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David Soto

Prof. Amy Johnson

Eng 103 1001 – Composition I: Photo Narrative


Photo Narrative

After a long, arduous, and uncomfortable 13-hour drive we stopped at Charlotte, North

Carolina where we spent the next 2 and a half days with relatives in the area. The first day was

spent unwinding and recovering our energy from the ride. The second day was spent doing the

same except we went to a shopping mall in the afternoon. The morning of the next day we set off

on the last 3 hours to Myrtle Beach, South Carolina where we finally arrived at the Grande

Cayman Resort, more specifically the Savoy. Once there

we headed to an area near the beach with carnival rides to

regroup with other family members because we could not

check in until 4pm. After checking in we spent the rest of

the day swimming in the pools and relaxing on the beach.

Due to the difference in time zones, I ended up watching

the ocean waves until 1am, although relaxing in hindsight

it was bad idea. This resulted in me waking up at around

10am, luckily there was a Starbucks at the resort, and I

drank coffee for the first time in 4 months. My cousins and

I went back to the beach to collect seashells as well as

going swimming in the private pool reserved for the building we were staying at waiting for

everyone else to wake up.

Once everyone was awake it was decided that we would go to Broadway at the Beach, a

boardwalk with many shops and attractions in the

afternoon. It was a relatively short drive from the resort

only being 15 minutes away, but the passing of

outrageously large and expensive looking houses made the

ride feel




the ride

there, it


on me that I had not yet bought any souvenirs

to take back home for my family. Since I knew

that there would be many shops, I would take

this opportunity to scout out for anything

interesting. Although I had never been there or even heard of Broadway at the Beach there was

one shop that I was looking forward to seeing. My friend had done a quick google search about

Broadway at the Beach and found out that there was a Simpsons themed gift shop located there.

Upon our arrival we entered through the eastern entrance and the first thing to catch my attention

was a tall lighthouse that had a restaurant built around it. Taking a left at the entrance we walked

pass a pool that belonged to a Hampton Inn located on the property. We entered a few shops, but

I didn’t find anything interesting enough for me to buy as a souvenir and we passed by a couple
of others. Walking a bit further we finally reached the Simpsons themed gift shop which was

designed to look like the Kwik-E-

Mart. The inside was decorated to

look like a conviniece store with

some walls line with

“refrigerators” that were actually

just shelfs covered by glass doors.

To further sell the idea of it being a real conveniece store, it even had working soda fountains

and slushie machines. The shop sold a wide variety of merchandise ranging from plushies,

figurines, drink coolers, t-shirts, tall glass cups, keychains, pins, and even the iconic donut. After

looking through the entire shop I decided not to purchase anyhting just yet because there were

still many stores to go through and I could just loop back here. A short distance ahead was a shop

that sold summer clothing, I entered with them to see if they sold any souvenirs which they did.

They sold shark tooth necklaces, tiny fake license plates with names, and zodiac bracelets.

Before leaving the shop I decided to buy 2 zodiac bracelets for my sisters since they are twins

and have the same sign. Further up ahead after stopping by a smoothie stand we entered shop

with a large selection of Myrtle Beach themed souvenirs. I knew my mom would want me to

bring her back something from the beach so I bought a tiny glass jar so that I could fill it with

beach sand. Now that I had souvenirs for my mom and my sisters, I now only needed to find

something for my dad. I wasn’t too worried since we weren’t even half way through the area and

if I didn’t find anything interesting I could just go back to the Simpsons shop. Heading past a

Donald Trump themed shop we found a small area with carnival rides although we decided

against going on any because tickets for the rides were ridiculously over priced. The middle
bridge provided the best view of the entire area and the lake below it being able to see the

WonderWorks to the left, the fish below, and the Beach Rider Jet Boat to the right. As we

entered and exited more and more shops I was starting to get a little woried since I hadn’t yet

gotten my dad a souvenir.

Once we approached Ripley’s Aquarium the adults told us that we would be leaving soon

and hearing this made me very worried. Since we would be heading back to North Carolina the

next day I feared that I wouldn’t have the time to get a souvenir for my dad. Luckily the eastern

bridge was close to by and the simpsons gift shop was right at the other end. I told the older

adults that I was going to the Simpsons shop and would meet back up with them at the entrance.

As I rushed across the bridge my friend and a cousin followed me as they too wanted to buy

something from the gift shop. Once we were inside I

quickly seaerched through the merchandise and carefully

contemplated what I should get for my dad. I finally

decided that the tall glass with the Duff logo printed onto

it would be the souvenir I would give to my dad.

Regrouping with everyone else, I could now rest easy

knowing I had gotten a souvenir for each of my family

members back home.

Regrouped once again we all agreed to pick up

several pizzas from Pizza Hut for dinner and later that night we walked along the shoreline to

wrap up the day. As I slowly fell asleep I realized that I hadn’t gotten a souvenir for myself. This

didn’t bother me too much though since I was able to get something for those I care about. I

awoke early the next morning long before anyone else and since in knew the sun would be rising
at this time I decided to watch it. As I steped out onto the balcony I was greeted by a colorful sky

and a small orange sliver sitting on the horizon of the Atlantic Ocean. It was a beautiful sight

unlike any sunrise in the midwest and once the sun was high enough to be seen I took a picutre.

This, I decedied, would be my souvenir.

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