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Ancient Egyptian History

Ancient Egyptian History
Ancient Egypt was a civilization of Antiquity, which
originated along the middle and lower reaches of the
Nile River, whose history spans more than three
millennia. It is considered one of the most important
civilizations of mankind.

The Egyptian civilization developed for more than

3500 years. It began with the unification of some
cities in the Nile valley, around 3200 BC, and is
conventionally considered to have ended in 31 BC,
when the Roman Empire conquered and absorbed
Ptolemaic Egypt, which disappeared as a state.
Ancient Egyptian History

The first settlers of Egypt reached the banks of the Nile River, then a conglomerate of
marshes, a focus of malaria, escaping from the desertification of the Sahara. The original
communities made the country habitable and structured themselves into regions called
nomos. Over time and after periods of agreements and disputes the nomos were grouped
into two proto-nations, Upper Egypt and Lower Egypt, to be finally unified by Menes around
3100 BC, considered by the ancient Egyptians the first pharaoh, who ruled around 3150 BC.
The last pharaoh was Cleopatra VII, of Hellenic descent, who reigned from 51 to 30 BC.
Egyptian religion went beyond our current concept of
belief in a higher power and the afterlife. In ancient
Egypt religion included practices and beliefs that
today are associated with mythology, science,
medicine, spiritualism, psychiatry, magic and
The basic religious concept was universal harmony
between people and the gods, and emphasized
gratitude and was based on what we would call
magic personified by heka. This god participated in
the act of creation and was the basic principal of the
Egyptian religion. It was the power that allowed the
gods to perform their functions and the people to
communicate with the gods.
Religion completely permeated the
lives of Egyptians, regardless of their
social class, and shaped all aspects of
daily routine. The gods of Egypt were
perceived as the lords of creation and
as friends interested in helping and
guiding the people. They were not seen
as deities who lived in the heavens, but
as gods who lived with the people in
their daily lives.
Trees were considered the By respecting the principle of Some other popular deities
home of divinities, and were Ma‘ at, or harmony, people were Ma 'at, Bes (the
associated with maternal care, were positioning themselves dwarf god of fertility), Heka
protection and nurturing. The with the gods and the forces of and Seshat (the goddess
goddess Ma 'at was one of the good, against the forces of of writing and
important deities of the darkness and chaos, measurement), although
pantheon. Ma 'at embodied the something important to the they did not have temples.
concept of harmony, and soul as it passed into the Ma 'at was invoked at
people were expected to honor afterlife. Some of the most coronation to legitimize a
and respect this principle and popular deities were Amon, new king, Seshat at the
recognize that their actions Isis, Osiris, Horas, Bastet, inauguration of a temple,
affected others and the Anubis and Hathor, and all and Heka and Bes to ward
workings of the universe. had temples. off spirits and bring luck.
Western Desert
This desert comprises 68% of Egypt's territory,
located west of the Nile River. It is one of the most
arid areas of the country, with rocky and sandy
deserts. In this Egyptian desert, oases are common,
isolated sites with water and vegetation, in which
there are small human settlements.

Eastern Desert
This desert is also known as the Arabian Desert,
in this area are the famous archaeological sites
and pyramids. The most famous is the Giza
plateau, where the sphinxes, the pyramid of
Cheops and the funerary temples, among many
others, stand out.
Nile Delta
The last two natural regions are developed around
the Nile River, with rich biodiversity due to the transit
of water. The Nile Delta region, also known as Lower
Egypt, receives water from the Nile River to form the
Delta that flows into the Mediterranean Sea in the
north of the country.
Nile Valley
To the east of the Nile River is the Nile Valley,
also known as Upper Egypt. It runs from the Hafa
Valley to the Mediterranean and comprises the
part at the end of the Nile basin, before reaching
the delta. It is a very narrow valley that divides
the Western Desert and the Eastern Desert, with
a width of 19 kilometers.
Typical dishes from Egypt
It is probably the national dish, a shot of energy that you
have to try at least once (here it is usually eaten for
Ful breakfast). The beans are the main protagonists of the
dish. They are cooked with a garlic sauce, after having
crushed them a little, in a copper pot and served with a
good splash of olive oil, parsley, onions and lemon. It is not
uncommon to be served with pita bread.

Another vegetarian dish prepared with the most varied

ingredients: pasta, tomato sauce, rice, caramelized onion,
Koshari garlic, lentils and chickpeas.
Typical dishes from Egypt
Although many think it was invented in Lebanon, baba
ganoush is a dish that will soon be found on the menus of
Egyptian restaurants. It is a cream of roasted eggplant,
olive oil, garlic, sesame paste (tahini) and lemon, very
ganoush similar in texture to hummus, which, like hummus, is eaten
with pita bread.

They are elongated and spicy meatballs that will make you
fall in love with them at the first bite. Here they are
Kofta prepared rolled on a wooden or metal skewer and are
usually made of mixed meat (beef and lamb). It is one of
the most delicious dishes you can eat in Egypt.

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