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Disability and Rehabilitation

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Short-term effects of spinal thrust joint

manipulation on postural sway in patients with
chronic mechanical neck pain: a randomized
controlled trial

Raúl Romero del Rey , Manuel Saavedra Hernández , Cleofás Rodríguez

Blanco , Luis Palomeque del Cerro & Raquel Alarcón Rodríguez

To cite this article: Raúl Romero del Rey , Manuel Saavedra Hernández , Cleofás Rodríguez
Blanco , Luis Palomeque del Cerro & Raquel Alarcón Rodríguez (2020): Short-term effects of
spinal thrust joint manipulation on postural sway in patients with chronic mechanical neck pain: a
randomized controlled trial, Disability and Rehabilitation, DOI: 10.1080/09638288.2020.1798517

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Published online: 30 Jul 2020.

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Short-term effects of spinal thrust joint manipulation on postural sway in patients

with chronic mechanical neck pain: a randomized controlled trial
l Romero del Reya , Manuel Saavedra Hernandeza,b, Cleofas Rodrıguez Blancoc, Luis Palomeque del Cerrob,d
n Rodrıgueza
and Raquel Alarco
Department of Nursing, Physiotherapy and Medicine, University of Almerıa, Almerıa, Spain; bEscuela de Osteopatıa de Madrid, Madrid, Spain;
Department of Physical Therapy, Faculty of Nursing, Physiotherapy and Podiatry, University of Sevilla, Sevilla, Spain; dDepartment of Physical
Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Alcorcon, Spain


Purpose: Our aim was to compare the efficacy of spinal manipulation of the upper cervical spine (C1-C2) Received 13 February 2020
on postural sway in patients with chronic mechanical neck pain with the application of a combination of Revised 4 June 2020
cervical (C3-C4), cervicothoracic (C7-T1) and thoracic spine (T5-T6) thrust joint manipulation. Accepted 16 July 2020
Methods: One hundred eighty-six (n ¼ 186) individuals with chronic mechanical neck pain were rando-
mised to receive an upper cervical spine manipulation (n ¼ 93) or three different spinal manipulation Neck pain; spinal
techniques applied to the cervical spine, cervicothoracic joint and thoracic spine (n ¼ 93). Measures manipulation; spine;
included the assessment of stabilometric parameters using the Medicapteurs S-Plate platform. postural balance;
Secondarily, neck pain was analysed using the Numeric Pain Rating Scale. musculoskeletal
Results: We observe a decrease in the length of the centre of pressure path, average speed, medio-lateral manipulations
and antero-posterior displacement with statistically significant results (p < 0.05) in the upper cervical
manipulation group. Both interventions are equally effective in reducing neck pain after fifteen
days (p < 0.001).
Conclusion: The application of upper cervical thrust joint manipulation is more effective in improving sta-
bilometric parameters in patients with chronic mechanical neck pain.

Trial registration: The study was registered in the Australian and New Zealand Clinical Trial Registry (no.


 Patients who suffer from neck pain exhibit increased postural sway than asymptomatic subjects.
 Both spinal manipulation treatments applied in this study are equally effective in reducing neck pain.
 Spinal manipulation treatment on the upper cervical spine improves postural stability parameters.

