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Which one of these things is alive? 1) A car 2) A stone 3) A plant 4) An aeroplane The marbles in the two boxes below are different in ...... Oo OO Oo @©@ Box A Box B 1) shape 2) number 3) colour 4) size Chilli and pepper taste 0.0.0... © 1) hot 2) sour 3) bitter 4) sweet A person who is blind cannot ... a 1) hear 2) feel 3) taste 4) see A. cannot move by itself. 1) cat 2) bicycle 3) dog 4) frog Which one of these materials is the softest? 1) rock 2) metal 3) cloth 4) glass Which one of the birds below cannot fly? 1) owl 2) eagle 3) pigeon 4) penguin The sun rises in the ... 1) east 3) north 11. 12. 13, 14. 15. 16. 17. No two persons can have the same ww ight 1) height AN erprints Bree 4) fingerp) . Hens, ducks and geese are commonly found in a 1) farm 2) z00 3) garden 4) house Could you please ...... . me your pen? 1) borrow 2) return 3) lend 4) pay Ann i peeling onions because it makes her cry. 1) needs 2) dislikes 3) wishes 4) refuses My friend sent me a beautiful ....... ... of Singapore. 1) note 2) letter 3) passport 4) postcard Suda’s parents were .............. of their daughter's good results. 1) great 2) happy 3) proud 4) grand Mr. Supom shouted ....... 1) angrily 3) happily - When he saw the boys stealing his durians. 2) bravely 4) impatiently The show was so that we fell asleep. 1) interesting 2) thrilling 3) boring 4) good The doctor is the patient What to do. 1) prescribing 2) giving 3) scolding , 4) telling 18. 19. 8 21. 23. 25. The supermarket is usually full of people on Sundays. 1) busy 2) crowded 3) lively 4) active Mis. Suesanne is a nice and friendly man. 1) pleasant 2) lovely 3) gentle 4) joyful The old house is vacant. 1) filled 2) full 3) occupied 4) empty Linda can't eat because she «0.0... ill 1) was 2) is 3) are 4) were . Joe is fatter than ... 1) my 2) me 3) 1 4) mine book do you like best? 1) Whom 2) When 3) How 4) Which Sam his picture to his friends last night. 1) shows 2) showed 3) show 4) showing Mr. Lek = his son to school everyday. 1) drive 2) drives 3) driven 4) driving When | am hungry, J... @ lot of food. 1) eat 2) eats 3) am eating Al was eating 27. 28. 29. 30, 31. 32. 33. 35. We stayed at home because it... 2) rains 1) rain 7 im 4) is raining 3) was raining ‘My father is cooking by 2) themselves 4) herself ? himsel 3) myself a . all fish lay eggs? 1) Do ee Ae 4) Have sow Shoes is Tom wearing? 1) When 2 Nee 3) Who SanY lam pleased . . my good marks. 1) of 2) to 3) with 4) on Do you who swept the floor? 1) knew 2) known 3) knows 4) know Aver train sree ea the station a few minutes ago. 1) leaves 2) left 3) is leaving 4) leave . Nobody - this kind of letter, 1) writes 2) write 8) ate senting 4) were writing Be careful ot you may cut.......... 1) ourselves 2) myself 3) himself 4) yourselves 36. 37. 38. 8 41. 43. Maly .... her baby when she was ill 1) looked at 2) looked in 3) looked after 4) looked on The children very early every morning 1) get in 2) get up 3) get down 4) get out During the party, each child cscs to sing. 1) having 2) have 3) is having 4) has JIM PUl OO seesseece salt into the soup. 1) much 2) many 3) lot 4) plenty . Everyday Ann ............... the day’s events in her diary. 1) write 2) writes 8) is writing 4) wrote We must --. our hands before eating. 1) wash 2) washed 3) washes 4) washing . Bill's handwriting is ................... than his brother's. 1) bad 2) worse 3) worst. 4) mote worse The door bell is ringing. ........:.0... YoU please open the door? 1) Do 2) Shall 3) May 4) Will |. Henry lives ... St. George's road. 1) at 2) on 3) through wt) 45. 