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Invited Review

Veterinary Pathology
2014, Vol. 51(6) 1076-1089
Advancement of Knowledge of Brucella ª The Author(s) 2014
Reprints and permission:
Over the Past 50 Years DOI: 10.1177/0300985814540545

S. C. Olsen1 and M. V. Palmer1

Fifty years ago, bacteria in the genus Brucella were known to cause infertility and reproductive losses. At that time, the genus was
considered to contain only 3 species: Brucella abortus, Brucella melitensis, and Brucella suis. Since the early 1960s, at least 7 new species
have been identified as belonging to the Brucella genus (Brucella canis, Brucella ceti, Brucella inopinata, Brucella microti, Brucella neotomae,
Brucella ovis, and Brucella pinnipedialis) with several additional new species under consideration for inclusion. Although molecular studies
have found such high homology that some authors have proposed that all Brucella are actually 1 species, the epidemiologic and
diagnostic benefits for separating the genus based on phenotypic characteristics are more compelling. Although pathogenic Brucella spp
have preferred reservoir hosts, their ability to infect numerous mammalian hosts has been increasingly documented. The maintenance
of infection in new reservoir hosts, such as wildlife, has become an issue for both public health and animal health regulatory personnel.
Since the 1960s, new information on how Brucella enters host cells and modifies their intracellular environment has been gained.
Although the pathogenesis and histologic lesions of B. abortus, B. melitensis, and B. suis in their preferred hosts have not changed,
additional knowledge on the pathology of these brucellae in new hosts, or of new species of Brucella in their preferred hosts, has been
obtained. To this day, brucellosis remains a significant human zoonosis that is emerging or reemerging in many parts of the world.

Brucella, pathogenesis, zoonosis, reservoir hosts, laboratory models

In 1966, the first issue of Pathologia Veterinaria—now known human infections, but also by economic costs associated with
as Veterinary Pathology—published an article on the charac- reproductive losses in livestock.
teristics of Brucella granulomas by K. L. Jacob, and the third Although a number of studies demonstrated that Brucella
issue included a manuscript by B. I. Osburn and P. C. Kennedy could be recovered for a period of time from environments
describing pathologic and immunologic responses of fetal associated with infected animals, knowledge at that time indi-
lambs after infection with Brucella ovis. As the journal cated that maintenance in a susceptible host was critical for dis-
embarks on its second half-century of publication, it seems ease transmission. The literature of 50 years ago would suggest
appropriate to assess the advancement of knowledge on this that environmental persistence was of little epidemiologic
topic since these articles were published in the first issues of the importance. Data gathered since that time have supported the
journal. requirement for maintenance in susceptible hosts.
Fifty years ago, bacteria in the genus Brucella were known
to cause infertility and reproductive losses with predilection
for causing placentitis, fetal pneumonia, and mastitis. At that Addition of New Species to the
time, the genus contained only Brucella abortus, Brucella Brucella Genus
melitensis, and Brucella suis, the 3 classic species of brucel-
lae, and these were generally thought to be somewhat host- Since the early 1960s, at least 7 new species have been identi-
specific pathogens of cattle, sheep and goats, and swine, fied as belonging to the Brucella genus. The first new Brucella
respectively. They were also known to be zoonotic, with the
capability for causing clinical disease in humans. At that time, 1
Bacterial Diseases of Livestock Research Unit, National Animal Disease
taxonomy placed the 3 classic species in the family Brucella- Center, Agricultural Research Service, United States Department of
ceae, with other bacterial genera such as Bordetella, Pasteur- Agriculture, Ames, IA, USA
ella and so on. Although scientific and practical knowledge of
brucellosis has increased dramatically, in many countries, Corresponding Author:
S. C. Olsen, Bacterial Diseases of Livestock Research Unit, National Animal
brucellosis continues to be a continuing or reemerging zoono- Disease Center, Agricultural Research Service, United States Department of
sis, causing significant economic losses, not only from costs Agriculture, 1920 Dayton Ave, Ames, IA 50010, USA.
associated with clinical treatment and lost productivity in Email:
Olsen and Palmer 1077