Introduction of proprioceptive information, especially the suboccipital muscles,

which contain a large number of mechanoreceptors [13]. In add-
Mechanical neck pain is a perceived pain in the cervical spine
ition, these muscles also have relationships with the central ner-
that is exacerbated by cervical movements and/or sustained pos-
tures [1]. This definition does not necessarily imply that the main vous system, vestibular system and visual system [10], which
cause of the pain is in the indicated region, so it only refers to explains why a proprioceptive information disorder in the cervical
the location of the pain [2,3]. It is a serious health problem in spine may affect sensory integration [13]. On the other hand, pain
developed countries with a mean annual prevalence of 37.2% [4]. may be the cause of an increase in presynaptic inhibition of mus-
Normally, patients with mechanical neck pain achieve resolution cular input and may affect the central sensory modulation of pro-
of their symptoms within 2 months, but about 50% will still have prioceptive information that comes from neuromuscular spindles
some symptoms a year after their first appearance and become a [14]. As a result, this may cause a decrease in motor control, and
chronic problem (>3 months duration) [5]. subsequently, a decrease in postural stability.
Patients with mechanical neck pain may present limitation in Physical therapists often use spinal manipulations to decrease
cervical range of motion, shoulder and neck pain, headache, dizzi- pain [15–17] and improve proprioception [18] when musculoskel-
ness, nausea [6] and/or alterations in the sensory-motor system, etal disorders are present, normalising alterations in the informa-
which may affect postural sway [7–9]. Postural control is possible tion coming from the somatosensory system [19,20]. Some
due to the correct integration of stimuli from the visual, vestibular studies have shown that both manipulation of the upper cervical
and somatosensory systems [10]. Postural sway can be analysed spine (UCS) [21,22] as well as the application of three different
by measuring the oscillations of a subject’s centre of pressure manipulation techniques on the cervical spine, cervicothoracic
(COP) [7,11]. joint and thoracic spine are effective techniques for the treatment
In this respect, the cervical spine is of great importance [12]. of chronic mechanical neck pain (CMNP) [23]. However, these
Firstly, this is because the cervical musculature is a major source authors do not assess its effectiveness in postural swaying.

CONTACT Raul Romero del Rey Calle Santa Barbara, 3, Almerıa, 04009, Spain
ß 2020 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group

Figure 1. Flowchart diagram according to CONSORT Statement for the report of randomized controlled trials.

Moreover, previous studies have observed an improvement in number of subjects enrolled, 16 were excluded for different rea-
postural sway after the application of spinal manipulation on the sons (Figure 1). Inclusion criteria were: (1) symptom persistence
UCS [24,25], but these have been performed in asymptom- for more than 12 weeks; (2) age from 18 to 55 years; (3) localized
atic patients. pain in the cervical spine; (4) symptoms are caused by cervical
In accordance with the above, our aim was to compare the movement or sustained postures. Exclusion criteria were: (1) stage
efficacy of spinal manipulation of the upper cervical spine (C1-C2) acute of symptoms; (2) any contraindication to cervical spinal
on postural sway in patients with CMNP with the application of a manipulation (fracture, osteoporosis, joint infections or vertebro-
combination of cervical (C3-C4), cervicothoracic (C7-T1) and thor- basilar insufficiency); (3) patients with previous neck trauma or
acic spine (T5-T6) thrust joint manipulation. cervical spine surgery; (4) patients diagnosed with cervical radicul-
opathy; (5) patients diagnosed with fibromyalgia; (6) have been
Methods treated with manual therapy in the last 3 months; (7) receiving
other treatment while the study is in progress.
We conducted a randomized clinical trial in which patients from a Intervention
private physical therapy clinic were recruited. Each patient signed
the informed consent form before the start of the study, which The study was carried out on two separate days, with a period of
was made according with the Declaration of Helsinki. 15 days between them. On the first day, the patient entered a
room where an examiner, a physiotherapist with experience han-
dling stabilometric platforms, proceeded to collect their demo-
graphic and clinical data. Once the target variables were
One hundred eighty-six patients (n ¼ 186) diagnosed with CMNP recorded, the participant entered a second room where another
were recruited between May 2019 and August 2019. Of the total physiotherapist applied the randomly assigned treatment. After

