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Vol. IX, No. 95, 8 th Waning of Waso 1384 ME Wednesday, 20 July 2022

Five-Point Road Map of the State Administration Council

1. The Union Election Commission will be reconstituted and its mandated tasks, including the scrutiny of voter lists, shall be implemented in
accordance with the law.
2. Effective measures will be taken with added momentum to prevent and manage the COVID-19 pandemic.
3. Actions will be taken to ensure the speedy recovery of businesses from the impact of COVID-19.
4. Emphasis will be placed on achieving enduring peace for the entire nation in line with the agreements set out in the Nationwide Ceasefire
5. Upon accomplishing the provisions of the state of emergency, free and fair multiparty democratic elections will be held in line with the 2008
Constitution, and further work will be undertaken to hand over State duties to the winning party in accordance with democratic standards.

SAC Vice-Chairman Deputy Prime Minister Vice-Senior General

Soe Win pays tribute to martyrs at 75th Anniversary Martyrs’ Day
representatives laid wreaths at
the mausoleum and paid their
tribute. Representatives from
the Yangon Region government,
those from political parties, heads
of foreign missions to Myanmar
and Charges d’ Affaires of foreign
embassies laid wreaths in front of
the monument.
Representatives from var-
ious organizations and associa-
tions laid wreaths to pay tribute at
the mausoleum of General Aung
San and fallen leaders.
Likewise, people also paid
tribute to the martyrs at the
mausoleum in line with the re-
strictions of the COVID-19 pan-
demic released by the Ministry
of Health. The 75th Anniversary
Martyrs’ Day for 2022 was ob-
served in accord with the orders
and directives issued by the Min-
istry of Health.—MNA

State Administration
Council Deputy Prime
Minister Vice-Senior General Soe
Win paid tribute to the martyrs at
the Martyrs’ Mausoleum in Ba-
han Township of Yangon Region
at the 75th Anniversary Martyrs’
Day yesterday morning.
The Vice-Senior General cor-
dially greeted the family mem-
bers of martyrs and guests.
The Vice-Senior General and
attendees laid wreaths of the Re-
public of the Union of Myanmar to
pay tribute to late General Aung
San and martyrs. Meanwhile, the
Flag of the Republic of the Un-
ion of Myanmar was lowered to
half-mast. The Guard of Honour
presented arms and the military
bugle sounded the last post, and
then they observed a two-minute
silence. SAC Vice-Chair Deputy Prime Minister Vice-Senior General Soe Win and attendees pay tribute to the martyrs at the Martyrs’ Mausoleum in Yangon on 19
Families of the martyrs and July 2022 (top and above photos).
20 JULY 2022

Ceremony to share merits with martyr leaders held in Nay Pyi Taw
ON the 75th anniversary of Mar- Myaing Monastery in Nay Pyi
tyrs’ Day, the ceremony of giving Taw. They listened to the ser-
merit to the great martyrs who mons that the monks chanted,
sacrificed their lives for the na- and donated offertories to the
tion was held yesterday morning monks.
at the Zabuthiri Hall of the Nay  Afterwards, the guests who
Pyi Taw Council Office in Nay attended the ceremony listened
Pyi Taw, Union Territory. to the Samvega Katha from Agga
The ceremony was attend- Maha Saddhamma Jotikadhaja
ed by monks led by Abhidhaja Agga Maha Pandita Bhaddanta
Maha Rattha Guru Bhaddanta Vimala Buddhi, Presiding Sayad-
Zaninda, the Presiding Nayaka aw of the Mingala Zeyon Pali
of the Pauk Myaing Monastery in Tekkatho in Pyinmana, Nay Pyi
Nay Pyi Taw, and member of the Taw, and shared the merits with
State Administration Council, great martyrs.
Union Minister for Transport and At 10:37 am, those who at-
Communications Admiral Tin tended the ceremony paid their
Aung San, Nay Pyi Taw Coun- tribute to the great martyrs who
The MoTC Union Minister and the congregation observe the Five Precepts from Sayadaws at the event in Nay
cil Chairman Dr Maung Maung sacrificed their lives for the na-
Pyi Taw yesterday.
Naing, Commander of Nay Pyi tion and observed a one-minute
Taw Command Major-General Before the start of the cer- statue in the hall and donated ister and the congregation ob- silence tribute. After the cere-
Zaw Hein, deputy ministers, Nay emony, SAC Member Union food, fruits, flowers, water and served the Five Precepts from mony, the Union minister and
Pyi Taw council members and Minister Admiral Tin Aung San, an oil lamp. Abhidhaja Maha Rattha Guru officials donated a day meal to
officials. paid obeisance to the Buddha Afterwards, the Union min- Bhaddanta Zaninda of the Pauk Sayadaws and monks. — MNA