species added in the late 1960s was Brucella ovis. Isolated in months at 4 C.112 Prolonged survivability in soil suggests
1952 from a ram in New Zealand, B. ovis was believed to be B. microti may have a reservoir outside mammalian hosts.
the cause of epididymitis, ewe abortion, and lamb neonatal Experimental studies show close similarity of this Brucella
mortality.80,115 It took 18 years after the first report before sp to B. suis. To date, there is no evidence of domestic animal
B. ovis was recognized as a member of the genus.81 The con- or human infection with B. microti.93
troversy regarding its inclusion was partly due to the fact that Another new strain, Brucella inopinata, was isolated from
it differed from the existing criteria for recognition of brucellae an infected human breast implant.113 Phylogenetic studies most
and because the manifestations of infection in sheep did not fit closely link this strain to B. ovis.93 Additional isolates recov-
the classic disease pattern associated with brucellosis.37 Also, ered from wild Australian rodents and from a human patient
B. ovis was a rough strain, lacking expression of the O side with chronic destructive pneumonia have been proposed to
chain on its lipopolysaccharide (LPS). At that time, it was be novel lineages of B. inopinata.120,121
believed that only smooth strains, such as the classic species, Several other bacterial isolates have been identified that
which expressed the LPS O side chain, were virulent and could may eventually be classified in the Brucella genus. These
maintain themselves within populations of reservoir hosts.37 include 2 atypical Brucella strains isolated in 2008 from 2
Beginning in 1966, an increased incidence of abortion, epi- foxes from eastern Austria that had oxidative, bacteriologic,
didymitis, and reproductive failure was reported in dogs in the and molecular characteristics that placed them in the Brucella
United States primarily from large commercial breeding ken- genus, but data indicated they represented a novel species sep-
nels.26 A Gram-negative bacterium, similar to members of the arate from other Brucella, including B. microti.61 Other poten-
genus Brucella, was isolated from placental and fetal tissues of tial new strains, with characteristics typical of Brucella, have
aborted pups. Although first thought to be a biotype of B. suis been recently recovered from 2 stillborn baboons (Papio
because of its biochemical properties, the bacterium was later spp)109 and African bullfrogs (Pyxicephalus edulis).40
named Brucella canis.25,84 Like B. ovis, B. canis is a rough
strain that lacks expression of the O side chain on its LPS.
One of the least controversial of the new strains was Brucella
Molecular Characterization of the
neotomae. This strain was first isolated in 1957 from the desert
wood rat (Neotoma lepida),116 a rodent that inhabits the western
Brucella Genus
regions of the United States. It was readily accepted as a member Molecular studies have found that most Brucella strains have 2
of the genus due to its smooth colony morphology and because it circular chromosomes encoding approximately 3.2 kb with 2
fit criteria used to identify Brucella organisms.66 Only about 25 replicons. Bacteriophages have been isolated from Brucella
cultures of B. neotomae have been isolated, of which none have strains,32 but plasmids have not. The extent to which Brucella
been recovered from domestic livestock or humans.5 are able to undergo exchange among themselves or with other
In 1994, it was reported that a Gram-negative bacterium iso- bacteria is unknown. It has been proposed that intracellular
lated from an aborted bottlenose dolphin fetus had metabolic, niches inhabited by Brucella during residence in the host limit
biochemical, and bacteriologic characteristics that placed it in their opportunities for genetic exchange with other bacteria. It
the Brucella genus.43 In following years, numerous isolates should be emphasized that Brucella infections are polyclonal
of marine mammal brucellae have been recovered from the rather than clonal infections, and clinical infection is generally
Mysticeti and Odontoceti suborders of cetaceans. Further stud- associated with multiple bacteria crossing mucosal barriers and
ies have led to taxonomic classification of these isolates into colonizing tissues under in vivo conditions. Cumulative data
Brucella ceti (predominantly from porpoises and dolphins) and suggest dosages of virulent Brucella species required for
Brucella pinnipedialis (predominantly from seals) strains, each 50% infection across mucosal surfaces of hosts other than
of which has several subgroups.46 Bacteriologic studies have guinea pigs or mice are most likely in the range of 103
indicated that these strains are phenotypically smooth, like the to 104 colony-forming units (CFU).78,119
classic Brucella strains. Seropositive responses to marine bru- Development of new molecular techniques, such as DNA-
cellae have been observed in 53 cetaceans, with isolation or DNA hybridization, GþC base ratio determinations, and
identification of the bacteria having occurred in samples from DNA–ribosomal RNA reciprocal hybridizations, demonstrated
18 marine mammal species.59 It is suspected that cetacean bru- that the genus Brucella was more closely related to plant patho-
cellosis may be distributed worldwide in the oceans. The ST27 gens in the Agrobacterium-Rhizobium complex of organ-
genotype in Pacific B. ceti and B. pinnipedialis strains, charac- isms.24 Studies have found such high homology within the
terized by a specific genetic location for the mobile genetic ele- genus that some authors have proposed that all Brucella were
ment IS711, has been associated with zoonotic infections in actually 1 species.62,123 On average, the genome sequences of
Peru and New Zealand.31 6 species of Brucella (B. abortus, B. suis, B. melitensis, B. ovis,
Common voles (Microtus arvalis) were found to be a host B. canis, and B. neotomae) display an average of >94% identity
for another new species, Brucella microti, which has also been at the nucleotide level,29,124 with B. abortus and B. melitensis
recovered from wild red foxes (Vulpes vulpes).60,111 Data sug- being the most closely related. A close relationship has also
gest potential long-time survival of B. microti in soil, as this been detected between B. canis and B. suis, whereas B. neoto-
species was isolated from soil samples after storage for 6 mae and B. ovis demonstrate greater divergence levels from
1078 Veterinary Pathology 51(6)

other Brucella species. With the exception of biovar 5, B. suis brucellosis and can be especially helpful in developing nations.
isolates cluster together.126 One example is illustrated in the vaccination of more than 33
Although genomic techniques have suggested that Brucella million sheep and goats over an 11-year period in Mongolia.73
strains may comprise a single genetic ‘‘species,’’ the epidemio- The incidence rate of human brucellosis declined from 4.8 per
logic and diagnostic benefits obtained by assigning Brucella 10 000 to 0.23 per 100 000. Concurrently, abortions in small
strains to separate ‘‘nomenspecies‘‘ based on their distinctive ruminants dropped to 20% of prevaccination levels.
phenotypic characteristics are more compelling than data Although still considered uncommon, increasing numbers
gained through genomic analysis. Information gathered over of reports over the past decade have documented human infec-
the years has demonstrated that most pathogenic species are tion with B. canis causing endocarditis, peritonitis, and other
capable of infecting numerous mammalian hosts even though clinical symptoms.52,128 The most common routes of transmis-
most species of Brucella have preferred reservoir hosts. How- sion to humans are through contact with infected dogs or their
ever, over the past 50 years, the epidemiologic importance of secretions, fetal membranes, or aborted puppies. Diagnosis of
virulent Brucella species in hosts other than the ‘‘traditional’’ B. canis infection in humans is likely underdiagnosed due to
preferred host has increased. For example, cattle or camels in a low index of suspicion, nonspecific symptoms (eg, fever and
Central Asia or the Middle East have become established as fatigue), and lack of cross-reaction on common serologic tests
reservoir hosts for B. melitensis with zoonotic implications, and using smooth Brucella antigens.88 Human zoonosis with B.
increasing isolations of B. suis in cattle in the southeastern canis appears to be an emerging problem primarily in people
United States have public health significance due to the shed- of low socioeconomic status living in urban slums where there
ding of high numbers of bacteria within milk of infected cattle. are high numbers of free-roaming dogs.79 Epidemiologic
investigations of a human B. canis infection in a slum envi-
ronment in Argentina revealed 29 of 97 (29.9%) neighbor-
Impact of Brucellosis in Humans hood dogs and 13 of 69 (18.6%) neighbors of the index case
Brucellosis remains one of the most important zoonotic dis- were serologically positive for B. canis.79 Likewise, a serolo-
eases worldwide and is reemerging in some countries. The gic survey in Turkey documented the highest prevalence
highest prevalence of human disease is currently found in areas (7.8%) in patients from an urban area where stray dogs out-
of Africa, Asia, Latin America, and the Middle East. Mortality numbered pet dogs.107 Some reports suggest there may be a
is uncommon; symptoms include fever, night sweats, anorexia, link between B. canis infection and patients with immunosup-
polyarthritis, meningitis, and pneumonia. Endocarditis, primar- pressive, inflammatory, or metabolic disorders, such as endo-
ily associated with B. melitensis infection, is the principal cause carditis, Gaucher disease, human immunodeficiency virus
of human mortality. The most common manifestations of loca- (HIV), and Guillain-Barré syndrome.76,79,128
lized disease are osteoarticular (ie, peripheral arthritis, sacroi- Currently in the United States, brucellosis is predominantly
liitis, spondylitis).10 Incubation periods can be long (up to 6 a disease associated with international travel or as a food-borne
months), and symptoms may persist for years in the absence disease caused by ingestion of nonpasteurized dairy products
of treatment. Brucellosis in humans almost always originates originating from Mexico.39,122
from an animal reservoir.55 Infection most commonly occurs
through consumption of nonpasteurized dairy products from
Brucella-infected animals but can also occur by direct contact
Role of Wildlife Reservoirs
with infected animals or tissues or fluids associated with abor- Fifty years ago, only domestic livestock were considered of
tion. Human infection occurs across mucosal surfaces: by aero- significant epidemiologic importance with regard to public
solization into respiratory tissues, by oral consumption, or by health or regulatory programs. In the United States, although
penetration through breaks in the epidermis. Inadvertent expo- the spillover of B. abortus into elk (Cervus elaphus) and plains
sure to live vaccine strains, most commonly via needle sticks, bison (Bison bison) in the Greater Yellowstone Area (Yellow-
has also been a frequent source of human infections, especially stone National Park and surrounding areas) had been identified
in the veterinary profession.15 While rare, human-to-human decades previously,106 brucellosis in these hosts was not con-
dissemination of brucellosis through breast milk or venereal sidered of epidemiologic importance partly due to the high pre-
transmission has been reported.27,81 valence of disease in domestic livestock. In subarctic areas, the
More than half a million cases are reported worldwide, prevalence of B. suis biovar 4 in reindeer and caribou (Rangifer
although due to the wide-ranging and nonspecific nature of tarandus) was known and suspected to be of public health
clinical signs, the true number may be much higher.55 In ende- importance.64 Serologic surveys had identified brucellosis in
mic countries, prevalence rates exceed 10 per 100 000. Multi- African wildlife,38,104,108 but the epidemiologic significance
ple studies have demonstrated that addressing brucellosis in of disease in these reservoir hosts and the significance to public
animal reservoirs is the most cost-efficient mechanism for health and livestock industries were unknown. In Europe, B.
controlling human brucellosis.16,71,100 As such, most control abortus had been detected by culture in Swiss chamois (Rupi-
strategies involve control of livestock brucellosis through capra rupicapra)18 and B. suis by culture or serology in red
vaccination and use of test and removal strategies. Livestock foxes in Russia, Bulgaria, and Wales.101 In general, it may be
vaccination has proved to successfully decrease human concluded that 50 years ago, the long-term health impacts of
Olsen and Palmer 1079

