a grade together with the Basis and Norm identifies the grade.
This identification must be unique within the system.
The Basis name specifies the base element of the alloy and is part of the grade
The Norm name specifies the norm in which the grade is defined and is part of
the grade identification.
The Description of a grade is optional and allows specification of detailed
information, remarks and comments concerning the grade. Element concentration ranges

The list of element concentration ranges is the essential part of grade definition. It
specifies chemical content of the grade.
Each element concentration ranges item specifies:
 Element name
 Unit
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 Lower acceptance limit (Ext. Min.)

 Upper acceptance limit (Ext. Max.)
 Target concentration (Target Conc.)
 Lower warning limit (Int. Min.)
 Upper warning limit (Int. Max.)
 Impurity mark
Element Name
The Element name identifies the chemical element in the grade contents.
The Unit indicates, in which unit the element concentration limits are specified
Lower Acceptance Limit
The lower acceptance limit indicates the lowest possible element concentration in
the grade material. It is named also the external minimum (Ext. Min.).
Target Concentration
The target concentration indicates the expected element concentration in the
grade material. The value is used for setup an external charge correction (Target
Upper Acceptance Limit
The upper acceptance limit indicates the highest possible element concentration
in the grade material. It is named also the external maximum (Ext. Max.).
Lower Warning Limit
The lower warning limit is an additional limit used to narrow the grade verification
criteria. It has to be higher than the lower acceptance limit. It is named also the
internal minimum (Int. Min.).
Upper Warning Limit
The upper warning limit is an additional limit used to narrow the grade verification
criteria. It has to be lower than the upper acceptance limit. It is named also the
external maximum (Ext. Max.).
The Impurity mark is an additional flag indicating a special role of the element in
the grade. This mark is used by the Pseudo Elements editor for creation of the
dynamic and grade dependent pseudo-element of type Impurities (see Pseudo
Elements in the paragraph Methods for using of this mark). Creation of a Grade

Click on the New button in the toolbar in the Grades Editor view to create a new
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Target Conc.

The grade data view is cleared and you can to enter new data.
Note: The navigation in the grade tree is disabled when the Grade Editor is
active. Grade Identification

Identify the new grade by entering the Name and selecting an appropriate Basis
and Norm name from the choice lists.

Note: At the Basis selection only names of the base elements installed at
the instrument are available. When selecting the Norm, you can specify a
new norm name in addition to the already used names available in the
choice list.

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Note: The combination of grade Name, Basis and Norm must be unique at
the system. Otherwise the error message occurs and you will need to
correct your entry.

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SPECTRO Grade Element Insertion

As soon as the grade identification is completed a button for insertion of the
element concentration limits appears in the grade data view.

Click on the button to create an empty element concentration range item.

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Select the element name from the choice list and enter limit values as well as the
corresponding concentration unit. If requested mark the added element as
Note: The Element name choice list contains elements installed at the
instrument for the grade Basis. The element choice list is optional can be
disabled via an item in then configuration file Business_Settings.xcfg.

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Repeat the above procedure to insert further element concentration range items.
Note: The Unit indicates how the concentration limits are presented in the
grade data view and has no influence on the stored limit values. Finishing Grade Creation

The creation of the grade is finished with the mouse click on the Apply or Cancel
Clicking the Apply button confirms the creation of the new grade, inserts it in the
grade tree and closes the Grade Editor (i.e. disables entry in the grade data

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Note: The created grade is not permanently stored until you click on
the Save button in the Grades View.

Clicking the Cancel button rejects the new grade and closes the Grade Editor
(i.e. disables entry in the grade data view). Modification of Grade Data

When a grade is selected in the tree, the click on the Edit button in the toolbar
activates the Grade Editor.

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SPECTRO Attributes of a Grade

The Grade Editor allows you to modify the Name, Description, Basis and Norm
of the grade.

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Modified attributes are marked by the yellow background.

Note: The modification of the Basis or Norm of a grade causes a change of

the grouping classification of the grade within the grade tree hierarchy.
Because the combination of Name, Base and Norm must be unique,
renaming can cause a name conflict. In such cases the error message
occurs and you will need to modify your entry. Element Concentration Ranges

In the grade data view the concentration ranges of the grade elements (grade
limits) and the corresponding unit can be inserted, deleted or modified. Grade Limits Insertion

To add the element concentration range, click on the Add button above the
elements table and enter the data in the new empty item.

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SPECTRO Grade Limits Deletion

 To delete element concentration ranges, select the requested items and click
on the cancel button above the elements table.

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Note: Before the deletion is completed you will be prompted for the
additional confirmation. Grade Limits Modification

An element concentration range (grade limits) item can be modified by editing of
its Element name, Unit, Target Conc. and limit values (Ext. Min., Int. Min., Int.
Max. and Int. Max.).

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Note: The Element name is selected from a choice list containing elements
installed at the instrument for the specified grade Basis.
The currently modified parameters are marked by the yellow background.
Note: The Unit indicates how the concentration limits are presented in the
grade data view and has no influence on the stored limit values. Additional Edition Facilities

When editing the limits in the element table, you may apply a Copy & Paste
The Copy & Paste insertion allows you to copy the value of the selected cell to
the clipboard and then to paste it in one or more selected cells with one mouse
To copy a value to the clipboard, select the requested cell and press Ctrl+C or
open the context menu of the selected cell (right mouse button click) and click on
the option Copy.

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Then select the values where the copied value should be inserted and press
Ctrl+V or open the context menu of the selected cells (right mouse button click)
and click on the option Paste.

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The selected values will be modified. Finishing of Grade Data Modification

The modification of grade data is finished with the mouse click on the Apply or
Cancel button.
Clicking the Apply button confirms the modifications, if necessary moves the
grade name in the grade tree and closes the Grade Editor (i.e. disables entry in
the grade data view).

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Note: The grade modifications are not permanently stored until you click on
the Save button in the Grades View.
Clicking the Cancel button rejects the grade modifications, restores the original
grade data and closes the Grade Editor (i.e. disables entry in the grade data

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SPECTRO Duplication of a Grade

When a grade is selected in the tree clicking the Copy button duplicates and
inserts it in the grades library. The name of the new grade is derived from the
name of the original one by inserting the “Copy of” prefix.

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Note: You may set the appropriate name of the duplicated grade using the
Edit function. Deletion of a Grade

When a grade is selected in the tree, the click on the Delete button removes the
grade from the library. Before the action is completed you will be prompted for the
additional confirmation.

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SPECTRO Multi-Deletion of Grades

If in the grades tree the base element or the grade norm is selected, the list of
subordinated grades is shown. It allows the grades multi-selection and the
deletion of the selected grades with one mouse click on the Multidelete button.
Before the action is completed you will be prompted for the additional

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SPECTRO Import of Grades

If you want to import new grades to the library, select a basis or norm in the
grades tree and click on the button Import. The Grade Import Selection dialog
appears and allows you choose the type and source of grades data to import.
Note: The grades data in the source file has to correspond to the specified
XML-format. See the sections “XML format of grades import” and “Example
of a grades import file” for details.

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The grades data can be imported from XML file, MSAccess file and SQL server.
The import from the XML File is a primary way to import grades from external
equipment or from another SPECTROMAXx instrument.
Note: The grades data in the XML file has to correspond to the specified
XML-format. See the sections “XML format of grades import” and “Example
of a grades import file” for details.
The import from MSAccess File and from SQL Server allows transferring grades
from data collection of the Spark Analyzer Vision software (SPECTROLAB or
Select the requested grade data type and source (use Browse button to specify
the file name) and click on the OK button. The grades data are imported and
analyzed. If more than one base element is installed at the instrument, the base
element for the imported grades needs to be specified and the grade base
element identification dialog appears (Grade basis). If necessary, the dialog
prompts also for the grade norm (Grade norm).

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Specify the missing attribute(s) and click on the OK button. The grade
identification will be completed and the grade data imported.
If the same identification attribute(s) is missing for multiple or all grades and you
don’t want to specify and confirm the missing attribute for each grade separately,
check the Use the basis for all imported grades and/or Use the norm for all
imported grades options and click on the OK button. The identifications of all
succeeding grades will be completed with the specified attribute(s) and the grade
data imported.

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The names of imported grades appear in the grades tree and are yellow
Click the Save button in the toolbar to store the imported grades permanently in
the grades library.
Note: The imported grades would overwrite the grades with the same
identification already existing in the library. In such case you will be asked
for overwriting confirmation and can reject (Skip) the imported grade. Saving of Grades

All modifications of grades are marked by the yellow background. Also the names
of the modified grades in the tree obtain the yellow background.
The creation, modification, duplication, deletion and import of grades becomes
permanent only after the click on the Save button.

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Note: If you attempt to leave the Grades View and any modification of the
grades library has not been stored, a warning message appears and you
can cancel the action or continue it with storing or rejecting the changes.

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SPECTRO Export of Grades

If you want to export grades from your instrument library for import at another
instrument, select a basis or norm in the grades tree to display the list of
subordinated grades allowing multi-selection. Select the grades you want to
export and click on the button Export.

The standard file selection dialog appears and allows you specify the target file
for grades data.

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Enter the file name and click on the Save button. The grades will be stored in the
target file. Then you can transfer the file to another instrument and import the
Note: The grades data in the target file corresponds to the specified XML-
format. See the Appendix “XML format of grades import” and “Example of a
grades import file” for details. XML Format of Grades Import

The format description (DTD) of the grades data expected in an import file and
created in an export file is presented below.

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SPECTRO Example of a Grades Import File

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2.1.5 User Management

The User Management is a system module managing and supervising the
differentiated user access to the software functionalities, which provides
permission management for using specific functions of the system.
It is activated as soon as the first user’s account has been created. When no
user’s account exists, the user management system is deactivated.
In the default configuration, there is no user account included and the user
management is inactive. User Management View

The User Management view is used to maintain user’s accounts, permission
roles and assignments of the user’s accounts to the permission roles.
The User Management view can be accessed from the home view by a click on
the User Management icon.

The User Management view is displayed.

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Initially the display shows an overview of the available User accounts and their
relationship to Permission Roles.
The tree on the left hand side is provided for navigation to the requested
components (User, Permission Roles and Settings) of the User Management.
The central view corresponds to the selection in the navigation tree and facilitates
the data creation and modification.
When any data within the User Management was modified, the Save button in
the toolbar becomes available. It has to be pushed for the permanent saving of
the changes.
For cancelling of the performed changes, the User Management view needs to
be left with a click on the Back button in the toolbar. The user is then prompted to
confirm the data saving or rejection.

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SPECTRO User Accounts

After the User node has been selected in the navigation pane, an overview of all
available user accounts together with the corresponding activation status and the
associated permission role is shown. Creating a User Account

A new user account can be added by clicking on the New User button in the
toolbar. Note, that the New User button is available as soon as the User node or
any available user account has been selected in the tree.

