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exploring the features in

the lesson plans

Here’s a quick explanation of each lesson plan in this unit.

lesson preview
● Lesson Topic: This is the main idea for the lesson
● LAUNCH Cycle Phases: Occasionally, a lesson will involve multiple parts of the
LAUNCH Cycle. So, we list the specific phases here.
● Estimated Time: This is merely an estimation. Times will vary according to your specific
● Objectives: These objectives are designed to be clear, concise, and student-friendly
while also connecting to depths of knowledge and Bloom’s Taxonomy
● Common Core Standards: We each lesson to the Common Core Standards.
● Vocabulary: We include student-friendly definitions for any academic language that
might be tricky for students.

lesson preparation
● Materials: This is a list of any materials you will need for that specific lesson.
● Tasks: This is a list of tasks that you will need to do before beginning the lesson.

lesson outline
Slide # Teacher Tasks Student Tasks

Each slide has a This is a short explanation of what This is a short explanation of what
number at the you, as a teacher, will be doing your students will be doing during
bottom right-hand during this part of the lesson. this part of the lesson.
corner. This
section explains
where you should
be in the
lesson one
lesson preview
Lesson Topic:
Exploring the Design Thinking Challenge

LAUNCH Cycle Phases:

Phase One: Look, Listen, and Learn

Estimated Time:
60-75 minutes

● I can define my audience
● I can create an audience survey and display the results in a graph

Common Core Standards:

Draw on information from multiple print or digital sources, demonstrating the ability to locate
an answer to a question quickly or to solve a problem efficiently.
Write routinely over extended time frames (time for research, reflection, and revision) and
shorter time frames (a single sitting or a day or two) for a range of discipline-specific tasks,
purposes, and audiences.
Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and teacher-
led) with diverse partners on grade 5 topics and texts, building on others' ideas and expressing
their own clearly.
● Design Thinking: a structured way of thinking creatively
● LAUNCH Cycle: a framework for design thinking
● Audience: the people who you will design your product (in this case a sport) for
● Survey: questions you will ask your audience
● Data: information you are gathering
● Trend: things that seem to be happening often

lesson preparation
Each LAUNCH team should have:
❏ 2 rackets or paddles: note that if you can’t find paddles or rackets, you can challenge
students to create their own out of cardboard and duct tape
❏ 1 whiffle ball
❏ 1 roll of duct tape
❏ 1 bag of balloons
❏ 5 plastic cups
❏ 1 spool of string
Each student should have the LAUNCH Notebook
Each student will need a 3x5 card
Optional: colored pencils for the graphing portion of the lesson

Preparation Tasks
● Make sure to set up the classroom in a way that facilitates collaboration
● Make sure each box is filled with the necessary supplies
● Make sure that you have set up the slideshow

lesson outline
Slide # Teacher Tasks Student Tasks
1-4 Pass out the LAUNCH Notebooks and Watch the video and jot down any
instruct students to go to page one. questions you have in your first page of
Show the Design Challenge Video. your LAUNCH Notebook

5 Break the students up into their Go to your assigned LAUNCH team.

LAUNCH team groups. Share any questions you have in the
form of a round-robin.

6-13 Go over the LAUNCH Cycle with your Listen to the LAUNCH Cycle. It is also
students. Keep this quick and to the included in your LAUNCH Notebook.
point. You might want to include the
video explaining the cycle.

14-17 Instruct the LAUNCH teams to create As a group, create a list of four
their survey questions. Walk around questions you would like to ask your
the class to see if their questions are audience. Feel free to use the sentence
on-task and relate to the design stems on the right if you are struggling
challenge. with what to ask. Each member should
have each question listed in his or her
LAUNCH Notebook.

18 Instruct students to dive up the Next, divide up the questions so that

questions so that each student gets each student gets one question.
one question.

No slide Model how to turn a survey question Watch the teacher’s example. Think
(use into a multiple choice survey question. about how you will turn your survey
whitebo You can use the sample given or you question into a multiple choice question.
ard) can create one of your own.

