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Part of Speech Function Example words Example sentences

Nouns Thing or person Pen, cat, music, This is my cat. It lives in

student, teacher, Lisboa my house. We live in
Pronouns Replaces a noun I, you, she, it, my, Mary is my cousin. She
yours, their has a pet.
Verbs Action of state (to) be, have, do, like, This is a school. I study at
sing, study, can, must this school.
Adjectives Modify or describe a noun Good, green, heavy, My mother is beautiful.
beautiful, smart, tall, She is a good person.
bad, pretty
Adverbs Modify or describe a verb,an adjective or another Quickly, silently, My brother eats quickly
adverb permanently, very, when he is very hungry.
happily, usually
Prepositions Link a noun to another word In, of, above, to, at, on, We went to the cinema on
after weekend. The popcorns
are under the chair.
Conjunctions Join sentences or clauses or words For, and, but, or, so I like both cakes and
Interjections Short exclamation, sometimes inserted in Oh!, Ouch!, Hi!, well, Hi! How are you? Ouch!
to a sentence yes, sure That hurts.

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