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Background of Study:

One situation to comprehend by every Architecture Students is the perceived

factors that cause them to fail in their Architectural design subject. Architectural design

subject is the major subject and the most crucial part in the field of Architecture.

Architectural design values makes up an important part that influences architects and

designer when they make their design decisions.

The importance of architectural design is now recognized. Architectural design

focuses on designing structures and buildings. If the architecture students are entirely

aware on how it helps in field of architecture, they completely understand the main

value of design.

The architectural design according to Albert Datrokoemi Light is the study of arts

and science of design created from perspective reasoning for the comfort of living

things in the environment. Light use the word “comfort” to specify one process need to

follow intended for practice in architecture.

In some situation, some architecture students fail from this subject. Having

failing grade is what students are afraid. It is maybe because it affects the trust they

have given for themselves especially when their parents expected a lot from them. They

would have thought that is because they have failing grades, they need to strive harder

to get grade next time.

According to Steven covey’s one of the hardest things to accept when failing is

taking the responsibility and not blaming your circumstance and others. To be able to

find control in all aspects of life not be dependent to the outside circumstances beyond

your control.

Physical condition and psychological factor is one of the reason why some

architecture student. Fail in architectural subject. If the student has a hearing

impairment, he or she might not be able to listen to and understand instructors. If the

student has a disease, it might impair his or her ability to do the required work.

Environmental factor are some also reason why architecture student fail the

architectural design. We as people tend to avoid whatever makes us anxious,

worrisome or stressed. Avoid also the influence that pulls us to failure.

The importance in understanding the architectural design is to help you to avoid

failing grade. It is the social responsibility beyond the future client and builder. It can

only deliver good services and good planning to the client, if architecture student have

knowledge of architectural design.

Deficiency in knowledge about architectural design is not adequate to help

architecture student to construct good design and planning. In making a research

entitled factors affecting architecture students with failing grades in architectural design

subjects by gathering information and data. Searching for new ideas and facts and by

the help in discernment of every architecture student toward objectives on what factors

affecting architecture student failing there architectural design subject.

The researchers had been selected these research topic to recognize the factors

affecting architecture student in University of Pangasinan in failure to pass there

architectural design subject.

Conceptual Framework:

In architectural field, architectural design is a sensitive subject necessary to pass

in every architecture student. Architecture students are trying their best not to fail this

subject. They are willing to give up their minor subject just to pass the requirements in

this subject. Because if an architect has a failed architectural design in his /her

transcript it will be hard for them to find a job because, architectural design is mostly

the basis when applying a job.

In some situation, not all architecture students survive the architectural design

subject to scrutinize. Many factors why architecture students fail to pass this subject,

which architecture students need to identify and find ways to solve it. From these

unidentified factors, researchers need to conduct study about the perceived factors

affecting architecture students in having a failing grade in architectural design.

Researchers will conduct this study in University of Pangsinan since it has the most

number of failing architecture student in Dagupan City.

 In this study, the researchers used the IPO method (input, process, output method).

For the studies input, the researchers decided to gather information about the age,

gender, Factors affecting the grades of the architecture student, and the design

level. For the process, the researchers decided to use the descriptive method

through survey questionnaire to obtain the necessary facts and information. For the

output, the researchers are expected to propose some ways in helping the

architecture student to avoid failing of grades and propose a school services,

activities, academic programs and seminars that will help the student’s problems

influencing their studies and performance.

Input Process Output

 Propose a school
 Age services,
 Gender activities,
 Factors  Researchers academic
affecting the use a programs and
grades of descriptive seminars that will
the method help the
architecture through student’s
student survey problems
 Design questionnaire influencing their
subjects to obtain the studies and
necessary performance.
facts and
 Floating of

Figure 1: The paradigm of study

Statement of the Problem:

The main problem of this statement is to recognize the perceived failing factors

of architecture student in Architectural design subject.In order to answer the main

problem factors are constructing by the following:

1. What is the profile of the Architecture students in terms of:

a. Age

b. Gender

c. Year level

2. What are the perceived failing factors of Architecture students in Architectural

design subjects?