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After pushing the New User button an input form for a new user account is

Filling of the Real Name, Login Name and Password fields is mandatory. As
soon as the Password (Confirmed) field has been filled correctly, the Apply
button in the toolbar appears.

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The Real Name is the public name of the user account, which is typically the first-
and last name of the user. It will be displayed in the status bar of the program and
used as operator signature in results of sample analysis.
The Login Name is the user alias facilitating the login process and will be
required at the User Authentication (Login) dialog. Its minimum length is
configurable within the settings of the User Management system. The login name
must be unique within the system.
The Permission Role entry specifies one of the existing permission roles and
decides about the user’s rights in the system. Only one permission role can be
assigned to the user.
Note: To the first user’s account the Administrator permission role is
assigned automatically.
The Password will be used in combination with the Login Name at the login
process. When the password is entered for the first time or modified, it has to be
confirmed by entering the same characters combination in the Password
(confirmed) field. The minimum password length is configurable within the
settings of the User Management system.
The field Change Password After (Days) determines the password expiration
time in days. If the password expires, the user will be required to change it, when
he logs-in next time. The empty entry in this field (default) disables the password
The option Logoff After (Minutes) determines the user’s inactivity time in
minutes, after which the user is logged-off automatically. The empty entry in this
field (default) disables the automatic logoff.
The flag Have To Change Password enforces a password change at the next
user login process.
The flag User Is Active is used to temporary enable (checked) or disable
(unchecked) the user’s account.

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The new user account is finally created by pushing the Apply button or discarded
by pushing the Cancel button in the toolbar. Editing a User Account

By selection of an existing user in the tree, the corresponding user’s account data
are displayed and can be modified.
When modifying the data following rules needs to be considered:

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 The modification of the user’s Login Name is not allowed (the

corresponding field is disabled).
 The user’s Permission Role can be modified only, if at least one other
active user exists and has the Administrator permission role assigned.
 Each Password modification has to be confirmed by entry of the same
characters combination in the field Password (Confirmed).
 The flag User Is Active can be modified only, if at least one other active
user exists and has the Administrator permission role assigned. Deletion of a User Account

By selection of an existing user in the tree and pushing the Delete button in the
toolbar the user account can be removed.
Note: The account of the currently logged-in user can’t be deleted. The only
exception is, the account of the logged-in user is the last defined account
in the User Management. Permission Roles

By selection of the Permission Roles node in the tree the overview of available
permission roles with the associated users is shown.

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There are four predefined permission roles: Administrator, Full Operation,

Routine Operation and Basic Operation.
The Administrator role owns all available permissions by default. This setting
cannot be changed. The other predefined permission roles can be customized,
i.e. permissions can be there added or removed. Editing a Permission Role

To edit a permission role, select the corresponding permission roles in the tree.
The permissions associated with the role and the assigned user accounts are

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Permissions are grouped into seven sections: Analysis, Application Profile,

Automation, Grades, Maintenance Control, Method and Other.
The Analysis section contains permissions, which are relevant for measuring.
Permissions used for application profile and method development can be found in
the sections Application Profile and Method correspondingly. Other
permissions, not matching these sections, can be found in the Other section.
A double click on a permission in the Available Permissions list or a click on the
button below the list adds the selected permission to the
Assigned Permissions list.
A double click on a permission in the Assigned Permissions list or a click on the
button below the list removes the permission from the
Assigned Permissions list. Creating a Permission Role

A new permission role can be created by click on the New Role button in the
toolbar. Note, that the New Role button is available as soon as the Permission
Roles node or any available permission role has been selected in the tree.

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After pushing the New Role button an input form for a new role is displayed.

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After entering the name of the permission role, the requested permissions can be
A double click on a permission in the Available Permissions list or a click on the
button below the list adds the selected permission to the
Assigned Permissions list.

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A double click on a permission in the Assigned Permissions list or a click on the

button below the list removes the permission from the
Assigned Permissions list. Deletion of Permission Roles

By selection of an existing permission role in the tree and pushing the Delete
button in the toolbar the role can be removed.

SPECTRO Analytical Instruments GmbH 107 of 228


Note: Only customer defined and not assigned to a user account

permission roles can be deleted. Permissions
Adding permission to a permission role assigned to the account of a user
authorizes this user to utilize the corresponding software functionalities. The
below list specifies available permissions and their meaning.
The permissions of the section Analysis concern the measurement screen:
Can perform grade Enables or disables the manual activation of the grade
search manually search for the current sample analysis results.

Can apply grade Enables or disables the manual documentation of a

manually grade found in the grade search process in the current
sample analysis results

Can apply type Enables or disables the application of a type correction

correction to the current sample analysis results

Can call results Enables or disables the start of the Sample Result
overview Manager (context dependent).

Can delete single Enables or disables the deletion of single

SPECTRO Analytical Instruments GmbH 108 of 228

measurement measurements in the current sample analysis results

Can undelete single Enables or disables the undeleting of single

measurement measurements in the current sample analysis results

Can edit preTask Enables or disables the temporal modification of

times “PreTask” times

Can edit Enables or disables the manual modification of

standardization standardization factor and offset
Can perform control Enables or disables the start and processing of a
standard test control standard test

Can perform Enables or disables the start and processing of an

iCALization iCALization

Can perform Enables or disables the processing of measurements

Can perform Enables or disables the processing of measurement
measurement on bad although an error has been detected
device state
Can perform Enables or disables the start and processing of
measurement on measurement when the most recent iCALization failed
defective iCALization and was not accepted

Can perform type Enables or disables the start and processing of a type
standardization standardization

Can print manually Enables or disables the manual printout of the current
sample analysis results

Can export results Enables or disables the manual export of the current
manually sample analysis results

Can recall the last Enables or disables recalling of the last measurement
measurement results
Enables or disable the possibility to terminate the
Can terminate the
Argon flush process Argon flush process

The permissions of the section Application Profile concern the Application

Profile Editor:
Can create profile Enables or disables creation of new application profiles

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Can delete profile Enables or disables deletion of existing application


Can choose grade Enables or disables changing of the grade search

search mode mode (Grade ID page)

Can choose grade Enables or disables changing of the used grade

search or verification identification method (Grade ID page)

Can choose Enables or disables changing of the predefined display

predefined layouts and print template, if any predefined template has
been chosen (Display and Printer pages)
Can directly edit
application profile’s Enables or disables the opportunity to modify the
output settings application profile’s output settings directly from the
measurement view without deletion of the current

Can edit display Enables or disables changing of the results display

output configuration (Display page)

Can edit print output Enables or disables changing of the results printout
configuration (Printer page)

Can edit export output Enables or disables changing of the results export
configuration (Export page)

Can edit formatting Enables or disables changing of the formatting rules

rules (Formatting Rules page)

Can edit function keys Enables or disables changing of the function key
assignments (Function Keys page)

Can edit grade ID Enables or disables changing of any properties for the
grade identification (Grade ID page)
Note: Removing of this permission overrides the
permissions Can Choose Grade Search Mode and
Can Choose Grade Search Or Verification.

Can edit profiles’ Enables or disables changing of the setup method and
analytical selections APF mode (Analytical page)

Can edit sample ID Enables or disables changing of the sample

definitions identification configuration (Sample IDs page).

The permissions of the section Method:

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Can access APF Enables or disables access to the configuration of the

settings Automatic Method Selection (APF item of the home

Can edit methods Enables or disables changing of the methods

configuration, i.e. access to the pages Element
Extensions, Pseudo Elements, Type Standards,
Control Standards, Grade Filters, Grade Relations,
Automatic Repro Test of the Method Editor.

Can load methods Enables or disables manual loading of analytical

Note: If this permission is missing, analytical
methods can be loaded by the application profile

The permissions of the section Automation:

Can activate and Enables or disables activation and deactivation of the
deactivate the remote remote control of the instrument

The permissions of the section Grades concern the Grades Editor:

Can delete grades Enables or disables deletion of the grades in the
Grades Library

Can edit grades Enables or disables modification of the grade data in

the Grades Library

Can import grades Enables or disables import of grades into the Grade

Can export grades Enables or disables export of grades from the Grades

The permissions of the section Maintenance Control concern the maintenance

control and reminders:
Can access Enables or disables access to the Maintenance
maintenance reminder Reminders module
Can activate air filter Enables or disables activation and deactivation of the
service reminder Air Filter Service reminder

SPECTRO Analytical Instruments GmbH 111 of 228


Can activate argon Enables or disables activation and deactivation of the

exit service reminder Argon Exit Service reminder

Can activate control Enables or disables activation and deactivation of the

standard test Control Standard Test reminder
Can activate gas Enables or disables activation and deactivation of the
purifier cartridge Gas Purifier Cartridge Replacement reminder
replacement reminder
Can activate general Enables or disables activation and deactivation of the
maintenance reminder General Maintenance reminder

Can activate Enables or disables activation and deactivation of the

iCALization reminder iCALization reminder

Can activate spark Enables or disables activation and deactivation of the

stand cleaning Spark Stand Cleaning reminder
Can confirm air filter Enables or disables confirmation of the Air Filter
service Service

Can confirm argon Enables or disables confirmation of the Argon Exit

exit service Service

Can confirm control Enables or disables confirmation of the Control

standard test Standard Test

Can confirm gas Enables or disables confirmation of the Gas Purifier

purifier cartridge Cartridge Replacement
Can confirm Enables or disables confirmation of the iCALization
Can confirm spark Enables or disables confirmation of the Spark Stand
stand cleaning Cleaning

Can modify air filter Enables or disables modification of the Air Filter
service intervals Service intervals

Can modify argon exit Enables or disables modification of the Argon Exit
service intervals Service intervals

Can modify control Enables or disables modification of the Control

standard test intervals Standard Test intervals

Can modify gas Enables or disables modification of the Gas Purifier

purifier cartridge
SPECTRO Analytical Instruments GmbH 112 of 228

replacement intervals Cartridge Replacement intervals

Can modify Enables or disables modification of the iCALization

iCALization intervals intervals

Can modify spark Enables or disables modification of the Spark Stand

stand cleaning Cleaning intervals

The permissions of the section Other:

Can Access Service Enables or disables access to the Service module
Can Access Service Enables or disables access to the Service Report
Report Module module (creation of the service report)

Can Access User Enables or disables access to the User Management

Can access argon Enables or disables access to the Argon Saver
saver scheduler configuration

Can access global Enables or disables access to the Standards module

Can adapt plasma Enables or disables option Adapt Plasma
assessment values Assessment Values in the home view

Can edit argon saver Enables or disables modification of the Argon Saver
tasks tasks

Can edit global Enables or disables modification of the standard types

standards in the Global Standard Library (module Standards)

Can import methoda Settings
The component Settings of the User Management defines common defaults
used at the creation of new user accounts.

