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https://wwhttps://ww265 m Queen's T 4.0 star-fill North IndiaRp350.000Seminyak,

https://wwhttps://ww749 m The Bistrot4.1 star-fill Western, ARp400.000Seminyak,
https://wwhttps://ww428 m Bo & Bun 4.2 star-fill Vietnamese Rp300.000Seminyak,
https://wwhttps://ww617 m Grain Espr 4.0 star-fill Cafe, Weste Rp300.000Seminyak,
https://wwhttps://ww674 m Lacalaca Ba3.9 star-fill Mexican Rp250.000Seminyak,
https://wwhttps://ww905 m Starbucks 3.9 star-fill Coffee, Be Rp160.000Seminyak,
https://wwhttps://ww759 m The Champ3.7 star-fill Cafe, WestRp300.000Seminyak,
https://wwhttps://ww666 m Chai Ba 4.0 star-fill Indian Rp100.000Seminyak,
https://wwhttps://ww102 m Gateway of India Indian, PakRp250.000Seminyak,
https://wwhttps://ww511 m Punjabi Tadka Indian Rp80.000 fSeminyak,
https://wwhttps://ww833 m Capil Beach3.7 star-fill Grill, WestRp250.000Seminyak,
https://wwhttps://ww82 m The Koop R3.9 star-fill Coffee, Ba Rp150.000Seminyak,
https://wwhttps://b. 265 m Queen's T 4.0 star-fill North IndiaRp350.000Seminyak,
https://wwhttps://b. 749 m The Bistrot4.1 star-fill Western, ARp400.000Seminyak,
https://wwhttps://b. 428 m Bo & Bun 4.2 star-fill Vietnamese Rp300.000Seminyak,
https://wwhttps://b. 617 m Grain Espr 4.0 star-fill Cafe, Weste Rp300.000Seminyak,
https://wwhttps://b. 674 m Lacalaca Ba3.9 star-fill Mexican Rp250.000Seminyak,
https://wwhttps://b 905 m Starbucks 3.9 star-fill Coffee, Be Rp160.000Seminyak,
https://wwhttps://b. 759 m The Champ3.7 star-fill Cafe, WestRp300.000Seminyak,
https://wwhttps://b. 102 m Gateway of India Indian, PakRp250.000Seminyak,
https://wwhttps://b. 511 m Punjabi Tadka Indian Rp80.000 fSeminyak,
https://wwhttps://b. 833 m Capil Beach3.7 star-fill Grill, WestRp250.000Seminyak,
https://wwhttps://b. 82 m The Koop R3.9 star-fill Coffee, Ba Rp150.000Seminyak,
https://wwhttps://ww120 m Santa Fe Ba2.8 star-fill American, Rp200.000Seminyak,
https://wwhttps://ww776 m Chicken Ru3.8 star-fill Western Rp100.000Seminyak,
https://wwhttps://ww442 m Cabe Rawit3.7 star-fill IndonesianRp250.000Seminyak,
https://wwhttps://b 351 m Souq Cafe 3.4 star-fill Cafe Rp200.000Seminyak,
https://wwhttps://b 905 m The Mill R 3.8 star-fill Western, IRp250.000Seminyak,
https://wwhttps://ww840 m D'Joglo Be 3.6 star-fill American, Rp200.000Seminyak,
https://wwhttps://ww587 m Prana 3.7 star-fill Asian, WesRp200.000Seminyak,
https://wwhttps://ww345 m Warung Bal2.9 star-fill Asian, Bali Rp250.000Seminyak,
https://wwhttps://b. 905 m The Mill R 3.8 star-fill Western, IRp250.000Seminyak,
https://wwhttps://b. 840 m D'Joglo Be 3.6 star-fill American, Rp200.000Seminyak,
https://wwhttps://b 587 m Prana 3.7 star-fill Asian, WesRp200.000Seminyak,
https://wwhttps://b 290 m Hibiscus Restaurant Balinese, I Rp120.000Seminyak,
https://wwhttps://b. 732 m Sunset on 3.7 star-fill IndonesianRp500.000Anantara S
https://wwhttps://b. 514 m How I Met 3.8 star-fill Coffee, Be Rp80.000 fSeminyak,
https://wwhttps://b 160 m Lucky Day 3.6 star-fill Western, Rp300.000Seminyak,
https://wwhttps://b 326 m Wild Habit3.8 star-fill Pizza, Itali Rp250.000Seminyak,
https://wwhttps://ww967 m Sun Shoot3.1 star-fill Grill, Italia Rp250.000Seminyak,
https://w https://ww460 m Warung Ta- star-fill IndonesianRp70.000 fSeminyak,
https://wwhttps://ww1 km Eat Well Steak, WesRp450.000Seminyak,
https://wwhttps://b. 326 m Wild Habit3.8 star-fill Pizza, Itali Rp250.000Seminyak,
https://wwhttps://b. 967 m Sun Shoot3.1 star-fill Grill, Italia Rp250.000Seminyak,
https://w https://b. 460 m Warung Ta- star-fill IndonesianRp70.000 fSeminyak,
https://wwhttps://b 1 km Eat Well Steak, WesRp450.000Seminyak,
https://wwhttps://ww249 m Passargad 3.6 star-fill Western, IRp250.000Seminyak,
https://wwhttps://ww80 m Buzz Bakehouse Western, ARp200.000Seminyak,
https://wwhttps://b. 307 m Jackson Lily’s Italian, WeRp250.000Seminyak,
https://wwhttps://b 263 m Le Patio 3.6 star-fill IndonesianRp220.000Seminyak,
https://wwhttps://ww1.6 km Shrimpis Kitchen and Bar Mexican Rp250.000Seminyak,
https://wwhttps://ww302 m Blue Matcha Kitchen & Art DininHealthy FoRp400.000Seminyak,
https://wwhttps://ww384 m Kakatua Tro 3.8 star-fill Western, ARp300.000Seminyak,
https://wwhttps://ww797 m Ananda Resto Asian, WesRp200.000Seminyak,
https://wwhttps://b 1.6 km Shrimpis Kitchen and Bar Mexican Rp250.000Seminyak,
https://wwhttps://b 302 m Blue Matcha Kitchen & Art DininHealthy FoRp400.000Seminyak,
https://wwhttps://b. 384 m Kakatua Tro 3.8 star-fill Western, ARp300.000Seminyak,
https://wwhttps://b. 797 m Ananda Resto Asian, WesRp200.000Seminyak,
https://wwhttps://ww1.1 km Waroeng Bernadette Seminyak Italian Rp300.000Seminyak,
https://wwhttps://ww1.2 km The Braga - star-fill Cafe Rp150.000Seminyak S
https://wwhttps://b 273 m Ambermoon Restaurant Balinese, Rp300.000Seminyak,
https://wwhttps://b 1.2 km The Daily Coffee & Kitchen Asian Rp150.000Seminyak S
https://wwhttps://b. 99 m Harris Cafe- star-fill Cafe, AsianRp200.000HARRIS Hot
https://wwhttps://ww1.1 km Bangkok Ki- star-fill Thai Rp300.000Seminyak,
https://wwhttps://ww630 m Makase - H- star-fill Balinese, Rp300.000Hotel Indig
https://wwhttps://ww611 m Cave Pool - star-fill Western, ARp200.000Hotel Indig
https://wwhttps://b. 99 m Harris Cafe- star-fill Cafe, AsianRp200.000HARRIS Hot
https://wwhttps://b 1.1 km Bangkok Ki- star-fill Thai Rp300.000Seminyak,
https://wwhttps://b. 630 m Makase - H- star-fill Balinese, Rp300.000Hotel Indig
https://wwhttps://b 611 m Cave Pool - star-fill Western, ARp200.000Hotel Indig
https://wwhttps://ww1 km Balitaly - star-fill Pizza, Itali Rp150.000Seminyak,
https://wwhttps://b. 618 m Dod's Burg- star-fill American, Rp200.000Seminyak,
https://wwhttps://b. 1.1 km Kayu Bar - - star-fill Drinks Onl Rp350.000The Oberoi
https://wwhttps://b 150 m Pizza Burge- star-fill Western, BRp200.000Seminyak,
https://wwhttps://b 306 m Luca's Pizz - star-fill Pizza, Itali Rp200.000Seminyak,
https://wwhttps://ww1.4 km The Pool Ba- star-fill Italian, WeRp700.000The Legian
https://wwhttps://ww523 m Kopi Sobat- star-fill Coffee, Te Rp90.000 fBintang Su
https://wwhttps://ww774 m The Plantat4.1 star-fill Western, Gr Rp1.000.00Double Six
https://wwhttps://b 306 m Luca's Pizz - star-fill Pizza, Itali Rp200.000Seminyak,
https://wwhttps://b 1.4 km The Pool Ba- star-fill Italian, WeRp700.000The Legian
https://wwhttps://b 523 m Kopi Sobat- star-fill Coffee, Te Rp90.000 fBintang Su
https://wwhttps://b. 771 m Mejekawi -3.9 star-fill Asian Rp600.000Seminyak,
https://wwhttps://b. 520 m Tamade Caf3.7 star-fill Cafe, Indo Rp150.000Seminyak,
https://wwhttps://b. 103 m The Bush T3.0 star-fill Finger FooRp150.000Seminyak,
https://wwhttps://b. 674 m Teppanyaki3.8 star-fill Japanese Rp600.000The Royal
https://wwhttps://b 77 m Yogurt Rep- star-fill Desserts Rp70.000 fSeminyak,
https://wwhttps://ww2.4 km Nook 4.7 star-fill Balinese, Rp200.000Kerobokan
https://wwhttps://ww1.5 km Motel Mexi4.7 star-fill Mexican Rp250.000Kerobokan
https://wwhttps://ww2 km Pison Coff 4.2 star-fill Cafe, Coff Rp200.000Kerobokan
https://wwhttps://ww1.8 km Biku 4.2 star-fill Western Rp300.000Kerobokan
https://wwhttps://ww1.2 km Pork Star 4.9 star-fill Asian, Ind Rp120.000Legian, Bal
https://wwhttps://ww1.5 km Warung Ca3.9 star-fill Balinese Rp120.000Legian, Bal
https://wwhttps://ww1.1 km Monsieur 4.4 star-fill Bakery, CoRp150.000Kerobokan
https://wwhttps://b. 273 m Ambermoon Restaurant Balinese, Rp300.000Seminyak,
https://wwhttps://b. 2.4 km Nook 4.7 star-fill Balinese, Rp200.000Kerobokan
https://wwhttps://b. 1.5 km Motel Mexi4.7 star-fill Mexican Rp250.000Kerobokan
https://wwhttps://b. 2 km Pison Coff 4.2 star-fill Cafe, Coff Rp200.000Kerobokan
https://wwhttps://b. 1.8 km Biku 4.2 star-fill Western Rp300.000Kerobokan
https://wwhttps://b. 1.5 km Warung Ca3.9 star-fill Balinese Rp120.000Legian, Bal
https://wwhttps://b. 1.1 km Monsieur 4.4 star-fill Bakery, CoRp150.000Kerobokan
https://wwhttps://b. 3.3 km Flapjaks 4.3 star-fill Western, DRp120.000Kuta, Bali
https://wwhttps://b. 2.9 km Cabina Bali4.1 star-fill American, Rp250.000Kerobokan
https://wwhttps://b 874 m Mama San4.8 star-fill Thai, Chin Rp400.000Kerobokan
https://wwhttps://b. 2.3 km Warung Lao 4.2 star-fill Chinese, S Rp30.000 fLegian, Bal
https://wwhttps://b. 1.7 km Sate Babi 4.3 star-fill Satay, Bali Rp90.000 fLegian, Bal
https://wwhttps://ww1.8 km Sarong 4.1 star-fill Asian Rp800.000Kerobokan
https://wwhttps://ww3 km Ayam Betut4.0 star-fill Balinese Rp150.000Sentral Par
https://wwhttps://ww1.7 km Bambu 4.6 star-fill Asian, Bali Rp500.000Kerobokan
https://wwhttps://b 1.7 km Sate Babi 4.3 star-fill Satay, Bali Rp90.000 fLegian, Bal
https://wwhttps://b. 1.8 km Sarong 4.1 star-fill Asian Rp800.000Kerobokan
https://wwhttps://b. 3 km Ayam Betut4.0 star-fill Balinese Rp150.000Sentral Par
https://wwhttps://b. 1.7 km Bambu 4.6 star-fill Asian, Bali Rp500.000Kerobokan
