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1 Week 1 - Playing Out From The Back

4 Week 4 - Defending the Goal

2 5
Week 2 - Defending the Counter Week 5 - Counter Attacking

3 Week 3 - Retain Possession to Attack

6 Week 6 - Organised Defending

© Touchtight Coaching 2022


© Touchtight Coaching 2022

Club Age Group Coach Session Title Date Start Time Duration No. of Players


Organisation Key Coaching Points Organisation Key Coaching Points Organisation Key Coaching Points
• Here is a technical passing practice, that • Be creative by triggering player’s movement. • Practice is a 4 v 4 + 4 possession practice, • Our 2 midfielders must play off each other in Practice is an 8 v 8 medium sided game set up - Vision to see gaps to penetrate
begins with the coach playing a pass into • For example if our CDM pulls into the left focused on playing forward and supporting different areas, supported by player 1 who in a 60 by 40 yard area. We work - Movement to get onto the end of forward

one of two full backs in this 6 player zone, our striker must receive in the right. movement to finish. In this 32 by 25 Yard can advance on this forward pass. predominantly with team 1 who are set up in a passes
combination. area, we have 4, 8 yard zones with 2, 1 v 1s at • They play a pass into the striker in the 1133, with midfielders and attacking players - Communication - Non verbal and verbal
• In this 433 based exercise, our full back each end and a 2 v 2 in the central zone. attacking zone, with one player joining to set up in their formation based on their 433
passes into the 4th line (striker), who sets an • A coach begins by playing a pass into player create a 2 v 1. (adjust this to suit your set up).
attacking midfielder to finish side footed into one who must bounce the ball back to a

a mini goal. target player who looks for a pass into zone We manage our defending in a 1241, providing

1 3
• Play is then restarted, with players 2 for one of 2 attacking players. challenge increasing difficulty to penetrate.
encouraged to be creative in their

Progressions Player Questions Progressions Player Questions Progressions Player Questions

• Consider how our deep midfielder connects • Players must pass into an awaiting target • Players must pass into an awaiting target
defenders and midfielders in one and 2 player who can set for a support player to player who can set for a support player to
touches, encouraging realistic game finish. finish.
situations for penetrating passes. • Team one must attack 2 mini goals, whilst • Team one must attack 2 mini goals, whilst
• We progress by splitting the area into 4 team 2 must attack adjacent mini goals team 2 must attack adjacent mini goals
lanes, when winning possession, with end zones when winning possession, with end zones
for each team to play back through when for each team to play back through when
playing the opposite zone to recycle. playing the opposite zone to recycle.

Area Size Duration Sets Area Size Duration Sets Area Size Duration Sets

Work to Rest Ratio Intensity Energy Work to Rest Ratio Intensity Energy Work to Rest Ratio Intensity Energy

© Touchtight Coaching
Club Age Group Coach Session Title Date Start Time Duration No. of Players


Detail any individuals, pairs, trios and units to work on in the group and specify what detail you will be developing within each session element.

Player(s) Objective Tech / Tact / Soc / Phy / Psych Evaluation


Coach (Self) Players (Motivation / Engagement / Learning)

Session Organisation Action Points

© Touchtight Coaching 2022


© Touchtight Coaching 2022

Club Age Group Coach Session Title Date Start Time Duration No. of Players

Organisation Key Coaching Points

This practice is to develop the physical attributes of players and finishing with 1 v 1 • Speed through cones
competition. We have 2 groups of players in each corner with one player working • Agility around mannequin and over hurdles
• Finishing in each goal
at any one time. They must race around pole before shuttle runs between cones
• Competitive nature (Teamwork as a group)
before finishing a pass from a teammate in a mini goal. Each player must then
jump a hurdle and race to a through ball played by a coach to finish in the main
goal. Once scored they must tag a partner to repeat the competition. All players to
finish and tag the passer to do the same.

Progressions Player Questions

Area Size Duration Sets Work to Rest Ratio Intensity Energy

Organisation Key Coaching Points

This practice is focused on defending when overloaded and is specifically looking • Force the play away from goal when defending.
at remaining compact in the defending zone, forcing play wide. Get compact counter quickly on regain.
Players must react to the number call from a coach with either 2 players going out Develop communication when defending and organise.
to attack an individual defender or 3 players attacking 2 defenders. • Awareness of danger and importance of defending the goal.

Objective is for defenders to delay and press when required to counter and finish
in the opposite goal.

Progressions Player Questions

1. May change numbers of practice depending on players. • What information or communication can we send to help a team mate?
2. Time count down before can score. • How do we stop teams from playing through?
3. Add channels to encourage tactical focus (Movement and areas to defend). • What can help with us being aware when defending?
4. Physical consequence for consider a goal. • How does good defending look?