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Min No. Of Chars In Login Name determines the minimum number of

characters a login name must have to be accepted.
Min No. Of Chars In Password determines the minimum number of characters a
password must have to be accepted.
Change Password After (Days) value will be used as the default value for an
new user account. It determines the password expiration time in days. The empty
entry in this field (default) disables the password expiration.
No. Of Traced Passwords is used for checking the diversity of the preceding
number of passwords.
Logoff After (Minutes) value will be used as the default value for a new user
account. The entry determines the user’s inactivity time in minutes, after which
the user is logged-off automatically. The empty entry in this field (default)
disables the automatic logoff.
Max No of Login Tries determines the number of sequentially failed logins, after
which the corresponding user account will be disabled.
Note: The option Max No of Login Tries doesn’t concern Administrator
accounts, which cannot be disabled.

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SPECTRO User Authentication User Login
The user login takes place at the application start-up time, by manual click on the
Change Login button in the home view or after the user has been automatically
logged off, when the maximal inactivity time was exceeded.

Within the login process the User Identification dialog is displayed. After
entering of the Login Name and the Password, pushing on the OK button
activates the application.
Note: At start-up time, using the Abort button will prevent the application
start. When pressing the Abort button, when calling the User Identification
dialog manually (Change Login button) the application will not be closed.
Note: The Abort button is not available when the User Identification dialog
is displayed after the user has been automatically logged off. Service Login

The Service Login can be performed in the User Identification dialog by leaving
the Login Name empty.

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On pushing the OK button the warning message appears and prompts for
confirmation of the service login request.

After the confirmation by a click on the Yes button the application grants the
appropriate service permissions.

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2.1.6 Argon Saver

The Argon Saver module provides an opportunity to reduce the Argon
consumption during standby periods of the instrument. This is an important point
to minimize costs of operation!
If the plasma generator is switched on and no analyses are performed (stand-by),
optical system and spark stand are permanently flushed with a low level Argon
flow (constant Argon flow). In cases of longer stand-by times a lot of Argon will be
consumed unnecessary. The Argon Saver function helps to reduce the Argon
consumption in such cases.
The Argon Saver is controlled by the state of plasma generator switch, located on
the front side of the instrument. When the plasma generator is switched off, the
Argon Saver is activated automatically. This causes that the Argon flow through
the instrument is interrupted and additionally the Argon Saver Module view
appears which allows the user to reactive the Argon flow in a certain time.

Switching on the plasma generator causes that the Argon flow is reactivated by
flushing the instrument with a high level Argon flow (analytical Argon flow). The
flush process time is variable and depends on the period of time without Argon
flow. The flush time is calculated automatically by the Argon Saver.

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During the flush process an info dialog appears, showing the required flush time
and the flushing progress.

The flush process can be terminated by clicking the Abort button. The Close
button provides the opportunity to leave Flush Progress dialog without
terminating the flush process.
Note: It’s highly recommended to pass the complete preset flush time. The
Argon flow state of the instrument has direct influence on the accuracy of
the measure results. Argon Saver Module

 The Argon Saver Module allows to reactive the Argon flow, terminated
by the Argon Saver, automatically although the plasma generator is switched off.
This causes that the instrument will be ready for operation on a predefined time.
After Argon flow reactivation the Argon Saver Module keeps the operating state
by purging the instrument with constant Argon flow. The Argon Saver Module
can be also accessed from the Home View of the Spark Analyzer Pro MAXx with
a click on the icon.

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SPECTRO Scheduler
The Scheduler allows to select time and date when the instrument should be
Ready for Operation. Three scheduler modes are available.
Today: Variable time selection with the fixed preset actual date. This option can
be used for non-working times within the current day.
Selected Date: Variable time and date selection, the date can be selected by a
calendar control. This option is helpful when the instrument is used in irregular,
non-cyclic time intervals.
Scheduler Task: Predefined scheduler tasks, with fixed times applied on specific
week days or week day intervals. This option should be selected, when the
instrument is used in iterative regular intervals (e.g. Monday to Friday, at 7:00
a.m.). The desired Task Name can be selected from a list of stored scheduler
tasks. Scheduler Tasks can be created and modified with the Scheduler Task
Editor. The general operation of the Argon Saver Module can activated or
deactivated by the Enabled control.
Note: Changes in the scheduler setup must be accepted with a click on the
Note: The scheduler only operates if Spark Analyzer Pro MAXx is running
and the spectrometer is connected with the mains supply!

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Note: The flush process doesn’t start if the Argon pressure is low. If the
argon supply has been restored before the scheduled time has been
elapsed the system restarts the flush process automatically. Scheduler Task Editor

The Scheduler Task Editor provides the opportunity to create or modify
scheduler tasks. The editor can be activated with a click on the button in the
group Scheduler Task.

The setup of a new Scheduler Task can be started with a click on the symbol
below the Task List. Enter the Name of the new task. This name is used later on
for the selection of the applied scheduler task. Select the Time when the
instrument should be Ready for Operation. Select the Operating Days. The
Start field defines the first and the End field the last weekday of the operating
interval. If the task should be performed on one weekday only, both fields have to
be set to the same value. If the scheduler task should be performed on every
week day select the option Everyday for the field Start. The field End must be
empty in this case.
The setup of the new scheduler task as well as any modification of an existing
task must to be accepted with a click on the symbol below the Task List. The
currently selected scheduler task can be deleted with a click on the symbol.

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The Scheduler Task Editor can be hidden with a click on the symbol in the
Scheduler group.

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2.1.7 Standards
The Global Standards Manager provides the opportunity to get an overview to
installed standard samples and to administrate the standard samples used for
control standard test and type standardization. Each standard belongs to a base
element and an alloy group. Alloy groups represent a class of standards with
similar composition, e.g. low alloy steels or Cr/Ni steels. A specific standard
exists only once in the complete Spark Analyzer Pro MAXx environment and can
be referred by several methods. Standards can be used in multiple manners, e.g.
as calibration and control standard.
Note: All standards that are used for calibration, standardization or quality
control can’t be modified or deleted. However it’s possible to use a preset
calibration standard as well as control or type standard. Global Standard Manager

The Standards Selection list gives an overview of the available standards’

bases and alloy groups. The checkboxes on every section of the list are enabling
the displayable standards. The actual selection in the list determines the currently
displayed standards in the Standards list. Additional limitations of the displayed
standards can be obtained by the Type Filter. This filter allows multiple
selections of the standard types to be displayed. The Element Filter provides the
possibility to filter standards according to their element composition.
SPECTRO Analytical Instruments GmbH 122 of 228

The filter can be activated by entering the element name and the desired
concentration range. It’s possible to set the lower or upper concentration limit or
both. A click on the button clears element filter and disables the element
All properties, except Name and Base, of user defined control or type standards
can be modified. The Element Concentrations of the currently selected
standard can be modified. A click on the button deletes the element. New
elements can be added with a click the button. Changes can be stored
permanently with a click on the symbol in the toolbar.
A new standard can be created with a click on the symbol in the toolbar. A
dialog with the header data of the new standard appears.

Name, Base Element and Alloy Group are essential inputs and must be
entered or selected. Supplier and Description are optional information for the
extended documentation of a standard. A multiple selection of the standard Type
is possible. The definition of the new standard must be finished with a click on the
Ok button. The preselected standard appears in the list of Standards. Now you
SPECTRO Analytical Instruments GmbH 123 of 228

can enter the elements and their concentration values in the list of Element
Concentrations. Element, Certified Concentration and Unit are essential
inputs; the Concentration RSD value is optional and describes the RSD of the
concentration determination.
The currently selected standard can be copied with a click on the symbol in the
toolbar. A dialog with header data of the selected standard appears. Modify the
preset standard Name and accept the changes with a click on the Ok button.
Note: Standards can be copied only within the same base.
User defined standards can be deleted with a click on the symbol in the
toolbar. After accepting a warning dialog the standard will be deleted. A multiple
selection of standards to delete is possible.
Note: Preset calibration, standardization and QC standards can’t be
The changes can be permanently stored on disk with a click on the symbol in
the toolbar.
Note: Modifications of standards which are used by a method may have
unforeseeable effects on the analytical performance!

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2.2 Measurement

2.2.1 Quantitative Analysis

The quantitative analysis provides evaluation of sample element concentrations.
There are various options available to control or influence a quantitative analysis.
The sample identification, grade verification, grade search and type correction
options and also many parameters for customizing formatting rules and display
styles can be configured by the Application Profiles editor. Routine Analysis

The sample analyses are performed in the Analysis View. The view is accessible
if an application profile and a method are loaded.
To open the Analysis View, use the Analysis button in the home view.

The Analysis View can be activated also from the Application Profiles view with
a click on the Analysis button in the toolbar or with a double click on an
application profile name.

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The default Analysis View consists of two panels: Sample Identification and
Analysis Results.

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In dependence on the measurement context and/or user request two further panels
(Sample Properties and Grade Search Results) can be activated. At the bottom a
customizable button toolbar and a status bar are available.

 Sample Identification
The Sample Identification panel is placed at the top and presents the
current sample identification (Sample ID). The presented sample ID will
be stored later together with the sample analysis results.#

 Sample Properties
If active, the Sample Properties panel is placed directly below the
Sample Identification. It shows the sample properties Unique Name,
Type Standard and Correction Mode are shown. If the automatic
reproducibility test is active, the properties are extended with the Repro

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 The Unique Name is created automatically using values of

the sample identification. For the generation way of the
unique name see the Sample IDs section of the paragraph
Application Profiles.
 The Type Standard is filled, if a type correction has been
applied and contains the name of the corresponding type
 The Correction Mode presents the currently applied
correction type. It can be None or Type Corrected.
 The Repro Test informs about the result of the automatic
reproducibility test of single measurements. It can be None,
Inconclusive, OK or Failed.
 None The repro test is not applicable
 Inconclusive The repro test could not be performed
 OK The single measurements are reproducible
 Failed The single measurements are not reproducible
 Analysis Result
The main part of the screen occupies the Analysis Result panel, in
which results of the quantitative sample analysis are presented.

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 Grade Search Results

If the grade search has been performed, the corresponding Grade
Search Results panel appears automatically at the bottom of the
Analysis View. It presents then the list of found grades.
Note: The height of the Grade Search Results panel can be adapted
by dragging the panel separation splitter.

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Button Toolbar
In the Button Toolbar function buttons are displayed. To facilitate performing
of analyses, the function buttons are shown or hidden in dependency on the
availability of their functions and the current analysis stage
Note: The general availability of function buttons in the Button
Toolbar (together with the corresponding keyboard shortcuts) is
controlled by settings in the Function Keys section of the
paragraph Application Profiles.

 Status Bar
The Status Bar presents the general status of the instrument.

The text fields specify the names of the currently loaded application profile
and analytical method, the real name of the logged-in user, the type of the
performed analysis (measurement mode) and the current system state. The
buttons allows activation and deactivation of the Analytical View panels (
Sample Properties, Sample Identification, Analysis Results, Grade
Search Results). The / button indicates the current system status ( OK,
failure) and activates the Diagnosis View.

