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A Leadership & Management Webinar”

“Good leaders are made, not born.” This quote is one of the introductory part of
the webinar which really taps me to listen. I always hear this quote each time I attend talks about
the nature and importance of leadership. I would vouch that this is true because everyone can be
a leader and it is not only limited to those who are born with it. Being a leader involves different
steps and it is a never-ending process of learning that requires dedication and hardwork. As long
as you have the willingness to become a leader, you will become one.
This webinar which was held last April 28, 2022 via Zoom, invited two globally
prominent speakers. The first speaker, Dr. Mary Precy Lego, talks about leadership and
management. She taught us how teamwork, trust, and leading by example is important in the
workplace. I am honestly an introverted type of person and I like to accomplish things alone for
as long as I can. As I entered high school, it’s always a mystery to me as to the reason why and
the relevance of finishing tasks and working as a group. I was thinking that it would be better if I
do it alone since I found it awkward to speak up and share my thoughts with others. But, as I
grew older, I get to adjust onto it and I could say that through those numerous interactions with
plenty of groups, I somehow got out of my shell. Ma’am Lego emphasized as well that as a
leader, you have to trust the people around you since a workplace which displays high-trust is
more engaging, less stressful, and reports a high level of satisfaction in a general aspect of life. I
agree as to how the speaker ended her talk about saying that leading by example means you
should “walk the talk” because for me, simply talking without any actions makes you a fraud.
The second speaker, Dr. I. Arul Rayan, on the other hand, left me a lot of learnings about his talk
focusing on Servant Leadership. I’ve been familiar with autocratic, laissez-faire, charismatic,
transformational, and some other types of leadership but this topic about servant leadership is
new to my ears. The speaker lets us ponder with the definition of servant leadership as a selfless
kind and distinguished it with other types who seeks leadership only for power and wealth. He
emphasized to us that servant leaders are rare to find and it takes time and patience to become
one. I’m overwhelmed with the fact that servant leaders have the heart to serve and empathized
with its members because for me, having them as a leader is indeed a gem. Mr. Rayan introduced
ten characteristics of servant leadership and among those, I considered listening, empathy, and
stewardship as the most important. My heart was full as well, as he shared to us a story about
their past president whom he considered as a servant leader. He quoted that a servant leader takes
responsibility of the action and performance of the whole team in terms of failure. On the other
hand, shares all the glory with his team and acts in a down to earth manner in terms of success.
To sum it all up, I am totally glad that I was able to attend this webinar and got
my eyes opened and mind refreshed on topics especially about servant leadership. The concept
of leadership is kind of relevant today since the 2022 elections is fast approaching and hoping to
see a servant leader win as president of our country. If given a chance someday, I also wanted to
be a servant leader. The one who empathizes with her members and prioritize their needs over

her own and the one who sees her members as people who work with her and not merely people
who work for her.

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