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Richard C Brown

Math 1010 – Summer 2022

Laurie Paxton
Zero Gravity Project
Reflective Writing: Modeling Zero-G Parabolic Flight
During the summer semester of 2022, I have enrolled myself into the MATH 1010 class

taught by Laurie Paxton. After learning how to apply linear programming from a previous

semester assignment, we also had to understanding the mathematical concepts of system of

equations, inequalities, exponents along with radicals, and graphing equations/solutions. With all

that has been taught, Mrs. Paxton has also introduced us with the Quadratic equation and its

functions. After completing the Zero Gravity project, or in this case, finishing the inputs by using

the standard form, ax2+bx+c, and graphing the maximum or vertex by using (-b/2a), we can find

the path of a plane that is trying to achieve zero gravity for NASA training which is in a form of

a parabola.

As mentions before, we are given points that is described in the zero-gravity problem h

(height) and t (time). We can also translate h and t for x and y due to that they are a

representation of points, which we will graph later, i.e. (2, 23855) is the first point. We are given

three points and must be able to put these points into standard form or what problem that gives


h = at^2+bt+c.
This is the first step of the lab. We end up of have 3 equations total with given points to

correspond of h and t:

(2, 23855) 23855 = a(2)2+b(2)+c

(20, 32099) 32099 = a(20)2+b(20)+c
(40, 33659) 33659 = a(40)2+b(40)+c
• a(2)2 + b(2) + c = 23855 (1)
• a(20)2 + b(20) + c = 32099 (2)
• a(40)2 + b(40) + c = 33659 (3)
With our previous understanding of system of equations, this is solving by eliminating on a 3x3

table which we need to solve for a, b, and c; which is the second part of the zero-gravity

problem. We first cancel out the c’s with equation 1 and 2.

Equations 1 and 2
-1 (a(2)2 + b(2) + c = 23855) - multiplying by negative one (-1).
a(20)2 + b(20) + c = 32099
400a + 20b + c = 32099
-4a - 2b - c = -23855 - c’s are cancelled
396a + 18b = 8244 (4)
The new equation from 1 and 2 equals out equation number 4. Now we need to fine another set

using equations 2 and 3 to find equation number 5.

Equations 2 and 3
-1 ( a(20)2 + b(20) + c = 32099) - multiplying by negative one (-1)
a(40)2 + b(40) + c = 33659
1600a + 40b + c = 33659
-400a - 20b - c = - 32099 - c’s are cancelled
1200a + 20b = 1560 (5)
After completing 2 and 3’s system of equations, we get equation set five. Next, we can solve for

a or for b be using equations 4 and 5. For this set, I choose to solve for a.

Equations 4 and 5
(1200a + 20b = 1560) 18 - to cancel out the b’s, GCF is needed.
(396a + 18b = 8244) -20
21600a + 360b = 28080
-7920a - 360b = - 164880 - b’s are cancelled
13680 a = - 136800
13680 13680 (divide 13680 on besides to get “a” be itself)
a = -10
After solving for “a”, we can now solve for “b” by using either equation’s 4 or 5.
Equation 4
396a + 18b = 8244
a = -10
396(-10) + 18b = 8244
-3960 + 18b = 8244
+3960 +3960 - add 3960 to both sides
18b = 12204
18 18
b = 678
Now that we have “a” and “b”, we can plug in -10 and 678 into 4a + 2b + c = 23855, to solve for


Equations 1
4a + 2b + c = 23855
a = -10
b = 678
4(-10) + 2(678) + c = 23855
-40 + 1356 + c = 23855
1316 + c = 23855
-1316 -1316 - subtract 1316 for both sides
c = 22539
After solving for a, b, and c, we completed the second part of the Zero-gravity problem. The

third part is to find the maximum, or in this case, the vertex. To find the maximum, we must use

the new standard form equation, which is:

h(t) = -10t2 + 678t + 22539

−𝑏𝑏±√𝑏𝑏2 −4𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎
We will be using (-b/2a) from the quadratic equation 𝑥𝑥 = , to find the vertex.

a = -10
b = 678
t = -b/2a
t = -(678) / 2 (-10) = -678 / -20
t = 33.9 (according to the program that is used on Canvas, we approx.)
t ≈ 34
After finding the time, which is seconds, we substitute 34 in the place of “t” into the standard

equation that was solved previously.

h(t) = -10t2 + 678t + 22539

t = 34
h (t) = -10t2 + 678t + 22539
h (34) = -10(34)2 + 678(34) + 22539
h (34) = -10(1156) + 23052 + 22539
h (34) = -11560 + 45591
h (34) = 34031
After solving for h (34), we get 34031. To understand this, it will take 34 seconds to reach

34,031 feet to achieve zero gravity for the NASA training crew, therefore achieving the

maximum in our zero-gravity math problem (tmax = 34, hmax = 34031).

After completing the Zero-Gravity lab problem, I realized that, even more so, math is very

beneficial to all aspects of work, field of study (especially in math), as well as everyday

surroundings via living space. The benefits in understanding what a parabola’s functions to

understand what to expect when going up, in this case a jet or rocket, and coming back down,

either to the ground or ocean. We can also calculate what can be achieve for the maximum

outcome (or achieving zero-gravity) as well as in other applications such as sports like

Basketball or Baseball (using speed and motion of path that ball goes; usually in a curve) to

military applications such as missile ballistics (understanding the paths of missile that it

undergoes, in the form of a parabola) and/or business applications in the form of profits and

margins to yield the maximum.

Even more so, if I was a pilot or one of the crew members that is assisting with the training

crew or in this case; passengers, informing the passengers what to expect when traveling at a

high velocity, understanding the use of the standard form and knowing its maximum would not

only be beneficial to air crew members but the passengers as well to ease the anxiety that is

expected, especially when achieving zero gravity and its weightless effects. After all, there are

only a few seconds when achieving the maximum that the jet would go up and go back down,

then repeat to achieve the zero-gravity effect again under a high velocity. Furthermore, notifying

the passengers would also given insight when to feel the weightlessness as well.

In conclusion, understanding the uses and functions of quadratics in modern day living, Math

is essential and a huge asset to manage in everyday life through work, school, technology, and

home by applying what is learned into everyday living.

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