brucellosis on these wildlife populations were thought to be Cellular Entry

limited, and their role in transmission of disease to humans
Over time, a great deal of knowledge has been gained on the
or domestic livestock was considered minimal.
interactions of Brucella with host phagocytic cells. Entry of
Since that time, numerous wildlife reservoirs of both clas-
nonopsonized smooth Brucella relies on the cytoskeleton of
sic and new species of Brucella have been identified. As bru-
the host cell for internalization. Smooth strains of Brucella
cellosis has been eradicated from domestic livestock in the
interact with cholesterol-rich microdomains (lipid rafts)
United States and other countries, persistence in wildlife
within the plasma membrane that facilitate contact with the
reservoirs has become of greater concern. This is demon-
host cell and mediate internalization into phagocytic cells.
strated by the controversy regarding B. abortus in elk and
Lipid rafts contain glycosphingolipids, cholesterol, and
bison in the Greater Yellowstone Area and the capability of
glycosyl-phosphatidylinositol anchored proteins34 and facili-
these species to transmit brucellosis to cattle under field
tate membrane-associated sorting events, such as the forma-
and/or experimental conditions. B. melitensis has been iso-
tion of multi-subunit membrane complexes and signaling
lated from wild bovids such as ibex (Capra ibex) and chamois
across membranes and membrane fusion. Besides the plasma
in the European Union51 and from Nile catfish (Clarias gar-
membrane, lipid rafts are also found in intracellular orga-
iepinus).41 The infection of B. suis in wild swine populations
nelles and vesicles. The Brucella LPS O-polysaccharide
in the United States, Europe, Australia, and other countries
appears to be a key molecule for interaction with lipid rafts
not only has led to zoonotic infections but has caused regula-
on host cells but also prevents complement-mediated bacter-
tory issues by inducing positive responses on serologic tests
ial lysis and host cell apoptosis.9 Opsonization of smooth
when B. suis is transmitted to domestic livestock. The infec-
strains of Brucella increases entry 10-fold and occurs through
tion of wild boar (Sus scrofa) and European brown hares
IgG (Fc) and complement (C3b and 4b) receptors on the sur-
(Lepus europaeus) in Europe with B. suis biovar 2 has also
face of phagocytes, which diverts smooth bacteria from lipid
confounded diagnostics due to positive serology when domes-
rafts and targets entry to the phagolysosomal compartment.
tic livestock, particularly swine, are infected.
Receptor-mediated phagocytosis leads to greater killing of
Although Brucella infections in wildlife reservoirs may
internalized Brucella by monocytes.
have minimal impact on the viability of free-ranging popu-
Entry of rough strains of Brucella differs from smooth
lations, data demonstrating disease transmission to domestic
strains as rough strains are unable to sustain interactions with
livestock and humans under field conditions convey their
lipid rafts and are readily phagocytosed following either Toll-
epidemiologic importance. The difficulties in controlling
like receptor 4 (TLR4) or mannose receptor recognition of the
disease in free-ranging wildlife make the problem very com-
LPS-deficient bacterial surface. As a result, rough strains
plex. In addition, spillover of Brucella species into other
demonstrate elevated invasion possibly due to exposure of
hosts has occurred under field and experimental conditions.
ligands that are normally hidden by the O side chain and may
For example, B. abortus infection led to high mortality in
have increased capability to adhere to macrophages.62 Conse-
bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis) after inadvertent transmis-
quently, nonopsonized rough Brucella are internalized as effi-
sion from aborting elk.74 Wild red foxes have been found to
ciently as opsonized Brucella, are rapidly targeted to the
be reservoirs for both B. suis biovar 2 and B. microti most
phagolysosomal compartment, and are generally unable to
likely due to eating diseased hares and rodents, respectively.
replicate.103 Entry of smooth and rough Brucella strains into
Historical experiences suggest that spillover of disease to
the cells through different pathways may also involve recep-
other hosts could become important and should not be dis-
tors with a distinct ability to regulate the level of phagocyto-
missed as insignificant.
sis. In contrast to rough strains that are defective at
intracellular replication, the intracellular smooth Brucella
that survive after opsonin-mediated phagocytosis are capable
Knowledge on Cellular Entry and of significant intracellular replication.14 Genes necessary for
Intracellular Activities of Brucella O side chain synthesis (ie, manB, wboA) play a significant role
in establishing the intracellular replicative compartment for
Fifty years ago, it was known that Brucella penetrate the muco-
smooth strains of Brucella.
sal epithelium and are transported as free bacteria, or within
phagocytic cells, to regional lymph nodes. Localization within
regional lymph nodes results in lymph node hypertrophy, lym-
phatic and reticuloendothelial hyperplasia, and inflammation.
Intracellular Trafficking and Survival
If bacteria are not localized and killed within regional lymph Smooth Brucella that enter via lipid rafts quickly traffic
nodes draining the site of infection, they replicate and spread through the early endosomal compartment and depart the pha-
via blood or lymph to other lymphoreticular tissues and organs gosome to form the modified phagosome (termed brucello-
such as the spleen, reproductive tract, and/or mammary gland. some) by acquiring components of endoplasmic reticulum in
It was also known that the bacteremia associated with most a manner similar to autophagosome biogenesis. Brucella ini-
Brucella species is short, and live bacteria are not readily iso- tially localize within acidified phagosomes,102 where they are
lated from blood samples. exposed to free oxygen radicals generated by the respiratory
1080 Veterinary Pathology 51(6)

