2011 0201 Maturitymatters Rossbeath

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Jeanne W. Ross, Director & Principal Research Scientist nities. The result is a complex, expensive,
MIT Center for Information Systems Research and risky technology and business process
Cynthia M. Beath, Professor Emeritus
University of Texas, Austin 2. Standardized technology: Firms pursue
operational excellence within IT, specifi-
In today’s digital economy, business success increasingly depends on IT- cally low unit cost and high reliability. They
enabled capabilities, like process optimization and business intelligence. develop disciplined processes around IT
MIT CISR research has found that excelling at these IT-enabled capabili- investment prioritization, project method-
ties starts, not with developing expertise in six sigma processes or business ology, IT service delivery, and standards
analytics, but rather with building a digitized platform. This platform, management.
which we define as a coherent set of standardized business processes along with
supporting infrastructure, applications and data, intended to ensure the quality and 3. Optimized core: Firms invest in digitized
predictability of core transactions, provides the foundation for doing business in data and process platforms (packaged or
a digital economy. customized integrated core transaction
processing systems). Digitization no longer
Enterprise architecture provides the blueprint for the digitized platform. It focuses on solutions to local or functional
captures both business and IT requirements and depends on a set of evolv- priorities; management defines and funds
ing management practices. IT enterprise priorities.
leaders have long recognized 4. Business modularity: Firms define strategic
the importance of enterprise initiatives that leverage the capabilities of
architecture. But the impor- the firm’s digitized platform. Operational
tance of digitized platforms level decision makers base decisions on
makes architecture a critical clear business rules and reliable data. Strate-
business capability. In this gic decision makers rely on data analytics to
briefing we provide new evidence that helps consistently improve business rules. Occa-
explain how architecture maturity—and the digitized platforms it gener- sional off-platform experiments address the
ates—has become essential to business success. risks of disruptive technologies and busi-
ness trends.
Enterprise Architecture Revisited
While these stages have been in evidence for
Enterprise architecture articulates a firm’s core transaction processes and some time, the distinctions among these stages
defines how data from those transactions are shared with employees, cus- and the need for firms to progress through
tomers, and partners. Unlike the architecture of a building, enterprise archi- them in sequence has been confirmed repeat-
tecture evolves, reflecting organizational learning about optimal business edly in our research. Recent data show a large
process design, organizational structure, and governance of decision rights. increase from 2007 to 2010 in firms that are
building and leveraging digitized platforms
Earlier MIT CISR research described that architectural evolution in terms (stages 3 and 4; see figure 1).2
of four maturity stages.1 We can summarize the four stages as follows:

1. Business silos: In their early years, firms build point solutions and
localized business systems to respond to immediate business opportu-
2 2007 data in this briefing is from a joint MIT
CISR/Gartner survey of 1508 CIOs; 2010 data is
1 J. Ross, “Maturity Matters: How Firms Generate Value from Enterprise Architec- from a joint MIT CISR/CIO Magazine survey of
ture (Rev. Feb. ’06),” MIT Sloan CISR Research Briefing, Vol. IV, No. 2B, July 2004. 206 CIOs.
The journey across the four stages is transformational. One indicator of inability to preserve the integrity of the data. In
that transformation is the shift in IT spending patterns. As reflected in contrast, PepsiAmericas improved data collec-
figure 1, firms in stage 2 make cutting IT costs a priority. In contrast, firms tion when it built its platform. This data was
in stage 4 spend heavily on IT. But the scope of the IT unit’s responsibility good enough to support decision makers but
in stage 4 more often encompasses business operations, manufacturing decision makers still found problems. These
floor control systems, digital product development, or shared services. problems motivated participation in governance
practices that further enhanced the data—and
Changing organizational mindsets are also visible in the allocation of IT further improved decision making.
spending between Run and Build. In stage 2, IT leaders work to shift funds
from run to build to gauge success in eliminating inefficiencies. By stage 4, What we have observed about mature firms is
IT leaders are attempting to minimize capital expenses, taking advantage of continuous improvement in their digital capa-
the opportunities of business process outsourcing and software as a ser- bilities at an increasingly fast pace. For example,
vice. As one CIO described it, once the IT unit had learned to manage USAA, the financial services company serving
services and unit costs, “we stopped thinking of IT run as bad, and started the U.S. military, needed a few years to build an
thinking of it as what keeps the business running.” In short, firms in later integrated platform across its three businesses
stages tend to be much more focused on the value realized than the cost (property and casualty, banking, and financial
incurred from IT. services like investments and life insurance).5
With the platform, USAA’s time to market for
Why a Digitized Platform Matters new systems in 2009 was 178 days, as compared
to an industry benchmark of 235 days. Those
Earlier MIT CISR research found that architecture maturity was associated systems leverage USAA’s platform by enabling
with firm profitability.3 In the 2010 survey, CIO assessments of firm per- rapid innovation of new customer services on
formance relative to competitors new technologies.
on dimensions like process effi-
ciency, process innovativeness, and
Architecture Maturity Changes
driving value from IT are highly
correlated with architecture matur- Everything
ity (see figure 2). Case studies of John Kreul, who was Vice President of Applica-
mature firms reinforce these find- tions and Customer Service at PepsiAmericas
ings. For example, PepsiAmericas, from its stage 1 days in the late 1990s through
a stage 4 company, used customer transac- its journey to a stage 4 firm prior to its acquisi-
tion data as input into predictive models to suggest tion in 2010, noted that life in an architecturally
customer orders. This effort, which reduced out of stocks in customer mature firm is totally different from life in
stores from 14% to 3.7%, was possible only because PepsiAmericas had earlier stage firms. For example, he said his
built a foundation of standardized processes and systems and enriched it work-life balance improved because he—and all
with a powerful information backbone.4 of IT—got more done in fewer hours. From a
company perspective, he noted that Pepsi-
Our data also indicate that mature firms are better positioned for generat- Americas transformed from a company with
ing benefits from digital capabilities, such as business process optimization, high IT costs and regular IT failures to one in
business analytics, master data management, strategic experiments, and which IT issues were rare and readily resolved,
digital product design. (See figure 3.) While some of these capabilities can project failures were nearly non-existent, and
develop within pockets of expertise in siloed firms (e.g., business intelli- deployments consistently added measurable
gence and design of digital products), a mature firm’s enterprise mindset business value. Kreul’s comments suggest that
and discipline compounds the impact of these capabilities enterprise-wide. life in an architecturally mature firm is as idyllic
Mature firms’ sophistication of these digital capabilities is significantly as architects advertise. To get there, firms must
correlated with architecture maturity. learn to do business on a digitized platform.
Again, case study data supports the statistics. For example, we have ob-
served that master data management efforts are often frustrated by an

3 J. Ross, “Generating Strategic Benefits From Enterprise Architecture,” MIT 5J. Ross and C. Beath, “USAA: Organizing for In-
Sloan CISR Research Briefing, Vol. IV, No. 3A, October 2004. novation and Superior Customer Service ,” MIT
4 C. Beath and J. Ross, “PepsiAmericas: Building an Information Savvy Com- Sloan CISR Working Paper No. 382, December
pany,” MIT Sloan CISR Working Paper No. 378, February 2010. 2010.
Figure 1: The Stages of Architecture Maturity

Figure 1: 140% IT Budget as a % of

Operating Expenses
The Stages of 120%
Percent Run (vs. Build)

Percent of Firms 2007

100% Percent of Firms 2010
Percentage of firms in each
80% stage based on an MIT
CISR survey of 1508 IT
leaders in 2007 and a CIO
Magazine/MIT CISR survey
of 206 CIOs in 2010.
40% 32% IT budgets based on the
25% 27%
22% 2007 MIT CISR survey;
20% Stage 1 budget is the
11% baseline. Budgets for other
2% stages represented as a
0% percentage of the baseline

Figure 2:Business
Stage 1
Silos comparisons
Standarized Technology
Stage 2
Stage 3
business capabilities
Business Modularity
Stage 4
relative to
budget and corrected for
industry differences.
architecture stage

