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Books Are Ladders




Books are ladders to knowledge’s place

As you read you take a cautious step
Going to the peak of triumph’s base
Relishing every moment so great.

Books are ladders to a wholesome pleasure

As you read you enjoy awesome splendor,
Moving through the gates of words’ treasure
Relaxing with the stories that out pour .

Books are ladders to havens of discoveries

As you turn each page you will clearly see
Display of bountiful and magnificent sceneries
Soothing tired soul like the touch of the sea.
Reading is Life


Reading is more than any other hobby

When you love reading you have a true buddy
For when you read it feels that somebody
Is teaching you good lessons to live by each day.

Reading is more than digging a treasure

For when you read you get things far beyond jewels
Silver and gold are of no match
To the wealth you gather when you read.

Reading is more than other forms of exercise

It enables you to improve the condition of life
Especially when you put what you read into practice
Not merely keeping them in your mind.

Reading is more than riding a bike

For in riding you may stumble and get hurt
But in reading you will not lose your heart
For reading nurtures , indeed it’s life.
Rida , The Reader


One Friday morning in the library while Rida is busy reading her
favorite book series ‘The Art of Reading’ , her friend Lara came in rushing, “Rida!,
Rida!, I have something great to tell you!”,she exclaimed.
“What is it?,” Rida replied astonished.
“Our school will hold a reading contest. I know that you will win if you join.
The contest is exclusive for grade four pupils. I am so excited for you Rida! You
will be our class representative for the contest”, Lara said straight.
Mrs.Perez, the librarian noticed the loud voice of Lara. She called their
attention, “Remember that you’re inside the library girls. Keep quiet!”
“Sorry Mrs.Perez,” the two answered feeling ashamed.
Rida returned the book to the shelf and they went out the library .
Outside the library , Lara kept on encouraging Rida to join the contest.
“But I am only good in reading inside the class . I don’t know if I can make it
if there is crowd watching and listening to me”, Rida doubtingly said.
“Rida , you have to believe in yourself, our class is very confident that it is
you who will be adjudged winner in the contest”, Lara reiterated.
When Rida arrived home that day, she immediately proceeded to her room
and began reading aloud her favorite book.
“Reading is power . Reading is strength . Reading is hope . Reading is an
enjoyable thing that one should not miss ”, she recited.
Her mother heard her reading . She clapped her hands and walked toward
Rida, kissed her and hugged her. “You are really good in reading my lovely
daughter!”, she praised Rida.
“Mother , there is something that bothers me. There will be a reading
contest in our school. My classmates decided to choose me to be the
representative of our section , but I haven’t confirmed it yet because I am too
nervous. I feel that I cannot read well in front of a great audience. Mother please
help me. I don’t know what to do,” Rida said in confusion.
“Rida , your classmates and teacher know that you are the best reader in
your class. They believe in you. I suppose that there is no reason for you to turn
down their decision of choosing you as their representative. Just trust yourself my
lovely daughter. Take that as an opportunity to build your confidence,” mother
advised Rida.
“Thank you for your encouraging words mother. Now , I will take it as a
chance to improve my self-esteem. I love you so much mother”, she said dearly
hugging and kissing her mother.
As the days pass by , Rida keeps on practicing. She goes over and
over pronouncing the lines of her favorite book , “Reading is power . Reading is
strength. Reading is hope . Reading is an enjoyable thing that one should not
She visits the library often and borrows books so she can have pieces to
read more. She reads with her classmates . She reads with her friends. She reads
with her father and mother and she reads by herself.
The day of the contest came. Spectators were all ready to witness the
showcase of reading prowess of the twelve contestants.
“I can certainly do it. I will make all of them proud. I can overcome my fear.
Help me Lord please,” Rida assured herself while waiting for her turn.
One by one the contenders reached the stage and read the piece assigned
to them. All committed mistakes except Rida who read all the lines perfectly.
There is no doubt that Rida was announced the ‘Best Reader’ that day, and all
were delighted. Resounding applause filled the place.
“I did it mom. Thank you mom. Thank you Lara