burst. Brucella require acidification of the phagosomal com- Several Brucella have been shown to use heme as an iron
partment to a pH <4.5 before they display wild-type intracellu- source in vitro and have a critical need for heme during resi-
lar replication. The requirement for low pH is transient and dence in the phagosomal compartment and during replication
extends only through the initial stages of intracellular infection. in trophoblasts.34 Macrophages, the preferred host cell for Bru-
Localization in an acidified environment induces expression of cella, are important for heme recycling in mammals. Brucella
the VirB operon (virB 1–10), which controls expression of scavenge iron through siderophores such as 2,3 dihydoroxy-
genes associated with a type IV secretion system. The VirB benzoic acid or brucebactin,14 which are regulated by iron
operon interacts with the endoplasmic reticulum to neutralize response regulators and AraC-like transcriptional activators.7
the pH of the phagosome.28 The Brucella-induced modifica- Mutation of iron regulatory genes has been demonstrated to
tions of the phagosome prevent fusion with the lysosome. The attenuate virulent Brucella strains in mammalian hosts and
brucellosome environment provides Brucella with conditions make Brucella more sensitive to oxidative killing.
of nutrient depletion and limited oxygen availability. It should
be noted that under in vitro conditions, up to 90% of virulent
Brucella and 99% of nonvirulent Brucella may be killed fol-
Avoidance of Innate Immunity
lowing intracellular entry.21,98 In accordance with its stealthy nature, Brucella has developed
Another mechanism used by Brucella for intracellular sur- mechanisms to minimize stimulation of pattern recognition
vival involves modification of the lipid content of the phago- receptors (PRRs) by the innate immune system of the host. The
some limiting membrane. Virulent Brucella strains express a Brucella cell envelope has high hydrophobicity and its LPS has
cyclic glucan synthase (cgs) that produces and secretes low- a noncanonical structure that elicits a reduced and delayed
molecular-weight cyclic glucans. These molecules disrupt the inflammatory response compared with other Gram-negative
lipid raft microdomain structures within intracellular mem- bacteria102 and has lower stimulatory activity on TLR4 recep-
branes surrounding the bacteria. This modification of lipid raft tors.103 The O side chain on the LPS can form complexes with
distribution in phagosomal membranes inhibits phagosome the major histocompatibility complex class II molecules that
maturation, prevents fusion with lysosomes, and is independent interfere with the ability of macrophages to present exogenous
from VirB and type IV secretion systems.8 proteins. Brucella ornithine-containing lipids and lipoproteins
Greater understanding of the mechanisms that Brucella use in the outer membrane are poor activators of innate immunity.
to survive under intracellular conditions continues to occur. Brucella bacteria are also devoid of many classic structures
Since oxidative killing is the primary mechanism employed involved in virulence such as pili, fimbriae, capsules, and plas-
by host phagocytes to control replication of intracellular patho- mids that stimulate PRRs. The ability of Brucella to prevent
gens, it has been found that Brucella have multiple mechanisms phagosome maturation and fusion with lysosomes may inter-
to detoxify free radicals. Brucella expresses 2 superoxide dis- fere with other innate and adaptive immune processes. As pro-
mutases, SodA and SodC, with SodC believed to be most teins have been identified in Brucella that demonstrate
important for detoxification of superoxide anions generated significant homology with TLR adaptor molecules, these pep-
by the respiratory burst of phagocytes. The Brucella gene ahpC tides may be a mechanism to interfere with or subvert TLR sig-
(alkyl hydroperoxide reductase C) may also protect against oxi- naling.90 In addition, the ability of smooth Brucella strains, but
dative killing; in other bacteria, it protects against low levels of not rough strains, to inhibit macrophage apoptosis is believed
hydrogen peroxide and can detoxify the oxidizing compound to enhance bacterial survival in the host by maintaining the
peroxynitrite (ONOO–). The dps gene, which plays a critical favorable environment of the phagocyte, preventing release
role in stationary-phase resistance to oxidative killing and of the bacteria into the extracellular environment, where it
acidic pH in other bacteria, has also been identified in Brucella. exhibits reduced replication, and contributing to avoidance of
The O side chain also appears to protect against cellular catio- antibody and complement inactivation.95 Compared with other
nic peptides and oxygen metabolites. Gram-negative bacteria, Brucella induces a reduced innate
Brucella probably use both stationary and exponential immune response and a lower rate of maturation and activation
stages for intracellular survival, with stationary-phase physiol- of dendritic cells, which may impair development of adaptive
ogy providing Brucella with benefits for adapting to the harsh immune responses.
conditions encountered in the phagosome and exponential Although it was known that latent infections of Brucella
stages associated with replication under favorable conditions. could occur, the mechanisms for long-term in vivo survival
Molecular mechanisms may regulate adaptation. For example, without immune recognition remain unknown. It is known
VirB has been found to be maximally expressed during expo- that Brucella may reside in a dormant, nonreplicative state
nential growth, but expression is repressed upon entry into the in phagocytic cells in calves infected with B. abortus at a
stationary phase.105 Like other intracellular pathogens, Bru- young age, and recrudescence of clinical brucellosis is also
cella have adapted to their intracellular lifestyle and no longer a problem in human patients. The epidemiologic significance
require the accumulation of energy-storing molecules.29 The of latency with Brucella spp in other reservoir hosts has not
presence of cytochromes (cytochrome bc1 complex or quinol been well characterized. Currently, the molecular mechan-
oxidase) with a high oxygen affinity may represent an impor- isms controlling recrudescence or host physiology influencing
tant adaptation of Brucella to their intracellular survival. in vitro replication of Brucella remain unidentified in human
Olsen and Palmer 1081