3. Is there a significant relationship between perceived failing factors and actual

status of students enrolled in Architectural design subjects?

4. What proposed measure could be recommended?


This research was guided further by hypothesis that there is a sifgnificant

relationship between perceived failing factors and actual status of Architecture students

enrolled in Architectural design subject.

Significance of Study:

The findings accumulated by this study may provide significant benefits to the

following groups or individuals:

School administrators.They will be able to determine on how big difference they can

make on the student’s performance. They can make ways to help the students excel in

their studies.

Faculty. They can better understand why some students fail in his subject. They will be

able to help students cope with their studies in spite of the factors affecting it.

Parents. They will be able to to monitor their children with their studies especially in

their failing subject or even in their performance at school.

Students. The study is intended for them to enrich the ideas and knowledgewhy they

are failing grades and to give them guidelines or helpful advice on how to prevent a

failing grades.

Scope and limitation:

The study was limited to the instructors and architecture students in the

University of Pangasinan. The study intended to enrich the ideas and knowledge of the

students who has a failing grade, to know the reasons why they’re experiencing this

kind of problem, and to give those guidelines or helpful advice on how to prevent a

failing grade.

For the teachers to understand better why such students’ performances are poor

so that they will be able to help students cope with their studies in spite of the factors

affecting it.

Definition of terms:

1. Psychological factors- the term that refers to the behavior and mental state of the

students and the people around him/her, which affects his/her, study. Factors

that affecting the mental process or mind. In the study the terms is used as a

factors that affects the student in his performance in subject.

2. Socio-economic factors- the term that refers to the social and economic aspects

that influences student’s academic performance. According to researches, it is the

most common factor affecting students’ academic performances.

3. Environmental Factors- the term that refers to the efficiency and efficacy of the

functioning of students in such way to determine whether it is poor or good. The

term is use as one of the factors that affecting the students to fail in such a

subject and is it a social and economic aspects that influence not only the

students but als o the people from different walks in life.

4. Architecture Students – refers to students in University of Pangasinan taking up

Bachelor of Science major in Architecture.This are the students who are studying

Architectural design subjects.

5. Architectural design Subject – major subjects of the architecture students. The

term is the study of arts and science of design created from perspective reasoning

for the comfort of living things in the environment.

6. Financial and family problem – refers to the factors in which the student is having

a problem in his financial needs and personal problem in his family. This term is

the most common factor or problem in which most of the students encounter.

Chapter 2
Review of Related Literature and Studies

The review of related literature and study of the research will identify the

perceivedfailing factors of architecture students in architectural design subjects.

To begin this chapter, the researchers will cite some possible factors causing

architecture student’s failure in passing architectural design subjects. The researchers

will also examine other research studies and articles that will show how these factors

affect the grades and performances of architecture students.

Related Literatures

Architectural design subject are considered the synthesizing subjects where the

students was given the opportunity to find solutions to architecture related problems

involving the built environment it is essential that the students be trained to adopt a

conceptual approach to architectural design by providing them the skills to translate

programs and develop the solutions.

Architecture as define in many dictionaries is the art, science or profession of

planning, designing and constructing buildings in their totality taking into account their

environment in accordance with the principles of utility , strength and beauty.

A lot of have been already conducted determining the factors why the

architecture students is having difficulties passing their architectural design subjects.

according to Kurtus(2012) some possible factors reasons or factors that students get

poor grades are external factors such as the subject matter is too difficult, the teacher

is hard to understand and problems at homes. Other reasons have to do with student

attitudes, such as they are lazy to do their assignment, not attending the class, lack of

motivation, procrastinates and even coming to school on time. Finally, there are

reasons related to personal issues, such test anxiety, financial problems, family

problem, or in short problems concentrating.