https://wwhttps://b. 2 km Taco Casa 4.2 star-fill Mexican Rp200.000Kerobokan
https://wwhttps://b. 3.2 km Fat Chow 4.1 star-fill Japanese, Rp250.000Kuta, Bali
https://wwhttps://b. 3.7 km Hard Rock 3.8 star-fill American, Rp600.000Kuta, Bali
https://wwhttps://b. 1.8 km Dough Darl3.9 star-fill Desserts Rp150.000Kerobokan
https://wwhttps://ww1.7 km SI JIN Ste 3.9 star-fill Steak, FusiRp1.300.00Kerobokan
https://wwhttps://ww2.3 km Fire - W Retreat & Spa Grill Rp800.000W Retreat
https://wwhttps://b. 3.3 km Paddy's Pu3.8 star-fill Drinks Onl Rp400.000Kuta, Bali
https://wwhttps://b. 853 m Pearl Frenc3.6 star-fill French Rp500.000Legian, Bal
https://wwhttps://b 1.8 km Al Diwan 3.8 star-fill Lebanese Rp500.000Kerobokan
https://wwhttps://ww892 m The Restaur 3.6 star-fill Western Rp500.000The Trans R
https://wwhttps://ww812 m Pearl Fren 3.6 star-fill French Rp800.000Legian, Bal
https://wwhttps://ww1.7 km Tenkai Jap 3.8 star-fill Japanese Rp450.000The Padma R
https://wwhttps://b. 1.8 km Al Diwan 3.8 star-fill Lebanese Rp500.000Kerobokan
https://wwhttps://b 892 m The Restaur 3.6 star-fill Western Rp500.000The Trans R
https://wwhttps://b. 812 m Pearl Fren 3.6 star-fill French Rp800.000Legian, Bal
https://wwhttps://b. 1.7 km Tenkai Jap 3.8 star-fill Japanese Rp450.000The Padma R
https://wwhttps://ww1.1 km Frozen Yog3.7 star-fill Desserts Rp100.000Kerobokan
https://wwhttps://b. 3.7 km Centerstage - Hard Rock Hotel IndonesianRp400.000Hard Rock H
https://wwhttps://b 4.6 km Sen5es - Bali Dynasty Resort Asian, Ind Rp400.000Bali Dynast
https://wwhttps://b 2.4 km Mookata - star-fill Thai, BBQ, Rp250.000Denpasar Ba
https://wwhttps://ww2.1 km The Terrac- star-fill Australian,Rp350.000Kerobokan
https://wwhttps://ww3 km Ijo Grill & - star-fill Chinese, WRp100.000Denpasar Ba
https://wwhttps://ww1.8 km Freddy's Co- star-fill Pizza Rp150.000Kerobokan
https://wwhttps://ww1.2 km Warung Se4.0 star-fill IndonesianRp100.000Legian, Bal
https://wwhttps://b 4.6 km Sen5es - Bali Dynasty Resort Asian, Ind Rp400.000Bali Dynast
https://wwhttps://b 2.1 km The Terrac- star-fill Australian,Rp350.000Kerobokan
https://wwhttps://b. 3 km Ijo Grill & - star-fill Chinese, WRp100.000Denpasar Ba
https://wwhttps://b. 1.8 km Freddy's Co- star-fill Pizza Rp150.000Kerobokan
https://wwhttps://b. 1.2 km Warung Se4.0 star-fill IndonesianRp100.000Legian, Bal
https://wwhttps://ww2 km Nostimo Gre 4.2 star-fill Greek Rp200.000Kerobokan
https://wwhttps://ww2.6 km Mama's Ge4.1 star-fill German, EuRp300.000Legian, Bal
https://wwhttps://ww2.6 km Nasi Pedas4.0 star-fill IndonesianRp100.000Legian, Bal
https://wwhttps://b. 2.7 km Bali Nikma4.1 star-fill Chinese, BRp250.000Kuta, Bali
https://wwhttps://b. 1.9 km Dim Sum I 3.7 star-fill Chinese, ARp100.000Legian, Bal
https://wwhttps://ww4.6 km Hungry Bir3.8 star-fill Coffee, Be Rp150.000Kerobokan,
https://wwhttps://ww3.8 km Warung Bab 3.9 star-fill Balinese Rp80.000 fKuta, Bali
https://wwhttps://ww2.2 km ABOVE Roof 3.8 star-fill Balinese, I Rp200.000Kerobokan
https://wwhttps://b 1.9 km Dim Sum I 3.7 star-fill Chinese, ARp100.000Legian, Bal
https://wwhttps://b. 4.6 km Hungry Bir3.8 star-fill Coffee, Be Rp150.000Kerobokan,
https://wwhttps://b. 3.8 km Warung Bab 3.9 star-fill Balinese Rp80.000 fKuta, Bali
https://wwhttps://b. 2.2 km ABOVE Roof 3.8 star-fill Balinese, I Rp200.000Kerobokan
https://wwhttps://ww2.5 km Hakata Ikk4.0 star-fill Japanese Rp250.000Kuta, Bali
https://wwhttps://b. 2.1 km Warung Li 3.6 star-fill Balinese Rp80.000 fDenpasar Ba
https://wwhttps://b 4.6 km Nasi Bebek3.7 star-fill IndonesianRp100.000Tuban, Bali
https://wwhttps://b. 933 m Chandi IndonesianRp200.000Kerobokan
https://wwhttps://b. 2 km The Butche3.8 star-fill Burger Rp200.000Kerobokan
https://wwhttps://ww2 km Balibola 3.7 star-fill Healthy FoRp300.000Kerobokan
https://wwhttps://ww3 km Bebek Tepi3.6 star-fill Balinese, Rp350.000Beachwalk,
https://wwhttps://ww2.1 km Jemme Din3.9 star-fill Western Rp200.000Kerobokan
https://wwhttps://b. 2 km The Butche3.8 star-fill Burger Rp200.000Kerobokan
https://wwhttps://b. 2 km Balibola 3.7 star-fill Healthy FoRp300.000Kerobokan
https://wwhttps://b. 3 km Bebek Tepi3.6 star-fill Balinese, Rp350.000Beachwalk,
https://wwhttps://b 2.1 km Jemme Din3.9 star-fill Western Rp200.000Kerobokan
https://wwhttps://ww2 km Shima Tepp4.0 star-fill Japanese Rp500.000Kerobokan
https://wwhttps://ww4.2 km The Board 3.6 star-fill Western, M Rp400.000Tuban, Bali
https://wwhttps://ww780 m Warung Mu 3.9 star-fill IndonesianRp120.000Legian, Bal
https://wwhttps://b. 2.4 km Anomali Co4.0 star-fill Coffee, In Rp200.000Legian, Bal
https://wwhttps://b. 910 m Warung Bu3.7 star-fill Malaysian,Rp50.000 fKerobokan
https://wwhttps://ww3.5 km Buka Baju Bakso Rp100.000Denpasar Ba
https://wwhttps://ww3.8 km Dulang Caf4.0 star-fill Italian, In Rp300.000Kuta Square
https://w https://ww3.1 km MyWarung4.0 star-fill IndonesianRp250.000Kerobokan,
https://wwhttps://b. 910 m Warung Bu3.7 star-fill Malaysian,Rp50.000 fKerobokan
https://wwhttps://b 3.5 km Buka Baju Bakso Rp100.000Denpasar Ba
https://wwhttps://b. 3.8 km Dulang Caf4.0 star-fill Italian, In Rp300.000Kuta Square
https://w https://b. 3.1 km MyWarung4.0 star-fill IndonesianRp250.000Kerobokan,
https://wwhttps://ww2.3 km Starfish Bl 4.0 star-fill Japanese Rp500.000W Retreat
https://wwhttps://ww746 m Sacred Ground Italian, WeRp220.000Legian, Bal
https://wwhttps://b. 1.9 km Warung Ip3.8 star-fill Coffee, In Rp150.000Legian, Bal
https://wwhttps://b. 2.1 km La Baracca3.8 star-fill Italian Rp300.000Kerobokan
https://wwhttps://ww2 km Expat Roas4.0 star-fill Cafe, CoffeRp120.000Kerobokan
https://wwhttps://ww4 km Seafood H 3.9 star-fill Seafood, CRp700.000Kuta, Bali
https://wwhttps://ww2.2 km Bella Italia 3.8 star-fill Italian Rp400.000Legian, Bal
https://wwhttps://ww3.3 km Pronto Piz 3.9 star-fill Pizza, Itali Rp200.000KutaBEX, Ku
https://wwhttps://b 2 km Expat Roas4.0 star-fill Cafe, CoffeRp120.000Kerobokan
https://wwhttps://b. 4 km Seafood H 3.9 star-fill Seafood, CRp700.000Kuta, Bali
https://wwhttps://b 2.2 km Bella Italia 3.8 star-fill Italian Rp400.000Legian, Bal
https://wwhttps://b. 3.3 km Pronto Piz 3.9 star-fill Pizza, Itali Rp200.000KutaBEX, Ku
https://wwhttps://ww4.2 km Oceans 36 3.6 star-fill Indonesian,Rp450.000Discovery S
https://wwhttps://ww3.3 km Ayam Taliw3.9 star-fill Lombok, InRp150.000Kuta, Bali
https://wwhttps://b. 1.9 km Ibab Bali 3.6 star-fill IndonesianRp150.000Legian, Bal
https://wwhttps://b. 2.3 km Italycafe Pizzeria Bali Cafe, ItaliaRp200.000Kerobokan
https://wwhttps://b. 3.5 km Kedaton 3.6 star-fill Balinese, Rp120.000Kuta, Bali
https://wwhttps://ww4.6 km Johnny Tac3.9 star-fill Mexican Rp100.000Kuta, Bali
https://wwhttps://ww1.4 km Cafe Moonl3.9 star-fill Healthy FoRp250.000Kerobokan
https://wwhttps://ww4.2 km Tygr Sushi 3.8 star-fill Fusion, SusRp200.000Kerobokan,
https://wwhttps://b. 3.5 km Kedaton 3.6 star-fill Balinese, Rp120.000Kuta, Bali
https://wwhttps://b. 4.6 km Johnny Tac3.9 star-fill Mexican Rp100.000Kuta, Bali
https://wwhttps://b. 1.4 km Cafe Moonl3.9 star-fill Healthy FoRp250.000Kerobokan
https://wwhttps://b. 4.2 km Tygr Sushi 3.8 star-fill Fusion, SusRp200.000Kerobokan,
https://ww3.7 km Little Italy 3.8 star-fill Pizza, Itali Rp300.000Kuta, Bali
https://wwhttps://ww2.1 km Mie 88 3.9 star-fill Bakmi, ChiRp150.000Kerobokan
https://wwhttps://b. 1.4 km Warung Mi3.6 star-fill Indonesian,Rp200.000Kerobokan
https://wwhttps://b. 4.4 km Missibu 3.8 star-fill Asian, WesRp170.000Canggu, Bal
https://wwhttps://b. 2.4 km Tropicana 3.8 star-fill Cafe, Dess Rp150.000Kerobokan
https://wwhttps://ww3.8 km Babi Bagus3.9 star-fill Balinese, Rp150.000Kerobokan,
https://wwhttps://ww2.4 km Gourmet S3.8 star-fill Satay, Ind Rp250.000Legian, Bal
https://wwhttps://ww3.1 km Kori Resta 3.9 star-fill Indonesian,Rp375.000Kuta, Bali
https://wwhttps://b. 2.4 km Tropicana 3.8 star-fill Cafe, Dess Rp150.000Kerobokan
https://wwhttps://b. 3.8 km Babi Bagus3.9 star-fill Balinese, Rp150.000Kerobokan,
https://wwhttps://b. 2.4 km Gourmet S3.8 star-fill Satay, Ind Rp250.000Legian, Bal
https://wwhttps://b. 3.1 km Kori Resta 3.9 star-fill Indonesian,Rp375.000Kuta, Bali
https://wwhttps://ww3.2 km Vi Ai Pi 3.7 star-fill Western Rp400.000Kuta, Bali
https://wwhttps://ww3.9 km Burger Kin3.9 star-fill American, Rp150.000Kuta Square
https://wwhttps://b 4.1 km Coffee 'n' 3.8 star-fill Western, CRp150.000Kerobokan,
https://wwhttps://b. 2.6 km Sensa Koffi3.6 star-fill Coffee, WeRp100.000Legian, Bal
https://wwhttps://b. 2.8 km Rooftop Di3.8 star-fill IndonesianRp300.000The ONE Leg
https://wwhttps://ww2.6 km Warung To3.6 star-fill Balinese, Rp150.000Kuta, Bali
https://wwhttps://ww3.5 km Ona Cangg3.7 star-fill Healthy FoRp250.000Kerobokan,
https://wwhttps://ww2.2 km Mr. Bob Bar 3.8 star-fill Grill, Indo Rp300.000Kerobokan
https://wwhttps://b. 2.8 km Rooftop Di3.8 star-fill IndonesianRp300.000The ONE Leg