Figure 2: 5 Efficiency and reliability of your IT


Competitive Efficiency and reliability of your

business processes
Comparisons 4 Innovativeness of your IT-enabled
business processes
of Business
Driving value from IT
Relative to 3 Ratings of 206 CIOs on a scale of
1=significantly below competitors
Architecture to 5=far better than competitors


Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4
Figure 3: Firms’ digital capabilities relative to architecture stage

Figure 3: 5 Business process optimization

Design of digital/electronic
Firms’ Digital products & services
Capabilities 4 BI and analytics

Relative to Design and analysis of strategic

Architecture experiments
Evaluation of new technology
Stage 3 platforms and channels
Master Data Management

2 Ratings of 206 CIOs on a scale of

1=does not exist;
3=pockets of expertise;
5=formalized enterprise capability

Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4
About the MIT Sloan Center for Information Systems Research 
MIT  CISR,  founded  in  1974,  has  a  strong  track  record  of  The Boston Consulting Group, Inc. 
delivering  practical,  empirical  research  findings  on  how  Diamond Advisory Services 
firms  generate  business  value  from  IT.  MIT  CISR  dissem‐ EMC Corp. 
inates  this  research  via  electronic  research  briefings,  Gartner  
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education.  Our  research  portfolio  includes  but  is  not 
Microsoft Corporation 
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Australian Taxation Office  JM Family Enterprises 
In July of 2008, Jeanne W. Ross succeeded Peter Weill as  BBVA (Spain)  Johnson & Johnson 
the  director  of  CISR.  Peter  Weill  became  chairman  of  BNP Paribas (France)  Leighton Holdings Ltd. 
CISR, with a focus on globalizing MIT CISR research and  BP (U.K.)  (Australia) 
delivery.  Drs.  Anne  Quaadgras,  Peter  Reynolds,  George  BT Group (U.K.)  Level 3 Communications 
Westerman and Stephanie L. Woerner are full time CISR  Banco Bradesco S.A. (Brazil)   Liberty Mutual Group 
research  scientists.  MIT  CISR  is  co‐located  with  MIT  Banco do Brasil S.A.  Lloyds TSB International (U.K.) 
Sloan’s  Center  for  Digital  Business  and  Center  for  Bank of America  Marathon Oil Corp. 
Collective Intelligence to facilitate collaboration between  Biogen Idec  MetLife 
researchers and faculty.   Blue Cross Blue Shield   Nomura Research  
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MIT  CISR  is  funded  by  Research  Patrons  and  Sponsors 
CHRISTUS Health   Origin Energy (Australia) 
and we gratefully acknowledge their financial support and 
CVS Pharmacy, Inc.  Parsons Brinckerhoff 
their many contributions to our work. 
Campbell Soup Co.  PepsiCo International 
Canada Pension Plan   Pfizer Inc. 
CONTACT INFORMATION  Investment Board  Procter & Gamble Co. 
Center for Information Systems Research  Canadian Imperial Bank   Raytheon Company 
MIT Sloan School of Management  of Commerce   Reed Elsevier 
5 Cambridge Center, NE25–7th Floor  CareFirst BlueCross BlueShield  Schneider Electric Industries 
Cambridge, MA 02142  Celanese   SAS 
Telephone: 617‐253‐2348  Chevron Corp.  Sears Holdings Mgmt. Corp. 
Facsimile: 617‐253‐4424  Chubb & Son  Standard & Poor’s 
Email: cisr@mit.edu  Commonwealth Bank   State Street Corp. 
http://cisr.mit.edu  of Australia  Sunoco, Inc. 
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Danfoss A/S (Denmark)  Tetra Pak (Sweden) 
Direct Energy   Time Warner Cable 
Embraer – Empresa Brasileira  Trinity Health 
de Aeronautica S.A. (Brazil)  VF Corporation 
Encana Corp. (Canada)  Westpac Banking Corp. 
ExxonMobil Global   (Australia) 
Services Co.  Woolworths Limited (Australia)
FOXTEL (Australia)  World Bank 
Mission and Contact Information as of January 2011

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