Most of the students do have underestimating workload that stresses them too

much. Some students go into college underestimating how much homework is involved.

Each course has its own professor who will assign homework, give tests and quizzes,

and assign projects. If students do not keep on top of their workload and stay

organized, it is easy to fall behind rather quickly. Because each college course only lasts

one semester, there is less time to recover from a bad start.

There also students that lack in their life goals that does not motivate to study

harder. When a student has a specific career goal in mind, she has something to work

toward while in school. When a student does not have that goal, she is living for the

present and is motivated. Some of them also picked a bad major choice that makes

them want to transfer to another course. There are students who go into college

knowing what field they want to work in and what major they want to go into.

Often professor can cause a student to fail their class. Some teachers do not

explain assignments fully through. A few professors have foreign accents, which can

cause communication problems with students. Very seldom students can get professor,

in whom they just do not like or it can be the other way around. Sometimes by the

student, not paying attention in their previous course can affect the second part of the

course. Professors can often move at a faster pace than other can. The subject can

sometimes just be too hard for students to participate in the course.

Erum (1982) wrote that reports in education by current writers express concern

about students learning below their abilities. It has been pointed out that the factor not

often considered is that students have different learning styles due to individual

differences and that teaching- learning contexts a student’s style. In effect, instructional

methods have to be continually adjusted to the afforested factors.

A new sociological study finds that behavior problems, not depression, are linked

to lower grades for depressed adolescents. Researchers believe the findings may

suggest a new classroom approach that moves away from a disciplinary approach to

methods that integrate students into a broad melting pot. Investigators discovered that

depression per se does not result in academic problems, rather an adolescent’s

behavior, including attention problems, which cause poor grades.transition to early


McLeod’s analysis focuses on students who were in high school when Add Health

began in 1994. To determine academic achievement, McLeod considered the high

school GPAs of students after the first wave of Add Health in 1994 and the highest

educational degrees they received by 2008-2009“There’s a fairly sizable literature that

links depression in high school to diminished academic achievement,” said McLeod.

“The argument we make in our study is what’s really happening is that youths who are

depressed also have other problems as well, and it’s those other problems that are

adversely affecting their achievement.”

Unlike students who experienced depression, the study found that adolescents

who experienced attention issues, delinquency, or substance use had lower average

GPAs than youths without any such problems. Similarly, delinquency and substance use

were associated with receiving lesser degrees while depression was not.

Related Studies

According to the Department of Education in United States, many empirical

studies are carried out to determine the factors affecting student's academic

performance. All of the research reviews support the hypothesis that student's

academic performances depend on different socio-economic, psychological, and

environmental factors. Such as poverty, because it is concluded that poverty is an

important factor accounting for differences in performance and achievement across

rural, sub-urban and urban districts.

Chansarkar and Mischaeloudis (2001), explain the effects of age qualification

distance from learning place on student's performance. The academic performance of

students on the module is not influenced by factors such as age, gender, and place of

residence but is related with qualification in quantitative subjects. It has been found out

that those who live near the school perform much better than other students do.

Goethals (2001) found out that weak students do better when grouped with

other weak students. As implied by Zonjonc (1976) that students of their own kind help

them to improve their performance.

    The findings of Zimmerman (1991, 2001) where somewhat contradictory to Goethals

results but again is proved that student's performance depends on number of different

factors; it says that the weak peers might reduce the grades of middling or strong


According to an article written by Jay Prakash (2011) that was published in, interest, in Latin, means, “it matters” or “it concerns.”  He said

that interest might refer to the motivating force that drives the individual to attend to a

person, an object or an activity. He added that interest might be the cause of an

activity and the result of participation in the activity. According to him, people “tend to

attended to such objects that interest them.”

        Prakash(2011) continued that interest might not be the same for everybody. He

said that our interests are governed by our drives, motives and emotions, but mostly

our instincts. An example he offered was the instinctive interest of teenagers in clothes

or appearance may be due to their drive to attract members of the opposite sex.