the intervention, the patient left the centre where the study took Outcome measures
place. Finally, 15 days later, the patient returned to the first room,
Firstly, the demographic and clinical data of the patients were col-
where their pain intensity and postural stability were meas-
lected (gender, age, weight and height). Subsequently, several
ured again.
baseline measurements of self-report were collected, including a
All the interventions were conducted by a physiotherapist with
numerical pain rating scale to assess pain [27] and a body dia-
more than 9 years of experience with patients and specialized in
gram to identify pain location. When all these variables were col-
performing treatments with spinal manipulations. The participants
lected, postural sway was assessed.
received treatment the same day as their initial evaluation. The
application of the techniques took no longer than 5 min and was
performed in the following way: Postural sway
 Upper cervical spine manipulation group: Patients in this group The stabilometric analysis was conducted using the Medicapteurs
were treated with spinal manipulation on the UCS (C1-C2) as S-Plate platform according to the recommendations set by the
described by Dunning et al. [26] (Figure 2). Posturology Association of France [11]. The participants were
 Cervico-Thoracic spine manipulations group: The patients asked to maintain a stance with two feet on the pressure platform
included in this group received a combination of different and try to maintain the most natural position possible, without
spinal manipulations on the thoracic spine (T5-T6), mid-cer- shoes on and with their eyes open. A positioner was used to
vical spine (C3-C4) and cervicothoracic junction (C7-T1) as place their heels 10 cm apart with the medial edge of their feet
described by Saavedra et al. [23] (Figure 3). forming a 30 angle. The examiner stayed behind the participants,
All techniques were performed in both directions, except the out of sight, to not affect the results in any way. Three consecu-
thoracic spine manipulation. Up to two attempts were allowed for tive measurements were taken, and only the third measurement
each technique in order to obtain cavitation. was recorded. The total time of the measurement period was
approximately 70 s, divided into three stages: 10 s, before begin-
ning the analysis to position the participant’s feet correctly on the
platform; 52 s of stabilometric analysis; 5 s rest, after the analysis
finished to prevent any unwanted anticipatory movement near
the end of the stabilometric analysis.
Variations in COP have been shown to be very reliable for ana-
lysing postural stability [28]. The most widely used stabilometric
measurements in other studies by other authors and those which
we have used in this study include the following:
 Length of COP path: Determines the length of the COP path
during stabilometric measurement. Expressed in milli-
metres [11].
 Area of COP path. This is the area of the confidence ellipse,
which contains 90% of the relative positions of the COP. It is
a rigorous measurement in the dispersion of positions. This
parameter evaluates the effectiveness of the postural system
in keeping the centre of gravity as close as possible to its
average balance position. Expressed in square milli-
metres [11].
 Average speed: The average speed that the COP path reaches
during measurement. It allows us to obtain information
Figure 2. Atlantoaxial joint manipulation technique applied in the UCS group.
about stability control and energy expenditure. Expressed in

Figure 3. Spinal thrust joint manipulation techniques applied in the CTS group. (A) Thoracic spine manipulation; (B) Mid-cervical spine manipulation; (C) Cervico-thor-
acic junction manipulation.

