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Worksheet 3

Change the following assertive sentences into reported speech:

(a) The Prime Minister has announced a relief package for the farmers, said the

TKa uhezi id that Priou Miailiu bad annatincd

2 liLackase to dhadatazuikeA
b) Mohit says, I will invite all my friends to my birthday party.

(c) Amar said to Priya, 'My class teacher has agreed to grant me two weeks" leave.

(d) Rajesh said to Kusum, 'I lost my mobile phone yesterday.


(e) Ritu said to Aman, "You have not finished your homework yet."

(fPawan said, We have bought a new house. We're shifting to the new house
next week."

ha aiel that Thiy bd teykt a nth) horust h Lw s n

(g) Mother said, I am glad you've reached home on time. The weather is getting
really bad.
Mothur seil Hat She as gad as had sachd ho 7h
h) Maanya says, "I love staying' at my grandma's house. She tells me nice stories
and takes the
me to park. She also cooks my favourite pasta.

Worksheet 4
Change the following interrogative sentences into reported speech:
(a) The teacher asked, 'Have you understood the question?"

(b) Ritu said to Rohit, How will you complete the assignment in two days?"

(c) The child asked, Mother, why don't the stars in the sky fall down?"

(d) Namita said to Aruna, 'Which' of the two sarees is better?

) Can you teach me French?" said Tisha to Suman.

T tdelhe teeld upht hun funeh

(f)The worried father said to his son, Which train have you
checked your ticket boarded? Have you

hnckd luLklnder
(g)The manager said to the candidate, 'What are your qualifications? In what way
can you benefit our

(h) Rimi said, 'Monika, how did you like the state of Florida? If given a chance,
would you like to go there again?'

Why is it bandaged? Did

) My mother asked me, 'What happened to your hand?

you fall from the bicycle? Does it hurt?"

malakdd ne uhat hallead tom kandUk ilabrde

leave your job? Didn't they pay you

Rahul's friend asked him, "Why did you
happy doing that job? Will you look for a new job now?
well? Weren't you

Worksheet 5
Change the following imperative sentences into reported speech:
(a) The teacher said to the children/0pen page number ten of your book.

Lemanandud to,huun
(0 Manish said to the people standino on the road.APlease help mc 1ve thi
broken tree from the road.'

and happiness.
with health
Kuchi said, 'O God, bless my parents

to boost your vocabulary

and magazines
Preeti, 'Read
(d) n p r a said to

u vecahulae this exercise.

not overdo
The coach said to the players, Do

to what I say
his cadets, 'Stand straight. Listen attentively
(fThe major said to

offer, son,' said mother to her son. Do not leave this opportunity'
(g) Accept this job

) The doctor said to the patient, 'Don't worry. Just take the medicine on time and
exercise regularly.

A n L i u las
sheet 6
d the fallowina
Working in pairs, report the following exclamatory sentencesspoken by each
of the characters. The first one has been done as an example.
(a) Alas, I'm
The lion
unhappily exclaimed that he was ruined.
(b) Oh, had I been more
(c) How clever I am'

Vey Uu
(d) 'Kudos! You have done

(e) Help me,
Te hen prasd pal t bli
Oh, that's not fair!

(g) How cruel the hunter is!

Wab yer Uul

(h) What a nuisance humans are!'

bu veuy uuaN
i) Whata pity, our foes are so

yey serg
) wish I'were stróng enough to chase them away!
hWorksheet 10
1 . Read the dialogues given below and report them:

(a) Receptionist: Am I talking to Mrs Sharma?

Mrs Sharma: Yes.

Receptionist: Madam, you have won a prize in a slogan writing competition.

Mrs Sharma: Wow! What a wonderful news!
Receptionist: Madam, you'll have to collect your prize from our office on
Friday at 4:00 p.m.
Mrs Sharma: Oh! But I will be out of station on Friday. Can I collect it later?
Receptionist: Sory, Madam. In that case we will have to give the prizeto
the second winner.

Mrs Sharma: Alas! What bad luck! I wish we weren't going out.

rsSarno eyhrd pelliuel Reuflaitsaid htsku kad ena peize

(b Anmol: Kunal, have you prepared your speech for the competition?
Kunal Yes Anmol, I have.
Anmol How are you always so confident on the stage?
Kunal : I learn my speech thoroughly and practise it in front of my parents.

Anmol I wish I could also be so confident on the stage.

on thee stage, It's no
Kunal : You should not be afraid of being
this matter
tough. I can help you in
time I'll also
participate in the
Anmol : Thank you, Kunal. This
will help me perform
competition. I am sure your
guidance bete

Bul holp him in tus nod remal hankd 4a) Tha

uml h

9uidan ealdhelbinn Leren

1. Fill in the blanks in the following passage. Select the words from the box give
It was late night when I reached the city. I Cn of the bus driver
it was possible to get a taxi at that hour. He was kind and me wher
I could find one. After waking
up the taxi driver, I told him where I wanted to g
He sakd
gdsaying it was too
far off.
Ieouwudhim to be kind and hel
me out.
He agteed but nol me that he would
charge twice the fare.
that that was too much. On
hearing me, he went back to sleep.
guMA not having planned my journey but I RALALAIO to
to get
get cheated
grumbled, refused, refused, told,
if, warned,
regretted, enquired, requested
You have written many
novels and poems. I was seven when
When did you write your wrote a poem.
first one

What do you think Oh, it's simply beautifull

about nature? Do you Nature is my favourite
like to write on it?

What is your message to I'd request people to conserve

your countrymen? nature. If we dont,
heading towards our we re

Ramanshu asked Aradhika

Ho l I D b honsred
which she
Qunsuwad that tha L puu deht_
Ramanshu went on to that she
say had written many novels and poems and asked
hat Lhnsh koeltediLn ber
She hod ulnil_a esi _o Aradhika told

her betm_hublis dhu LOal4 Ramanshu asked

ha ske KacsoAtketnlmn 2enWith joy in her eyes,
Aradhika bimidHat
nature s her
iimky bei and that
favourite subject. As parting shot, Ramanshu
AUd huhA
very seriously2 oltoLonL land warned Hh de2 4

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