Public and foreigners visit Bogyoke Aung San Museum in Yangon on Martyrs’ Day
THE public and foreigners visit- artist U Ngwe Kaing from 1964-
ed Bogyoke Aung San Museum 65, called “a shop in the back
in Yangon on the 75th Anniver- of the house” is also shown.
sary of Martyrs’ Day, yesterday. Upstairs, the General and his
The residence museum wife’s bedroom have rare photos
where General Aung San, the of the General and the pictures
father of Myanmar’s independ- of the funeral ceremony. The full
ence lived, was only shown on- text of the General’s speech on
line last year due to the COV- more than 600 pages, handwrit-
ID-19 prevention measures. This ing, banknotes and coins with
year, the museum is displayed the image of the General, and
as a special exhibition from 8 the complete Myanmar/English
am to 4 pm. bilingual information on the his-
Daw Thi Thi Thaung, As- tory of the General is displayed
sistant Director of the National on a 32-inch touch screen for
Museum (Yangon), said, “Today, the public to come and study,”
on the 75th Martyrs’ Day, the she said.
General Aung San Museum is Purified drinking water and
displayed as a special exhibition. masks were also distributed
At the entrance to the museum, at the museum. As for health
The public pay observation tours round the Bogyoke Aung San Museum in Yangon on Martyrs' Day.
especially this year, the Yangon care, there were township health
City Development Committee groups, YCDC health groups and
displays the speeches of the Gen- Myanmar Red Cross Society. For Daw Thi Thi Thaung. General’s family members. In the equipment used by the Gen-
eral, information related to him the safety of the public, the mu- Daw Than Than Htwe, who memory of the General, I pray eral, and his family. I want those
and songs honouring the Gen- seum officials and departments visited the General Aung San that all patriotism for the country who haven’t come yet to come
eral with a mobile LED board. fully assisted to make the visitors Museum, said, “I will always and people like the General will and study,” said Maung Phae
Along the way up to the museum, comfortable. remember the General. Today survive,” she said. Phyo, a visitor from Mingaladon
there are 15 panels displaying his “Today is a special show. I remember him more. I’m in  “I am saddened to remem- Township.
life. In the museum, the events of General Aung San Museum is tears when I remember him. I ber that the country's leaders On the 75th Martyrs’ Day, a
his life are explained in English open daily from Tuesday to Sun- feel he was like my parent. The died on such a day. I also gain total of 534 people, including four
and Myanmar languages.” day from 9:30 am to 4:00 pm. The officials patiently explained, so I knowledge by visiting the mu- foreigners, visited General Aung
“In the living room, there museum is closed on Mondays had to study it thoroughly. seum. There is a full array of San Museum in Bahan Town-
is a rare work painted by great and government holidays,” said “I also learned about the contents related to the General, ship, Yangon.—MNA

17 new cases of COVID-19 reported on

19 July, total figure rises to 613,855
MYANMAR’S COVID-19 positive cases rose to 613,855 after 17 new cases were reported on
19 July 2022 according to the Ministry of Health. Among these confirmed cases, 592,754 have
been discharged from hospitals. Death toll still stands at 19,434 without more casualties.—MNA
20 JULY 2022

Our Three Main National Causes

OUR Three Main National Causes – non-disintegration of the Union, non-disintegration of national solidarity and perpetuation of sovereignty – is the most important
task of the democratization process. As the task of safeguarding Our Three Main National Causes is the main duty of the Tatmadaw, all the sectors of the State
duty have already been transferred to the Tatmadaw. So, I would seriously urge the entire nation to join hands with the Tatmadaw for the successful realization
of democracy, while adhering to Our Three Main National Causes.

(Excerpt from the message sent by Republic of the Union of Myanmar State Administration Council Chairman Prime Minister Senior General
Maha Thray Sithu Min Aung Hlaing on the occasion of 74th Anniversary Union Day which fell on 12 February 2021.)

MoI discusses “Myine Myine Saing Saing Thone Pwint Ta Khine” variety show
UNION Minister for Information like others from the film and
U Maung Maung Ohn presid- Thabin (theatrical) sectors. My-
ed over a meeting to broadcast anmar Music Association (Cen-
the “Myine Myine Saing Saing tral) should present a variety of
Thone Pwint Ta Khine” varie- songs including classic, modern
ty show, which will be made in and stereo music.
collaboration with film, theatre Then, attendees coordinat-
and music industries, in Yangon ed the discussion and the Union
yesterday. minister gave the necessary sug-
During the meeting, the Un- gestions.
ion minister said the show to be The “Myine Myine Saing
broadcast on all TV channels in Saing Thone Pwint Ta Khine”
September should be different variety show will be broadcast
from other shows to lure the in- on all TV channels in September
terest of people and entertain for people to enjoy the arts of
them. The people from the mu- the artistes and to uplift their
Union Information Minister chairs the meeting to broadcast the variety show, in Yangon yesterday.
sic industry should participate livelihood. — MNA