Area Size Duration Sets Work to Rest Ratio Intensity Energy

© Touchtight Coaching
Club Age Group Coach Session Title Date Start Time Duration No. of Players

Organisation Key Coaching Points

• This 4 v 4 v 4 Possession Transition Practice is focused on Defending against the • Develop attacking and defending principles.
counter and how players react to losing possession. • Finishing aspects, calm, ruthless and different types of finishing, overlap/underlap
• In a 30 or 40 by 20 yard area (dependant on age/challenge), we have 4 teams of 4 split creates space.
into 3 different zones. • Reactions to transitions, recover quickly and the speed of the attack.
• The first attacking team begins with the ball in the central area and must attack 4 • Change in attitudes to both attacking and defending.
defenders to finish in a mini goal. If defenders win the ball they must counter against the
3rd team of 4, before the team losing possession can regain to counter the counter.

Progressions Player Questions

1. Must score from overlap 1. How can we score? How can we create space?
2. Good play (combination, speed of the attack, overlap/underlap) worth two goals. 2. How do we react to transitions quickly and how does this look?
3. Scoring system for each team, make competitive. 3. On the turn over of the ball what is our first thought? Retain or build possession.
4. Limited touches or time constraint before scoring.

Area Size Duration Sets Work to Rest Ratio Intensity Energy

Organisation Key Coaching Points

This practice focuses on attack and defence, with attention given to the transition phase. 1. Encourage players to exploit space.
Attackers set up in a 231 (4231 base) in a full width and 60 yard long pitch area, against a 2. Recover quickly.
43 outfield defence with a supporting floater for both teams. 3. Reactions to transitions, recover quickly and the speed of the attack.
The objective is for the midfield 3 and defending 4 to defend as a solid unit and counter 4. Change in attitudes to both attacking and defending.
into either of 2 mini goals. 5. Delay play and possession to regain shape.
We can establish a clearer transition with coach initiating counter attacks for whites after
gold attacks to create defending counter pictures.

Progressions Player Questions

1. Red team has 10/12 seconds to score 1. How can we delay? Where do we want to show the opposition?
2. Floater can defend on balance of transition. 2. How do we react to transitions quickly and how does this look?
3. Progress practice to 11 v 11 or SSG. 3. How can we exploit space when in possession?
4. What information and communication can we send to help team mates?

Area Size Duration Sets Work to Rest Ratio Intensity Energy

© Touchtight Coaching
Club Age Group Coach Session Title Date Start Time Duration No. of Players


Detail any individuals, pairs, trios and units to work on in the group and specify what detail you will be developing within each session element.

Player(s) Objective Tech / Tact / Soc / Phy / Psych Evaluation


Coach (Self) Players (Motivation / Engagement / Learning)

Session Organisation Action Points

© Touchtight Coaching 2022


© Touchtight Coaching 2022

Club Age Group Coach Session Title Date Start Time Duration No. of Players


Organisation Key Coaching Points Organisation Key Coaching Points Organisation Key Coaching Points

This 2nd practice from 14 in our Retain 1. Players to scan and be aware, check Practice 7 of Theme 17: Retain Possession to Weight and direction of pass Practice 6 of Theme 17 Retain Possession to 1. Calm in possession and retain, move
Possession to Attack Theme, focuses on shoulders. Attack is a Technical Pattern that encourages Movement to create angle for set play and for Attack is a Small Sided Game with a defending team around to create space/

movement to create space and quick short 2. Encourage players to create space. midfield players to combine in one and two one two difference. openings.
sharp passing to keep possession in tight 3. Players to work away from the ball. touches to play through. Control and balance through cones with the With 5 players and a floater playing in a 30 by 2. Do we need to switch the play or work the
spaces. In a 25 x 25 yard area, we position a player in ball 30 yard area, the objective is to finish in one of ball wide to score.
Progressions encourage checking of each corner, with an extra player at the top end 2 goals positioned in the corner of each area. 3. Identify space and recognise when to

shoulders and being aware of what is away for the next sequence. The constraint is that goals can only be scored exploit space.

1 3
from the ball. With a pole or mannequin in the centre of the from a diagonal pass from one quadrant to the 4. No straight line runs to finish, encourage
pitch, 4 players will be positioned, with 2 other. diagonal runs.
players working in a single direction at any one

Progressions Player Questions Progressions Player Questions Progressions Player Questions

1. Players on two touch then to progress to 1. How do we create space? 1. Floater player on one touch. 1. When do we need to be patient and build?
one touch. 2. Consider combinations and quick play or 2. Diagonal pass to score. 2. How can we help each other -
2. Once defender scores, he can defend in do we need to protect the ball? 3. Make practice directional, once you have communication and eye contact?
opposite box with partner. 3. Why do we check shoulders? Why do we attacked one set of mini goals then you can 3. How can we draw players in? How do we
3. One/two to finish to score. look away from the ball? then attack others. identify and exploit space?
4. Open practice up, one bar and use all four 4. What type of pass is required and why in
boxes as a guide. tight space? How can we draw players in?