https://wwhttps://b 2.6 km Warung To3.6 star-fill Balinese, Rp150.000Kuta, Bali
https://wwhttps://b. 3.5 km Ona Cangg3.7 star-fill Healthy FoRp250.000Kerobokan,
https://wwhttps://b. 2.2 km Mr. Bob Bar 3.8 star-fill Grill, Indo Rp300.000Kerobokan
https://wwhttps://ww3.8 km Bubur Ayam 3.6 star-fill Street Foo Rp40.000 fKuta, Bali
https://wwhttps://ww4 km Nasi Pedas3.6 star-fill IndonesianRp50.000 fKuta, Bali
https://wwhttps://b 2.6 km Cafe Roma3.9 star-fill Indonesian,Rp250.000Legian, Bal
https://wwhttps://b. 1.2 km Kasava Rest3.6 star-fill IndonesianRp300.000Kerobokan
https://wwhttps://b. 1.8 km Makan Pla3.7 star-fill Indonesian,Rp300.000Legian, Bal
https://wwhttps://ww1.8 km Warung Bh3.6 star-fill Asian Rp100.000Legian, Bal
https://wwhttps://ww3.5 km La Casetta 3.9 star-fill Italian Rp300.000Kerobokan,
https://wwhttps://ww3.2 km Feast - She3.8 star-fill Asian, WesRp600.000Sheraton Ba
https://wwhttps://b. 1.8 km Makan Pla3.7 star-fill Indonesian,Rp300.000Legian, Bal
https://wwhttps://b. 1.8 km Warung Bh3.6 star-fill Asian Rp100.000Legian, Bal
https://wwhttps://b. 3.5 km La Casetta 3.9 star-fill Italian Rp300.000Kerobokan,
https://wwhttps://b. 3.2 km Feast - She3.8 star-fill Asian, WesRp600.000Sheraton Ba
https://wwhttps://ww1.8 km Warung Pa3.9 star-fill IndonesianRp170.000Legian, Bal
https://wwhttps://ww4.3 km Matcha Caf3.9 star-fill American, Rp200.000Kerobokan,
https://wwhttps://b. 4 km Bali Bowls 3.5 star-fill Healthy FoRp120.000Kerobokan,
https://wwhttps://b. 4.7 km Sprout Western, HRp150.000Kerobokan,
https://wwhttps://b. 4.1 km The TGC Co3.6 star-fill Coffee, WeRp200.000Kerobokan,
https://wwhttps://ww1.3 km Warung 242.9 star-fill IndonesianRp120.000Legian, Bal
https://wwhttps://ww2.4 km Warung Tu3.6 star-fill Satay, Ind Rp150.000Legian, Bal
https://wwhttps://ww3.9 km Stadium Ca3.7 star-fill Western, M Rp200.000Kuta, Bali
https://wwhttps://ww227 m Shelter 4.4 star-fill Cafe, WestRp250.000Seminyak,
https://w https://ww1.8 km Mano Beac4.2 star-fill Asian, WesRp500.000Seminyak,
https://wwhttps://ww1.5 km Breeze - T 4.3 star-fill Asian, WesRp600.000Seminyak,
https://wwhttps://ww191 m Sushimi Se4.0 star-fill Sushi, Jap Rp300.000Seminyak,
https://wwhttps://ww574 m Zibiru 4.2 star-fill Italian Rp700.000Seminyak,
https://wwhttps://ww415 m Taco Beach4.3 star-fill Mexican Rp200.000Seminyak,
https://wwhttps://ww709 m Ryoshi 3.7 star-fill Japanese Rp300.000Seminyak,
https://wwhttps://ww257 m The Dusty 4.3 star-fill Coffee, Be Rp250.000Seminyak,
https://wwhttps://ww661 m Yogurt Rep4.2 star-fill Desserts Rp150.000Seminyak,
https://wwhttps://ww855 m Blue 9 Bea4.2 star-fill Italian, WeRp300.000Seminyak,
https://wwhttps://ww1.9 km Gourmet C2.8 star-fill Coffee, As Rp300.000Seminyak,
https://w https://ww423 m Moon Cheese Warung SeminyakAsian, WesRp250.000Seminyak,
https://wwhttps://b. 227 m Shelter 4.4 star-fill Cafe, WestRp250.000Seminyak,
https://w https://b 1.8 km Mano Beac4.2 star-fill Asian, WesRp500.000Seminyak,
https://wwhttps://b 1.5 km Breeze - T 4.3 star-fill Asian, WesRp600.000Seminyak,
https://wwhttps://b. 191 m Sushimi Se4.0 star-fill Sushi, Jap Rp300.000Seminyak,
https://wwhttps://b 574 m Zibiru 4.2 star-fill Italian Rp700.000Seminyak,
https://wwhttps://b. 415 m Taco Beach4.3 star-fill Mexican Rp200.000Seminyak,
https://wwhttps://b. 709 m Ryoshi 3.7 star-fill Japanese Rp300.000Seminyak,
https://wwhttps://b 661 m Yogurt Rep4.2 star-fill Desserts Rp150.000Seminyak,
https://wwhttps://b. 855 m Blue 9 Bea4.2 star-fill Italian, WeRp300.000Seminyak,
https://wwhttps://b. 1.9 km Gourmet C2.8 star-fill Coffee, As Rp300.000Seminyak,
https://w https://b. 423 m Moon Cheese Warung SeminyakAsian, WesRp250.000Seminyak,
https://wwhttps://ww748 m Chiringuito3.0 star-fill Cafe Rp200.000Seminyak,
https://wwhttps://ww911 m Nirvana Restaurant & Bar Western Rp200.000Seminyak,
https://wwhttps://ww476 m Burassai 3.6 star-fill Japanese Rp300.000Seminyak,
https://wwhttps://b 1.8 km Bottega Italiana Italian, M Rp300.000Seminyak,
https://wwhttps://b. 302 m Made Manis Gelato Ice Cream,Rp60.000 fSeminyak,
https://wwhttps://ww842 m The Sand B3.0 star-fill Grill, WestRp250.000Seminyak,
https://wwhttps://ww844 m Sabeen Res2.5 star-fill Asian, IndoRp350.000The Haven,
https://wwhttps://ww741 m Juice Park 3.0 star-fill Balinese, Rp200.000Seminyak,
https://wwhttps://b 302 m Made Manis Gelato Ice Cream,Rp60.000 fSeminyak,
https://wwhttps://b. 842 m The Sand B3.0 star-fill Grill, WestRp250.000Seminyak,
https://wwhttps://b. 844 m Sabeen Res2.5 star-fill Asian, IndoRp350.000The Haven,
https://wwhttps://b. 509 m Warung Jera2.9 star-fill Jawa, IndoRp200.000Seminyak,
https://wwhttps://b. 669 m Pantarei 2.9 star-fill Asian, WesRp200.000Seminyak,
https://wwhttps://b 99 m HARRISsimo Pizza - HARRIS HoteItalian Rp300.000HARRIS Hot
https://wwhttps://b. 1.2 km Man Fryda2.3 star-fill Balinese, Rp120.000Seminyak S
https://wwhttps://b. 555 m Cendana Re3.8 star-fill Balinese, Rp250.000Seminyak,
https://wwhttps://ww1.4 km Sanje Sunset Lounge - The Semi Western, IRp400.000The Seminy
https://wwhttps://ww752 m Sushi Bushi Sushi, Jap Rp150.000Seminyak,
https://wwhttps://ww708 m Opeum Bistro Asian, Bal Rp200.000Seminyak,
https://wwhttps://b 555 m Cendana Re3.8 star-fill Balinese, Rp250.000Seminyak,
https://wwhttps://b. 1.4 km Sanje Sunset Lounge - The Semi Western, IRp400.000The Seminy
https://wwhttps://b 752 m Sushi Bushi Sushi, Jap Rp150.000Seminyak,
https://wwhttps://b 708 m Opeum Bistro Asian, Bal Rp200.000Seminyak,
https://wwhttps://ww794 m The Straw Hut Western Rp300.000Seminyak,
https://wwhttps://ww86 m The Cabin 2.7 star-fill Asian, Cof Rp150.000Seminyak,
https://wwhttps://b 476 m Ramen Hou2.7 star-fill Japanese, Rp200.000Seminyak,
https://wwhttps://b. 782 m The Corner3.0 star-fill Italian Rp250.000Seminyak,
https://wwhttps://ww241 m The Farmer Brews & Roasters American, Rp250.000Seminyak,
https://wwhttps://ww617 m Capris Bea2.8 star-fill Mediterra Rp500.000The Royal
https://wwhttps://ww619 m Salon Bali 2.9 star-fill IndonesianRp300.000Hotel Indig
https://wwhttps://ww200 m Kendi Kuning IndonesianRp250.000Seminyak,
https://wwhttps://b. 241 m The Farmer Brews & Roasters American, Rp250.000Seminyak,
https://wwhttps://b. 617 m Capris Bea2.8 star-fill Mediterra Rp500.000The Royal
https://wwhttps://b 619 m Salon Bali 2.9 star-fill IndonesianRp300.000Hotel Indig
https://wwhttps://b. 200 m Kendi Kuning IndonesianRp250.000Seminyak,
https://wwhttps://ww1 km Kin Seminyak Healthy FoRp200.000Seminyak,
https://wwhttps://ww4.5 km Ketumbar Bistro Asian, Ital Rp350.000Seminyak,
https://wwhttps://b. 283 m Becik Rest 2.9 star-fill Western, IRp250.000Seminyak,
https://wwhttps://b 462 m Namaskar Thali in Bali Healthy FoRp200.000Seminyak,
https://wwhttps://b. 1.2 km XOXO Ice Cream Ice Cream,Rp150.000Seminyak Vi
https://wwhttps://ww226 m Cafe Kami IndonesianRp250.000Seminyak,
https://wwhttps://ww929 m Alcove - U Paasha Hotel Western, IRp400.000U Paasha H
https://wwhttps://ww1.2 km Santan - The Seminyak Beach ReContinentaRp450.000The Seminy
https://wwhttps://b. 1.2 km XOXO Ice Cream Ice Cream,Rp150.000Seminyak Vi
https://wwhttps://b 226 m Cafe Kami IndonesianRp250.000Seminyak,
https://wwhttps://b. 929 m Alcove - U Paasha Hotel Western, IRp400.000U Paasha H
https://wwhttps://b. 1.2 km Santan - The Seminyak Beach ReContinentaRp450.000The Seminy
https://wwhttps://ww303 m Glass Bridge Asian, MedRp400.000Seminyak,
https://wwhttps://b 1.1 km Frangipani Cafe - The Oberoi Western Rp300.000The Oberoi
https://wwhttps://b. 765 m Sang Ria Grill Grill Rp300.000Seminyak,
https://wwhttps://b 1 km Bella Bella Gelato Ice Cream Rp60.000 fSeminyak S
https://wwhttps://b 241 m Bagus Warung Balinese Rp80.000 fSeminyak,
https://wwhttps://ww894 m Merah Saga Rooftop - Santika H Western, IRp300.000Seminyak,
https://wwhttps://ww1.4 km The Club Lounge - The Legian HoWestern, IRp500.000The Legian
https://wwhttps://ww1.1 km Teatro Gas4.1 star-fill Western Rp2.500.00Seminyak,
https://wwhttps://b 241 m Bagus Warung Balinese Rp80.000 fSeminyak,
https://wwhttps://b 894 m Merah Saga Rooftop - Santika H Western, IRp300.000Seminyak,
https://wwhttps://b. 1.4 km The Club Lounge - The Legian HoWestern, IRp500.000The Legian
https://wwhttps://b. 771 m Seminyak It3.9 star-fill Italian, WeRp500.000Double Six
https://wwhttps://b 687 m Ichii Japan 3.6 star-fill Japanese Rp250.000Seminyak,
https://wwhttps://b 868 m Bro Grill an2.9 star-fill Korean, BBQ Rp100.000Seminyak,
https://wwhttps://b. 1.8 km Nui Juices, Fin Rp150.000Seminyak,
https://wwhttps://b 1.1 km The Amphitheatre - The Oberoi Western Rp500.000The Oberoi
https://wwhttps://ww2 km Potato Hea4.3 star-fill Western, ARp700.000Kerobokan
https://wwhttps://ww1.2 km Gusto Gela4.1 star-fill Cafe, Ice CRp50.000 fKerobokan
https://wwhttps://ww745 m Warung Bab 4.4 star-fill Balinese Rp120.000Kerobokan
https://wwhttps://ww2.1 km Livingston 4.3 star-fill Cafe, BakeRp170.000Kerobokan