46. 47. 49. 51, 8 This dog belongs to that man. UG is rererterras 1) theirs a)yhels 3) his 4) yours These are my story books. They are .. 4) yours 2) mine 3) ours 4) theirs Each pencil ........00.0. 9 baht, 1) cost 2) is costing 3) costs 4) was costing Tell Bob to wash his plate ................ he finishes his dinner. 1) before 2) while 3) then 4) after My father is working, We ou... Make any noise when we play 1) must. 2) don't 3) mustn't 4) may Louis i nueueusun in English than in Japanese, algae 2) better 3) best 4) bad There wasn't... milk left in the teftigerator, 1) any 2) some 3) many 4) more My brother is younger than 1 He is sewes Old ag I, 1) as 2) less 3) not as 4) almost 55. 57. 59. 61. . This shitt is very old |. Let's }. Where do you play tennis ... 1) Shall 3) Will ... to Pattaya next week. 1) going 3) to go Will she dance . re 1) now 3) last week 1) at this moment 3) everyday Noi is a careless driver. 1) carefully 3) well She drives ... What 1) are going to 3) will you .. do for your future? Max wants to eat ..... ... bread. 1) a box of 3) a cup of . My mother goes to the market to buy .... 1) a dozen of 3) a dish of The news .... _ good to read 1) am 3) are I throw it away? 2) Must 4) Do 2) goes 4) go 2) next week 4) every week 2) tomorrow 4) yesterday 2) carelessly 4) fast 2) do you 4) did you 2) a can of 4) a loaf of +e. Fambutans. 2) two kilos of 4) a box of 2) is 4) be 62. 63. 65, B: “Four” 1) How much 3) How many a lot of children in the class 2) is 4) have cans of tomato juice have you?” 2) How often 4) How A; “How much do you pay for these two shirts?” Bas 1) A dozen 2) One kilo 3) That's two hundred 4) Two hundred baht Ae do you have lunch?” Bi: “At 1210" 1) What 2) What time 3) Where 4) Who A: ‘Is it 6.15?" wa 4 a 1) Yes, it is 2) It is seven fifteen 8) No, it is seven fifteen 4) It is a quarter past seven A: cee B: “Yes, 2.20." 1) Is it two o'clock? 2) Is it ten past two? 3) Is it twenty past two? 4) What time is it? . ae MAN eecsane see nothing. 3) do 2) can't 4) don't 70. 71. 73. 74. . We look at ourselves in ..... 1) a glass 3) a shop 2) a river 4) a mircor The opposite of “hungry” is .......cccc8 + 1) empty 3) thirsty A man lives near your house is a .... 1) teacher 3) neighbour MT greta ae B: ‘Fifty-two kilos.” 1) How old is your friend? 3) How much do you weigh? A Tiel iear : , B: “August 6” 1) When was he born? 3) What's he like? ee ere cca B: ‘She is tall and thin” 1) How is she? 3) How old is she? . A: “Why do you go to school?” 1) To play 3) To lean B: ‘Its her dog.” 1) Where is the dog? 3) How is the dog? 2) full 4) late 2) friend 4) uncle 2) How tall are you? 4) How much do you buy? 2) Where were you born? 4) How tall is he? 2) What does she like? 4) What's she like? 2) To talk 4) To sleep 2) Whose dog is that? 4) Is it her dog? TAs. ‘Wy were you at the ani Yesterea? B: 1) To see my friend 3) Because I am well 2) To talk to my sister 4) Because J had a stomachache 78. A: “Hello, B B: ‘To visit my aunt.” 1) Where are you? 2) Why are you here? 3) What are you? 4) How are you? TO RS seeerssesssennnee . B: “The blue one is mine.” 1) Which car is yours? 2) What is the blue car? 9) How is the blue car? 4) Whose car is that? 80. A: ‘Tll go to Los Angeles next month.” Beers : 1) Tm going to 2) SoamI 3) I shall too 4) Neither shall I , 1 s °, srufeanrndialuit wdanaudrmaia 81-25 Somporn is a boy of twelve. He lives with his parents in a flat at Wangmai Tov. He goes to a school nearby. Sompom is a polite and friendly i se rates ly boy and his school Sompom is th i a i 1s the youngest in the family. He has two brothers and two sistels ryday, when te comes home ftom school, he has to look after the house becaus? hospital. oly. His mother is a nurse who works i Som Tike pom likes to collect Stamps and plays football ‘well, 81. Sompom is -» years old, 1) ten a 2) eleven 4) thirteen 82. 