Note: The Analysis View is manifoldly customizable by settings of the

application profile. The below description and illustrations correspond to
the default application profile configuration. The common deviations from
the default setting are remarked.

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Push the F5 key or click on the Edit Smp toolbar button to open the Sample
Identification dialog.

After entering the required sample identification, accept the entry by a click on the
Accept toolbar button or by pushing the keyboard ENTER key in the last line of
the dialog. The sample identification is completed and the dialog closes. The
entered sample identification appears in the Analysis View.

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A click on the Cancel toolbar button would discard the just entered sample
identification and preserve the previous one.
Note: The configuration of the sample identification format is described in
the section Sample IDs of the paragraph Application Profiles.
To perform a measurement, push the F2 key or click on the Start button in the
toolbar. If the option cleaning flush is installed and activated on your instrument
the following dialog could appear on the screen. For setup the cleaning flush
have a look in the config file Instrument_Settings.xcfg section ArFlush.

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After the optional cleaning flush has been performed the cleaning flush dialog
disappears automatically and the progress of the measurement sequence is
visualized in the status bar.

A click on the Stop button or pushing the F3 key during the measurement is
processing, would abort the measurement.
Note: If the APF (Automatic Method Selection) is active, the appropriate
method is loaded during or immediately after the measurement.
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The below illustration shows the Analysis View after three measurements have
been performed.

Note: Depending on the display configuration only single measurements,

only the last measurement or only statistics (average, standard deviation
and relative standard deviation) can be made visible. See the section
Display of the paragraph Application Profiles for the display configuration
By default, all single measurements (1, 2, 3 , …) and their statistics (averages
<x>) are visible for each element.
It is important to consider, that the displayed values of single measurements as
well as of statistics (reported values) may deviate from values evaluated originally
by the analytical system. This is the case, when the evaluated value exceeds the
corresponding range defined in analytical method. Then, instead of the evaluated
value the exceeded limit value is displayed. Such results are marked by < (under
range) or > (over range) sign and by a foreground color.
Note: It is possible to display averages of the originally evaluated values
(Mean). See the section Display of the paragraph Application Profiles for
configuration details.

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The presentation of the sample analysis results can be switched between four
modes: Default, Mean, Mean/RSD and Single. Use the corresponding buttons in
the toolbar or the keyboard shortcut keys for temporary selection to the requested

 Mean (key E): simple statistics (averages without standard and relative
standard deviations) is shown.

 Mean/RSD (key V): complete statistics (averages, standard and relative

standard deviations) is shown.

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 Single (key B): Only single measurements are shown.

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 Default (Escape): The display returns to the default mode preset in the
application profile.

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Note: For the configuration of fonts and colors signalizing the states of
displayed values as well as for the composition of the statistics rows
(reported/mean values, limits, SD and RSD) see the Fonts and Colors in the
section Display of the paragraph Application Profiles.
The Analysis View allows limited manipulation of the presented results. It is
possible to delete and undelete single measurements for elimination of outliers
from statistics calculations. In certain circumstances the displayed (reported)
analysis results can be corrected manually.
 Single measurement deletion
To delete a single measurement, select the requested measurement
and push the key D or Del at the keyboard (if the Delete/Undelete
button is activated in the application profile, the Delete button appears
on the single measurement selection and can be used alternatively).
The deleted single measurement is not removed from the view but
displayed “strikethrough”.
Note: Even the deleted single measurement results are not
SPECTRO Analytical Instruments GmbH 138 of 228

considered in the statistics calculation, they stay a solid

component of the sample analysis results.

 Single measurement undeleting

To undelete a single measurement select the requested (deleted)
measurement and push the key D or Alt-Backspace at the keyboard (if
the Delete/Undelete button is activated in the application profile, the
Undelete button appears on the deleted measurement selection and
can be used alternatively).
 Manual correction of analysis result

Note: The functionality of the manual results correction has to be

explicitly activated in the analytical method. For configuration
details and the value correction process see the section Element
Extensions of the paragraph Methods.

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To finish the analysis, push the button Finish in the toolbar or push the key F9 at
the keyboard.
Note: If activated in the application profile, the automatic printout and
export of the sample analysis results occurs, when the sample analysis
The Analysis View is cleared and another analysis can be performed.

Note: It is possible to preserve results of a sample analysis from being

removed from the Analysis View after the sample analysis has finished. See
the Current Analysis Result Cleaning in the section Display of the
paragraph Application Profiles for configuration details.
Note: If activated in the application profile, the Sample Identification dialog
can be displayed automatically, after the sample analysis has finished. See
the section Sample IDs of the paragraph Application Profiles for
configuration details.

If activated in the loaded application profile, the button Output in the toolbar
provides the opportunity to manipulate the output settings of the application
profile without deletion of the already performed measurements of the current
sample. For the possibilities to modify the output settings please have a look on
the paragraph Edit Existing Application Profile sections Display, Print,
Export, Formatting. Automatic Reproducibility Test

SPECTRO Analytical Instruments GmbH 140 of 228


Automatic reproducibility test is used for verification of the single measurements

(replicates) reproducibility and automatic elimination or marking of outliers.
Note: As default, the reproducibility test procedure uses reported
concentration values (<x>). However, the evaluated concentrations are
used, if the settings parameter UseReportedConcentrations in the section
ReproTest of the Business_Settings.xcfg is set False.
The criteria for the automatic reproducibility test are to be configured in the
analytical method (see the section Automatic Repro Test of the paragraph
Note: The automatic reproducibility test is a feature of the application
profile (see the section Analytical in the paragraph Application Profiles) and
has to be active for the below procedure.
The general status of the automatic reproducibility test of the current analysis is
shown in the Sample Properties panel of the Analysis view in the field Repro
Test. The possible states are Inconclusive, Failed or OK.
Note: You may need to activate the Sample Properties panel with a click on
the button in the status bar.

The detailed results of the reproducibility test are presented in the Analytical
Results panel by marking outliers.

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During the analysis, the single measurements reproducibility is tested for the first
time, when the count of single measurements reaches the preset minimum.
When the outliers are ignored at the statistics calculations and the reproducibility
test result is Inconclusive or Failed, the statistics is not displayed.

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Depending on the configuration of the test, the single element values or entire
single measurements are interpreted and marked as outliers. The outliers can be
considered or ignored at the calculation of the statistics (averages).

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Note: See the Fonts and Colors in the section Display of the paragraph
Application Profiles for configuration of fonts, colors and prefixes used to
mark outliers.
As default following font and colors are used for marking the outlier values and
outlier measurements.
Meaning Display
Outlier value. O 0.151
Non-outlier value in an outlier single measurement. 0.151 Grade Verification

The Grade Verification is used for checking, if the analyzed sample belongs to a
specified grade. For the grade specification special fields (grade norm and grade
name) of the Sample Identification are used.
Note: When the grade verification function is activated in the application
profile, the sample identification fields for Grade Norm and Grade Name are
added automatically to the Sample IDs definition.
The parameters controlling the grade verification process are preset in the
application profile. See the section Grade ID of the paragraph Application
Profiles for configuration details.
An analysis with grade verification starts by opening of the sample identification
dialog (F5 key on the keyboard) and specification of the norm and name of a
grade to be verified. The specification effects by selection from the lists of
predefined norms and grades.
Note: If only one norm is used in the scope of the instrument, the Grade
Norm is not necessary and can be removed from the Sample IDs definition.

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Note: If at the sample identification the field Grade Norm is used, it should
be filled before selecting the Grade Name.
The grade choice in the Sample Identification dialog is predefined in the Grade
Library of the instrument (see the paragraph Grades). However the currently
loaded analytical method can limit the grade selection. See the sections Grade
Filters and Grade Relations in the paragraph Methods for possible limitations.
After acceptance of the entered sample identification (button Accept in the
toolbar) the measurements can be started with a click on the button Start in the
toolbar or by pushing the key F2 at the keyboard.
Note that when the user attempts to start the first measurement and the required
grade specification in the sample identification is missing, a warning message

SPECTRO Analytical Instruments GmbH 145 of 228


Then it is possible to ignore the message (button Yes) and continue the analysis
without grade verification (the button Start of the key F2 needs to be actuated
once more). If the button No is clicked, the Sample Identification dialog opens
and the user is requested to identify the sample.
After each measurement the grade verification is performed automatically.
Depending on the configuration, the verification concerns the last single
measurement results or the average results.

SPECTRO Analytical Instruments GmbH 146 of 228


If any element concentration exceeds the control limits of the grade, the Grade
verification failed message is displayed and has to be confirmed by a click on
the Close button.

As default the limits used for grade verification are displayed above and below
the average (reported) values (<x>).
Depending on settings in the application profile, the Warning/Internal (W. Min and
W. Max) or Acceptance/External (A. Min and A. Max) Limits of the specified
grade are used. However the used limits type can be dynamically modified in the
measurement view. The corresponding option Use Ext/Int Grade Limits may
need to be activated in the section Function Keys of the application profile.
Note: For the configuration of fonts and colors signalizing the states of
displayed values as well as for the composition of the statistics rows
(reported/mean values, limits, SD and RSD) see the Fonts and Colors in the
section Display of the paragraph Application Profiles.
As default following font and colors are used for marking the results of the grade
Meaning Display
Grade verification succeeded for external limits. The 1.23
concentration value is within the grade limits.
Grade verification failed for external limits. The 1.23 +
concentration value exceeds the grade upper limit.
Grade verification failed for external limits. The 1.23 -
concentration value exceeds the grade lower limit.
SPECTRO Analytical Instruments GmbH 147 of 228

Grade verification succeeded for internal limits. The 1.23

concentration value is within the grade limits.
Grade verification failed for internal limits. The 1.23 +
concentration value exceeds the grade upper limit.
Grade verification failed for internal limits. The 1.23 -
concentration value exceeds the grade lower limit.

Note: By modification of the grade specification in the sample

identification, the verification of the analysis results by another grade is
done automatically. However, in this case the Grade verification failed
message is not provided, when the verification fails. Grade Search

The Grade Search facilitates the identification of the currently measured material.
During grade search the element concentrations of the current analysis results
and the grade limits are compared. Results of the grade search are presented in
form of the found grades list. The list is ordered by the internally evaluated
probability of the grade match. The most probably grade is placed at the top.
Note: When the grade search function is activated in the application profile,
the sample identification fields for Grade Norm and Grade Name are added
automatically to the Sample IDs definition.
The parameters controlling the grade search process are preset in the application
profile. See the section Grade ID of the paragraph Application Profiles for
configuration details.
An analysis with grade search starts by opening the sample identification dialog
(F5 key on the keyboard) and specifying the name of a grade norm to be verified.
The grade norm specification effects by selection from the list of predefined
Note: If only one norm is used in the scope of the instrument, the Grade
Norm is not necessary and can be removed from the Sample IDs definition.