https://wwhttps://ww1.1 km Boss Man 4.4 star-fill Burger, WeRp300.000Kerobokan
https://wwhttps://ww1.8 km Cafe Organ4.2 star-fill Coffee, HeRp300.000Kerobokan
https://wwhttps://ww3.3 km Sky Garden4.2 star-fill Western Rp300.00061 Legian,
https://wwhttps://b 283 m Becik Rest 2.9 star-fill Western, IRp250.000Seminyak,
https://wwhttps://b. 2 km Potato Hea4.3 star-fill Western, ARp700.000Kerobokan
https://wwhttps://b. 1.2 km Gusto Gela4.1 star-fill Cafe, Ice CRp50.000 fKerobokan
https://wwhttps://b. 745 m Warung Bab 4.4 star-fill Balinese Rp120.000Kerobokan
https://wwhttps://b 2.1 km Livingston 4.3 star-fill Cafe, BakeRp170.000Kerobokan
https://wwhttps://b. 1.8 km Cafe Organ4.2 star-fill Coffee, HeRp300.000Kerobokan
https://wwhttps://b. 3.3 km Sky Garden4.2 star-fill Western Rp300.00061 Legian,
https://wwhttps://b. 2 km Sardine 4.1 star-fill Seafood, BRp500.000Kerobokan
https://wwhttps://b 3.9 km Milk & Ma4.2 star-fill Coffee, WeRp250.000Kerobokan,
https://wwhttps://b. 4 km Milu by No4.3 star-fill IndonesianRp250.000Kerobokan,
https://wwhttps://b. 914 m BATIK Rest4.1 star-fill IndonesianRp250.000Kerobokan
https://wwhttps://b 1.9 km Ling-Ling's 4.4 star-fill Japanese, Rp300.000Kerobokan
https://wwhttps://ww4.9 km Babi Gulin 4.3 star-fill Balinese Rp100.000Denpasar Ba
https://wwhttps://ww806 m Earth Cafe 4.1 star-fill Coffee, HeRp250.000Kerobokan
https://wwhttps://ww3.5 km Parachute 4.2 star-fill Western, CRp300.000Kerobokan,
https://wwhttps://b. 1.9 km Ling-Ling's 4.4 star-fill Japanese, Rp300.000Kerobokan
https://wwhttps://b 4.9 km Babi Gulin 4.3 star-fill Balinese Rp100.000Denpasar Ba
https://wwhttps://b. 806 m Earth Cafe 4.1 star-fill Coffee, HeRp250.000Kerobokan
https://wwhttps://b. 3.5 km Parachute 4.2 star-fill Western, CRp300.000Kerobokan,
https://wwhttps://b. 717 m Gelato Fac4.5 star-fill Ice Cream,Rp100.000Kerobokan
https://wwhttps://b. 1.8 km Kajin 4.4 star-fill Sushi, Jap Rp350.000Kerobokan
https://wwhttps://b. 1.4 km Nasi Ayam4.2 star-fill Balinese, Rp150.000Kerobokan
https://wwhttps://b. 1.3 km Sangsaka 4.1 star-fill IndonesianRp300.000Kerobokan
https://wwhttps://ww690 m Corner Ho 4.1 star-fill Western Rp300.000Kerobokan
https://wwhttps://ww3.4 km LXXY 4.2 star-fill Western Rp300.000Kuta, Bali
https://wwhttps://b 4.3 km Two Trees Eatery Healthy FoRp200.000Kerobokan,
https://wwhttps://b. 1.6 km DONBIU - T3.9 star-fill IndonesianRp480.000The Padma R
https://wwhttps://b. 1.2 km Shiro Sushi2.7 star-fill Japanese Rp400.000Kerobokan
https://wwhttps://ww1.2 km Poco Loco 3.0 star-fill Mexican, Rp240.000Legian, Bal
https://wwhttps://ww3.4 km Waves - The Kuta Beach HeritagWestern, IRp300.000The Kuta Be
https://wwhttps://ww4.7 km Golden Lotu 2.6 star-fill Chinese, S Rp700.000Bali Dynast
https://wwhttps://b 1.2 km Shiro Sushi2.7 star-fill Japanese Rp400.000Kerobokan
https://wwhttps://b. 1.2 km Poco Loco 3.0 star-fill Mexican, Rp240.000Legian, Bal
https://wwhttps://b. 3.4 km Waves - The Kuta Beach HeritagWestern, IRp300.000The Kuta Be
https://wwhttps://b. 4.7 km Golden Lotu 2.6 star-fill Chinese, S Rp700.000Bali Dynast
https://wwhttps://ww2.5 km Eruption Bi3.0 star-fill Coffee, Te Rp250.000Kuta, Bali
https://wwhttps://b. 4 km Island Bagels Western, DRp180.000Kerobokan,
https://wwhttps://b. 2.8 km White Diamond - Love Fashion HItalian Rp250.000Kuta, Bali
https://wwhttps://b. 2.7 km Bandar Roti Desserts, SRp100.000Legian, Bal
https://wwhttps://ww4.9 km Martabak Manis Dua Dewa Martabak Rp70.000 fDenpasar Ba
https://wwhttps://ww3 km Lobby Lounge - Bounty Hotel Asian, WesRp250.000Bounty Hote
https://wwhttps://ww2.7 km Botanik Cafe Western Rp200.000Kerobokan
https://wwhttps://ww2.9 km Bali Bakery Asian, Ital Rp350.000Kuta, Bali
https://wwhttps://b. 2.8 km White Diamond - Love Fashion HItalian Rp250.000Kuta, Bali
https://wwhttps://b. 4.9 km Martabak Manis Dua Dewa Martabak Rp70.000 fDenpasar Ba
https://wwhttps://b 3 km Lobby Lounge - Bounty Hotel Asian, WesRp250.000Bounty Hote
https://wwhttps://b 2.7 km Botanik Cafe Western Rp200.000Kerobokan
https://wwhttps://b 2.9 km Bali Bakery Asian, Ital Rp350.000Kuta, Bali
https://wwhttps://ww2.5 km Take Japan4.5 star-fill Japanese Rp200.000Legian, Bal
https://wwhttps://ww2 km Azul Beach4.1 star-fill Western Rp300.000Legian, Bal
https://wwhttps://ww3.1 km Sushi Tei 2.9 star-fill Japanese Rp350.000Beachwalk,
https://wwhttps://b. 3.8 km Peloton Su4.2 star-fill Healthy FoRp150.000Kerobokan,
https://wwhttps://b 4.1 km Warung Ma4.1 star-fill Jawa, IndoRp80.000 fKuta, Bali
https://wwhttps://ww3.2 km Nebula Kut4.2 star-fill Burger, AmRp250.000Kuta, Bali
https://wwhttps://ww1.8 km Cosmic Din4.1 star-fill American, Rp250.000Sunset Star
https://wwhttps://ww2.4 km Warung Pe3.6 star-fill Pizza, Itali Rp150.000Legian, Bal
https://wwhttps://b. 4.1 km Warung Ma4.1 star-fill Jawa, IndoRp80.000 fKuta, Bali
https://wwhttps://b. 3.2 km Nebula Kut4.2 star-fill Burger, AmRp250.000Kuta, Bali
https://wwhttps://b 1.8 km Cosmic Din4.1 star-fill American, Rp250.000Sunset Star
https://wwhttps://b. 2.4 km Warung Pe3.6 star-fill Pizza, Itali Rp150.000Legian, Bal
https://wwhttps://ww1.1 km Tokyo Skip4.2 star-fill Steak Rp350.000Kerobokan
https://wwhttps://b. 2 km Nasi Tempo4.2 star-fill Balinese Rp125.000Legian, Bal
https://wwhttps://b. 4 km Bibimbap K4.1 star-fill Korean Rp200.000Kuta, Bali
https://wwhttps://b. 2.3 km Strawberry4.2 star-fill Asian, WesRp350.000Kerobokan
https://wwhttps://b. 2.4 km Warung Bab 3.9 star-fill Balinese, Rp80.000 fKerobokan
https://wwhttps://ww3 km Bari-Uma 3.6 star-fill Japanese Rp200.000Beachwalk,
https://wwhttps://ww786 m Yamma Ya 4.1 star-fill Italian Rp350.000Legian, Bal
https://wwhttps://ww2.5 km Shisha Caf 4.1 star-fill Lebanese, Rp450.000Legian, Bal
https://wwhttps://b. 2.4 km Warung Bab 3.9 star-fill Balinese, Rp80.000 fKerobokan
https://wwhttps://b. 3 km Bari-Uma 3.6 star-fill Japanese Rp200.000Beachwalk,
https://wwhttps://b. 786 m Yamma Ya 4.1 star-fill Italian Rp350.000Legian, Bal
https://wwhttps://b. 2.5 km Shisha Caf 4.1 star-fill Lebanese, Rp450.000Legian, Bal
https://wwhttps://ww3 km Johnny Roc3.9 star-fill American, Rp300.000Beachwalk,
https://wwhttps://ww2.5 km Wings & C 3.9 star-fill Asian, WesRp120.000Legian, Bal
https://wwhttps://ww1.9 km Seasalt - A 3.9 star-fill Seafood, WRp500.000Kerobokan
https://wwhttps://b. 1.8 km Fat Bowl 3.9 star-fill Asian, WesRp200.000Legian, Bal
https://w https://b. 4.3 km Marugame3.8 star-fill Japanese Rp150.000Mal Bali Gal
https://wwhttps://ww3.2 km Mapogalma 4.1 star-fill Korean Rp300.000Kuta, Bali
https://wwhttps://ww4.4 km Nude Cang3.7 star-fill Coffee, WeRp250.000Kerobokan,
https://wwhttps://ww3.1 km Cafe Sardin3.8 star-fill Italian, WeRp300.000Beachwalk,
https://w https://b. 4.3 km Marugame3.8 star-fill Japanese Rp150.000Mal Bali Gal
https://wwhttps://b. 3.2 km Mapogalma 4.1 star-fill Korean Rp300.000Kuta, Bali
https://wwhttps://b. 4.4 km Nude Cang3.7 star-fill Coffee, WeRp250.000Kerobokan,
https://wwhttps://b. 3.1 km Cafe Sardin3.8 star-fill Italian, WeRp300.000Beachwalk,
https://wwhttps://ww4.9 km Fat Merma3.6 star-fill Western Rp350.000Canggu, Bal
https://wwhttps://ww1.3 km Romeos Bar 4.1 star-fill Grill, WestRp350.000Legian, Bal
https://wwhttps://b. 1.7 km Clean Cant3.9 star-fill IndonesianRp320.000Kerobokan
https://wwhttps://b. 4.2 km Jebak (Jejak Bali Kuliner) Balinese, Rp150.000Denpasar Ba
https://wwhttps://ww2 km Bli Crackli 4.0 star-fill IndonesianRp300.000Kerobokan
https://wwhttps://ww887 m Cafe Bali 3.7 star-fill Cafe, WestRp250.000Kerobokan
https://wwhttps://ww1.9 km Warung Sun 3.0 star-fill Western, ARp250.000Legian, Bal
https://wwhttps://ww2.4 km Waroeng S3.6 star-fill Desserts, SRp60.000 fLegian, Bal
https://wwhttps://b. 2 km Bli Crackli 4.0 star-fill IndonesianRp300.000Kerobokan
https://wwhttps://b. 887 m Cafe Bali 3.7 star-fill Cafe, WestRp250.000Kerobokan
https://wwhttps://b 1.9 km Warung Sun 3.0 star-fill Western, ARp250.000Legian, Bal
https://wwhttps://b 2.4 km Waroeng S3.6 star-fill Desserts, SRp60.000 fLegian, Bal
https://wwhttps://ww2.1 km Sunny 16 C3.6 star-fill Cafe, CoffeRp200.000Fontana Hot
https://wwhttps://ww1.8 km Yakinikuya3.0 star-fill Japanese Rp150.000Sunset Star
https://wwhttps://b. 2.5 km Moringa 3.9 star-fill Asian, WesRp300.000Legian, Bal
https://wwhttps://b. 1.7 km Gelato Sec4.2 star-fill Ice Cream,Rp70.000 fKerobokan
https://wwhttps://b. 3.1 km AlleyCats 3.9 star-fill Asian, WesRp200.000Kuta, Bali
https://wwhttps://ww1.2 km Settimo Cielo Italian Rp500.000Kerobokan
https://wwhttps://ww4.2 km Ichiban Sushi Sushi, Jap Rp150.000Mal Bali Gal
https://wwhttps://ww2.5 km TOIRO 3.7 star-fill Japanese, DRp100.000Kerobokan
https://wwhttps://b. 3.1 km AlleyCats 3.9 star-fill Asian, WesRp200.000Kuta, Bali
https://wwhttps://b 1.2 km Settimo Cielo Italian Rp500.000Kerobokan
https://wwhttps://b. 4.2 km Ichiban Sushi Sushi, Jap Rp150.000Mal Bali Gal