and animal hosts. Although the significance of erythriol meta- chorioallantoic trophoblastic cells, peri- and interplacentomal
bolism remains controversial, it has been hypothesized that exudate, necrosis, high numbers of Brucella in tissues and exu-
the preference for Brucella to metabolize erythritol as an dates, and abortion.
energy source, as well as the presence of erythritol within pla- In cattle, the disease course is long, being several months
cental tissues, plays a role in the tropism of B. abortus for the from the time of placental infection to abortion,108 and the
pregnant reproductive tract.33 However, this postulated rela- development of disease does not progress at the same rate for
tionship between erythritol metabolism and Brucella viru- all animals.92 Late-term (ie, 7–9 months of gestation) abortion
lence in ruminants has not been directly tested under and birth of a nonviable calf are the most obvious and often the
experimental conditions. only clinical signs. Gross lesions of the placenta vary in sever-
ity and are similar to those of placentitis of other bacterial or
fungal origin108 but generally focus on periplacentomal and
Pathogenesis of Brucella Species in intercotyledonary placenta. Most commonly, there is a necro-
Preferred Hosts tizing placentitis with viscous, brown exudate that may contain
blood, fibrin, and flocculent detritus.85,108,125 Not all placen-
Brucella abortus tomes are equally affected, and some placentomes appear
First described by veterinarian Bernard Bang11 as early as grossly normal. The post-abortion uterus may be characterized
1906, B. abortus remains an important zoonotic disease in by diffuse suppurative metritis with greenish-hemorrhagic exu-
ruminants, causing economic losses due to fetal wastage and date covering the endometrium and caruncles.6 Cows may
infertility. present with hemorrhagic and suppurative vaginal discharge
Regardless of the route of infection, adherence to mucosal for several days after abortion.6
epithelium is a requisite. With the exception of intestinal Placental entry, localization, and proliferation of Brucella
mucosa, it is not entirely clear how Brucella, once adhered to have been described in experimental infection studies of goats
mucosal epithelium, translocate across the epithelial barrier. inoculated with B. abortus.6 Using this model, it was shown
Oral exposure to aborted fetuses or placental membranes and that Brucella were first present in hematomas present at the
ingestion of contaminated milk by calves are considered pri- junction of the maternal septal tip and chorionic villi base, a
mary routes of infection. Using ligated ileal loops, B. abortus region containing erythrophagocytic trophoblastic cells. Infec-
S19 was seen inside ileal lymphoepithelial cells and inside sub- tion extends to adjacent chorioallantoic trophoblastic cells.6
mucosal lymphatics, suggesting mucosal translocation via lym- Massive intracellular replication of Brucella in chorioallantoic
phoepithelial cells or M cells.1 As Brucella pass to draining trophoblastic cells precedes fetal infection. This occurs as Bru-
lymph nodes, acute lymphadenitis results. In experimental cella-laden trophoblastic cells die and are shed into the uterine
infection studies, acute lymph node changes have been charac- lumen. Trophoblastic cell death results in erosion and ulcera-
terized as hyperplastic with either neutrophilic or eosinophilic tion of the chorioallantoic membrane, allowing for widespread
lymphadenitis.2 Chronic lymph node changes are characterized hematogenous dissemination of Brucella to other parts of the
by granulomatous lymphadenitis with deep cortical and para- placenta and fetus.6
cortical histiocytosis and germinal center expansion.30,110,127 Microscopically, there is superficial to deep caruncular
Other lymph node lesions described include multifocal hemor- necrosis and hemorrhage with neutrophilic and mononuclear
rhage and extramedullary hematopoiesis.42 exudates; however, a characteristic finding is the presence
Brucella can be found in parotid lymph nodes and placenta of numerous coccobacilli within both intact and desquamated
of cattle as early as 2 days and 14 days, respectively, after con- trophoblastic epithelial cells and macrophages (Figs. 1, 2).
junctival exposure.42,94 Extension of disease from the regional Organisms are also found free in the exudates that fill the uter-
lymph nodes is chiefly hematogenous. Bacteremia may last ochorionic space. Maternal portions of the placenta are variably
several months and, with time, ceases or becomes intermittent, affected, ranging from superficial necrosis and multifocal neu-
recurring in 5% to 10% of animals.127 Bacteremia is followed trophilic and lymphohistiocytic endometritis to severe and
by seeding of infection in preferred sites such as gravid uterus, extensive ulcerative endometritis (Fig. 3).92 Once placentitis has
placenta, spleen, mammary gland, and lymph nodes. In males, progressed to the point of inevitable abortion, endometritis is dif-
testes and accessory sex glands (ie, epididymis, ampulla, semi- fuse, severe, and necrotizing, with endometrial mucosa replaced
nal vesicles) are preferentially colonized.19,42,110 Arthritis, by inflammatory granulation tissue.94,110 There may also be
tenosynovitis, and bursitis have also been reported.110 Once severe neutrophilic vasculitis within endometrium and caruncu-
infection is established in sexually mature animals, it often per- lar peduncles.125 Mastitis is characterized as multifocal, intersti-
sists indefinitely.110 tial, and lymphosuppurative or lymphohistiocytic.127
Cattle, goats, and sheep have cotyledonary, villous, epithe- It is believed that abortion is due to compromised fetal-
liochorial, nondeciduate placentas, and there is similarity in maternal metabolic exchange.94 Aborted fetuses may be
the pathogenesis and morphology of placentitis in cattle autolytic. The most characteristic fetal lesions are those of
infected with B. abortus and goats and sheep infected with bronchitis and bronchopneumonia (Fig. 4); however, experi-
B. melitensis.6,26,82,83,85 That is, all are characterized by maternal mental infection studies show fibrinous pleuritis, peritonitis,
bacteremia, massive intracellular replication of Brucella in and pericarditis may also be seen.127 The most commonly
1082 Veterinary Pathology 51(6)

Figures 1 and 2. Brucellosis; placenta, cow. Figure 1. Intracellular Brucella abortus are labeled red within trophoblastic epithelial cells, des-
quamated cells, and cells of inflammatory exudate. Immunohistochemistry (IHC) for Brucella. Figure 2. Interplacentomal placenta. Note
marked exudate between maternal and fetal membranes. Several trophoblastic epithelial cells contain intracellular brucellae (black arrows),
while epithelial cells of the uterine mucosa do not (white arrow). Hematoxylin and eosin (HE). Figure 3. Brucellosis; uterus, bison. Submu-
cosal gland is characterized by focally extensive erosion with intraluminal neutrophils and necrotic cell debris. HE. Figure 4. Brucellosis; lung,
aborted fetal bison. Bronchioles and alveoli are variably filled with neutrophils, free erythrocytes, and fibrin. There is multifocal interstitial
thickening due to infiltrates of neutrophils and vascular congestion (inset). HE. Figure 5. Brucellosis; epididymis, Bighorn sheep. Hydropic
Olsen and Palmer 1083