millimetres per second. Current research suggests that the Baseline demographic and clinical variables were examined
average speed of the COP is the most reliable stabilometric between groups using independent Mann–Whitney U test for
measurement [11]. continuous data and chi-square tests (X2) of independence for
 Medio-Lateral displacement (ML): This measure average oscil- categorical data.
lations of the COP on the axis of abscissas, in other words, The variables that were analysed (pain intensity, length of COP
the average medio-lateral oscillations in millimetres. Negative path, area of COP path, average speed, ML displacement and AP
values correspond to a left shift and positive values to the displacement) followed a non-normal distribution (p > 0.05).
right. Shows the asymmetry of postural tone [11]. Subsequently, the mean values of the related variables (beginning
 Antero-Posterior displacement (AP): This measures average and end of the treatment) within each group were compared
COP oscillations on the ordinate axis, in other words, the using the Wilcoxon test. Finally, the comparison between-groups
average number of front-to-back oscillations measured in used the Mann–Whitney U test for the nonparametric variable. A
millimetres. It shows the anterior-posterior imbalance of the value of p < 0.005 was considered statistically significant.
individual [11].
Pain intensity
A total of 186 patients with CMNP participated in the study.
The Numerical Pain Rating Scale (NPRS) was applied to measure Participants were randomised into two treatment groups: UCS
pain intensity. It is a scale formed by whole numbers from 0 to manipulation group (n ¼ 93) or CTS manipulations group (n ¼ 93).
10, where 0 represents “no pain” and 10 represents “the worst Table 1 shows that both groups were homogeneous in age,
pain imaginable.” Participants selected the single number that sex, height, weight and pain location, with no statistically signifi-
best represented their pain intensity. Previously, it has been cant differences.
reported that the minimum detectable change for the NPRS in Regarding stabilometric parameters and pain intensity, the ini-
individuals with neck pain is 1.3 points [27]. tial characteristics of the variables in the two groups were similar,
not observing statistically significant differences at the beginning
(Table 2).
Sample size
Table 2 shows data at baseline, post-intervention, within
We needed 93 patients for each of the experimental and control groups and between groups for stabilometric parameters (length
groups (given a 95% CI, alpha error of 5%, and beta error of 20%. of COP path, area of COP path, average speed, ML displacement
We were able to detect an OR of 2). and AP displacement) and pain intensity. Statistically significant
differences were observed between groups for variables referring
Randomization to the length of COP path (p < 0.001), average speed (p < 0.001)
and AP displacement (p < 0.05).
The main researcher used the online Research Randomizer [29] When comparing the stabilometric parameters in the upper
tool ( before starting the study to randomly cervical manipulation group at the beginning and end of the
assign the 186 participants to the two study groups. A total of treatment (Table 3), a decrease in the length of the COP path was
186 different codes were generated and randomly distributed in observed, which gave a statistically significant result (p < 0.001).
the two groups. These numbers were then placed in a box. After Regarding the area of COP path, a decrease in average values was
signing the informed consent and collecting the initial variables, observed at the end of treatment, although it was not statistically
the participant took a number from the box to give it to the significant. In the average speed measurement, a decrease was
physiotherapist in charge of implementing all the interventions. In observed in the average score between the values observed at
this way, patients were randomly assigned according to the num- the beginning and at the end of treatment (p < 0.001). In regard
ber picked: UCS manipulation group and Cervico-Thoracic spine to ML displacement, a decrease in COP oscillations was observed,
(CTS) manipulations group. which was a statistically significant result (p ¼ 0.001). In the AP
displacement, a decrease in COP oscillations was also observed,
Blinding with statistically significant results (p < 0.05). Concerning neck
pain, a decrease in the mean values was observed, these results
Before beginning the study, we informed patients that different being statistically significant (p < 0.001).
techniques would be compared. A physiotherapist, blinded to the Table 4 shows comparisons of mean scores measured for stabi-
treatment assignment, was in charge of collecting the variables lometric parameters (length of COP path, area of COP path, aver-
under study. On the other hand, a second physiotherapist who age speed, ML displacement and AP displacement) and pain
was blinded to the findings of the initial examination, was in
charge of applying the corresponding intervention according to Table 1. Physical and clinical baseline characteristics of the sample.
the group assignment.
CTS manipulations group UCS manipulation group
(n ¼ 93) (n ¼ 93)
Data analysis Male 38 (41%) 29 (31%)
Female 55 (59%) 64 (69%)
A database was created with all the variables under study and a Age (years) 32 (SD ¼ 9.7) 34 (SD ¼ 11)
statistical analysis was performed using IBM SPP Statistics 23.0 Weight (kg) 71 (SD ¼ 14) 69 (SD ¼ 15)
Height (cm) 171 (SD ¼ 12) 170 (SD ¼ 9)
[30]. First, a descriptive analysis of the continuous variables
Left-sided neck pain 12 (13%) 11 (12%)
expressed as means and standard deviations was performed. Right-sided neck pain 20 (22%) 9 (10%)
Subsequently, the Kolmogorov–Smirnov test was performed to Bilateral neck pain 61 (65%) 73 (78%)
determine whether the continuous variables followed a normal CTS: cervicothoracic spine; UCS: upper cervical spine.
distribution or not. Data are reported as mean and SD except for gender and location of neck pain.