https://wwhttps://b. 2.5 km TOIRO 3.7 star-fill Japanese, DRp100.000Kerobokan
https://wwhttps://ww2.2 km Tendan Kor2.9 star-fill Korean Rp200.000Kerobokan
https://wwhttps://ww4.4 km Bamboo Bar & Grill Grill, Asia Rp250.000Kuta, Bali
https://wwhttps://b. 3 km Tony Roma's Grill, AmeriRp400.000Beachwalk,
https://wwhttps://b. 4.6 km New Plengkung Jawa, IndoRp200.000Kuta, Bali
https://wwhttps://b. 4.8 km Rumah Mak 3.6 star-fill Balinese, Rp150.000Kuta, Bali
https://wwhttps://ww4.1 km Ulekan IndonesianRp250.000Kerobokan,
https://wwhttps://ww2.9 km Kopi Pot 3.7 star-fill Cafe, WestRp300.000Kuta, Bali
https://wwhttps://ww2.1 km Lemongrass 3.8 star-fill Thai, Indo Rp300.000Legian, Bal
https://wwhttps://b. 4.8 km Rumah Mak 3.6 star-fill Balinese, Rp150.000Kuta, Bali
https://wwhttps://b. 4.1 km Ulekan IndonesianRp250.000Kerobokan,
https://wwhttps://b. 2.9 km Kopi Pot 3.7 star-fill Cafe, WestRp300.000Kuta, Bali
https://wwhttps://b 2.1 km Lemongrass 3.8 star-fill Thai, Indo Rp300.000Legian, Bal
https://wwhttps://ww2.7 km Warung Babi Guling Bu Made Balinese, Rp75.000 fKuta, Bali
https://wwhttps://ww3.8 km Ikan Bakar Cianjur - Restoran IndonesianRp250.000Kuta, Bali
https://wwhttps://b. 3.9 km One Eyed J3.8 star-fill Japanese Rp250.000Kerobokan,
https://wwhttps://b. 2.5 km Kepiting Sukro Seafood, BRp200.000Denpasar Ba
https://wwhttps://b. 4.2 km Bakso Boe 2.5 star-fill Bakso, Ind Rp100.000Kuta, Bali
https://wwhttps://ww4.1 km Babi Guling Nadi Jaya Balinese Rp70.000 fKuta, Bali
https://wwhttps://ww784 m Gaya Gelato Ice Cream Rp90.000 fLegian, Bal
https://wwhttps://ww830 m Waroeng So 3.8 star-fill MediterranRp300.000Legian, Bal
https://wwhttps://b. 4.2 km Bakso Boe 2.5 star-fill Bakso, Ind Rp100.000Kuta, Bali
https://wwhttps://b. 4.1 km Babi Guling Nadi Jaya Balinese Rp70.000 fKuta, Bali
https://wwhttps://b. 784 m Gaya Gelato Ice Cream Rp90.000 fLegian, Bal
https://wwhttps://b. 830 m Waroeng So 3.8 star-fill MediterranRp300.000Legian, Bal
https://wwhttps://ww863 m Pizza Hut 3.0 star-fill Pizza, Itali Rp100.000Kerobokan
https://wwhttps://ww3.1 km Xich Lo VietnamesRp200.000Kerobokan
https://wwhttps://b. 1.4 km Braud Cafe Cafe, WestRp200.000Kerobokan
https://wwhttps://b. 1.8 km Frestro Me3.7 star-fill European, Rp300.000Kerobokan
https://wwhttps://b. 2.7 km Little Hon 3.6 star-fill Seafood, CRp200.000Denpasar Ba
https://wwhttps://ww4.9 km Ma Joly 3.7 star-fill French Rp300.000Tuban, Bali
https://wwhttps://ww4.2 km Cafe Cous Cous Healthy FoRp250.000Kerobokan,
https://wwhttps://ww2.3 km Waroeng Raja Bebek Western, IRp200.000Denpasar Ba
https://wwhttps://b. 2.7 km Little Hon 3.6 star-fill Seafood, CRp200.000Denpasar Ba
https://wwhttps://b 4.9 km Ma Joly 3.7 star-fill French Rp300.000Tuban, Bali
https://wwhttps://b. 4.2 km Cafe Cous Cous Healthy FoRp250.000Kerobokan,
https://wwhttps://b. 2.3 km Waroeng Raja Bebek Western, IRp200.000Denpasar Ba
https://wwhttps://ww4.7 km Quintinos Coffee & Tea Cafe Coffee, Ita Rp300.000Kuta, Bali
https://wwhttps://ww4.3 km J.Co Donuts & Coffee Coffee, DesRp120.000Mal Bali Gal
https://wwhttps://b 4.3 km The Piring Daun IndonesianRp150.000Kerobokan,
https://wwhttps://b 2.8 km Warung Ma3.0 star-fill Seafood, CRp250.000Kuta, Bali
https://wwhttps://b 3.7 km Indian Food3.9 star-fill Indian Rp150.000Kuta, Bali
https://w https://ww2.5 km Mamma Mi3.0 star-fill Pizza, Itali Rp180.000Legian, Bal
https://wwhttps://ww2 km Tokeru Caf3.7 star-fill Japanese, Rp150.000Legian, Bal
https://wwhttps://ww2.6 km Dear Lucy Western, HRp160.000Legian, Bal
https://wwhttps://ww377 m Warung Ita4.2 star-fill Italian Rp250.000Seminyak, Bali
https://wwhttps://ww824 m Cocoon Bea3.7 star-fill Western Rp500.000Seminyak, Bali
https://wwhttps://ww264 m Wacko Burg 4.4 star-fill Pizza, AmeRp200.000Seminyak, Bali
https://wwhttps://ww1.1 km The Juncti 4.0 star-fill European, Rp250.000Seminyak, Bali
https://wwhttps://ww1.1 km Warung Ni4.2 star-fill Balinese, Rp350.000Seminyak Square, Seminyak, B
https://wwhttps://ww929 m The Coffee3.5 star-fill Cafe Rp150.000Seminyak, Bali
https://wwhttps://ww182 m Mozzarella4.0 star-fill Italian, As Rp250.000Seminyak, Bali
https://wwhttps://ww759 m Chez Gado4.0 star-fill Italian, In Rp300.000Seminyak, Bali
https://wwhttps://ww1.1 km Gelato Sha3.9 star-fill Desserts, Rp70.000 fSeminyak S
https://wwhttps://ww258 m Frankenste2.7 star-fill Western Rp300.000Seminyak,
https://wwhttps://ww765 m Sakanaya 3.7 star-fill Seafood, WRp150.000Seminyak, Bali
https://wwhttps://ww747 m Warung Nas 3.4 star-fill Balinese, Rp150.000Seminyak,
https://wwhttps://b. 377 m Warung Ita4.2 star-fill Italian Rp250.000Seminyak, Bali
https://wwhttps://b. 824 m Cocoon Bea3.7 star-fill Western Rp500.000Seminyak, Bali
https://wwhttps://b. 264 m Wacko Burg 4.4 star-fill Pizza, AmeRp200.000Seminyak, Bali
https://wwhttps://b. 1.1 km The Juncti 4.0 star-fill European, Rp250.000Seminyak, Bali
https://wwhttps://b. 1.1 km Warung Ni4.2 star-fill Balinese, Rp350.000Seminyak Square, Seminyak, B
https://wwhttps://b. 929 m The Coffee3.5 star-fill Cafe Rp150.000Seminyak, Bali
https://wwhttps://b. 182 m Mozzarella4.0 star-fill Italian, As Rp250.000Seminyak, Bali
https://wwhttps://b. 1.1 km Gelato Sha3.9 star-fill Desserts, Rp70.000 fSeminyak S
https://wwhttps://b. 258 m Frankenste2.7 star-fill Western Rp300.000Seminyak,
https://wwhttps://b 765 m Sakanaya 3.7 star-fill Seafood, WRp150.000Seminyak, Bali
https://wwhttps://b. 747 m Warung Nas 3.4 star-fill Balinese, Rp150.000Seminyak,
https://wwhttps://ww339 m Seminyak K3.9 star-fill Asian, Eur Rp500.000Courtyard by Marriott, Seminy
https://wwhttps://ww1.5 km The Restau3.6 star-fill Italian, WeRp700.000The Legian
https://wwhttps://ww861 m K Resto 3.7 star-fill Italian Rp500.000Seminyak, Bali
https://wwhttps://b. 745 m Taris 2.7 star-fill Cafe Rp300.000Seminyak,
https://wwhttps://b. 927 m Rooftop Po3.9 star-fill IndonesianRp400.000U Paasha H
https://wwhttps://ww510 m Cafe Semin3.1 star-fill Coffee, WeRp200.000Seminyak, Bali
https://wwhttps://ww813 m Bistro Batu Kali IndonesianRp300.000Seminyak,
https://wwhttps://ww1.1 km Indian Tan3.8 star-fill Indian Rp250.000Seminyak, Bali
https://wwhttps://b. 927 m Rooftop Po3.9 star-fill IndonesianRp400.000U Paasha H
https://wwhttps://b. 510 m Cafe Semin3.1 star-fill Coffee, WeRp200.000Seminyak, Bali
https://wwhttps://b. 813 m Bistro Batu Kali IndonesianRp300.000Seminyak,
https://wwhttps://b. 1.1 km Doncaster 3.6 star-fill IndonesianRp300.000Seminyak,
https://wwhttps://b. 928 m Malo's 3.3 star-fill Italian Rp125.000Seminyak, Bali
https://wwhttps://b 701 m Fat Buddha3.4 star-fill Asian, Pizz Rp200.000Seminyak,
https://wwhttps://b. 627 m Bali Deli IndonesianRp200.000Seminyak,
https://wwhttps://b. 733 m King Kebab3.0 star-fill Kebab, MidRp350.000Seminyak, Bali
https://wwhttps://ww701 m ManiManika 3.2 star-fill Asian, WesRp300.000Seminyak,
https://wwhttps://ww716 m Ja'an Bali 2.8 star-fill Western, ARp250.000Seminyak, Bali
https://wwhttps://ww803 m Bali Owen 3.6 star-fill IndonesianRp160.000Seminyak,
https://wwhttps://b. 733 m King Kebab3.0 star-fill Kebab, MidRp350.000Seminyak, Bali
https://wwhttps://b. 701 m ManiManika 3.2 star-fill Asian, WesRp300.000Seminyak,
https://wwhttps://b 716 m Ja'an Bali 2.8 star-fill Western, ARp250.000Seminyak, Bali
https://wwhttps://b 803 m Bali Owen 3.6 star-fill IndonesianRp160.000Seminyak,
https://wwhttps://ww882 m Italian Job 3.0 star-fill Italian Rp350.000Seminyak, Bali
https://wwhttps://ww100 m Warung La2.9 star-fill IndonesianRp150.000Seminyak,
https://wwhttps://b. 703 m Bamboo Res 3.7 star-fill Asian, Ind Rp300.000Seminyak,
https://w https://b 458 m Wook Way3.4 star-fill Asian Rp200.000Seminyak, Bali
https://wwhttps://ww354 m What The T- star-fill Mexican Rp150.000Courtyard b
https://wwhttps://ww112 m Chicken Br2.9 star-fill IndonesianRp80.000 fSeminyak, Bali
https://wwhttps://ww1.1 km Rev Bistro - star-fill French Rp300.000Seminyak, Bali
https://wwhttps://ww141 m Galaxy Spo3.7 star-fill Finger FooRp150.000Seminyak,
https://wwhttps://b. 354 m What The T- star-fill Mexican Rp150.000Courtyard b
https://wwhttps://b 112 m Chicken Br2.9 star-fill IndonesianRp80.000 fSeminyak, Bali
https://wwhttps://b. 1.1 km Rev Bistro - star-fill French Rp300.000Seminyak, Bali
https://wwhttps://b. 141 m Galaxy Spo3.7 star-fill Finger FooRp150.000Seminyak,
https://wwhttps://ww1 km Mai-Mai Re- star-fill Balinese, Rp300.000Seminyak,
https://wwhttps://ww519 m Pottery Caf- star-fill Coffee, Te Rp200.000Hotel Indigo, Seminyak, Bali
https://wwhttps://b. 468 m D.O.T.S - star-fill Cafe, Asian,Rp150.000Seminyak, Bali
https://wwhttps://b. 353 m Kopi Toko - star-fill Coffee Rp150.000Seminyak,
https://wwhttps://b 541 m Vignando - star-fill Italian Rp150.000Bintang Supermarket, Seminy
https://wwhttps://ww922 m Warung Sam - star-fill Italian, As Rp250.000Seminyak, Bali
https://wwhttps://ww820 m Lime Resta- star-fill IndonesianRp200.000Seminyak, Bali