Hidi (2011) in a study entitled “Interest and Its Contribution as a Mental

Resource in Learning” stated that our preference in processing certain types of

information is determined by our interest most of the time. She continued that our

interests can also affect our cognitive functions and learning. She proposed that there is

a huge difference in psychological and physiological processes when the information

received is interesting or not. She further said that there are unique aspects not present

when processing uninteresting information.

In another article entitled “Creating an Interest in Learning Science”, Paris and

Turner (as cited in Keiff, 2005), said that interest plays an important role in motivating

students to study. If the learner has an interest in the subject matter, it is more likely

that the learner will engage into a good study habit that will help the student expand

the knowledge at hand.

According to Kizlik (2012), study habits are different for everybody. A studying

strategy may be effective for one but entirely of no use to another student. However,

the study habit fit for one can help the student in different ways. To name one, with

continuous study habits, study skills develop and they create a more effective

understanding about the topic. Study habits can also improve the learning and

understanding about the subject, and thus, the grades.

Investigators discovered that depression per se does not result in academic

problems, rather an adolescent’s behavior, including attention problems, which cause

poor grades.

“Behavior problems including attention issues, delinquency, and substance use

are associated with diminished achievement, but depression is not,” said the study’s

lead author, Jane D. McLeod, Ph.D., a sociology professor and an associate dean at

Indiana University.(nauert, 2012).

In the Philippine concept, as cited in a research conducted by Cabahug and

Ladot (2005), the University of the Philippines’ greatest failure is in mathematics. It is

also said that repetition in mathematics is common among UP students that almost one

out of three repeat a mathematics course. Cabahug and Ladot (2005) also said that the

faculty of the UP Cebu Natural Science and Mathematics Division or NSMD has felt the

declining performance of students in basic mathematics. It is also stated that the

attitude towards mathematics and achievement in mathematics have always been a

great concern.

Another study related to researchers study was conducted by the architecture

students of university of cordilleras shows that their subject AR 321 followed by AR 311,

AR 221 and AR211 have the highest percentage of students who failed the design

subjects. Failing in these design subjects is due to the level of complexity of

architectural design problem criteria as to its conditions and limitations, into which the

student will work out the solution of developed by the student from the given problem

has something to do with good foundation from the related subjects taken.

According to their research, some factors that affect architecture students of in

getting a failing grade in design subject are: (1) complexity of architectural design

problems and poor foundation of related subjects students think according to UC

students the given design problem is not within their level of mental competence hence

they become disinterested and (2) personal reasons such as financial or family problem.

The study of Binuya – Barros a college student found a significant correlation

between locus of control and academic achievement studies whose locus of orientation

was internal obtained higher grades than the external s. internals, recognizing that their

grades were due to their own abilities and efforts held themselves accountable for the

level of their academic achievement. Thus, they were motivated to work even harder

and consequently, they performed better. (The Philippine journal of education, 2000)

The Reviewed Related Studies And The Present Study

The reviewed studies have similarities to differences from the present study in

terms of respondents, variables, methodology and instruments. All the researchers

employed the descriptive research design. The present study employed the same


The studies of Chansarkar and Michaeloudis dealt with the academic

performance of the students in quantitative subjects. However, the present study

focused on the perceived failing factors of architecture students in architectural design

subjects which is very similar to the focus of study of Cabahug and Ladot.

The study conducted by Cabahug and Ladot (2005) is similar to the present

study in terms of interest, which is in the factors causing the student to fail in such a

subject. Cabahug and Ladot ‘s study was conducted in the UP students in Manila while

the present study was undertaken in University of Pangasinan and the respondent are

the Architecture students.Cabahug and Ladot’s study focused on the greatest failures of

UP students in mathematics while the present study focus on the perceived failing

factors of architecture student in Architectural design subject.