SPECTRO Analytical Instruments GmbH 148 of 228


After acceptance of the entered sample identification (button Accept in the

toolbar) the measurements can be started with a click on the button Start in the
toolbar or by pushing the key F2 at the keyboard.
If the automatic grade search is activated in the application profile, after each
measurement the grade search is performed automatically. Depending on the
configuration, the verification concerns the last single measurement results or the
average results.

SPECTRO Analytical Instruments GmbH 149 of 228


If the automatic grade search is not activated in the application profile, the grade
search can be started manually with the click on the button Srch Grade in the
toolbar or by pushing the key Ctrl-F at the keyboard. The grade search concerns
then the selected results (single measurement or averages).
Note: You may need to activate the Srch Grade button at the Function Keys
page of the Application Profile Editor.

The found grades are presented in the Grade Search Results panel, which is
activated automatically by the search process. Note that in the Grade Search
Results panel the results corresponding to the results selected in the Analysis
Results panel are displayed. If the grade search was not performed for the
selected analysis results or the search process didn’t find any matching grade,
the list in the Grade Search Results panel is empty.
The result of the grade search may contain multiple grades. Any grade in the list
may be manually assigned to the current analysis results with a click on the
Apply Grade button in the toolbar. If the sample identification of the current result
contains the Grade Name field, the name of the selected grade is also put to the
field and the grade verification performed automatically.

SPECTRO Analytical Instruments GmbH 150 of 228


The check sign at the assigned grade name indicates which grade is currently
assigned to the sample analysis results.

Note: You may need to activate the Apply Grade button at the Function
Keys page of the Application Profile Editor.

SPECTRO Analytical Instruments GmbH 151 of 228

The APF (Automatic Method Selection) is used for finding the most optimal
analytical method for analysis of the measured sample and thus, for improvement
of the analysis accuracy.
The first measurement of a sample is performed in an orientation method. Then,
based on the obtained results, a corresponding, more precise sub method is
automatically selected and the results are reevaluated using the measured
The analytical configuration of the APF procedure has to be done in the APF
Editor. See the section APF in paragraph Settings for details.
The general activation of the APF analysis is provided in the application profile.

Note: In an application profile, where the APF is activated, only an

orientation method can be preset as the start-up method.
Depending on the requested search procedure at the APF analysis, one of in
three APF modes can be selected at the configuration of the application profile:
Full Automatic, Semi Automatic and Single Measurement. See the section
Analytical in the paragraph Methods for configuration details.
Note: The APF procedure searches for an analytical sub method fitting the
best to the results of the evaluation with the orientation method. If there is
no sub method matching the results, a warning message appears and the
orientation method is assumed as the best one.

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SPECTRO Full Automatic APF Analysis

To perform the Full Automatic APF analysis, activate the Automatic Mode
Selection (checkbox APF) and the APF Mode (button Full Automatic) in the
application profile. Then preset an appropriate orientation method as the startup
method of the profile.

SPECTRO Analytical Instruments GmbH 153 of 228


Start a new sample analysis. The first measurement is performed with the preset
orientation method.

Immediately after the measurement has finished, another, better fitting sub
method is loaded automatically. The analysis results are then reevaluated and
presented corresponding to the automatically selected sub method.

SPECTRO Analytical Instruments GmbH 154 of 228


The successive single measurements of the analysis are performed in the

automatically selected sub method. Only after the analysis has been finished
(button Finish or key F9), the startup method of the application profile
(orientation method) is reloaded. Then the next analysis begins again with the
APF procedure. Semi Automatic APF Analysis

To perform the Semi Automatic APF analysis, activate the Automatic Mode
Selection (checkbox APF) and the APF Mode (button Semi Automatic) in the
application profile. Then preset an appropriate orientation method as the startup
method of the profile.

Start a new sample analysis. The first measurement is performed in the preset
orientation method.

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Immediately after the measurement has finished, another, better fitting sub
method is loaded automatically. The analysis results are then reevaluated and
presented corresponding to the automatically selected sub method.

All following measurements and analyses are then performed in the automatically
selected sub method. Reloading of the startup method of the application profile
(orientation method) has to be performed manually. Only then the next analysis
begins again with the APF procedure.
SPECTRO Analytical Instruments GmbH 156 of 228
SPECTRO Single Measurement APF Analysis

To perform the Single Measurement APF analysis, activate the Automatic Mode
Selection (checkbox APF) and the APF Mode (button Single Measurement) in
the application profile. Then preset an appropriate orientation method as the
startup method of the profile.

Start a new sample analysis. The single measurement is performed in the preset
orientation method.

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Immediately after the measurement has finished, another, better fitting sub
method is loaded automatically. The analysis results are reevaluated and
presented corresponding to the automatically selected sub method. Then the
analysis is finished automatically.
Note: The results presentation of the Single Measurement APF Analysis is
always prolonged up to the start of the next analysis.

 The start of the next measurement reloads the startup method of the
application profile (the orientation method) and starts a new analysis. The APF
procedure is repeated again. Type Correction

The Type Correction is used to improve the accuracy of the analytical results.
The concentration improvements are possible in small concentration ranges
corresponding to element concentrations of the used type standard. The
necessary type standard is expected to be analyzed before, in the process of the
Type Standardization, which evaluates the type correction coefficients.
The type correction can be activated by selection of the requested type standard.
The list of available type standards is accessible by a click on the button Type
Corr in the toolbar button or by pushing the key F8 at the keyboard.

SPECTRO Analytical Instruments GmbH 158 of 228


After the type correction has been activated, the name of the selected type
standard is displayed in the Sample Properties panel of the Analysis view, in the
field Type Standard. The field Correction Mode switches from None to Type
Note: You may need to activate the Sample Properties panel with a click on
the button in the status bar.
After selection of the type standard, the measurements can be started with a click
on the button Start in the toolbar or by pushing the key F2 at the keyboard.

SPECTRO Analytical Instruments GmbH 159 of 228


The results presentation in the Analysis Results panel is switched automatically

to the Type Corr. Conc. display mode.
The type corrected element concentrations are marked by the Type Corr. Conc.
indicators placed blow the element name. The element concentrations, which are
not type corrected (e.g. since the selected type standard does not contain the
corresponding definitions), preserve their common Conc. indicators.
The type correction of the current sample analysis results can be activated,
modified or deactivated until the analysis has been finished. For modification or
deactivation of the type correction, select another type standard or the empty
entry in the type correction list. The type correction is then updated immediately. Type Standardization

The Type Standardization is an ultimate condition for the Type Correction of the
analysis results. Within the type standardization the necessary correction
coefficients are evaluated.
Note: The Type Correction is used to improve the accuracy of the analytical
results. The concentration improvements are possible in small
concentration ranges corresponding to element concentrations of the used
type standard.
For performing of the type standardization, type standards have to be defined in
the analytical method. See the section Type Standards of the paragraph
Methods for configuration details.
The type sample standardization is started with a click on the button Type Stdz in
the toolbar or by pushing the key Shft-F8 at the keyboard.

SPECTRO Analytical Instruments GmbH 160 of 228


In the list Select Type Standard the defined type standards (Sample Name) with
the time of their last analysis (Measure Date) are shown. To choose the standard
for the type standardization, double click on the requested standard name in the
list or select it and click on the button Apply below.

The name of the chosen standard appears in the header of the Analysis Result

SPECTRO Analytical Instruments GmbH 161 of 228


To start the measurement, click on the button Start in the toolbar or push the key
F2 at the keyboard.

The limits used for type standardization are displayed above (acceptance
minimum A.Min) and below (acceptance maximum A.Max) the average values
Note: For the configuration of fonts and colors signalizing the states of
displayed values as well as for the composition of the statistics rows
SPECTRO Analytical Instruments GmbH 162 of 228

(reported/mean values, limits, SD and RSD) see the Fonts and Colors in the
section Display of the paragraph Application Profiles.
As default following font and colors are used for marking the results of the type
standardization analysis.
Meaning Display
Acceptance limit verification succeeded. The 1.23
concentration value is within the type standard limits.
Acceptance limit verification failed. The concentration 1.23+
value exceeds the type standard upper limit.
Acceptance limit verification failed. The concentration 1.23-
value exceeds the type standard lower limit.

A predefined count of single measurements needs to be performed, before the

type standardization can be finished. At an attempt to finish the analysis before, a
corresponding warning message appears.

When the minimal count of single measurements has been reached, the analysis
of the type standard can be finished with a click on the button Finish or by
pushing the key F9 at the keyboard
After finishing the analysis, the Type Standardization Results dialog appears.

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Element concentrations exceeding the acceptance limits are marked by a red

background. The correction coefficients cannot be accepted and have to be
discarded. With a click on the button Discard the type standardization is finished.
Note: The printout of failed type standardization results is possible.
When all element concentrations match the predefined acceptance limits of the
type standard, the Accept button is available in the toolbar to confirm the type
correction coefficients.

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The type standardization results contain the following columns:

 Element: Name of the element
 Result OK: Flag indicating that the analysis result of this element
matches the acceptance limits, both for the concentration and for the
 Measured: Flag indicating that this element has been analyzed. If the
method doesn’t contain an element define in the type standard
definition, the type standardization fails.
 Unit: Display unit of this element
 Set Concentration: Certified concentration of this element in the type
 Min. Accept. Concentration: Lower acceptance limit of this element in
the used type standard (this value can be empty, if it is not defined).
 Measured Concentration: Result of the type standard analysis for this
 Max. Accept. Concentration: Upper acceptance limit of this element in
the used type standard (this value can be empty, if it is not defined).
 Measured RSD: RSD of single measurement results of this element
 Max. Accept. RSD: Upper RSD acceptance limit single measurement
results for this element (this value can be empty, if it is not defined)
 Correction Value: Evaluated correction value of this element. It will be
applied at the Type Correction process. The meaning of this value
depends The status of the flag Apply Offset decide, how the
Correction Value will be used at the type correction process.
 Apply Offset: Flag indicating, how the Correction Value will be used in
the type correction process.
 Checked: The Correction Value is a concentration value.
This value will be added to the measured element
concentration in the type correction process.
 Unchecked: The Correction Value is a coefficient. With this
value the measured element concentration will be multiplied
in the type correction process.

With a click on the button Accept the type standardization finishes and the
analyzed type standard is added to the list of available and valid type corrections.

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SPECTRO Control Standard Test

The Control Standard Tests is used to verify the accuracy of the spectrometer.
For performing of the control standard test, control standards have to be defined
in the analytical method. See the section Control Standards of the paragraph
Methods for configuration details.
The control standard test is started with a click on the button Ctrl Test in the
toolbar or by pushing the key Shft-F11 at the keyboard.

SPECTRO Analytical Instruments GmbH 166 of 228


In the list Select Standard Sample the defined control standards (Sample
Name) with the time of their last analysis (Measure Date) are shown. To choose
the standard for the control standard test, double click on the requested standard
name in the list or select it and click on the button Apply below.

The name of the chosen standard appears in the header of the Analysis Result

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To start the measurement, click on the button Start in the toolbar or push the key
F2 at the keyboard.