19 Monitor the class and answer any Survey each of your classmates using the
questions they have about the survey. options you created. Make sure to write
your data in the table in your LAUNCH

20 Instruct the students to sit back at Individually, create a bar graph or a

their original spots and create the circle graph demonstrating the data.

21 Monitor the groups to make sure that Share your results with your LAUNCH
they are describing trends that they team. What trends do you notice? What
see. You might need to explain the will that mean in terms of creating an
concept of a trend to a few students. engaging sport?
22-23 Use this time to have fun with your Take some time to explore your items.
students. As they play around with the You don’t need to write anything here.
supplies, you might want to join them. Just play around with them. What are
some of the possibilities that you see?
What are some things that might come
in handy?

24 Pass out 3x5 cards. As students leave, Closure: Exit Slips

collect the exit slips. What is one question you still have?
What is one thing you learned?
What do you hope to do tomorrow?
lesson two
lesson preview
Lesson Topic:
Exploring What It Means to Create an Engaging Sport

LAUNCH Cycle Phases:

Phase Two: Ask Tons of Questions
Phase Three: Understand the Problem or Process (in this case, what makes a sport engaging)

Estimated Time:
45-60 minutes

● I can generate inquiry questions
● I can analyze sports to see what makes them engaging or boring

Common Core Standards:

Determine two or more main ideas of a text and explain how they are supported by key details;
summarize the text.
Explain the relationships or interactions between two or more individuals, events, ideas, or
concepts in a historical, scientific, or technical text based on specific information in the text.
Draw on information from multiple print or digital sources, demonstrating the ability to locate
an answer to a question quickly or to solve a problem efficiently.
Draw evidence from literary or informational texts to support analysis, reflection, and research.
Write routinely over extended time frames (time for research, reflection, and revision) and
shorter time frames (a single sitting or a day or two) for a range of discipline-specific tasks,
purposes, and audiences.
Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and teacher-
led) with diverse partners on grade 5 topics and texts, building on others' ideas and expressing
their own clearly.

● inquiry: questions that come from your own curiosity
● analyze: examine information carefully
● generate: to create

lesson preparation
Each group needs chart paper and markers
Each student should have the LAUNCH Notebook
Each student will need a 3x5 card
Optional: you may or may not want to allow the box of materials to be available

Preparation Tasks
● Make sure to set up the classroom in a way that facilitates collaboration
● Make sure that you have set up the slideshow

lesson outline
Slide # Teacher Tasks Student Tasks

25-28 Have students get out their LAUNCH Individually: What kinds of questions
Notebooks and begin the first would someone have about your game?
individual task. Think about all the questions that they
will need to know? (i.e. What are the
rules? What are the roles?) List 5

29 Rotate around the room and check to As a team, go round-robin and share
see that students are showing your questions. As you add your
empathy toward their audience. questions to chart paper, individually
add any additional questions that your
group came up with in your LAUNCH

30 As the students do the carousel Do a carousel activity where your

activity, consider pulling aside any LAUNCH team looks at the questions of
students who have struggled in the other LAUNCH teams and individually
last step. See if there is any way you adds additional questions to your own
could help them see the perspective LAUNCH Notebooks.
of the audience. Note: you may want
to time the carousel activity and have
a signal to switch. However, you may
also want to allow your students to
walk around at their own pace.

None Model how to look for different sports. Watch how your teacher models the
Show, for example, how someone research process.
might look for obscure sports that
they’ve never seen before.

31-33 Pull aside any struggling readers who Go online and research examples of
might have a hard time with the sports. What makes these sports boring
research process. or exciting for your peers? Add the
answers to your chart.

34 Monitor the class during the phase to Individually: Fully Engaged Athlete
see that they have a clear concept in Option 1: Draw and label picture of an
their mind of what it will take to create athlete who is fully engaged in a sport.
a great sport. Use symbols to represent what this
athlete is thinking or feeling (i.e. a
trophy to represent winning or a heart to
represent a love of the game).
Option 2: Describe what a person
should be feeling and thinking when
fully engaged in a sport.