The researchers conducted by the students of University of Cordillera were also

in the field of Architectural design subject. However, they involved not only those

students who failed the subject but also those students who are dropping the subject,

respectively, while the present study only involved those architecture students who are

failing the design subject. The UC students gathered listed the factors affecting the

performance of architecture students at UC. The ultimate purpose of the study just

cited and this study was to know the factors affecting the performance of architecture

student in architectural design subject whether it is an actual or a perceived failing



Research Design:

In this study, the researchers used descriptive research. According to James P.

Key (Oklahoma State University), a descriptive research is used to obtain information

concerning the status of the phenomena to describe, "What exists" with respect to

variables or conditions in a situation. The methods involved range from the survey,

which describes the status quo, the correlation study that investigates the relationship

between variables, to developmental studies, which seek to determine changes over


By using descriptive research, the researchers were able to gather information

regarding the characteristics, behaviors, and attitudes of the group of people the

researchers intended to study.

Sources of Data:

Researchers conducted the study at University of Pangasinan. This school has

the most number of architecture students that has failing grades in dagupan, which is

very rationale in this study.

The data that the researchers are going to use in this project will be the fruit of

the Survey the researchers will make. The researchers will administer a survey that will

cover up 30 architecture students taking up summer class in University of Pangasinan.

Data Collection and Instrumentation:

The instruments used in collecting the data are questionnaires for architecture

students and oral interviews to architecture major instructors.

Questionnaires will be used because:

 Each participant enters his/her responses on the questionnaire, saving the

researcher’s time, compared to time required conduct interviews.

 It is less expensive.

 When data has been quantified, it can be used to compare and contrast other

research and may be used to measure change.

 The hesitation of the participants of the survey will be lessening because

questionnaires do not require their personal identities in finishing the survey.

The questionnaires will be administered to the architecture students aims to

know their characteristics and study habits. Oral interviews will be administered to the

architecture major instructors. This interviews aims to know the opinions/reasons of

instructors why they fail students.

The researchers will approach 30 architecture students. Every architecture

students that are willing to participate in our survey will be given questionnaires.

Researchers will be assigned to watch over the participants so that they will clarify

unclear instructions.

Tools for data analysis:

The data that will be collected on the survey questionnaires will be presented on

tables in such a way that they conform to the sequence of the items in the


The findings will be based on the answers in the questionnaires and will be

presented in simple percentage in the discussion. The explanations will be based on the

frequency of occurrences of the conditions that existed.

Frequency distribution, percentage and the average were computed using the

following formula:

1. Percentage:

P= x 100

Where: P= percentage

f= frequency

N= total number

2. Average


Where: ∑ x = responses of respondents

N=total number of respondents X=average

Chapter 4
Presentation, Analysis, and Interpretation of Results

This chapter presents and interprets results of the survey on the perceived failing

factors of architecture students in Architectural Design subject.

1. Profile of architecture students respondents.

Table 1: Age and Gender

Age group: Frequency Percentage: Frequency Percentage:

(male) (female)

16-17 0 0% 0 0%

18-19 18 60% 7 24%

20 and above 4 13% 1 3%

Total: 22 73% 8 27%

Chart 1: Age and Gender

number of respondents

10 frequencey(male)
8 Frequency (female)
16-17 18-19 20 and above


As seen on table and graph 1, Out of 30 respondents, 18 of them are from the

males with ages of 18-19. Followed by females with the ages of 18-19, which are

consisted of seven participants. Next are males with ages of 20 and above, which

gathered up four respondents. Next are the females with the ages of 20 and above,

which have one. Lastly, the male and female with ages of 16-17, which has no

respondent. Based on table 1 and graph 1, architecture students with ages of 18-19 are

the majority respondents of the survey we made. This only means to say that most of

the students in architecture department are predominantly male.