Area Size Duration Sets Area Size Duration Sets Area Size Duration Sets

Work to Rest Ratio Intensity Energy Work to Rest Ratio Intensity Energy Work to Rest Ratio Intensity Energy

© Touchtight Coaching
Club Age Group Coach Session Title Date Start Time Duration No. of Players


Detail any individuals, pairs, trios and units to work on in the group and specify what detail you will be developing within each session element.

Player(s) Objective Tech / Tact / Soc / Phy / Psych Evaluation


Coach (Self) Players (Motivation / Engagement / Learning)

Session Organisation Action Points

© Touchtight Coaching 2022


© Touchtight Coaching 2022

Club Age Group Coach Session Title Date Start Time Duration No. of Players



Organisation Key Coaching Points Organisation Key Coaching Points Organisation Key Coaching Points

• Paired Defending | Focus on distance of In this half pitch practice, we focus on • Force Direction into overload areas The playing area is 40 x 40 yards, with a • Focus on team shape to ensure all
Technical practice that works paired
clearance and covering positions of our attacking 4 players against a back 4. • Strategy around when to trigger press goal at each end, 2 GKs to protect & a 4 players are working within the defensive

1 2
defenders in developing their individual

teammate and GK. Coach plays ball into 1 of the front for the pressing unit v 4. framework.
& paired defending technique. With 1
• Press & Defend | After each clearance, players, with their challenge to create The pitch is split into thirds for you to • 1 v 1 Defending ability - do not get
goal protected by GK & 2 Defenders,
players must squeeze and drop ready effective angles to move defenders recognise areas where players can beaten easily and recovery runs if
position 3 other players on each of the
for next delivery. around. The back 4 must remain defend, encouraging pressing and beaten.
cones, with a supply of 3-4 balls.
compact & look to regain possession to delaying in certain areas of the pitch. • Recognise when to press as a group to
Each player takes turns to deliver a
finish in 1 of 2 mini goals. Coach Reds to defend & manage Gold regain, and when to delay to protect
lofted pass or cross into the box for
to attack in order to provide a challenge, goal.
players to clear.
testing defenders ability to protect their
Work through all balls and rotate
Progressions Player Questions goal.
defensive players to repeat practice.
• Implement opportunities for defenders Progressions Player Questions
Progressions Player Questions
to recover during counter attacks, this
• Defending in & around the goal, limiting • Where are the opposition gaining
may be after they have regained
crosses and stopping shots. Link with success and how can you limit this?
possession and look to score in mini
GK responsibilities. • How does progression influence your
• Gold can only score through rotational defending, and why?
• Create opportunities to defend the goal
movement, forcing defenders to be
with high balls and crosses around the 6
more aware moves in front and behind
yard box, encouraging goalkeeper and
defensive line.
defenders to protect goal.

Area Size Duration Sets Area Size Duration Sets Area Size Duration Sets

Work to Rest Ratio Intensity Energy Work to Rest Ratio Intensity Energy Work to Rest Ratio Intensity Energy

© Touchtight Coaching
Club Age Group Coach Session Title Date Start Time Duration No. of Players


Detail any individuals, pairs, trios and units to work on in the group and specify what detail you will be developing within each session element.

Player(s) Objective Tech / Tact / Soc / Phy / Psych Evaluation


Coach (Self) Players (Motivation / Engagement / Learning)

Session Organisation Action Points

© Touchtight Coaching 2022


© Touchtight Coaching 2022

Club Age Group Coach Session Title Date Start Time Duration No. of Players


Organisation Key Coaching Points Organisation Key Coaching Points Organisation Key Coaching Points

This Dribbling practice requires 6 to 12 players Close control in and out of player traffic This Pattern Of Play practice can take place Coach plays into midfielder, who plays first • Played in a 50 x 40 area with an end goal to • Pressing from Midfield players (8 & 4) and
in a 25 by 25 yard area, each with a ball to Use both feet to become comfortable on a full size pitch, with a complete team or in touch into an inside wide player who looks for counter attack against. immediate counter attack can get forward

dribble. Players are encouraged to be creative dribbling units. For the purpose of this practice we will a direct ball into the striker. All players replicate players into the box to finish. Weight of pass,
and try as many tricks and dribbles as they Increase speed when breaking away have 9 players and balls positioned on the positions taken up. Wide counter, with timing of run.
• 4 attacking players play out in a 22 (central
can. We can progress this by adding 2 areas Recognise when to turn quickly in control pitch as shown. advanced full back, winning possession off defenders & midfielders), against defending
where players must perform a different trick in Head up to combine to play 1-2 under Players must react to the number call from a winger & countering either through wide team in a 212 (possible attacking 442 • Develop first touch, speed of support and

each, with increased player traffic closer pressure coach or from ball played into a specific area player, or striker. What is the best decision? combinations to get shot off. Challenge each

diamond), who must defend and counter

control is encouraged. as players react, be creative as a coach to Breaking lines counter from midfield into wide quickly on regaining possession. group, giving points for hitting target, 1-2
stimulate individual players. player. Quick support provided by full back to combinations etc.
play 1-2 & through ball into striker. Quick play?
• Possession team must attempt to link with 1
of 2 attacking floaters at the opposite end to
score in central mini goal.