It was a summer day when the cousins , Dex , Drew , Win , Lucky and
Rhedge had a naughty deed . They pushed uncle Fido’s old boat towards the
shore to have a silly boat ride. They pushed and pushed until the boat began to
float smoothly. The boys hurriedly jumped into the boat and excitedly paddled to
the deep part of the sea .
While on the boat the boys shared funny stories. They all laughed
and giggled as they sailed. They danced , sang and played inside the boat. The
boys did not notice that they were a mile away from the shore until a strong wave
hit their boat and threw them down the sea. All the boys were good swimmers
except Rhedge who began to panic and started to get drowned. Dex, Drew , Win
and Lucky tried their best to save Rhedge. They managed to bring Rhedge back to
the boat but he was unconscious. The four boys began to shout for help and cried
out loud . They paddled hastily back to the shore . It was still a lucky day for the
boys because when they reached the shore uncle Fido was already there waiting
for them.
Uncle Fido immediately revived Rhedge , he vomited and coughed
and finally restored his consciousness. Uncle Fido scolded the boys. “ Look at
what you’ve done! You almost lost Rhedge. I told you beforehand that it is not
safe for you to sail on your own. I hope you learned your lesson this time boys!”,
uncle Fido said angrily.
The boys realizing their mistake asked forgiveness from uncle Fido.
They all went home keeping in mind what uncle Fido told them. And they never
tried to do that silly boat ride again.

The Boys Learned Their Lesson

By: Erwin M. Ramos


Tired playing basketball , the twins Gamay and Dako with their
playmates Etel and Igi Boy went to Deo’s house to watch the boxing match of
Tyson and Holyfield. Deo welcomed his friends and prepared snacks while they
were resting. The boys were free to do what they wanted for Deo’s parents were
out in a meeting that time.
While watching , the boys copycat what they saw in the fight. They
laughed loudly when amidst the match Tyson suddenly bit Holyfield’s ear.
Unfortunately , the television shut down. “Oh!no, we’ve got no power!”, shouted
Deo . And so the boys did not finish what they were watching. “Ah, ha! I have a
brilliant idea. What if we have a boxing match? Let us see who is the best boxer
among us!”, Dako suggested with his eyes sparkling in excitement. “ That’s a good
idea!”, the other boys agreed. “ But wait , someone will act as a referee. Would
you mind if I serve as the referee?”, Etel said smiling. “ You big coward! You just
don’t want your face be hit by my deadly fist!”, Gamay boastfully said grinning.
“We don’t have gloves to wear. How can we start the fight?”, Igi Boy asked.
“Don’t worry towels will do to wrap our fist. I’ll get some upstairs”, so Deo went
up his room and got eight towels for them. They wrapped their fist carefully and
after several minutes Etel the referee started announcing , “In the red corner..........!
the tall…………!...........the mighty……..! Dako!!!!! , and in the blue corner…..!,
the small yet terrible……..! Igi Boy!!!!!. Let’s get ready to rumble…………!!!!!!.
Dako and Igi Boy started to throw punches at each other. Unexpectedly, Igi Boy
was hit by Dako’s left hook. Fresh blood came out Igi Boy’s nose. Seeing what
happened, Etel stopped the fight and announced Dako as the winner.
Minutes passed still Igi Boy’s nose was bleeding. The boys started to
get flustered. Gamay run out the house and called Nanang Lina , Igi Boy’s
grandmother for help. Hearing Gamay’s news they rushed into Deo’s house and
saw Igi Boy fainting. They called up Mang Roel the driver , brought Igi Boy in the
tricycle and they headed to the Brgy. Clinic . The nurse attended to Igi Boy and
checked on his nose. The nurse told them that there is no serious damage to his
nose . The hard punch caused the bleeding. Nanang Lina scolded the boys for what
happened. “See the danger of your unmindful action boys?! You hurt igi Boy!
What if things worst than this occurred?! From now on , I don’t want you to play
with Igi Boy any more!”, Nanang Lina said indignantly ,and they all left the clinic.
The boys never had the chance to play with Igi Boy again . He and
his family moved to Manila a week after the incident. This saddened the boys ,
they missed Igi Boy and their adventures with him. This brought themselves a
lesson. “We need to be careful and responsible in our actions”, said Gamay. “We
lost a friend because of our naughty games”, Dako added. The boys promised not
to play boxing again for it only hurts.
Tongue Twisters


Susie Sy saw the seesaws sway so Susie Sy swayed as

she saw the seesaw sway.

Rolly’s rule overruled Trolly’s rule so the role of

the role of the rollers’ ruler truly roll over Rolly
over Trolly.
Valiant the defiant , self-reliant brilliant giant
was a mutant who causes the tenant to be indignant
over Valiant’s rivaling giant Radiant.

Cricky the crooked cricket cracked the cooked cookie

up the coco tree near the creek but the cracked
cookie fell down the creek so Cricky the crooked
cricket did not find the cooked cookie he cracked.

Ramboo the rambler and the group of Bamboo rambler

ramble down Ramboo’s Bamboo rambler to find a tumbler
and so the ramblers ramble but found no tumbler.

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