Table 2. Between – group comparison of the mean differences from baseline to post-treatment.
Measures Group Baseline p-Valuea After 15 days p-Valuea
Postural sway
Length of COP path (mm) CTS 55 (SD ¼ 21) 0.12 62 (SD ¼ 20) <0.001
UCS 51 (SD ¼ 19) 44 (SD ¼ 14)
Area of COP path (mm ) 2
CTS 34 (SD ¼ 33) 0.83 36 (SD ¼ 36) 0.71
UCS 35 (SD ¼ 38) 34 (SD ¼ 38)
Average speed (mm/s) CTS 1.8 (SD ¼ 0.61) 0.06 1.9 (SD ¼ 1.5) <0.001
UCS 1.7 (SD ¼ 0.63) 1.5 (SD ¼ 0.33)
ML displacement (cm) CTS 0.88 (SD ¼ 6.6) 0.10 0.34 (SD ¼6.2) 0.52
UCS 2.42 (SD ¼ 6.9) 0.31 (SD ¼ 6.8)
AP displacement (cm) CTS 16 (SD ¼ 9.5) 0.32 17 (SD ¼ 8.9) <0.05
UCS 15 (SD ¼ 11) 12 (SD ¼ 9.2)
Pain intensity at rest (0-10 points)
CTS 3.8 (SD ¼ 2.1) 0.87 2.8 (SD ¼ 2.4) 0.51
UCS 3.8 (SD ¼ 2.4) 2.7 (SD ¼ 2.7)
CTS: cervicothoracic spine manipulations group; UCS: upper cervical spine manipulation group; COP: centre of pressure; ML: medio-lateral;
AP: antero-posterior.
Values are reported as mean ± SD.
p-Value obtained by Mann–Whitney U test.

Table 3. Pre and post-treatment values in the upper cervical spine manipulation group.
Measures Baseline After 15 days p Valuea
Postural sway
Length of COP path (mm) 51 (SD ¼ 19) 44 (SD ¼ 14) <0.001
Area of COP path (mm2) 35 (SD ¼ 38) 34 (SD ¼ 38) 0.21
Average speed (mm/s) 1.7 (SD ¼ 0.62) 1.5 (SD ¼ 0.34) <0.001
ML displacement (cm) 2.42 (SD ¼ 6.9) 0.31 (SD ¼ 6.8) 0.001
AP displacement (cm) 15 (SD ¼ 11) 12 (SD ¼ 9.2) <0.05
Pain intensity at rest (0  10 points) 3.8 (SD ¼ 2.4) 2.7 (SD ¼ 2.7) <0.001
COP: centre of pressure; ML: medio-lateral; AP: antero-posterior.
Values are reported as mean ± SD.
p Value obtained by Wilcoxon test.

Table 4. Pre and post-treatment values in the cervicothoracic spine manipula- pain in patients with CMNP. However, we observed that only
tions group. those participants that received spinal manipulation treatment on
Measures Baseline After 15 days the atlantoaxial joint showed an improvement in the postural sta-
Postural sway bility parameters.
Length of COP path (mm) 55 (SD ¼ 21) 62 (SD ¼ 20) The results have not shown an improvement in postural sway
Area of COP path (mm2) 34 (SD ¼ 33) 36 (SD ¼ 36) in patients that received the combination of three spinal manipu-
Average speed (mm/s) 1.8 (SD ¼ 0.63) 1.9 (SD ¼ 1.5) lations (p > 0.05), we even observed an increase in the values of
ML displacement (cm) 0.88 (SD ¼ 6.6) 0.34 (SD ¼ 6.2)
AP displacement (cm) 16 (SD ¼ 9.5) 17 (SD ¼ 9.2) all the stabilometric parameters with the exception of the ML dis-
Pain intensity at rest (0  10 points) 3.8 (SD ¼ 2.1) 2.8 (SD ¼ 2.4) placement of the COP. It is likely that the proprioceptive informa-
COP: centre of pressure; ML: medio-lateral; AP: antero-posterior. tion provided by spinal manipulation of these vertebral segments
Values are reported as mean ± SD. is not enough to improve postural sway. Nonetheless, we
observed that participants who received manipulation on the UCS
showed a decrease in all the stabilometric variables analysed
intensity at the beginning and end of the in the cervicothoracic 15 days after the treatment, which translates to greater postural
manipulations group. In relation to stabilometric parameters at stability. More specifically, we observed a decrease in the length
the end of the treatment, an increase was observed in the aver- of COP path after the intervention, these results being statistically
age score for the length of COP path, area of COP path, average significant (p < 0.001). Regarding the area of the ellipse formed by
speed and AP displacement. We observed a decrease in ML dis- COP oscillations, there was a decrease in average values 15 days
placement at the end of treatment, although this result was not after treatment. In regards to the parameter that measures the
statistically significant (p > 0.05). On the other hand, a decrease in average speed of the COP oscillations, there was also a decrease
neck pain was observed at the end of the treatment, these results observed after the intervention (p < 0.001), which indicates
being statistically significant (p < 0.001). increased stability control, and, therefore, lower energy expend-
iture [11]. Likewise, we observed a decrease in ML and AP oscilla-
tions after spinal manipulation, with these differences being
statistically significant (p ¼ 0.001 y p < 0.05, respectively). This
Our aim was to compare the efficacy of spinal manipulation of decrease in COP oscillations indicates a greater symmetry in pos-
the upper cervical spine (C1-C2) on postural sway in patients with tural tone and a lower level of antero-posterior imbalance in the
CMNP with the application of a combination of cervical (C3-C4), individual [11].
cervicothoracic (C7-T1) and thoracic spine (T5-T6) thrust joint Like us, other authors have observed the impact of UCS
manipulation. We observed that both spinal manipulation in the manipulation on postural sway [24,25]. However, only the results
UCS and spinal manipulation of the cervical, cervicothoracic junc- observed immediately after treatment have been analysed.
tion and thoracic spine are equally effective in decreasing neck Similarly, Smith et al. also observed a decrease in average values