https://wwhttps://ww761 m Hotline Wi- star-fill American, Rp70.000 fSeminyak, Bali
https://wwhttps://b 541 m Vignando - star-fill Italian Rp150.000Bintang Supermarket, Seminy
https://wwhttps://b. 922 m Warung Sam - star-fill Italian, As Rp250.000Seminyak, Bali
https://wwhttps://b. 820 m Lime Resta- star-fill IndonesianRp200.000Seminyak, Bali
https://wwhttps://b. 761 m Hotline Wi- star-fill American, Rp70.000 fSeminyak, Bali
https://wwhttps://ww750 m Pork Repub- star-fill IndonesianRp80.000 fSeminyak, Bali
https://wwhttps://b 780 m Lemon Cell- star-fill Asian, WesRp300.000The Haven, Seminyak, Bali
https://wwhttps://b. 864 m Sate Ayam - star-fill IndonesianRp60.000 fSeminyak, Bali
https://wwhttps://b. 1 km The Roots - star-fill Beverages,Rp250.000Seminyak, Bali
https://wwhttps://b. 1.1 km Starbucks - star-fill Coffee, Be Rp150.000Seminyak, Bali
https://wwhttps://ww802 m King's Corn- star-fill Indonesianfor two Seminyak, Bali
https://wwhttps://ww831 m Rush Bambo - star-fill IndonesianRp500.000Seminyak, Bali
https://wwhttps://ww832 m Salazon Bal3.8 star-fill Western, StRp350.000Seminyak, Bali
https://wwhttps://b. 1.1 km Starbucks - star-fill Coffee, Be Rp150.000Seminyak, Bali
https://wwhttps://b. 802 m King's Corn- star-fill Indonesianfor two Seminyak, Bali
https://wwhttps://b 831 m Rush Bambo - star-fill IndonesianRp500.000Seminyak, Bali
https://wwhttps://b 1.9 km Spice Mant3.8 star-fill Indian Rp200.000Seminyak, Bali
https://wwhttps://b. 512 m Balkan BB 3.9 star-fill Western, Gr Rp200.000Seminyak, Bali
https://wwhttps://b. 1.1 km Kura Kura 3.9 star-fill Western, ARp500.000The Oberoi, Seminyak, Bali
https://wwhttps://b 617 m Husk Resta3.0 star-fill IndonesianRp600.000Seminyak, Bali
https://wwhttps://b 1.3 km Brunch Rep- star-fill Western Rp2.000.00Seminyak, Bali
https://wwhttps://ww1.2 km Sisterfields4.6 star-fill Western Rp200.000Kerobokan Kelod, Bali
https://wwhttps://ww1.8 km Gardin 4.3 star-fill Western, ARp350.000Kerobokan Kelod, Bali
https://wwhttps://ww2.3 km WooBar - W 4.4 star-fill Western Rp500.000W Retreat & Spa, Kerobokan K
https://wwhttps://ww1.1 km Titik Temu4.1 star-fill Cafe, CoffeRp60.000 fKerobokan Kelod, Bali
https://wwhttps://ww1.9 km Mrs Sippy 4.1 star-fill Asian, WesRp450.000Kerobokan Kelod, Bali
https://wwhttps://ww1.9 km Kynd Comm 4.2 star-fill Healthy FoRp350.000Kerobokan Kelod, Bali
https://wwhttps://ww3.8 km Panama Kit4.1 star-fill American, Rp300.000Kerobokan, Bali
https://wwhttps://b. 468 m D.O.T.S - star-fill Cafe, Asian,Rp150.000Seminyak, Bali
https://wwhttps://b 1.2 km Sisterfields4.6 star-fill Western Rp200.000Kerobokan Kelod, Bali
https://wwhttps://b 1.8 km Gardin 4.3 star-fill Western, ARp350.000Kerobokan Kelod, Bali
https://wwhttps://b. 2.3 km WooBar - W 4.4 star-fill Western Rp500.000W Retreat & Spa, Kerobokan K
https://wwhttps://b. 1.1 km Titik Temu4.1 star-fill Cafe, CoffeRp60.000 fKerobokan Kelod, Bali
https://wwhttps://b. 1.9 km Kynd Comm 4.2 star-fill Healthy FoRp350.000Kerobokan Kelod, Bali
https://wwhttps://b. 3.8 km Panama Kit4.1 star-fill American, Rp300.000Kerobokan, Bali
https://wwhttps://b. 2 km Barbacoa 4.9 star-fill American Rp400.000Kerobokan Kelod, Bali
https://wwhttps://b. 2.6 km Hog Wild w4.3 star-fill Western, Ba Rp300.000Kerobokan Kelod, Bali
https://wwhttps://b. 1.8 km The Fat Tur4.3 star-fill Cafe, WestRp200.000Kerobokan Kelod, Bali
https://wwhttps://b. 1.8 km Rayjin Tep 4.5 star-fill Japanese Rp400.000Kerobokan Kelod, Bali
https://w https://b. 2.3 km Bale Udang4.1 star-fill Seafood, BRp300.000Denpasar Barat, Bali
https://wwhttps://ww1.4 km Naughty Nu4.3 star-fill IndonesianRp200.000Kerobokan Kelod, Bali
https://wwhttps://ww4.6 km Queens of 4.0 star-fill North IndiaRp350.000Kuta, Bali
https://wwhttps://ww797 m Char Char B4.5 star-fill Grill, Seaf Rp300.000Kerobokan Kelod, Bali
https://w https://b. 2.3 km Bale Udang4.1 star-fill Seafood, BRp300.000Denpasar Barat, Bali
https://wwhttps://b. 1.4 km Naughty Nu4.3 star-fill IndonesianRp200.000Kerobokan Kelod, Bali
https://wwhttps://b. 4.6 km Queens of 4.0 star-fill North IndiaRp350.000Kuta, Bali
https://wwhttps://b. 797 m Char Char B4.5 star-fill Grill, Seaf Rp300.000Kerobokan Kelod, Bali
https://wwhttps://b. 3.2 km Folie Kitch 4.1 star-fill IndonesianRp400.000Kerobokan, Bali
https://wwhttps://b. 980 m Happy Cha4.3 star-fill Chinese, Rp200.000Kerobokan Kelod, Bali
https://wwhttps://b. 2.4 km Atithi 4.2 star-fill Indian Rp250.000Legian, Bali
https://wwhttps://b. 3.1 km Crumb & C4.4 star-fill IndonesianRp200.000Kuta, Bali
https://wwhttps://ww2.4 km Red Drago3.9 star-fill Japanese, Rp200.000Legian, Bali
https://wwhttps://ww2.1 km Boekan Ra3.6 star-fill Ramen Rp120.000Legian, Bal
https://wwhttps://b. 4.3 km Yamuna Pa3.4 star-fill Bakery Rp120.000Kerobokan,
https://wwhttps://b 1.9 km ShiShi - star-fill Asian Rp200.000Kerobokan Kelod, Bali
https://wwhttps://b. 4.5 km Indigo - star-fill Japanese Rp400.000Kerobokan, Bali
https://wwhttps://ww4.1 km Quince 3.7 star-fill Western, IRp250.000Kerobokan, Bali
https://wwhttps://ww2.1 km Lais Restau3.3 star-fill IndonesianRp600.000Legian Beac
https://wwhttps://ww2.5 km Bakmi Betu2.9 star-fill Bakmi, BalRp70.000 fLegian, Bali
https://wwhttps://b. 4.5 km Indigo - star-fill Japanese Rp400.000Kerobokan, Bali
https://wwhttps://b. 4.1 km Quince 3.7 star-fill Western, IRp250.000Kerobokan, Bali
https://wwhttps://b. 2.1 km Lais Restau3.3 star-fill IndonesianRp600.000Legian Beac
https://wwhttps://b 2.5 km Bakmi Betu2.9 star-fill Bakmi, BalRp70.000 fLegian, Bali
https://wwhttps://ww3 km The Oak Res 3.6 star-fill ContinentaRp150.000Swiss-Belhotel Rainforest, Kut
https://wwhttps://b. 3.3 km Just Kitch - star-fill Mediterra Rp250.000Kerobokan,
https://wwhttps://b. 3.3 km Surya Cand- star-fill Seafood, GrRp300.000Kuta, Bali
https://wwhttps://b 1.7 km Rebenga Lo- star-fill South AmeRp300.000Kerobokan Kelod, Bali
https://wwhttps://ww2.5 km Taste Rest - star-fill ContinentaRp300.000Best Western Hotel, Kuta, Bal
https://wwhttps://ww2.9 km Nano Waro- star-fill Balinese, Rp200.000Kuta, Bali
https://wwhttps://ww3.7 km Orange Lou- star-fill ContinentaRp200.000Kuta, Bali
https://wwhttps://ww1.7 km Coffee Cart4.0 star-fill Cafe, Indo Rp300.000Kerobokan Kelod, Bali
https://wwhttps://b. 3.3 km Surya Cand- star-fill Seafood, GrRp300.000Kuta, Bali
https://wwhttps://b. 2.5 km Taste Rest - star-fill ContinentaRp300.000Best Western Hotel, Kuta, Bal
https://wwhttps://b 2.9 km Nano Waro- star-fill Balinese, Rp200.000Kuta, Bali
https://wwhttps://b. 3.7 km Orange Lou- star-fill ContinentaRp200.000Kuta, Bali
https://wwhttps://b. 1.7 km Coffee Cart4.0 star-fill Cafe, Indo Rp300.000Kerobokan Kelod, Bali
https://wwhttps://ww2.8 km 9/11 Cafe 3.9 star-fill Cafe, WestRp180.000Denpasar Barat, Bali
https://wwhttps://ww2 km Warung Er4.1 star-fill Balinese, Rp200.000Kerobokan Kelod, Bali
https://wwhttps://ww986 m Mykonos 3.6 star-fill MediterranRp350.000Kerobokan Kelod, Bali
https://wwhttps://b. 1.5 km Ingka Rest 4.1 star-fill IndonesianRp300.000Kerobokan Kelod, Bali
https://wwhttps://b 920 m Ginger Mo4.2 star-fill Asian Rp250.000Kerobokan Kelod, Bali
https://wwhttps://ww3.6 km Poppies Re4.2 star-fill Balinese, I Rp300.000Kuta, Bali
https://wwhttps://ww2 km Lantern Bal4.2 star-fill Vietnamese Rp150.000Kerobokan Kelod, Bali
https://wwhttps://ww2.4 km Habitual Q4.2 star-fill American Rp200.000Kerobokan Kelod, Bali
https://wwhttps://b 920 m Ginger Mo4.2 star-fill Asian Rp250.000Kerobokan Kelod, Bali
https://wwhttps://b 3.6 km Poppies Re4.2 star-fill Balinese, I Rp300.000Kuta, Bali
https://wwhttps://b. 2 km Lantern Bal4.2 star-fill Vietnamese Rp150.000Kerobokan Kelod, Bali
https://wwhttps://b. 2.4 km Habitual Q4.2 star-fill American Rp200.000Kerobokan Kelod, Bali
https://wwhttps://ww3.7 km Souphoria 4.0 star-fill Asian, WesRp150.000Kerobokan, Bali
https://wwhttps://b 3 km Sushi Kyud4.0 star-fill Japanese, Rp350.000Kuta, Bali
https://wwhttps://b. 3.7 km The Harves4.0 star-fill Desserts, Rp300.000Kuta, Bali
https://wwhttps://b. 2.1 km Holycow! S3.8 star-fill Steak Rp200.000Legian, Bal
https://wwhttps://b. 3.9 km Gabah Rest3.9 star-fill Balinese, I Rp400.000Kuta, Bali
https://wwhttps://ww1.8 km Stickee 3.5 star-fill IndonesianRp120.000Legian, Bali
https://wwhttps://ww2 km Sushi Hana3.9 star-fill Japanese Rp300.000Legian, Bali
https://wwhttps://ww3.4 km Rosso Vivo3.9 star-fill Italian Rp500.000Kuta, Bali
https://wwhttps://b. 3.9 km Gabah Rest3.9 star-fill Balinese, I Rp400.000Kuta, Bali
https://wwhttps://b. 1.8 km Stickee 3.5 star-fill IndonesianRp120.000Legian, Bali
https://wwhttps://b 2 km Sushi Hana3.9 star-fill Japanese Rp300.000Legian, Bali
https://wwhttps://b. 3.4 km Rosso Vivo3.9 star-fill Italian Rp500.000Kuta, Bali
https://wwhttps://ww3 km Fish & Co. 3.7 star-fill Seafood, AsRp330.000Beachwalk, Kuta, Bali
https://wwhttps://ww4.3 km Satu-Satu 4.1 star-fill Cafe, WestRp150.000Kerobokan, Bali