The limits used for control standard test are displayed above (acceptance
minimum A.Min) and below (acceptance maximum A.Max) the average values
Note: For the configuration of fonts and colors signalizing the states of
displayed values as well as for the composition of the statistics rows
(reported/mean values, limits, SD and RSD) see the Fonts and Colors in the
section Display of the paragraph Application Profiles.
As default following font and colors are used for marking the results of the control
standard test analysis.
Meaning Display
Acceptance limit verification succeeded. The 1.23
concentration value is within the control standard limits.
Acceptance limit verification failed. The concentration 1.23-
value exceeds the control standard upper limit.
Acceptance limit verification failed. The concentration 1.23+
value exceeds the control standard lower limit.

A predefined count of single measurements needs to be performed, before the

control standard test can be finished. At an attempt to finish the analysis before, a
corresponding warning message appears.

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When the minimal count of single measurements has been reached, the analysis
can be finished with a click on the button Finish or by pushing the key F9 at the

After the analysis has been finished, the next control standard is selected
automatically and the control test can be continued.

SPECTRO Analytical Instruments GmbH 169 of 228


Note: If any element concentration exceeds the acceptance limits, when the
analysis is finished, the warning message Control Standard Test failed
appears and has to be confirmed by a click on the Close button.

If the last control standard has been finished, the control standard test finishes

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Note: Before start of the next sample analysis the control standard test can
be finished manually with a click on the Finish button below the list of the
control standards. Options Analysis Calculation Steps
The Analysis View can be used to trace the single calculation steps of the
analysis result calculations, from raw intensities up to concentrations (if applied,
up to type corrected concentrations).
Switching between presentation of the analysis results at different calculation
levels effects by pushing the – or + keys on the keyboard or by using the context
menu on the Analysis Results panel.

Note: To open the context menu hover the pointer over the top left cell of
the Analysis Result panel.
The analysis results on the following calculation levels can be presented:
 Type Cor. Conc.: Type corrected element concentrations
 Conc.: Element concentrations
 Line Conc.: Line concentrations
 Uncorr. Conc.: Uncorrected line concentrations

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 Conc. Ratio: Line concentration ratios

 Stdz.Int.: Standardized line intensities
 Int.Ratio: Line intensity ratios
 BG.Corr.Int.: Background corrected line intensities
 Raw Int.: Line raw intensities Value Signs and Colors

The Analysis View visualizes status information of displayed result values
(failures, limit violations, deletions etc.). The below list specifies the default colors
as well as the prefix and appendix characters used to mark the different value

Status Display
Deleted Value 1.23
Analytical Error (the reference line intensity exceeds A 1.23 !
Math Error (the concentration calculation failed) M 1.23 !
Overflow (any related lines pixel region is saturated) O 1.23 !
Extended Status Inhomogeneous (not used) | 1.23
Extended Status Modified (the concentration was M 1.23
modified manually by the user)
Extended Status Outlier (the concentration is an outlier O 1.23
at the automatic reproducibility test)
Acceptance In Range (the concentration is within limits 1.23
at control standard test, type standardization or
verification of external grade limits)
Acceptance Over Range (the concentration exceeds 1.23 +
the upper limit at control standard test, type
standardization or verification of external grade limits)
Acceptance Under Range (the concentration exceeds 1.23 -
lower limit at control standard test, type standardization
or verification of external grade limits)
Acceptance Inconclusive (the concentration exceeds ? 1.23
the upper calibration limit; the reported concentration is
within limits at verification of external grade limits)
Warning In Range (the concentration is within limits at 1.23
verification of internal grade limits)

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Warning Over Range (the concentration exceeds upper 1.23 +

limit at verification of internal grade limits)
Warning Under Range (the concentration exceeds 1.23 -
lower limit at verification of internal grade limits)
Warning Inconclusive (the concentration exceeds the ? 1.23
upper calibration limit; the reported concentration is
within limits at verification of internal grade limits)
Calibration Out Of Range (no line in the line switch <> 1.23
order has a valid concentration; one line concentration is
above its limit and the other is below its limit)
Calibration Over Range (the concentration exceeds the > 1.23
upper calibration limit)
Calibration Under Range (the concentration exceeds < 1.23
the lower calibration limit)

Note: Within the application profile, it is possible to customize the font,

foreground color, background color, prefix and appendix for each value
status separately.

In addition to the visualization of the value states by fonts and colors, the
corresponding tooltip information is provided. To display the tooltip hover the
pointer over the value of interest. Result Rows

The following list describes headers of the possible Analysis Result rows in the
Analysis View:

Description Row Name

Row for a single measurement 1, 2, 3, …
Row for average values of single measurement values Mean
(deleted values are not considered in the average
Row for reported average values (reported average <x>
values are principally identical to the average values in
the Mean row, however the average values exceeding
SPECTRO Analytical Instruments GmbH 173 of 228

the predefined concentration limits are replaced with the

exceeded limit values)
Row for the standard deviations of the single SD
measurement values
Row for the relative standard deviation of the single RSD
measurement values
Row for the standard deviation acceptance limits A. SD Max.
Row for the lower calibration limits Cal. Min
Row for the upper calibration limits Cal. Max
Row for the lower acceptance (external) limits (used at A. Min
control standard test, type standardization and grade
Row for the upper acceptance (external) limits (used at A. Max
control standard test, type standardization and grade
Row for the lower warning (internal) limits (used at grade W. Min
Row for the upper warning (internal) limits (used at W. Max
grade verification)

Note: Within the application profile, it is possible to customize the visibility

and order of the rows. Recent Results Presentation

Principally results of only one analysis ate presented at the Analysis View. They
are then removed from the screen, as soon as the analysis has been finished
with a click on the Finish button or by pushing the F9 key at the keyboard.
However, depending on the settings in the application profile, the results can be
presented up to the start of the next analysis or even permanently pinned in the
Analysis View. Prolonged Results Presentation

To prolong the results presentation over the end of a sample analysis, adapt the
option Current Analysis Result Cleaning in the Application Profile Editor. If the
When next analysis starts is activated, the analysis results are removed from
the Analysis View only after the first measurement of the next analysis starts.

SPECTRO Analytical Instruments GmbH 174 of 228

SPECTRO Multiple Results Presentation

The function of pinning results at the Analysis View allows viewing results of
previous analyses during and after analyses of successive samples.
To activate this function set the option Current Analysis Result Cleaning to
When next analysis starts and preset the count of Max. pinned results to a
value higher than 0.

SPECTRO Analytical Instruments GmbH 175 of 228


Then, after the analysis has been finished, but is still available in the Analysis
View, you can use the function Pin Results and preserve the shown results from
being removed from the view on start of the next analysis.

Note: You may need to activate the results pinning related function buttons
in the section Function Keys of the Application Profile Editor.

SPECTRO Analytical Instruments GmbH 176 of 228


The results pinned at the Analysis View are marked by the pin sign and can be
displayed at the usual modes (Single, Mean, Mean/RSD and Default) and
calculation levels (Type Corr. Conc., Conc., Line Conc. etc).
They can also be removed from the view individually (button Remove) or
generally (button Remove All).

If multiple results are pinned in the Analysis View, displaying of the corresponding
sample identifications can be activated (button Show/Hide IDs).

SPECTRO Analytical Instruments GmbH 177 of 228


The pinning of results can also occur automatically, either when the analysis
finishes or when the next analysis starts. To activate this function, check the
option Pin results automatically in the section Display of the Application Profile
Editor. Function Buttons

SPECTRO Analytical Instruments GmbH 178 of 228


The toolbar at the bottom of the Analysis View provides buttons for activation of
the available system functions. The functions availability depends on the current
analysis context and user’s permissions.
Additionally the functions availability and the corresponding buttons visibility can
be customized in section Function Keys of the Application Profile Editor.

Note: If a function is available in an analysis context and Enabled in the

application profile, its toolbar button can be invisible due to deactivation of
its Tool Bar flag. However the corresponding functionality can be used by
pushing the shortcut key at the keyboard.
The following list specifies the available function buttons.

Opens the Sample Identification dialog.

Note: Numeric fields of the sample identification
 can be entered only before the first measurement
of the analysis.

Start a measurement

Stops the running measurement

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Starts the Argon flush of the spark stand

Note: The flush time dependents on the

configuration settings.

Stops the Argon flush process

Deletes the currently selected single measurement.

Undeletes the currently selected single measurement.

Starts the grade search for the currently selected single

measurement results or the average results.
 Note: If multiple norms are available, selection from
the available norms list is provided.
Applies manually the grade selected in the Grade
Search Results panel to the current sample analysis
Note: The best matching grade is assigned
automatically to the analysis results by the grade
 search process.
Note: The reassignment of the grade documents
merely the operator’s choice and doesn’t start any
results verification.
Finished the current analysis
Note: Depending on the settings of the application
 profile, analysis finishing can activate printout and
export of the analysis results.
Discards the current analysis
Note: Results of the discarded analysis are neither

printed nor exported.

Opens a list of available methods and loads the

 selected one.

Starts printout of the currently presented results of the

sample analysis (Conc., Line Conc. etc.)

SPECTRO Analytical Instruments GmbH 180 of 228


Starts export of the current analysis results

Shows the simplified analysis statistics (reported

average values and available limits).

Shows the complete analysis statistics (reported

average values, available limits, standard deviations
 and relative standard deviations).

Shows the single measurement values.

Resets the Analysis Results panel to its default


Opens the iCALization View to perform the iCALization.

Activates the type standardization.

Opens a list of available type corrections and activates

the selected one.

Activates the control standard tests.

Selects and activates the remote control mode of the


Activates the facility for modification of the

standardization factor and offset of the loaded method.
Note: The modification of factors and offsets is
provided for a manual adjustment of the calculated
 concentrations to the values certified in the
reference material. The modifications have to be
stored (Store button) to keep the values

SPECTRO Analytical Instruments GmbH 181 of 228


Note: The modified standardization data are valid

only within the Routine Measurement program. If
the standardization data are adjusted in the Method
Development program, the standardization data in
the Routine Measurement program have to be reset
Activates the facility for modification of the PreTask
times of the loaded method.
Note: The modification of the PreTask times is
 provided for temporary adjustment only. The
modifications are rejected automatically, when the
same or another method is loaded.

Toggles visibility of the Grade Search Results panel

Toggles visibility of the Analysis Results panel

Toggles visibility of the Sample Identification panel

Pins the current analysis results in the Analysis Results


Removes the selected pinned analysis results from the

 Analysis Results panel

Removes the all pinned analysis results from the

Analysis Results panel

Toggles visibility of sample identifications of the pinned

analysis results in the Analysis Results panel

Gives access to the application profile’s output
parameters to modify the output of the current results. Status Bar

SPECTRO Analytical Instruments GmbH 182 of 228


The status bar at the bottom of the measurement screen informs the user briefly
about the instrument state. It contains following information:

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 , 8,9,10,11,12

1. Measurement progress of the current measurement phase

2. Measurement progress of the complete single measurement
3. Name of the loaded method
4. Name of the loaded application profile.
5. Real name of the user currently logged in
6. The actual analysis mode
7. The current status of the measurement system or, during measurement,
the name of the current measurement phase
8. Button toggling the visibility of the Sample Properties panel
9. Button toggling the visibility of the Sample Identification panel
10. Button toggling the visibility of the Analysis Results panel
11. Button toggling the visibility of the Grade Search Results panel
12. Button activating the Instrument Diagnosis View. Its red color indicates any
instrument errors. Its green, if all instrument devices are working correctly.

