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My last CKV report of the year:

A summary!

Made by Leanne van Bokkem

This will be my final report for CKV! For this report we can't chose a subject. We have got a assignment to write about: we have to describe in 1000 words what we did this year and give our opinion about that. When I first started CVK I didn't know what to expect. I had only heard that I was supposed to write some reports and that was that. When the first lesson started we had been told that we must have 8 reports done by the end of the year. I thought immediately that that wasnt so bad. It turned out the complete other way.

Page 1: front Page 2: Introduction and Index Page 3: A short summary of the work done this year & the extensive report. Page 4: Conclusion

A short summary of the work done this year:

Fi tl we had t make our persional blog. Weve got a special site to work on: There you can make your own http-adres, mine is At this blog you had to work almost every week on and upload all your progresses. In a year, as a VWO student, you have to make 8 reports and as well as your progress, youre required to upload this to your blog. At the end of the year you now can see the amount of work you are doing in one year for a subject like C V. Everything together is very much work, but if you split it up in work per week or even per month, it is not that much after all.

The extensive report:

The first lesson C V of the year started with the question: what is art? We answered this question by sitting in groups and discuss about it. From this discussion came a couple of answers: * Art is an oppinion of someone. * Art is an expression of your feelings. * Art is something that not everybody likes. * Art comes most at the times from your fantasy. * Art has different meanings. * Art can come out of your emotions. The lesson ended with already some homework to start the year with. We had to fill in a question list about ourselves and our experience with art. Our first real assignment of the year was to interview someone, who has to deal with art. I chose Theo Barendrecht, my choir master. He is voluntary our choir master and has doneno such thing as an education for it. He is a very inspiring man, who has a great passion for music. I made 20 open questions and 10 closed for him to answer. The day I was supposed to interview him, was for him a very bad moment so we decided that I was supposed to send him the interview by e-mail. Then our first report of the year came. I doubted in the first place about what I could pick as my subject. Later on I knew the answer: I was going to make a report about my choir and so I did. I turned out to be a very difficult report. It was difficult was because normally with the reports you have some of a guideline in your book which you can hold on close. This only is when you went to a museum or when you saw a theater or a film. When I made this report I had to made it on my own, without any help so that was somewhat difficult. After I finished the choir-report I went to a little theater play called Lysistrata in the Theater Hofplein in Rotterdam. After this is theater report it was time for a new big project. This time we all had to choose from a couple subjects and a couple of assignments. Me and Modzjgan chose for the subject photography. Some other subjects were dance, theater, art and movie. From this subject we had to make an assignment. Our assignment turned out very difficult and beautiful at the same time. We took a picture and manipulated it until it had changed very much. We started with a picture of the see with dolphins and a little island in it. At this picture we added more and more picture until it looked finished. On the right here you can see the end result of our photographical assignment:

We were working on this project for a very long time so in between Ionly got time for one report. I went to Harry Potter 7 part one and made a report about this experience. Before I handed in the last version of my photographical assignment, we went on the third of November with the entire TTO-class to the Witte de With museum in Rotterdam. We were there to see the exhibition from Cosima von Bonin called Lazy Susan. I uploaded my report about the Witte de With museum just a couple a days ago,because I totally forgot about it. A month or so later I went to a musical called Hair. It took place in Ahoy Rotterdam and was the complete opposite of what I expected. First of all the musical turned out to be in English and secondly it was a very confusing story. In the first week of April I went to Rome and was supposed to make a report about that. When I counted the number of reports that I already made I saw that I had enough of themand therefor I decided not to make this report at all. My final report is about the Fotomuseum in Rotterdam. We went there again with the entire TTO-class, just like the time we went to the Witte de With museum. This time the exhibition was called angry. We saw a lot of pictures and we listened to some stories by headphones. This time again we were led by a very young girl telling about the exhibition. She was very enthusiast about the exhibition and told us a lot of information. Half-way the exhibition we walked upstairs and got an assignment. We had to take a camera from the museum with us and were supposed to make pictures outside. There were a couple of rules we had to follow: we must photograph people and these people must express different emotions. I worked together with Robin and Matthew which was very fun because they could express different emotions next to each other. That was really funny and because they are twins it even looked better.

After all it has been a great year with CKV and mister van Druten as our teacher. I learned a lot about art and expressing yourself in it. After all it has been a very interesting year with ups and downs.

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