2. Respondents Architectural Design subject.

Table 2 Status of Architectural Design Subject

Status: Frequency: Percentage:

Passed 22 73%

Failed 8 27%

Graph 2: status of Architectural Design Sub-

number of respondents



passed failed


The table 2 and graph 2 shows that in 30 respondents 73% passed their

Architectural Design subject and 27% failed. It clearly shows that 27% of the

respondents are having problems regarding their architectural design subject. Although

73% of the respondents passed, they might also be having difficulties with their

architectural design subject. This findings clearly shows that though the respondents

are having a problem with their grades in design subject they are able to passed their


3. Factors affecting the architecture student’s respondents.

Table 3 Factors affecting the respondents in getting failing grades.

Factors: Frequency: Percentage:

Financial and Family 3 6.12%


Psychological Factors 9 18.36%

Time Management 24 48.98%

Environmental Factors 5 10.21%

Subject Matter are 6 12.25%


Socio-economic 0 0%


Others 2 4.08%

Graph 3: factors affecting the respondents in getting failing grades
number of answers

0 Frequency:
s rs t rs lt s s
em to en to cu em er
l c m c ffi l th
ob lF
e Fa i ob O
P r
ig ca an tal r eD c Pr
ily en er
a i
m ol
o eM n m tt n om
h Tim o a co
d yc vir tM -e
l an Ps En jec ic o
ia b
nc Su So
Fi na


Table and graph 3 shows that most of the respondents answered time

management, which gathered 48.98%. Followed by psychological factors, which

gathered 19.36%. Next is psychological factors, it has 18.36%. We also have subject

matter is difficult, it has 12.25%. Environmental factors, it has 10.21%. Financial

problems, with 6.12%. The respondents also answered others with 4.08%. The last is

socio-economic problems with no answers. It clearly shows that the most of the

respondents are having difficulties with their architectural design subject because of

poor time management. It means to say that time management is the factors that

affect most of the students.

Table 4 Effects of Failing grades to the respondents

Effects of Failing Grades Frequency Percentage

Stressed and depressed 22 51.16%

Anxiety 4 9.30%

Use it as Motivation 11 25.59%

Committing suicide 4 9.30%

Others 2 4.65%

Total 43 100%

Graph 4 Effects of Failing grades to the respondents

number of answers

ed iet
y on e rs
ss x ati icid the Frequency
re A n v su o
p oti ng
d s M itti
an ta m
ed sei Co
ess U


Table and graph 3.2 shows that stressed and depressed gathered 51.16% and

have the most answers in the researcher’s survey. Followed by use it as motivation, it

has 25.59%. Next is committing suicide and anxiety, they both have 9.30%. And last is

others, which has 4.65%. Table and graph 4 shows that 51.16% of the respondents

might be suffering from stress and depression because of having failing is

clearly showing that many of the respondent is suffering from stressed and depression

when they have a failing grades.

4. Suggested ways to avoid failing grades.

Table 5 suggested ways by the respondents to avoid failing grades

Ways: Frequency Percentage:

Adjusting to your 6 12%


Taking notes in lecture 8 16%

Ask help to others 12 24%

Manage your time 23 46%


Others 1 2%

Total 50 100%

Graph 5:suggested ways by the respondents to avoid failing
number of answers

0 Frequency
t re rs ly rs
en tu he ise he
m c t t
o ew O
v s p tim
en te el r
ur no skh you
o g
y in A ge
g Tak ana
n M
sti suggested ways

Table and graph 5 shows that the most suggested ways to avoid failing grades is

managing the time wisely that has a 46%, then followed by the asking the help of

others which has a 24%. Next is taking notes that have a 16% and adjusting to the

environment that has a percentage of 12%. However, 2% of the respondents had

suggested other ways to avoid failing grades. This only show that students must have a

seminar regarding time management.

Chapter 5
Summary, Conclusion and Recommendations

This chapter represents a brief review of the study, summary of findings,

conclusions and recommendations based on the findings that the researchers have

acquired from the survey questionnaire.