SPECTRO Analytical Instruments GmbH 183 of 228


2.2.2 iCALization
The iCALization is a procedure to ensure the optimal performance of the optical
detection system. Performing an iCALization

To perform an ICalization, activate the iCAL View by using the home view clicking
on the iCAL icon.

The iCAL View can also be activated using a function key F7 or a toolbar button
iCAL from within the Analysis View.

SPECTRO Analytical Instruments GmbH 184 of 228


The sample to be analyzed will be shown at the top of the view written in red
foreground color.

A click on the Flush toolbar button will start an additional flush time.

SPECTRO Analytical Instruments GmbH 185 of 228


A click on the Last Result toolbar button opens a view presenting the current
successful iCALization result.
Start a measurement by a click on the Start (F2) button or the appropriate
accelerator key. The measurement process can be aborted by pushing the Stop
(F3) button.

SPECTRO Analytical Instruments GmbH 186 of 228


Perform a measurement repeatedly until the required numbers of single

measurements have been performed. In this case, the push buttons Accept and
Reject will be presented in the toolbar indicating that the iCALization can be
accepted or rejected now.
If at least one single measurement has been performed, it is possible to delete or
undelete the currently selected single measurement by the Delete (D)
respectively Undelete (D) toolbar button at the bottom of the screen. Deleted
replicate measurements will be displayed by striking out the intensity value.
A deleted measurement will be excluded from the calculated average and thus
from the iCALization.
The iCALization result of the average can be verified at any time, pushing the
button in the status bar. The iCALization result view will be explained in

SPECTRO Analytical Instruments GmbH 187 of 228

SPECTRO Failed iCALization.

The selected replicate measurement can be changed by using the navigation

keys on the keyboard or by a left mouse click on the appropriate row.
All measurements can be discarded by pushing the Discard button, if e.g. it’s
necessary to prepare the sample once again or a wrong sample has been
After accepting the iCALization the following dialog will be displayed.

The origin screen (home screen or analysis view) will be displayed, after closing
the dialog.

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SPECTRO iCAL Errors Failed Single Measurement

A single measurement fails, if the average intensity of at least one detector

exceeds the predefined limits or some other failures occurred during the
iCALization of the single measurement. Such a single measurement will be
deleted automatically.
It is necessary to perform one more single measurement for each deleted
replicate to exceed the required number of single measurement for the
iCALization acceptance. Failed iCALization

The iCALization of the average spectrum will be performed after each replicate,
too. This iCALization can fail caused by different reasons, which can be
inspected in the iCAL protocol.

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Open the protocol by a click on the failed detector in the Pending

iCALization Result view.

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The row ChipID of the selected detector gets focused and scrolled in the visual
range. The average chip intensities of previous measurements will be shown for
comparison with the actual pending result.
To display more details, push the More Details toolbar button in the header of
the Pending iCALization Result view.

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The following additional control parameters will be shown:

 Correlation: Correlation of the intensities of the measured spectrum
with the intensities of the reference spectrum. The optimum value is 1.0.
The acceptance limit is displayed in the column Min. Correlation.
 Intensity Ratio: Ratio of the current average detector intensity and the
average detector intensity of the reference spectrum. The acceptance
limits are displayed in the columns Min. Intensity Ratio and Max.
Intensity Ratio.
 Peak Deviation: Quantified deviation of the iCAL peaks of the
measured spectrum compared with the peaks of the reference
spectrum. The optimum value is 0.0. The acceptance limit is displayed
in the column Max. Peak Deviation.
The iCALization can be rejected by pushing the Reject button in the toolbar. Also
it is possible to force the application to use failed iCALization, but this isn’t
recommended and should be done only if there are low variances to the limits.
If the failed iCALization has been rejected the last successful iCALization will be

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After closing the dialog, the origin screen (home screen or analysis view) will be
displayed. Plasma Assessment

The Plasma Assessment feature indicates changes in the iCAL spectra caused
by altered excitation conditions.
To avoid iCALization based on invalid measurements the recorded spectra are
rated and compared with predetermined set values. If any spectra assessment
limit has been exceeded, but the changes are within acceptable ranges, a
warning box is displayed on iCALization acceptance. To guarantee that the
detected changes have no influence on the analytical performance of the
instrument, it is recommended to perform a Control Standard Test. If the
analyses of these control standards are within their limits the spectra assessment
set values should be actualized with the determined spectra assessment values.
This can be done by calling Adapt Plasma Assessment Values in the home
If the detected changes of the spectra assessment values are not acceptable an
error box appears and the single measurement will be deleted automatically. In
this case the iCALization can’t be accepted and must be rejected.
Note: Possible reasons for changed spectra assessment values are bad
Argon quality, insufficient flushing of the spark stand, wrong electrode
distance, wrong iCAL sample or bad sample preparation.

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2.3 Maintenance and Service

2.3.1 System Diagnosis

The System Diagnosis signalizes and visualizes the operational status of the
The general status of the instrument is signaled permanently and visible in all
More detailed information about the instrument components is available in the
System Diagnosis View. General Instrument Status

The general status of the instrument is indicated permanently by a LED symbol in
the status bar. The status bar is visible in all views.

If the instrument is ready for use the LED symbol is green. On any device error,
the LED symbol color changes to red.
Note: Depending on the user’s permissions, the measurement start in the
error state of the instrument may be disabled.

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Additionally, the LED symbol in the status bar serves as a button opening the
System Diagnosis View. System Diagnosis View

The System Diagnosis View presents information about status of the instrument
Following instrument components are provided for the detailed diagnosis:
 Readout System
 EK_0014 (main electronic I/O board)
 Air Optics
 UV Optics
 Plasma Generator
 Spark Stand
 Clamp
 Power Supply
 Argon Supply
 Argon Exit System
 Air Filter
 Hydrosorb
The System Diagnosis View can be opened manually with a click on the LED
symbol in the status bar or, only in the Analysis View, by pushing I key at the
Note: The shortcut key opening the System Diagnosis View from the
Analysis View is defined in the application profile (section Function Keys)
and may differ depending on the user’s settings.
On error detection the System Diagnosis View opens automatically. If an error is
detected during the instrument standby, the view appears immediately. On error
detection during a measurement process, the view is displayed as soon as the
measurement has been finished.

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Note: If on the start of the software any error has been detected, the System
Diagnosis View opens immediately. The encountered errors are listed in the
message table beneath the iconized instrument presentation. Additionally,
an omnibus message box specifying software initialization errors can

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The instrument components visualized by the System Diagnosis are represented

by colored graphics on the background of the iconized instrument picture.
Coloring of the graphics signals the current state of the corresponding
 Green: Component status is Ok. All parameters are within provided
 Red: Component status is not Ok. Concerning error information can be
displayed in the table beneath the iconized instrument presentation.
 Yellow: Component status is undefined or the component maintenance
is requested.
By hovering with the pointer over a component graphics additional information
about the component can be displayed. Readout System

The graphics representing the Readout System is shown in the central part of
the iconized instrument picture.

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Hovering with the pointer over the graphics of the Readout System opens a
tooltip containing information about the current device state and controllers
connected to the readout system. In case of a failure, the current error, last error
and process error types are specified.
Errors occurring during the measurement process can be temporary and are
latched. They are displayed as an error text at the end of the measurement. By
closing and reopening the System Diagnosis View the temporary errors are reset
and the default status is restored. Because of the nature of temporary errors, they
don’t prevent continuing of measurements.
If errors occur persistently, please contact the SPECTRO service.
Note: The readout system plays a key role in communication between the
PC and the instrument electronics. Thus, if a communication break occurs
(e.g. network cable break), the System Diagnosis obtains no information
about the instrument. In such case the known (presented) component
information is frozen and only the Readout System error is signalized. EK_0014
The graphics representing the EK_0014 is shown at the left part of the view,
outside the iconized instrument picture.

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Hovering with the pointer over the graphics of the EK_0014 opens a tooltip
containing the information about the current device state and the installed
Firmware version. In case of a failure the current and last error types are
specified. Air Optics

The graphics representing the Air Optics occupies the upper part of the iconized
instrument picture.

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Hovering with the pointer over the graphics of the Air Optics opens a tooltip
containing the information about the current device state, current and nominal
optics temperatures as well as about the current output of the temperature
stabilization unit.
Note: After the instrument has been switched on, it takes a while before the
air optics has reached its operating temperature. UV Optics
The graphics representing the UV Optics is shown in the center of the iconized
instrument picture, behind the spark stand.

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Hovering with the pointer over the graphics of the UV Optics opens a tooltip
containing the information about the current device state, current and nominal
optics temperatures as well as about the current output of the temperature
stabilization unit.
Note: After the instrument has been switched on, it takes a while before the
UV optics has reached its operating temperature. Plasma Generator

The graphics representing the Plasma Generator is shown at the central front
part of the iconized instrument picture.

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Note: The status of the unit switch is signaled by green (On) or red (Off)
coloring of the Plasma Generator graphics. If the plasma generator is on
but interlocked (e.g. the clamp is up), its graphics becomes yellow colored.
Hovering with the pointer over the graphics of the Plasma Generator opens a
tooltip containing the information about the current device status and the state of
the unit switch. If the unit is On, the status of the interlock circuit, the supply
voltages (Vcc, and Vdd), the heat sink temperature and the unit Firmware version
are displayed. In case of a failure the current error, last error and process error
types are specified.
Note: If the plasma generator is off, neither Clamp nor Power Supply states
can be determined.

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Note: Similarly to the readout system, temporary errors of plasma

generator may occur during the measurement process. The latched errors
are reset, when the System Diagnostics View is closed. Spark Stand

The graphics representing the Spark Stand is shown at the left front part of the
iconized instrument picture.

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Hovering with the pointer over the graphics of the Spark Stand opens a tooltip
containing the information about the stark stand cleaning request (only if the
corresponding data were specified in the Maintenance Reminder system), the
status of the Argon Saver, the shutter position, the mask activity and the state of
the spark stand cover.
Note: The spark stand cleaning request of the Maintenance Reminder
System is signaled by yellow coloring of the Spark Stand graphics. Clamp
The graphics representing the Clamp is shown at the iconized instrument picture
above the spark stand.