35 Pass out 3x5 cards. As students leave, Closure: Exit Slips

collect the exit slips. What are some ideas for a sport that
might use your objects? List any of the
ideas on this card.
lesson three
lesson preview
Lesson Topic:
Navigating Ideas and Planning Out the Sport

LAUNCH Cycle Phases:

Phase Four: Navigate Ideas

Estimated Time:
45-60 minutes

● I can create a web demonstrating all the criteria in a sport
● I can generate ideas of potential sports
● I can analyze and combine ideas to create a new sport

Common Core Standards:

Integrate information from several texts on the same topic in order to write or speak about the
subject knowledgeably.
Write routinely over extended time frames (time for research, reflection, and revision) and
shorter time frames (a single sitting or a day or two) for a range of discipline-specific tasks,
purposes, and audiences.
Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and teacher-
led) with diverse partners on grade 5 topics and texts, building on others' ideas and expressing
their own clearly.
● navigate: to explore
● criteria: the elements needed to make something

lesson preparation
Each group needs chart paper and markers
Each student should have the LAUNCH Notebook
Each student will need a 3x5 card
Optional: you may or may not want to allow the box of materials to be available

Preparation Tasks
● Make sure to set up the classroom in a way that facilitates collaboration
● Make sure that you have set up the slideshow

lesson outline
Slide # Teacher Tasks Student Tasks

36-38 Check to see that students are Individual:

connecting the concept of questions Take your list of questions that someone
to the idea of a web. If necessary, playing the game would have. Now
model this process for your students. create a web showing all the things that
a sport must have (a clear winner and
loser, players, etc.)

39 Pay close attention to the each LAUNCH team:

LAUNCH team and their ability to Create your list of criteria for all sports.
think connectively about this topic. Use the questions from Phase Two to
guide this process. Add your criteria on
the left and questions to the right.
40 Walk around the classroom and Individually:
monitor the brainstorming. Brainstorm a list of four possible ideas of
a sport you could play with the items
that you have. Give a short description
of each one.

41 Walk around the classroom and LAUNCH teams:

monitor the group brainstorming. Pay Share your ideas in one larger
close attention to group dynamics. brainstorm. This could be a list or a web
on chart paper. Make sure each group
member gets a chance to add ideas.

42 Number the students from 1-4 in each Once the groups are joined together,
group. Have student #1 move take a look at the brainstorm and offer
counter-clockwise to the next group any additional ideas they might be
and student #4 move clockwise to the missing.
next group.

43 Have the students return to their Share any insights you have from
groups. interacting with other groups. What
ideas might you want to consider?

44 Walk around the group to monitor Create your one main concept as a
how they are interacting. You might group. Make sure you have your criteria
have some students arguing over filled out in the “Our Sport” section of
ideas, so this is a chance to navigate your LAUNCH Notebook.
any potential conflict.

45 Pass out 3x5 cards. As students leave, Closure: Exit Slips

collect the exit slips. How well did your group work together?
Did you feel like people listened to your
ideas? Why or why not?
lesson four
lesson preview
Lesson Topic:
Creating Your Sport

LAUNCH Cycle Phases:

Phase Five: Create
Phase Six: Highlight What’s Working and Fix What’s Failing

Estimated Time:
60-90 minutes

● I can create a prototype of my sport
● I can create an annotated visual of my team’s sport
● I can test and revise my prototype by highlighting what’s working and fix what’s failing

Common Core Standards:

Write routinely over extended time frames (time for research, reflection, and revision) and
shorter time frames (a single sitting or a day or two) for a range of discipline-specific tasks,
purposes, and audiences.
Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and teacher-
led) with diverse partners on grade 5 topics and texts, building on others' ideas and expressing
their own clearly.