infected fetal organ is the spleen, thought to be infected as a Brucella suis

result of bacteremia.94
First described in 1914 from an aborted pig fetus in Indiana,
Swelling of the testis, within the confines of the tunica albu-
this species has multiple biovars that vary in host specificity
ginea, results in changes ranging from testicular atrophy to vas-
and phenotype.4 Biovars 1, 2, and 3 infect primarily domestic
cular compromise and infarction. Gross lesions are generally
and feral swine and wild boar. Biovar 1 is most often found
multifocal, containing liquefied necrotic material. Lesions are
in South America and Asia. Both biovars 1 and 3 have been
often chronic, with fibrosis and dense adhesions between parietal
reported in the United States, Australia, and China.35 Biovar
and visceral tunics. Lesions may resemble abscesses surrounded
2 is the most common strain in Europe.50,118 Biovars 1, 2, and
by a fibrous capsule. Microscopically, the granulomatous to pyo-
4 can be transmitted from swine to cattle, inducing transient
granulomatous infiltrate is centered on tubules. Intracellular Bru-
seroconversion, which can confound B. abortus diagnostic
cella may be seen within macrophages. More chronic lesions
assays.85 Biovar 2 differs from the other biovars. It was isolated
exhibit degeneration and necrosis of the tubular epithelium,
from European hares (Lepus capensis) in Germany, Switzer-
decreased mitotic activity, and decreased spermatogenesis.
land, France, and Denmark.34 It was first thought to be a
Lesions may extend along the epididymis and involve the semi-
mutated B. abortus or B. melitensis since at that time, swine bru-
nal vesicles and ampullae.
cellosis did not exist in France and B. suis had not been isolated
from domestic animals. We now know that biovar 2 can estab-
Brucella melitensis lish a reservoir of infection in hares and can be horizontally
transmitted to swine and cattle. Although pathogenic in cattle
Widely considered the most virulent, this species has proved and swine, biovar 2 is not zoonotic.
difficult to eliminate from domestic livestock. After more than Abortion in swine infected with B. suis is much less com-
a century, no major country has been able to eradicate the dis- mon than abortion in cattle infected with B. abortus. However,
ease following its widespread establishment.87 Pathogenesis abortion may be the only clinical sign observed in female swine
and lesion development in goats infected with B. melitensis are infected with B. suis. Early fetal loss may go unnoticed and
similar to that of cattle infected with B. abortus. Goats are very appear as infertility.87,97 Abortion generally occurs during the
susceptible to infection with B. melitensis and are the primary second or third month of gestation, and stillborn or weak
source of B. melitensis infection for humans.97 Although sheep full-term piglets are common.65,110 Placentas from aborting
are also susceptible to B. melitensis, the disease is more vari- sows have been described as hyperemic and edematous, with
able and often self-limiting.3 yellowish purulent cheese-like miliary nodules.35
In goats, early infection is subclinical; however, bacteremia Orchitis in boars is generally characterized by unilateral or
may produce severe clinical signs and even death in some ani- bilateral enlargement that may be uneven and bulging.65,72 In
mals. Abortion occurs in late gestation, with or without reten- chronic cases, the affected testes may be small and atrophic.
tion of fetal membranes, and these may be the only clinical On cut surface, the interlobular septa are thickened, and the
signs.3 The gross lesions of placentitis in the goat are similar tubules may appear as sharply rounded, granular areas.65
to those seen in cattle aborting due to B. abortus infection. Abscesses of the head of the epididymis have also been
Entry, localization, and proliferation of Brucella in the goat described.65 Arthritis with lameness and occasional posterior
placenta have been described in experimental infections of paralysis can be seen in both males and females.35
goats with B. abortus.6 Histologic lesions of orchitis vary in severity but are gener-
A common site of infection in goats and sheep is the mam- ally characterized by multifocal to coalescent degeneration and
mary gland. Mastitis is a more common feature of caprine bru- necrosis of seminiferous tubules.65,72 In some cases, there may
cellosis compared with bovine brucellosis. The affected be extensive liquefactive necrosis with abscess formation.
mammary gland may be characterized by multinodular firm- Intertubular tissues may be thickened with infiltrates of vari-
ness with watery, clotted milk.34 Excretion of organisms in able numbers of lymphocytes and macrophages. Langhans-
milk may be protracted in goats but less so in sheep.3,97 type multinucleated giant cells may also be present.65 Within
Although late-gestation abortion is generally the rule, it can the epididymis, there may be infiltrates of lymphocytes and
occur at other stages. Aborted fetuses often appear grossly nor- macrophages with abscess formation. Azoospermia may be
mal; however, bronchopneumonia, hemorrhagic pleural fluid, present.
and enlargement of lymph nodes, liver, and spleen are com- In reindeer, B. suis biovar 4 causes abortions, stillbirths,
mon.3,97 In male goats, infection of the testis, epididymis, semi- weak calves, retained placenta, orchitis, epididymitis, metritis,
nal vesicle, and deferent ducts can occur. Infection of male mastitis, arthritis, hygromas, lymphadenitis, and nephritis.44
genitalia often results in decreased fertility.

Figure 5. (continued) degeneration (long arrows) and intraepithelial cysts (short arrows) are present in the lining of the epididymal duct.
Small numbers of lymphocytes are present in the epithelium. HE. (Courtesy of Jack Rhyan, Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, United
States Department of Agriculture.) Figure 6. Brucellosis; lung, harbor seal. Cross sections of nematodes contain reproductive organs filled
with larvae and myriad brown-staining Brucella. IHC for Brucella. (Courtesy of Jack Rhyan, Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, United
States Department of Agriculture.)
1084 Veterinary Pathology 51(6)