83. 84. 85. Sompom lives with his 1) schoolmates 3) parents Sompom is the 1) oldest 3) elder Sompor's school is ....... 1) near his flat 3) in his flat His father works in a 1) school 8) furniture factory 2) friends 4) neighbours .. in the family 2) eldest 4) youngest 2) far away 4) next to his flat 2) private clinic 4) hospital ow 1 ay, * 2 shutiaanacia lis baMauAIa Nga 86-90 The Golden Arowana is a very attractive fish. The Chinese call it the “Emperor Fish”. They believe that the Golden Arowana brings luck to the owner. Some owners pay high prices for the fish because of this. The Arowana comes from the rivers of Pahang. This fish can grow up to about two metres. Its body is covered with large and silvery scales and it has golden fins. The Arowana also comes in green and silver, but the golden one is the most popular Although the fish is edible, it is too expensive for people to buy to cook. 86. The Golden Arowana is @ VELY cs fish. 1) ugly 2) active 3) big 4) attractive 87. ThE sesepecuvee Call the Golden Arowana the “Emperor Fish.” 1) Thai 2) English 3) Chinese 4) American den Arowana brings to the owner. Jieve that the Gol 88, He — ae ; : 4) high prices money 2 89. Where does the Arowana come from’ een and silver. 4) The river of Pahang. 2) In gr 3) With large and silvery sceles. 4) Golden fins. 90. Why don't people eat the Arowana? 1) It's too expensive. 2) It's too big. 3) It's too beautiful 4) It's too good. srufonnamalal udanourioraie 91-94 Poetry Who are you? I am Ligiu, Who are you? I am Luke How are you, Luke? Very well, thank you. How are you? I am well, too! Who is she? She is Miss Chi Hello, Miss Chi. What do you do? I teach little children in the school. Who is he? He is Mr. Li Hello, Mr. Li. What do you do? Tam the principal in charge of this school, (English Enrichment Exercises 1 by Loh Tee Yang and Lim Lee Weng) 91. Ligiu is a, = 1) boy 2) girl 3) baby me 4) teacher 92. Miss Chi is a 1) principal meee 3) teacher student 4) house-wite 93. The principal of the school is 1) Mr. Li 2) Miss Chi 3) Luke 4) Ligiu 94. Which words that sound like “too”? 1) you 2) Luke 3) Li 4) Hello srutaancialid wsamaudinuia 95-100 mouth wide and said “Arrr....." so that Dr. Wit could look at his teeth. say another “Anr.....” or blink his eyes, Dr. Wit pulled out the tooth clinic with a smile on his face and one missing tooth! Moss was scared. He had a bad toothache so his mother took him to the dentist. Dr. Wit smiled at Moss and asked him to sit in a big, black chair. Moss opened his The dentist sprayed a cold medicine around the bad tooth. Before Moss could How proud Moss was. He did not feel any pain at all! Moss walked out of the 95. Moss went to see Dr. Wit because 1) he was scared 2) he had a bad toothache 3) his mother said he had to 4) he had a headache 96. Moss had ........ ... bad tooth/teeth. 1) one 2) two 3) three 4) four 97. Moss said “Ant.....” so that Dr. Wit could .... 1) pull his tooth 2) put something into his mouth 3) teach him how to sing 4) hit his tooth 98. Because of the medicine, MOSS ......0s + 2) felt a lot of pain 1) was not scared 3) did not feel any pain 4) felt sleepy

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