● prototype: an initial version of what you’ve created
● revise: to improve
● annotate: add a written description on top of the visual explaining it

lesson preparation
Each LAUNCH team should have:
❏ 2 rackets or paddles: note that if you can’t find paddles or rackets, you can challenge
students to create their own out of cardboard and duct tape
❏ 1 whiffle ball
❏ 1 roll of duct tape
❏ 1 bag of balloons
❏ 5 plastic cups
❏ 1 spool of string
Each student should have the LAUNCH Notebook

Preparation Tasks
● Make sure to set up the classroom in a way that facilitates collaboration
● Make sure that you have cleared out a space (perhaps outside) where students can
create this sport and actually play it
● Make sure each box is filled with the necessary supplies
● Make sure that you have set up the slideshow

lesson outline
Slide # Teacher Tasks Student Tasks

46-49 Check to see how each student is Individually:

annotating the sport. Double-check Draw a diagram of how your sport
that they are thinking about all the works. Make sure to annotate it (write
logistics. descriptions of what’s happening). You
might want to draw out multiple
diagrams to help it make sense.

50 Watch the group dynamics to see how LAUNCH team:

they are collaborating. Start making your sport. Have fun with
this part.

51-54 Encourage students to test by playing. Spend some time playing the game.
Let them make mistakes and improve Jot down what’s working and not
with each iteration. working in the table

55 Pass out 3x5 cards. As students leave, Closure: Exit Slips

collect the exit slips. Is your group ready to launch your sport
to the classroom? Why or why not?
lesson five
lesson preview
Lesson Topic:
Exploring the Design Thinking Challenge

LAUNCH Cycle Phases:

Phase Seven: Launch It to the World!

Estimated Time:
60 minutes

• I can create directions that other students can follow

Common Core Standards:

Integrate information from several texts on the same topic in order to write or speak about the
subject knowledgeably.
Write informative/explanatory texts to examine a topic and convey ideas and information
With some guidance and support from adults, use technology, including the Internet, to
produce and publish writing as well as to interact and collaborate with others; demonstrate
sufficient command of keyboarding skills to type a minimum of two pages in a single sitting.
Write routinely over extended time frames (time for research, reflection, and revision) and
shorter time frames (a single sitting or a day or two) for a range of discipline-specific tasks,
purposes, and audiences.
Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and teacher-
led) with diverse partners on grade 5 topics and texts, building on others' ideas and expressing
their own clearly.
Report on a topic or text or present an opinion, sequencing ideas logically and using
appropriate facts and relevant, descriptive details to support main ideas or themes; speak
clearly at an understandable pace.
Include multimedia components (e.g., graphics, sound) and visual displays in presentations
when appropriate to enhance the development of main ideas or themes.

lesson preparation
Each LAUNCH team should have:
❏ 2 rackets or paddles: note that if you can’t find paddles or rackets, you can challenge
students to create their own out of cardboard and duct tape
❏ 1 whiffle ball
❏ 1 roll of duct tape
❏ 1 bag of balloons
❏ 5 plastic cups
❏ 1 spool of string
Each student should have the LAUNCH Notebook

Preparation Tasks
● Make sure to set up the classroom in a way that facilitates collaboration
● Make sure that you have cleared out a space (perhaps outside) where students can
create this sport and actually play it
● Make sure each box is filled with the necessary supplies
● Make sure that you have set up the slideshow

lesson outline
Slide # Teacher Tasks Student Tasks

56-57 Take attendance, monitor the class, Individually:

and gauge whether or not they might Is your sport ready to launch? What
need some more time in the last modifications would you make?
phase of the LAUNCH Cycle.

58-61 This is your chance to hype them up Listen to the instructions.

for the launch. It’s okay to go
downright silly in this moment. In
other words, play “The Final
Countdown” and sing along. Or don’t.
It’s your choice. Explain that the
launch is about to happen.

62 Work with any groups that need help Now that you have finished with the
on how to create functional texts. sport, you will launch the sport to your
Option 1: Create a list of instructions
showing how the sport is played.
Option 2: Create a list of instructions
with pictures showing how the sport is
Option 3: Create a video showing how
to play the sport you invented.

63 Play with each group and use this as a Play the sport as a class
chance to celebrate what they’ve

64 Guide students through the self- Optional: Self-reflection questions

reflection stage.

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