However, experimental infection of cattle with biovar 4 results important part of the diagnostic workup. Sperm abnormalities
in no clinical signs of disease or lesion formation but can cause are common and include immature sperm, deformed acro-
seropositive responses on standard brucellosis assays.45 somes, bent tails, swollen midpieces, double tails, heads lack-
ing tails, retained protoplasmic droplets, head-to-head
agglutination, and decreased motility.23,57 As early as 2 weeks
Brucella canis after experimental infection, abnormal sperm are noted; by 20
First recognized in 1966, B. canis caused widespread abortions weeks, 90% of sperm may be abnormal. Neutrophils and
in Beagles.22,61,121 Although B. abortus and B. melitensis can macrophages with phagocytized sperm are often increased in
transiently infect dogs, only B. canis infection results in clinical number. When chronic infection has progressed to bilateral tes-
disease. The host range of B. canis is limited as experimental ticular atrophy, azoospermia is seen.
infections of pregnant and nonpregnant cattle, sheep, and swine
have been unable to induce clinical signs.96 However, there is a
high zoonotic risk for persons who handle breeding dogs in
Brucella ovis
kennels or are exposed to infected animals.77,84 B. ovis has a predilection for the genital tract of sheep. Most
Transmitted both venereally and orally, lesions of B. canis important, it is a cause of epididymitis. It is contagious and pro-
infection in males include epididymitis, prostatitis, and orchi- gressive, resulting in testicular atrophy and infertility. Lesions
tis. In females, lesions include endometritis, placentitis, and may be unilateral or bilateral, and bilaterally infected rams are
late-term abortion. Infection can result in infertility in either usually sterile. Clinical signs are not obvious and may go
males or females. Ocular and skeletal lesions (diskospondyli- unrecognized until fertility problems are noted;117 moreover,
tis) may occur but are less common. Clinical infection is usu- Brucella can be found in the semen of infected rams with and
ally afebrile, and signs are generally limited to spontaneous without epididymitis.58 In general, transmission occurs
abortion or failure to conceive.26 Some dogs remain asympto- between rams mating the same ewe during the same estrous
matic despite active infection.125 Puppies may be born dead or cycle. Clinically normal rams at the beginning of breeding sea-
weak, with some litters containing both live and dead puppies. son have been shown to have palpable epididymitis and Bru-
After abortion, there may be prolonged vaginal discharge. cella-containing semen by the end of breeding season.20,58
Infectious materials include fetuses, placenta, lochia, Ram-to-ram transmission may also occur from rams mounting
semen, and urine. Lochia may contain as many as 1010 bac- other rams.58
teria/ml. Male urine generally contains more Brucella than Disease progression is slow. The organism can persist on
does female urine, reaching 103 to 106 bacteria/ml.23 Bactere- mucous membranes (eg, prepuce) for 1 to 2 months. Acute
mia is an important feature of the disease and can be prolonged infection lasting 2 to 5 weeks may go unnoticed, especially
(ie, 2 years or more) and intermittent. Transmission usually when occurring during breeding season. In the acute phase, the
occurs at the time of mating or abortion. testis, particularly the epididymis, is hot, swollen, and
Gross lesions of lymphadenopathy and splenomegaly can be doughy.70 Lesions may be unilateral or bilateral.17 Grossly, ser-
seen in adults and puppies of both sexes. Males may have acute ofibrinous exudate and edema are present in the loose scrotal
epididymal swelling as fluid accumulates between tunics. Tes- fascia and between the parietal and visceral tunics. Chronic
ticular atrophy can result from chronic infection. Females often infection focuses on the epididymis, specifically the tail, which
have few gross lesions Aborted fetuses are often partially auto- becomes enlarged and firm.
lyzed, but fetal lesions may include bronchopneumonia, myo- Although relatively avirulent for the nongravid uterus, B.
carditis, multifocal renal hemorrhage, lymphadenitis, and ovis induces placentitis and abortion in pregnant ewes.110 A
hepatitis. yellowish purulent exudate may be seen, particularly in inter-
Lymphadenopathy is the result of diffuse lymphoid hyperpla- cotyledonary areas.47,92 The placenta is edematous, gelatinous,
sia with increased perifollicular lymphoblasts and infiltration of and thickened with adherence of amnion to chorioallantois.
numerous plasma cells into subcapsular and medullary Intercotyledonary placenta is thickened with multifocal to coa-
sinuses. Macrophages with intracellular bacteria may be seen lescent areas of plaque-like thickening resembling yellow-
in lymph nodes and spleen if bacteremia is present. In males, white chamois leather.92,110 Cotyledons may show various
necrotizing vasculitis with infiltrates of lymphocytes, plasma stages of necrosis and detachment.
cells, and neutrophils may be seen in the prostate gland, epi- As with macroscopic lesions, microscopic lesions focus on
didymis, and testes. Spermatogenesis is decreased and even- the tail of the epididymis; however, lesions can also be seen
tually ceases as the disease progresses. In females, there in the ampulla ductus deferens, seminal vesicle, and testis.
may be subacute to chronic endometritis. Endometrial and Lesions in these glands are usually secondary to epididymitis.47
myometrial lesions have been described as lymphoplasmacy- As such, in contrast to bovine brucellosis, there is no primary
tic with endometrial gland hyperplasia. Hepatic necrosis, orchitis in B. ovis infection.48 The epididymal epithelium is
myocarditis, meningoencephalitis, iridocyclitis, and retinitis hyperplastic with hydropic degeneration and intraepithelial
have also been described.57 lumina or cyst formation (Fig. 5).48 Epithelial hyperplasia com-
As epididymitis, orchitis, and infertility are common fea- bined with fibrosis results in obstruction and spermiostasis.
tures of the disease, seminal fluid cytology may be an Exacerbation of lesions is dependent on spermatozoa
Olsen and Palmer 1085

