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Final Summative Assessment – 2



- Submit the file in pdf format
- Calculations should be handwritten
- Box your answer and maintain one item per page
- Add the last 2 digits of your Code given divided by 100 to all red colored values.
Example: If the last 2 digits of your code is 15, then: 14.6 + (15/100) = 14.75
- It is very important that you add first the last 2 digits of your code divided by 100
before using it in the solution.
- Another code will be given to you.
- Adopt 6 decimal places in your solution.

Answer the following:

1. (3pts) The void ratio of a 9.5 mm thick soil sample is 1.6. What would its new thickness
be if its void ratio was cut in half?

2. (5pts) Determine the vertical stress increase, ∆σz, at point A with the following values:
q1 = 90 KN/m; q2 = 310 KN/m; x1 = 3.5 m; x2 = 2.45 m; z = 3.3 m.

3. (5pts) For the same line loads given in Problem 2, determine the vertical stress
increase, ∆σz, at a point located 4.5 m below the line load, q2.

4. (5pts) A strip load of q = 43 kN/m² is applied over a width, B = 11 m. Determine the

increase in vertical stress at point A located z = 4.6 m below the surface. Given: x = 8.2
5. (15pts) Using equation 10.35, determine the vertical stress (∆σz) increase below the
center of the loaded area at depths z = 1.5, 3, 4.5, 6.0, 7.5, 9.0, and 10.5 m.



6. (3pts) The following data are for a falling-head permeability test:

• Length of the soil sample = 150 mm
• Area of the soil sample = 1964 mm²
• Area of the standpipe = 25 mm²
• At time t = 0, head difference = (400+2 digits of code) mm
• At time t = 8 min, head difference = (200+2 digits of code) mm
Determine the hydraulic conductivity of the soil (cm/sec).

7. (3pts) For a normally consolidated clay, the following values are given:

Void ratio, e k (cm/sec)

0.87+code/1000 0.2 x 10-6
1.48+code/1000 0.91 x 10-6

Estimate k at a void ratio of 1.1. Use Eq. (7.38).

8. (5pts) An earth dam is shown. Determine the seepage rate, q, in m³/sec/m length.
Given: α1 = 35°, α2 = 40°, L1 = 5 m, H = 7 m, H1 = 10 m, and k = 3x10-4 cm/sec. Use
Schaffernak’s solution.

9. (3 pts) Classify the following soils by using the Unified soil classification system. Give
the group symbols and the group names.
10. (3pts) An SPT sample of cohesive soil was taken and returned to the laboratory in a glass
jar. It was discovered to be (130.5+code/10) grams in weight. The sample was then
placed in a V=500 cm³ container, which was subsequently filled with 423 cm³ of water.
What was the soil's unit weight in kN/m³ based on this data?

11. (3pts) The mean value of the test samples reveals w = 14.6 percent, Gs = 2.81, and =
18.2 kN/m³ after a contractor compacted the base course for a new road. The specs
demand that the void ratio be less than 0.85. Has the contractor followed the

12. (3pts) The in-situ (in-place) void ratio of a soil is e0 = (1.87+code/1000), wN = 60%,
and Gs = (2.75+code/1000). What are the moist unit weight and S? (Note: Except when
dry, when w = 0%, all soils are really moist.)

13. (5pts) If the dry unit weight is 16.8 kN/m³, the moisture is 4%, the specific gravity of
solids is (2.70+code/1000), and the soil is totally made up of clean quarts sand,
calculate the weight of water in KN that must be supplied to a cubic meter of soil to
achieve a 95 percent degree of saturation. Use VT = 1 m³.

14-15. (10 pts each, total of 20pts) The figure below shows the zone of capillary rise within
a clay layer above the groundwater table. For the following variables, calculate and plot σ,
u, and σ’ with depth.

Degree of Saturation in
Problem H1 H2 H3 Capillary Rise Zone, S (%)

14 3.30 2.60 m 4.10 m 35

15 3.75 m 3.15 m 3.90 m 55

Gs = 2.72; e = 0.40

Gs = 2.78; e = 0.60

Gs = 2.72; e = 0.78

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