https://wwhttps://ww2.2 km Fat Tony's 4.2 star-fill Burger, WeRp150.000Legian, Bali
https://wwhttps://b. 3.5 km Brazilian 3.9 star-fill Western, Gr Rp300.000Kuta Town Houses, Kuta, Bali
https://wwhttps://b. 2 km Kaum - Pot3.9 star-fill IndonesianRp600.000Kerobokan Kelod, Bali
https://wwhttps://ww2.8 km Depot Gim3.9 star-fill IndonesianRp150.000Denpasar Ba
https://wwhttps://ww3.1 km Gyu – Kaku4.1 star-fill Japanese, Rp550.000Beachwalk, Kuta, Bali
https://wwhttps://ww1.5 km 7 Tori Sam4.0 star-fill Japanese, Rp250.000Legian, Bali
https://wwhttps://b. 2 km Kaum - Pot3.9 star-fill IndonesianRp600.000Kerobokan Kelod, Bali
https://wwhttps://b. 2.8 km Depot Gim3.9 star-fill IndonesianRp150.000Denpasar Ba
https://wwhttps://b. 3.1 km Gyu – Kaku4.1 star-fill Japanese, Rp550.000Beachwalk, Kuta, Bali
https://wwhttps://b. 1.5 km 7 Tori Sam4.0 star-fill Japanese, Rp250.000Legian, Bali
https://wwhttps://ww1.8 km Atlas Kitch4.1 star-fill Asian, WesRp350.000Kerobokan Kelod, Bali
https://wwhttps://ww3.3 km Depot Gang 3.8 star-fill IndonesianRp150.000Denpasar Ba
https://wwhttps://b. 2.2 km Slippery S 4.0 star-fill Greek Rp350.000Kerobokan Kelod, Bali
https://wwhttps://b. 2.1 km Rustica Cuc4.1 star-fill Italian, Piz Rp300.000Kerobokan
https://wwhttps://ww720 m Red Carpe 4.0 star-fill Western Rp350.000Kerobokan Kelod, Bali
https://wwhttps://ww822 m Sambal Sh 3.9 star-fill Seafood Rp300.000Kerobokan Kelod, Bali
https://wwhttps://ww3.9 km Cafe DIJON3.9 star-fill Western, ARp200.000Kuta, Bali
https://wwhttps://ww4.2 km Celsius Caf3.6 star-fill Western, Gr Rp220.000Discovery Shopping Mall, Tub
https://wwhttps://b. 720 m Red Carpe 4.0 star-fill Western Rp350.000Kerobokan Kelod, Bali
https://wwhttps://b. 822 m Sambal Sh 3.9 star-fill Seafood Rp300.000Kerobokan Kelod, Bali
https://wwhttps://b. 3.9 km Cafe DIJON3.9 star-fill Western, ARp200.000Kuta, Bali
https://wwhttps://b 4.2 km Celsius Caf3.6 star-fill Western, Gr Rp220.000Discovery Shopping Mall, Tub
https://wwhttps://ww1.2 km Whale and3.6 star-fill Cafe, WestRp200.000Legian, Bali
https://wwhttps://ww3.8 km Paradise Un3.9 star-fill French, ItaRp500.000Legian, Bali
https://wwhttps://b. 2.8 km Topix Asia 3.9 star-fill Western, ARp300.000Kuta, Bali
https://wwhttps://b. 1.8 km Dahana Res3.9 star-fill Japanese Rp200.000Kerobokan
https://wwhttps://b. 2 km The Honey3.9 star-fill Italian, WeRp150.000Kerobokan Kelod, Bali
https://wwhttps://ww3.2 km Warung In3.5 star-fill Balinese, Rp120.000Kuta, Bali
https://wwhttps://ww3 km Pepper Lu 3.2 star-fill Japanese Rp200.000Beachwalk,
https://wwhttps://ww2 km Pit Stop 3.9 star-fill American, Rp200.000Kerobokan Kelod, Bali
https://wwhttps://b. 2 km The Honey3.9 star-fill Italian, WeRp150.000Kerobokan Kelod, Bali
https://wwhttps://b. 3.2 km Warung In3.5 star-fill Balinese, Rp120.000Kuta, Bali
https://wwhttps://b. 3 km Pepper Lu 3.2 star-fill Japanese Rp200.000Beachwalk,
https://wwhttps://b. 2 km Pit Stop 3.9 star-fill American, Rp200.000Kerobokan Kelod, Bali
https://wwhttps://ww2.8 km Amul India4.1 star-fill Indian Rp250.000Kuta, Bali
https://wwhttps://ww4.6 km Warung Pi 3.8 star-fill IndonesianRp100.000Denpasar Ba
https://wwhttps://b. 3.8 km McDonald'3.6 star-fill Fast Food, Rp120.000Kuta Square
https://w https://b. 4.5 km Warung Go3.7 star-fill French, BaRp300.000Kerobokan,
https://wwhttps://b. 4.9 km Koloni Caf 3.7 star-fill Coffee, HeRp250.000Kerobokan, Bali
https://wwhttps://ww2.7 km Vedic Kitc 3.8 star-fill Indian Rp200.000Kerobokan
https://wwhttps://ww792 m The Aburi 3.2 star-fill Japanese, Rp300.000Kuta, Bali
https://wwhttps://ww2.1 km Sheppy's B3.2 star-fill IndonesianRp300.000Legian, Bali
https://wwhttps://b. 4.9 km Koloni Caf 3.7 star-fill Coffee, HeRp250.000Kerobokan, Bali
https://wwhttps://b. 2.7 km Vedic Kitc 3.8 star-fill Indian Rp200.000Kerobokan
https://wwhttps://b. 792 m The Aburi 3.2 star-fill Japanese, Rp300.000Kuta, Bali
https://wwhttps://b 2.1 km Sheppy's B3.2 star-fill IndonesianRp300.000Legian, Bali
https://wwhttps://ww1.8 km Moo Moo's3.1 star-fill Grill, SteakRp250.000Legian, Bal
https://wwhttps://ww986 m Zanzibar B 3.8 star-fill Italian, A Rp230.000Legian, Bal
https://wwhttps://b 4.4 km Sukun Rest3.8 star-fill Asian, Bali Rp250.000Kuta, Bali
https://wwhttps://b. 2.3 km Bebek Gob3.2 star-fill IndonesianRp120.000Legian, Bal
https://wwhttps://b. 2 km Tiffin Bali 3.5 star-fill Indian, Asi Rp180.000Kerobokan Kelod, Bali
https://wwhttps://ww796 m SOHO 3.3 star-fill IndonesianRp350.000Kerobokan
https://wwhttps://ww2.2 km Coffee Cor3.9 star-fill Cafe, Coff Rp200.000Legian, Bal
https://wwhttps://ww3.1 km Be Chocola3.7 star-fill Cafe, DesseRp200.000Kerobokan, Bali
https://wwhttps://b. 2 km Tiffin Bali 3.5 star-fill Indian, Asi Rp180.000Kerobokan Kelod, Bali
https://wwhttps://b. 796 m SOHO 3.3 star-fill IndonesianRp350.000Kerobokan
https://wwhttps://b. 2.2 km Coffee Cor3.9 star-fill Cafe, Coff Rp200.000Legian, Bal
https://wwhttps://b 3.1 km Be Chocola3.7 star-fill Cafe, DesseRp200.000Kerobokan, Bali
https://wwhttps://ww3.5 km Delicioso B3.6 star-fill Ice Cream,Rp250.000Kerobokan Kelod, Bali
https://wwhttps://ww1.8 km Dimsum M3.6 star-fill Chinese Rp80.000 fLegian, Bal
https://wwhttps://b. 3.8 km Bemo Corne 3.8 star-fill Western, CRp200.000Kuta, Bali
https://wwhttps://b. 1.7 km Bella Vista 3.7 star-fill Coffee, Jui Rp400.000Legian, Bali
https://wwhttps://b. 3.9 km Roti Daal 3.9 star-fill Indian Rp150.000Kerobokan, Bali
https://wwhttps://ww3.4 km Tree House3.8 star-fill IndonesianRp100.000Kuta, Bali
https://wwhttps://ww2.6 km The Pad Bar 3.8 star-fill Western, InRp250.000Kuta, Bali
https://wwhttps://ww3.7 km Warung Ole 3.4 star-fill Asian, Bali Rp200.000Denpasar Ba
https://wwhttps://b. 3.9 km Roti Daal 3.9 star-fill Indian Rp150.000Kerobokan, Bali
https://wwhttps://b. 3.4 km Tree House3.8 star-fill IndonesianRp100.000Kuta, Bali
https://wwhttps://b 2.6 km The Pad Bar 3.8 star-fill Western, InRp250.000Kuta, Bali
https://wwhttps://b 3.7 km Warung Ole 3.4 star-fill Asian, Bali Rp200.000Denpasar Ba
https://wwhttps://ww3.7 km Icelab 3.9 star-fill Ice Cream,Rp80.000 fKuta, Bali
https://wwhttps://ww3.7 km KFC 3.1 star-fill Fast Food Rp150.000Kuta Square
https://wwhttps://b. 4 km B Couple - 3.4 star-fill Seafood Rp200.000Kuta Paradi
https://wwhttps://b. 2.5 km Sour Sally 3.7 star-fill Desserts Rp130.000Legian, Bal
https://wwhttps://b. 3.2 km Bene Italia3.9 star-fill Italian Rp500.000Sheraton Bali Kuta, Kuta, Bali
https://wwhttps://ww3.2 km Bebek Tim3.4 star-fill Balinese, Rp250.000Kuta, Bali
https://wwhttps://ww2.6 km Warung So3.7 star-fill Western, IRp150.000Kerobokan Kelod, Bali
https://wwhttps://ww2 km De Yogi W 3.4 star-fill IndonesianRp250.000Legian, Bal
sc-1q7bklcsc-rbbb40-sc-1hez2tp-0 14
Seminyak, Bali
Seminyak, Bali
Seminyak, Bali
Seminyak, Bali
Seminyak Square, Seminyak, Bali
Seminyak, Bali
Seminyak, Bali
Seminyak, Bali
3.5 star-fill
3.5 star-fill
Seminyak, Bali
3.3 star-fill
Seminyak, Bali
Seminyak, Bali
Seminyak, Bali
Seminyak, Bali
Seminyak Square, Seminyak, Bali
Seminyak, Bali
Seminyak, Bali
3.5 star-fill
3.5 star-fill
Seminyak, Bali
3.3 star-fill
Courtyard by Marriott, Seminyak, Bali
3.2 star-fill
Seminyak, Bali
3.3 star-fill Closes in 1 hour 18 minutes
3.4 star-fill
Seminyak, Bali
3.1 star-fill
Seminyak, Bali
3.4 star-fill
Seminyak, Bali
3.1 star-fill
3.4 star-fill
Seminyak, Bali
3.3 star-fill Closes in 18 minutes
3.3 star-fill
Seminyak, Bali
3.3 star-fill
Seminyak, Bali
3.5 star-fill
Seminyak, Bali
3.3 star-fill
Seminyak, Bali
3.5 star-fill
Seminyak, Bali
3.2 star-fill
3.4 star-fill
Seminyak, Bali
3.4 star-fill
Seminyak, Bali
Seminyak, Bali
3.5 star-fill
3.4 star-fill
Seminyak, Bali
Seminyak, Bali
3.5 star-fill
3.4 star-fill
Hotel Indigo, Seminyak, Bali
Seminyak, Bali
3.5 star-fill
Bintang Supermarket, Seminyak, Bali
Seminyak, Bali
Seminyak, Bali
Seminyak, Bali
Bintang Supermarket, Seminyak, Bali
Seminyak, Bali
Seminyak, Bali
Seminyak, Bali
Seminyak, Bali
The Haven, Seminyak, Bali
Seminyak, Bali
Seminyak, Bali
Seminyak, Bali
Seminyak, Bali Opens in 18 minutes
Seminyak, Bali
Seminyak, Bali Opens at 6pm
Seminyak, Bali
Seminyak, Bali Opens in 18 minutes
Seminyak, Bali
Seminyak, Bali Opens at 6pm
Seminyak, Bali Opens at 6pm
The Oberoi, Seminyak, Bali Opens tomorrow at 9am
Seminyak, Bali Opens at 6:30pm
Seminyak, Bali Opens tomorrow at 10am
Kerobokan Kelod, Bali
Kerobokan Kelod, Bali
W Retreat & Spa, Kerobokan Kelod, Bali
Kerobokan Kelod, Bali
Kerobokan Kelod, Bali
Kerobokan Kelod, Bali Closes in 18 minutes
Kerobokan, Bali Opens at 5pm
Seminyak, Bali
Kerobokan Kelod, Bali
Kerobokan Kelod, Bali
W Retreat & Spa, Kerobokan Kelod, Bali
Kerobokan Kelod, Bali
Kerobokan Kelod, Bali Closes in 18 minutes
Kerobokan, Bali Opens at 5pm
Kerobokan Kelod, Bali
Kerobokan Kelod, Bali
Kerobokan Kelod, Bali Opens at 6pm
Kerobokan Kelod, Bali
Denpasar Barat, Bali
Kerobokan Kelod, Bali Opens at 6pm