extravasation and the formation of sperm granulomas.48,70 Brucella neotomae

Much of the resulting pathology during the chronic disease
First isolated in 1957 from a desert wood rat (N. lepida), B.
phase is not the result of the virulence of B. ovis per se but
neotomae is not pathogenic for domestic animals or
rather the host reaction to extravasated spermatozoa. Free sper-
humans.54,117 Infection was rapidly cleared with minimal
matozoa entering the cavity of the tunica vaginalis incite gran-
lesion development in experimentally inoculated, guinea pigs,
uloma formation that contributes to testicular atrophy.48
wood rats, and mice, despite dosages as high as 8  109 bac-
In the uterus, periarteritis and arteritis, with or without fibri-
teria/mouse.13,54 Swine inoculated intravenously with 1 to 50
nous thrombi, are distinctive features,92,110 as is necrosis of the
 109 bacteria developed bacteremia of up to 5 weeks duration
intercotyledonary and chorionic epithelium. As with Brucella-
and agglutinating antibodies but did not show lesions or persis-
induced placentitis in other species, trophoblastic epithelial cells
tent colonization of tissues.13
can be seen to contain numerous intracellular Brucella. Lymph
nodes and spleen show signs of activation and hyperplasia.
Acute interstitial nephritis focused on the corticomedullary junc- Brucella microti
tion and hepatitis of the portal triads are also described.92 First identified in 1999, B. microti was implicated in an epizoo-
tic infection in common voles in the Czech Republic.63
Marine Brucella spp: B. ceti and B. pinnipedialis Affected voles displayed edematous extremities, lymphadeno-
megaly, draining subcutaneous abscesses, orchitis, splenome-
Marine Brucella spp have been isolated from numerous ceta- galy, hepatomegaly, and hepatic granulomas.63 It has also
ceans with no evidence of Brucella-induced pathology.43 Those been isolated from mandibular lymph nodes of red foxes in
lesions that have been associated with Brucella infection include lower Austria; however, it is not clear if lesions were present
blubber and sub-blubber abscesses; meningoencephalomyelitis; in affected lymph nodes. Although most closely related to B.
hepatic, splenic, or lymph node necrosis; pneumonia; myocardi- suis, B. microti replicates more rapidly in human-derived
tis; osteoarthritis; orchitis; mastitis; endometritis; placentitis; and monocytes and is more virulent in experimentally inoculated
abortion.13,49,53,56,89 mice compared with B. suis.
Cetaceans from which B. ceti has been isolated are often
stranded and in poor condition.49,56 Many emaciated dolphins
are heavily parasitized by a lung nematode. Within reproduc-
tive and intestinal organs of these nematodes are found numer-
ous coccobacilli, identified by immunohistochemistry and Vaccination is a valuable tool for helping to control brucellosis.
polymerase chain reaction (PCR) as Brucella sp.36,75 Bru- Current vaccines with widespread use under field conditions are
cella-laden nematodes have been seen in the lungs of both ceta- attenuated live strains that are highly effective in preventing the
ceans and pinnipeds (Fig. 6). Nematode-associated lesions are clinical effects of brucellosis (abortion and/or infected off-
characterized as multifocal pulmonary granulomas containing spring), which lead to transmission of disease. Currently avail-
degenerate nematodes and nematode larvae, macrophages, able vaccines are less effective at preventing transient
lymphocytes, multinucleated giant cells, and abundant immu- infection or seroconversion after exposure to virulent field
nohistochemically positive Brucella. Ultrastructural studies strains. In the early 1960s, live vaccines containing B. abortus
show Brucella organisms in close association with developing strain 19 and B. melitensis strain Rev1, as well as the killed B.
larvae. The species identity of the pulmonary nematodes is abortus strain 45/20 vaccine, were being used under field condi-
unclear. Nematode morphology suggests Parafilaroides sp36 tions around the world.91 A the present time, use of the killed 45/
or Otostrongylus circumlitus.75 Parafilaroides decorum is a 20 vaccine has ceased. Except for the introduction of B. abortus
common parasite of sea lions; however, Brucella has also been strain RB51 in the United States in 199691 and the implementa-
isolated from another lungworm of harbor porpoises with sim- tion of the use of B. abortus strain 82 in the Russian Federation
ilar morphology, Pseudalius inflexus.99 Although the role of in 1974,69 there has been a paucity of vaccines developed over
nematodes in the pathogenesis of disease in cetaceans is the past 50 years that have progressed to significant use under
unclear, the primary localization of B. ceti in parasites raises field conditions in natural hosts. Similarly, a brucellosis vaccine
the intriguing possibility that they may serve as a vector for with acceptable safety and efficacy in humans remains elusive.
transmission of this Brucella spp. Although data from new vaccine candidates continue to be
In contrast to B. ceti, most isolations of B. pinnipedialis have published, most work has been conducted in murine models.
been from clinically normal animals, with no Brucella-associ- At the present time, none of the new vaccine candidates have
ated pathology.56 However, there are cases in which B. pinni- progressed to significant field use. Due to safety issues associ-
pedialis was isolated from emaciated seals, particularly from ated with current live vaccines, technologic advances in in vivo
pups in rehabilitation centers.49 The relative paucity of gross antigen expression, adjuvants, and delivery methods are attrac-
lesions in pinnipeds infected with B. pinnipedialis suggests tive for development of nonliving Brucella vaccines with
either a difference in virulence between the 2 Brucella spp or equivalent or greater efficacy. Although some genes have been
a difference in susceptibility to brucellosis between pinnipeds identified as playing a role in protection, progress in the devel-
and cetaceans. opment of subunit vaccines is impaired by the difficulties in
1086 Veterinary Pathology 51(6)

fully characterizing which Brucella antigens mediate protec- through oral, subcutaneous, and aerosol routes with virulent
tive immunity. The possibility cannot be excluded that protec- strains of Brucella. Bacteremia was demonstrated for up to
tive antigens may differ by Brucella spp and reservoir host. 8 weeks, and lesions of focal granulomatous hepatitis, spleni-
Although it is anticipated that developmental work will con- tis, lymphadenitis, and occasionally orchitis, epididymitis,
tinue, it is impossible to predict when a new vaccine will be and endometritis were reported, similar to lesions in humans
developed that demonstrates properties that are an improve- infected with Brucella.114 Current knowledge would suggest
ment over currently available vaccines. that primate models most closely mimic pathogenesis of dis-
ease in humans but are probably of limited value for under-
standing the disease in preferred hosts.
Laboratory Models for Studying Brucella
The validity of murine models of brucellosis has been ques-
Pathogenesis and Vaccine Efficacy tioned due to differences between natural transmission across
Inbred mice, particularly BALB/c and C57BL strains, have been mucosal surfaces and intraperitoneal experimental infection, as
used most frequently as laboratory models for studying the well as differences between natural reservoirs and murine hosts
pathogenesis of brucellosis.114 Most studies have used intraper- in tissue localization and clinical signs. Key differences between
itoneal infection, but aerosol, oral, and intranasal routes have human and mice immune systems have been noted.12 These con-
also been used. Some strains such as the C57BL/10 have been cerns are also supported by observations that efficacy of brucel-
described as being more resistant to Brucella colonization due losis vaccines in the murine models does not always correlate
to T-helper 1 polarization of the immune response. Bacterial with protection observed after experimental vaccination and
loads in the spleen and/or liver are most commonly used to infection of natural hosts. These observations support the value
assess pathogenesis. Murine models may more closely relate of studying the pathogen in its preferred hosts, particularly when
to human infection where splenomegaly is a common clinical the goal is resolution of disease issues in preferred hosts. By
observation. However, in preferred hosts, Brucella spp localize studying the pathogen in its natural host, we may be able to
more frequently in lymphatic tissues, mammary glands, and devise efficient control measures in that host, thereby disrupting
reproductive organs, and replication of clinical signs in preferred transmission of the pathogen to humans.12 Although laboratory
hosts (ie, abortion) in murine models is rare. The fact that natural models continue to have value for basic research, they cannot
hosts are genetically outbred compared with inbred strains of circumvent the need for studies in natural hosts of Brucella.
mice may also be responsible for differences in pathogenesis and
immunologic responses between laboratory models and reser- Declaration of Conflicting Interests
voir hosts. Although murine models are popular due to lower The author(s) declared no potential conflicts of interest with respect to
cost and reduced requirements for animal facilities, the authors’ the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article.
opinion is that murine models have significant limitations with
regard to evaluating vaccine efficacy and understanding the Funding
pathogenesis of brucellosis in natural hosts. It should be noted The author(s) received no financial support for the research, authorship,
that with the exception of abortion, natural hosts generally do not and/or publication of this article.
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