Progressions Player Questions Progressions Player Questions Progressions Player Questions

This Pattern Of Play practice can take place How quickly can you react to coach call? • Allow players to be creative in the types of • Is team shape as you would expect? If not,
on a full size pitch, with a complete team or in Who is the slowest to react and why? runs in behind. Show short to go long as where is the issue and how can you rectify
units. For the purpose of this practice we will What different types of counter can you come shown here (11) draws defenders in to break this? If this is not sorted out quickly, your
have 9 players and balls positioned on the up with? in behind for passes. session will quickly become pointless.
pitch as shown. Can you encourage passer to play best • Are players counter attacking successfully
option?. • Allow floater to join in, adding time and how can this be developed?
constraints to the counter attack or even
limiting touches (combinations / direct).

Area Size Duration Sets Area Size Duration Sets Area Size Duration Sets

Work to Rest Ratio Intensity Energy Work to Rest Ratio Intensity Energy Work to Rest Ratio Intensity Energy

© Touchtight Coaching
Club Age Group Coach Session Title Date Start Time Duration No. of Players


Detail any individuals, pairs, trios and units to work on in the group and specify what detail you will be developing within each session element.

Player(s) Objective Tech / Tact / Soc / Phy / Psych Evaluation


Coach (Self) Players (Motivation / Engagement / Learning)

Session Organisation Action Points

© Touchtight Coaching 2022


© Touchtight Coaching 2022

Club Age Group Coach Session Title Date Start Time Duration No. of Players



Organisation Key Coaching Points Organisation Key Coaching Points Organisation Key Coaching Points

Played in a 30 by 15-yard area, begin This Functional practice is based on a • Compact positioning to stop This possession based game is an 11 v 6 • Body shape of striker on approach
• Focus on the following key points:
with a 5 v 2 overload Rondo in one half 343 defensive unit and is focused on penetration played in a 45 by 40 yard area. • Work as a defensive unit

1 2
• Manage possession to create space

of the practice area. limiting any penetration passes in the • Communication between units to cover With 2 teams of 6 and 5 floating players, (compactness)
• Challenge defenders to remain
final third against an attacking 4. With a any central penetration we split the pitch into 3 zones, with the • Recognition of team mates on when to
compact (distances and angles to be
The aim of the two defenders here is to pivot player in behind to start attacks, • Recognition of when to press as an defending team set up in a 141. apply quick pressure (trigger)
constantly checked)
regain possession and switch play to 3 the attacking team can adjust their individual and as a group • Dispersal on regain of possession and
• Decide to force inside or outside as a
awaiting teammates, becoming the angles of approach and cause compactness of team that has lost
passing team. 2 attackers then become problems with runs onto balls in behind possession.
• Triggers to press, identify these (slow
defenders, switching grids to press as a as well as short combinations to
pass, bad touch, poor pass)
pair to regain possession for their team. challenge the defensive unit.
Progressions Player Questions
Progressions Player Questions Progressions Player Questions
Allow 1 player to step in to middle zone in 1. Why is defenders body shape and
• Delay attackers from breaking into final How would you deal with 3 v 2 overload possession of the ball. approach important?
third better than 2 v 1? Allow 1 defensive player to step up a 2. What triggers are you looking for to
zone. know when to apply pressure?
If attackers find it too easy? How can Progress to 7v7 with 3 floating players. 3. Why is midfield compactness
you make sure attackers play in front? important?

If Defenders find it too easy? How could

you use width better?

Area Size Duration Sets Area Size Duration Sets Area Size Duration Sets

Work to Rest Ratio Intensity Energy Work to Rest Ratio Intensity Energy Work to Rest Ratio Intensity Energy

© Touchtight Coaching
Club Age Group Coach Session Title Date Start Time Duration No. of Players


Detail any individuals, pairs, trios and units to work on in the group and specify what detail you will be developing within each session element.

Player(s) Objective Tech / Tact / Soc / Phy / Psych Evaluation


Coach (Self) Players (Motivation / Engagement / Learning)

Session Organisation Action Points

© Touchtight Coaching 2022

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