Armed Robbery Procedures

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Armed Robbery Procedures

Our company policy is to provide a safe and healthy working environment. Do

not attempt to be heroic: your life is worth more than any amount of money.

However, in the event of a hold up the following procedures must be

 Remain calm and quiet
 Stand still and do not make any sudden movements
 Obey the offender’s instructions
 Do not draw attention to yourself, and speak only when spoken to
 Avoid direct eye contact and do not stare at the offender

What to do immediately after the offender has left the scene:

 Arrange first aid assistance if required
 If possible, note direction and means of departure, not putting your self at
 When safe to do so advise security and the Manager who will ring the police
000 and contact head office
 The Manager will seal off the area where the event took place
 The Manager in charge will ask all witnesses to remain until the police arrive
and you will be allowed to your notify parents and family, should you be
required to remain in the store
 The Manager will complete the appropriate forms

Store safety tips

 Do not chase offenders
 If safe to do so observe the dress and physical appearance of the offender
 Assess the offenders’ height against a display stand, post or doorway
 Do not attempt to answer a ringing telephone
 Do not attempt to delay the departure of the offenders; as soon as they leave
you are safe
 Do not discuss the incident with other employees until you have spoken with
the police.
 Do not drive a vehicle immediately after a hold up due to possible shock
affecting you
 Do not touch anything as evidence could be destroyed
 We recommend any trauma counselling that is offered by management

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