Summary of findings

The title of the study conducted by the researchers is : Perceived Failing Factors

of Architecture Students in Architectural Design Subjects. The main problem of the

study is to recognize the perceived failing factors of architecture students in their

Architectural design subjects. In order to answer the main problem factors are

constructing the following:

1. What are the profile of Architecture students in terms of :

a. Age

b. Gender

c. Year level

2. What are the perceived failing factors of Architecture students in Architectural

design subjects?

3. Is there any significant relationship between perceived failing factors and actual

status of students enrolled in Architectural design subjects?

4. What proposed measure could be recommend?

The researchers has selected these research topic to recognize the factors affecting

architecture student in University of Pangasinan in failing to pass their architectural

design subjects.

The study intended to enrich the ideas and knowledge of the students who has a

failing grade and to give them guidelines or helpful advice to prevent a failing grades.

The researchers decided to use the descriptive research method through survey

questionnaire to obtain the necessary facts and information. The study is conducted at

the University of Pangasinan. The researchers administer a survey that cover up 30

Architecture students enrolled in summer class 2012-2013 in University of Pangasinan.

The data collected on the survey questionnaires are presented on tables and graphs

in such a way that they conform to the sequence of the items in the questionnaire. The

results gathered in the study are computed through the use of percentage and average.

Through the use of statistical computation in analyzing the data, it shows that most

of the architecture students enrolled in summer class at the University of Pangasinan

has an age of 18-19 years old (84%) and most of the students are male (73%).

Based on the gathered data, the status of the architecture student in their

Architectural design subject shows that most of the student had passed the design

subject with 73% while 27% among them failed. With the result it has been discovered

that there no significant relationship between the perceived failing factors and actual

status of the students enrolled in architectural design subjects.

It has been also discovered in the data result that the factors that most affect them

in failing the architectural subject is time management with 48.98%,followed by the

psychological factors with 18.36% and subject matter are difficult with 12.25%.

As to its effects, most of the respondents has answered that having a failing grades

leads them to stress and depression with 51.16% but other respondents has answered

that they used it as a motivation with 25.59 %.however, the findings shows that the

most suggested way to ways to avoid failing grade is to learn how the manage their

time wisely with 46%.


Based on the significant findings of the study the researchers had finally drawn

the conclusions that the perceived failing factors of architecture students in

architectural design subject are the psychological factors ,environmental

factors ,financial and family problem, subject matter is difficult and time managing. The

researchers learned that most of the respondents are having a problem in time

management in which they lead them to fail in design subject. The researchers also

figured it out that the perceived failing factors of the respondent do not affect its actual

status of grades in architectural design subject because majority of the respondents

passed the architectural design subject.

According to respondent do believe that the most effective measure to avoid

failing is to learn how to manage time wisely. It is also important to ask the help of the

instructor to improve the standing of the respondent. Other respondent also believe

that taking notes will also help.


In the light significant findings of the study, the following recommendations are


1. The school or the department must demeanor a seminar regarding about how

the students should handle their problem or even a seminar on how to

management time.

2. The instructors should focus to those students who are failing to his subject.


a. Unpublished materials

Cabahug, L., Ladot C. ”The Acedemic Performance in Basic Mathematics of UPV

Cebu Freshmen from School Year 2000 – 2001 to 2003-2004: A Basis for

Admission to Degree Programs

b. Manual / journals

Vilanda,Virgilo E., et. al “Performances of UC Students in Architectural

Design Courses,”University of Cordillera Research Journal, Vol.I No. 3, (March


Binuya,B., “ Academic Performance of a Student,” The Philippine Journal

of Education, Vol.IV No. 6 (2000)

c. Online sources Prakash,J. Contribution of Attention and Interference

in Learning Science/ april 27 2013. 3:00 pm, J. Creating an Internet in Learning Science.Questia/ April

27,2013 Kilzik, B. (2012) How to Study and make the most of your

time. Effective study skills/ April 27, 2013. 3:00 pm failing factors/ april 27, 2013. 3:00 pm why students get poor grades; Ron Kurtus/april 27,



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