obtained on the stabilometric parameters after carrying out spinal would continue after this period. In this respect, our recommen-
manipulation on the UCS [25]. Likewise, Botella-Rico et al. dation is to carry out further monitoring of the patients and apply
observed an immediate improvement in the COP area after occi- the techniques in different time periods, in terms of observing
pito-atlanto-axial spinal manipulation. However, unlike our study, the long-term results.
they did not observe a statistically significant variance in ML and
AP oscillations of the COP [24]. This difference may be due to the
fact that in their study, the intervention was carried out on
patients without symptoms, who usually show a lesser COP oscil- In conclusion, our results indicate that both spinal manipulation
lation than individuals with neck pain [8,13]. On the contrary, on the UCS and spinal manipulation of the cervical spine, cervico-
Fisher et al. [31] did not observe statistically significant differences thoracic junction and thoracic spine applied together are equally
in stabilometric measurements after applying spinal manipulation effective in reducing neck pain. However, spinal manipulation per-
therapy. The main difference with this study is that they applied a formed on the UCS is more effective in improving stabilometric
different manipulation to each patient depending on the cervical parameters in individuals with CMNP.
level in dysfunction. Furthermore, they only analysed the results
15 min after the intervention while we applied the same tech-
nique to all patients and observed the results over a period
of 15 days. We would like to thank all the patients who made this
According to other previous studies [23,32–35], we observed a study possible.
decrease in neck pain when spinal manipulation techniques were
applied in both groups. Like us, authors such as Martinez-Segura
et al. [36] or Saavedra et al. [23] also observed no differences Ethical approval
when comparing different spinal manipulation techniques, The study was approved by the Ethics and Research Commission
decreasing neck pain in all treatment groups. Lohman et al. [37] of the Department of Nursing, Physiotherapy and Medicine of the
have recently conducted a study in which they observed that the University of Almeria and registered in the Australian and New
mechanical stimulus provided by cervical spinal manipulation pro- Zealand Clinical Trial Registry (no. ACTRN12619000546156).
duced an immediate increase in the blood concentration of noci- URL:
ception-related biomarkers (oxytocin, neurotensin and orexin A). aspx?id=377314&isReview=true
In our study, participants in both groups received spinal manipu- No commercial party having a direct financial interest in the
lation on the cervical spine so it is possible that this change in results of the research supporting this article has or will confer a
nociception-related biomarkers could explain the similar decrease benefit on the authors or on any organization with which the
in pain in the two groups. authors are associated.
On the other hand, some previous studies have shown that
spinal manipulation techniques could influence the proprioceptive
Disclosure statement
system [18] and are capable of normalising the alterations of
afferent information in the somatosensory system [19] by chang- The authors report no conflicts of interest.
ing the levels of excitability of the alpha motor neuron, and con-
sequently, altering muscular activity [26]. In this way, and as
observed by previous investigations, the effectiveness of spinal
thrust joint manipulation techniques can be explained from a Ra
ul Romero del Rey
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[32,33]. Additionally, due to the high concentration of mechanore-
ceptors in the suboccipital muscles, the occipito-atlanto-axial com- References
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