Kerobokan Kelod, Bali Opens at 6pm

Denpasar Barat, Bali
Kerobokan Kelod, Bali Opens at 6pm

Kerobokan Kelod, Bali Opens at 6pm

Kerobokan, Bali
Kerobokan Kelod, Bali Opens at 6pm
Legian, Bali
Opens at 6pm
Legian, Bali Opens at 5:30pm
3.5 star-fill Opens at 6pm
3.2 star-fill Opens at 6pm
Kerobokan Kelod, Bali Opens at 6pm
Kerobokan, Bali Opens at 6pm
Kerobokan, Bali Opens tomorrow at 6:30am
3.2 star-fill Opens at 6pm
Legian, Bali Opens at 6pm
Kerobokan, Bali Opens at 6pm
Kerobokan, Bali Opens tomorrow at 6:30am
3.2 star-fill Opens at 6pm
Legian, Bali Opens at 6pm
Swiss-Belhotel Rainforest, Kuta, Opens tomorrow at 10am
3.3 star-fill Opens tomorrow at 10am
3.2 star-fill Opens tomorrow at 6am
Kerobokan Kelod, Bali Opens at 6pm
Best Western Hotel, Kuta, Bali Opens at 6pm
Opens at 6pm
Opens at 6pm
Kerobokan Kelod, Bali Opens tomorrow at 9am
3.2 star-fill Opens tomorrow at 6am
Best Western Hotel, Kuta, Bali Opens at 6pm
Opens at 6pm
Opens at 6pm
Kerobokan Kelod, Bali Opens tomorrow at 9am
Denpasar Barat, Bali
Kerobokan Kelod, Bali
Kerobokan Kelod, Bali
Kerobokan Kelod, Bali
Kerobokan Kelod, Bali
Closes in 1 hour 18 minutes
Kerobokan Kelod, Bali
Kerobokan Kelod, Bali
Kerobokan Kelod, Bali
Closes in 1 hour 18 minutes
Kerobokan Kelod, Bali
Kerobokan Kelod, Bali
Kerobokan, Bali

3.5 star-fill

Legian, Bali
Legian, Bali

Legian, Bali
Legian, Bali

Beachwalk, Kuta, Bali

Kerobokan, Bali Opens in 18 minutes
Legian, Bali
Kuta Town Houses, Kuta, Bali
Kerobokan Kelod, Bali
3.3 star-fill
Beachwalk, Kuta, Bali
Legian, Bali
Kerobokan Kelod, Bali
3.3 star-fill
Beachwalk, Kuta, Bali
Legian, Bali
Kerobokan Kelod, Bali Closes in 1 hour 18 minutes
3.2 star-fill
Kerobokan Kelod, Bali
3.5 star-fill
Kerobokan Kelod, Bali Closes in 1 hour 18 minutes
Kerobokan Kelod, Bali

Discovery Shopping Mall, Tuban,Opens in 18 minutes

Kerobokan Kelod, Bali Closes in 1 hour 18 minutes
Kerobokan Kelod, Bali

Discovery Shopping Mall, Tuban,Opens in 18 minutes

Legian, Bali
Legian, Bali

3.4 star-fill
Kerobokan Kelod, Bali
3.3 star-fill
3.1 star-fill
Kerobokan Kelod, Bali Closes in 1 hour 18 minutes
Kerobokan Kelod, Bali
3.3 star-fill
3.1 star-fill
Kerobokan Kelod, Bali Closes in 1 hour 18 minutes

3.5 star-fill
3.4 star-fill
3.5 star-fill
Kerobokan, Bali
3.4 star-fill

Legian, Bali
Kerobokan, Bali
3.4 star-fill

Legian, Bali
3.3 star-fill
3.4 star-fill
Opens at 5pm
3.5 star-fill
Kerobokan Kelod, Bali
3.2 star-fill
3.4 star-fill
Kerobokan, Bali
Kerobokan Kelod, Bali
3.2 star-fill
3.4 star-fill
Kerobokan, Bali
Kerobokan Kelod, Bali
3.4 star-fill
3.2 star-fill Closes in 1 hour 18 minutes
Legian, Bali
Kerobokan, Bali

3.3 star-fill
3.5 star-fill
Kerobokan, Bali

3.3 star-fill
3.5 star-fill
3.4 star-fill
3.1 star-fill
3.4 star-fill
3.5 star-fill
Sheraton Bali Kuta, Kuta, Bali

Kerobokan Kelod, Bali

3.4 star-fill

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