International Womens Day Commemoration Report

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We commemorated international women’s day in collaboration with Zimbabwe Congress of Trade

union affiliates at ZCTU offices at Gorlon House. The event was blessed with some men who also
attended the ceremony. Opening remarks and introductions were given by the Zimbabwe congress
of trade union Mr Japhet Moyo. The ZCTU leadership was present as well as General Secretaries
from affiliates unions.

The first guest of speaker from Zimbabwe activist association, one urged women to unite and be
part of the mother board ZCTU for the purpose of unity in order to change things and to liberate
ourselves and actively participate as women. He also said women are the ones who work more than
men considering that they are conceivers and child bearers.

Another speaker was from the same association by the name Linda Masarira. She mentioned that
women are still divided and the reason was not our fault but the culture that view men as leaders.
She mentioned that the duty of women is to change that mentality to the next generation. We also
have to teach them (the girl child) to be brave in all aspects of life. She further mentioned that
women still look down upon themselves and that it is not a case to be born a girl child. She then
pointed out the issue of women abuse and made it clear that us women should stop being women
cosmetic activist.
The above are women activist from Zimbabwe Catering and Hotel workers union , Food federation
workers union and Zimbabwe Agricultural Plantation Workers Union and Organisers Mr Mukokeza
From Agricural Sector and Mr Maoneke From Food.

Juliet sithole in nerve blue t-shirt and Martin Magodhi in black t-shirt organiser for ZCHWU.
Elizabeth Masango ZCHWU Coordinator in blue dress.
Food coordinator in orange t-shirt Rasheal and some of the men blessing the event.
The Food General Secretary was also present wearing a khaki jacket and Gender specialist Fiona
Magaya from ZCTU holding crashes.

Closing remarks were given by the women advisory committee chairperson who urged women to

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