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Club Age Group Coach Session Title Date Start Time Duration No.

of Players

This pre-season practice focuses on developing players acceleration and speed for the upcoming
season. Players are split into three teams of 4 who race through the circuits to the be the first team to
complete them all. We have various variations of back and forth between the cones after which
players play quick 1-2’s between the poles. The player who started with the ball will finish off the
VIDEO sequence by either jumping through hurdles, quick feet through the ladders or completing double
shuttles. The next player begins once their teammate has passed the final pole of the circuit.

Key Coaching Points

1. Encourage competition between the teams to be the first to complete all the circuits

2. Ensure players are touching the cones before running to the next one

3. One touch passing through the poles

4. Correct form when going through hurdles and ladders, no shortcuts to finish faster

5. Teammates encouragement/ communication to the player in the circuit


1. To challenge players have them complete the runs between the cones by doing side-shuffles or

Coach Notes Player Questions

1. How can you improve your sharp turns when sprinting between the cones?

2. Which areas did you find challenging in this practice?

3. What can you do to improve on them?

Area Size Duration Sets

Intensity Work to Rest Ratio Energy Type

© Touchtight Coaching
Club Age Group Coach Session Title Date Start Time Duration No. of Players

Detail any individuals, pairs, trios and units to work on in the group and specify what detail you will be developing within each session element.

Player(s) Objective Tech / Tact / Soc / Phy / Psych Evaluation


Coach (Self) Players (Motivation / Engagement / Learning)

Session Organisation Action Points

© Touchtight Coaching

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