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Hovering with the pointer over the graphics of the Clamp opens a tooltip
indicating the current status of the clamp.
In the normal state of the Clamp (clamp is down) its graphics is not colored.
However, when the clamp safety test (i.e. a short break of the security circuit) is
requested or the clamp is up, its graphics becomes red.
Due to interlinking in the instrument electronics the Plasma Generator is put in
the Interlocked state as soon as the Clamp has been moved up (the security
circuit has been broken).

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Note: The clamp status cannot be detected, when the plasma generator is
switched off. An undefined status of the clamp is signaled by yellow
coloring of its graphics.

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SPECTRO Power Supply

The graphics representing the Power Supply is shown at right side of the
iconized instrument picture.

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Hovering with the pointer over the graphics of the Power Supply opens a tooltip
indicating the main supply voltage of the instrument electronics.
Note: The main supply voltage of the instrument electronics cannot be
determined, when the plasma generator is switched off.

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SPECTRO Argon Supply

The graphics representing the Argon Supply is shown at the back part of the
iconized instrument picture behind the UV Optics.

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Hovering with the pointer over the graphics of the Argon Supply opens a tooltip
containing the current information about the device status, the argon pressure,
the state of the argon flow valves and the status of the Argon Saver.
Note: If the argon pressure is in range the Argon Supply graphics is green,
otherwise it becomes red. Argon Exit System

The graphics representing the Argon Exit System is shown at the right bottom
part of the view, outside the iconized instrument picture.

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Hovering with the pointer over the graphics of the Argon Exit System opens a
tooltip containing the information about the argon exit maintenance request.
Note: The argon exit maintenance request is signaled by yellow coloring of
the Argon Exit System graphics. Air Filter

The graphics representing the Air Filter is shown at the rear part of the iconized
instrument picture, behind all other components.

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Hovering with the pointer over the graphics of the Air Filter opens a tooltip
containing the information about the filter maintenance request.
Note: The air filter maintenance request is signaled by yellow coloring of
the Air Filter graphics. Hydrosorb
The graphics representing the Hydrosorb (gas purifier cartridge) is shown at the
right part of the view, outside the iconized instrument picture.

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Hovering with the pointer over the graphics of the Hydrosorb opens a tooltip
containing the information about the replacement request of the Gas Purifier
Note: The gas purified cartridge replacement request is signaled by yellow
coloring of the Hydrosorb graphics.

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2.3.2 Maintenance Reminders

The Maintenance Reminders provide reminders for regular maintenance actions
of the instrument and its components to support the optimum accuracy of
analytical results.
Maintenance intervals for SPECTRO service intervals are prescribed by
SPECTRO service policy and can be adjusted by the SPECTRO service only.
The other intervals can be set corresponding to custom requests.
When a maintenance interval becomes active, a reminder message will be
displayed with information regarding the corresponding maintenance issue. Maintenance Control System

Seven maintenance types are provided in the software:
 General Maintenance
 iCALization
 Control Standard Test
 Spark Stand Cleaning
 Argon Exit Service
 Air Filter Service
 Gas Purifier Cartridge Replacement
Each maintenance component is controlled by two reminder criteria:
 Time interval
 Measurements counter interval or cleaning interval
Both criteria are working simultaneously. The reminder message will be displayed
once one of both criteria is fulfilled. The maintenance confirmation resets both
counters together.
Modification of intervals, the reminder activation/deactivation and the
maintenance confirmation can be performed in dependence on the maintenance
type and the actual user permissions.
When a reminder message will be displayed, it is possible to postpone the
maintenance action to a later time. When you are reminded about maintenance,
you can ignore the reminder message and move the reminder to a later time. Maintenance Reminder Views

 To access the status and settings of the maintenance reminders, click
on the icon Maintenance Reminders in the home view.

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The Maintenance Reminders view will be displayed.

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The view provides a separate property page for each defined maintenance. Click
on the tab with a maintenance name at the top of the view to access the
requested data.
Each maintenance property page has the same structure.
In the group Maintenance Status the fields Performed on and at
Measurements Counter specify the time and the measurements counter state at
the last maintenance, respectively. The Passed Interval progress bar presents
graphically the maintenance interval expiration. When an interval has expired, the
field Expired appears and indicates the due time or the due measurements
counter state of the maintenance.
If allowed (depending of the maintenance type and your user permissions), you
can confirm the maintenance and reset the interval counters (Set Done button).
In the group Maintenance Intervals the Time and Counter intervals can be
adjusted. Checking or unchecking the Remind checkbox activates or deactivates
the remind message function. Additionally the predicted time or measurements
counter state of the next maintenance reminder is indicated.
Note: If you wish to deactivate one of the criteria set the value to 0. The
software will deactivate the control of this interval criterion.

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In the group Current Instrument Status the current time (Date & Time), the
current measurements counter state (Measurements Counter) and the
maintenance age (Age) are shown. External Reset of Maintenance Reminder

The functionality of some maintenance reminders is extendable by the external
reset mechanism. This mechanism may perform the Set Done action depending
on the analytical activity of the software. This option is available for iCALization,
Control Standard Test and Spark Stand Cleaning. iCALization
The iCALization automatic reset mechanism synchronizes the last maintenance
time with the last time of the iCALization. Thus the iCALization maintenance
reminder is Set Done automatically.
Check the Set Done automatically checkbox to activate this mechanism.
Note: If the Set Done automatically is active, the maintenance cannot be
reset manually. Control Standard Test

The Control Standard Test automatic reset mechanism synchronizes the last
maintenance time with the time of the last control standard test of the loaded

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analytical method. Thus the Control Standard Test maintenance reminder is Set
Done automatically.
Check the Set Done automatically checkbox to activate this mechanism.
Note: If the Set Done automatically is active, the maintenance cannot be
reset manually.

Note: The time of the last Control Standard Test is specific for the analytical
method (here, the method Fe-10-M). Spark Stand Cleaning

During measurements the spark stand is polluted by condensed metal vapor that
results from the spark process. The amount of pollution depends on the analyzed
material, the used spark energy and the sparking time. That means that the
cleaning intervals are different for each analyzed base (matrix). Therefore the
Spark Stand Cleaning reminder uses a unified counter value, named Pollution
Unit, for the calculation of the reminder request. The preset Counter value in
pollution units corresponds with the Approx. measurement count for the
installed bases. This approximated count of measurements is based on a
standardized measurement. Even if you work with time optimized pre tasks
(Spark Control) the real number of measurements for a cleaning maintenance
can differ from the approximated interval value.

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The Spark Stand Cleaning automatic reset mechanism facilitates resetting of

the pollution units counter, when the basis of the measured samples changes.
The detection of the basis change is indicated by the warning message Spark
Stand Cleaning Maintenance, in which the user is requested to confirm the
cleaning of the spark stand.

This confirmation triggers then automatically the Set Done action of the Spark
Stand Cleaning maintenance reminder.
Check the Warn on base change checkbox at the Spark Stand Cleaning page
for activation of this mechanism.

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SPECTRO Reminder Message

If the maintenance reminder is active in the Maintenance Reminders tool
(checkbox Remind in the Maintenance Intervals section) users will be informed,
when the corresponding maintenance interval time expires.

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The maintenance reminder message displays the due maintenances and the
expiration time or counter state.
To confirm, that maintenance has been performed, select the corresponding
entry in the message list and click the Done button. The interval counter of the
corresponding maintenance will be reset.
Note: The Done button corresponds to the Set Done button at the
maintenance control settings.
It is possible to postpone a reminder by selection of the corresponding entry in
the maintenance list and specifying the delay time in the combo box at the bottom
of the reminder message box and clicking on the button Remind. After that, the
reminder message will be displayed after the specified time or at the next
software start.
Closing the reminder message box by pushing the Close button will reactivate
the message 10 seconds later.
If multiple maintenance actions are reminded simultaneously you can click on the
button All done to confirm all listed maintenances have been done.

Note: The confirmation option can be unavailable. This situation can arise,
when the synchronization of the reminder with the maintenance action is
active (Native Controller) for actions like iCALization, Control Standard test
or Spark Stand Cleaning, when the software is able to detect the execution
of the maintenance action.
Note: The confirmation option of the General Maintenance reminder is
available for the authorized SPECTRO Service personal only. Spark Stand Cleaning Reminder

If the option Warn of base change in the section Maintenance Intervals of the
Spark Stand Cleaning maintenance is active, a reminder message appears on
every change of the analyzed base element.

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If the meassage has been confirmed with Yes the Pollution Units Counter of
the maintenance reminder will be reset automatically. Otherwise the counter
keeps its current state. Maintenance Logbook

The maintenance reminder events are logged into a maintenance logbook. You
can find it in the file Maintenance.logfiletxt in the instrument log-directory in the
folder Output/LogFiles of the base directory of the software.
Following events will be logged:
 Reminder message
 Maintenance reminder delay request
 Maintenance confirmation
 Maintenance configuration change
Each log entry specifies the event time, maintenance name, event name and the
event specific data (state of the measurement counter, reminder delay time,
stored configuration data). User Permissions

The Maintenance Control provides three separate user permissions for each
 Reminder message activation/deactivation
 Maintenance confirmation
 Maintenance interval/configuration modification
The permissions can be assigned in the User Management by the instrument

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Note: The user permissions for the General Maintenance are limited. Its
confirmation and interval modification are reserved for the SPECTRO

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2.3.3 Service Report

The Service Report functionality provides an easy and quick way for viewing and
storing the instrument configuration and status in case support is required by the
SPECTRO Customer Support Center whenever a problem needs to be solved. Service Report View

To access the Service Report View, click on the icon Service Report in the home

The Service Report view will be displayed.

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The view presents the configuration (Instrument No., Spark Analyzer Pro MAXx
version, Firmware versions of the hardware components) and the current status
(instrument temperatures, maintenance time etc.) of the instrument. Storing the Service Report

To store the service report, click the “Save” button in the toolbar. The default
dialog for target folder selection will be displayed.

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Select the folder where you want to store the report and click the OK button.
The service report archive with the name ServiceReport_yyyyMMdd_hhmmss
(where the yyyyMMdd_hhmmss is the current date and time) is created in the
selected folder and a confirmation message will appear.

Now you can send this report archive to the SPECTRO Customer Support

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2.3.4 Service
This module provides the possibility to check the state and functionality of the
argon valve instrument components. Instrument
The page Instrument shows the states of the different Argon valves.

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SPECTRO Argon Valves

These controls are responsible for the settings of the various Argon valves.
 Shutter: pneumatically controlled shutter of the optical pass
 Mask: pneumatically controlled mask of the optical pass
 Const Flow: low level Argon flow
 Flush: high level Argon flow
 Cleaning Flush very strong Argon flow (not on all instruments available)
A green button color represents the closed state. A red button color represents
the open state.
Clicking a button at the left hand side of the corresponding item (Shutter, Mask,
Const Flow, Flush and Cleaning Flush) when the color is green opens the
according valve. The button will be displayed with a red color. Clicking on the
button, when the color is red closes the corresponding valve. The color of the
button will change to the green color.

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