Myanmar attends 22nd ASEAN Senior Officials 22nd APT Policy and Regulatory
Meeting on Transnational Crime-22nd SOMTC Forum (PRF-22) held ministerial
DEPUTY Minister for Transport ments, business owners and cit-
and Communications Brig-Gen izens with the topic of “Digital
Lu Mon attended and discussed Transformation and Innovation
the 22nd APT Policy and Regu- Strategies for Sustainable Digi-
latory Forum (PRF-22) that is tal Society” in order to speed up
virtually held by the Asia Pacific the digitalization, as well as good
Telecummunity-APT with Hybrid experiences in implementing dig-
Format from 19 to 21 July. ital development in Asia-Pacific
At the opening ceremony of countries.
ministerial dialogue, APT Secre- This forum has been held an-
tary General Mr. Masanori Kon- nually since 2005 to adopt harmo-
do gave a welcome speech and nized policies in the communica-
The 22nd SOMTC meeting is in progress virtually. the Telecummunity Policy and tion and ICT sector development
Regulatory Forum Chairman Mr. of Asia-Pacific countries. In the
A Myanmar delegation attended regional-level and national-level combating transnational crime; Trieu Minh Long gave an opening forum, APT Secretary General
the 22nd ASEAN Senior Officials cooperation in the fight against SOMTC’s TOR and the TOR of speech. Mr. Masanori Kondo acted as the
Meeting on Transnational Crime- transnational crimes. The meet- the SOMTC Working Group on Afterwards, the six modera- moderator, and ministers and
22nd SOMTC, chaired by Cambo- ing also discussed matters relat- General Transnational Crime tors consists of Deputy Minister deputy ministers from Thailand,
dia through videoconferencing ed to the prevention and combat have been approved, and each Brig-Gen Lu Mon exchanged the Japan, Myanmar, Malaysia, Mon-
yesterday. of the threat of terrorism that country discussed completed policy strategies and approach golia and Vietnam participated as
The meeting was attended infiltrated the Asian region, drug projects on combating transna- methods that enable govern- the speakers.—MNA
by secretaries and the direc- problems, arms smuggling, hu- tional crimes and pending/in-pro-
tor-general level representatives man trafficking, cybercrime gress situations.
from 10 ASEAN member coun- and the fight against the illegal  Afterwards, the respective
tries; the Director of Political and transport of wild animals and tim- countries presented meeting
Security Community and officials ber. In this meeting, Myanmar plans with China, Japan, South
from the ASEAN Secretariat. My- SOMTC leader, Police Maj-Gen Korea, Australia, Canada, Eu-
anmar senior officials led by the Aung Aung clarified Myanmar’s ropean Union, India, New Zea-
leader of SOMTC (Myanmar) counter-terrorism process, an- land, and the United States,
Vice-Chief of the Myanmar Po- ti-narcotics and anti-arms smug- which have been cooperating in
lice Force Police Maj-Gen Aung gling activities and cooperation the fight against transnational
Aung joined the meeting from with neighbouring countries.  crime in the Asian region, and
Nay Pyi Taw.  In the afternoon, the preparatory activities.
The SOMTC leaders from SOMTC process (2022-2024) The 22nd SOMTC and related
10 ASEAN countries exchanged which will implement the ASE- meetings were agreed to contin-
views on the international level, AN Action Plan (2016-2025) on ue on 20 and 21 July. — MNA
20 JULY 2022

Fa‌milies of Martyrs pay tribute to fallen leaders

Wreaths are laid at the Bogyoke's tomb on behalf of the family members. Family members lay wreaths to pay tribute to Thakin Mya.

A family member pays tribute to Deedok U Ba Cho. A family member lays wreaths to pay tribute to U Ba Win.

Family members pay tribute to Mahn Ba Khaing. Family members pay tribute to Mahn Ba Khaing.

Family members lay wreaths to pay tribute to Mongpon Sawbwa Sao San Tun. Family members lay wreaths to pay tribute to U Razak.
20 JULY 2022

Family members pay tribute to U Ohn Maung. Family members lay wreaths to pay tribute to Yebaw Ko Htwe.

The Vice-Senior General warmly greets the family members of the martyrs. The Yangon Region cabinet members lay wreaths at the mausoleum.

One of the diplomatic corps pays tribute to the martyrs at the mausoleum.

Political parties pay tribute to the martyrs at the mausoleum.

One of the civil society organizations lays wreaths to pay tribute to the martyrs. People are seen paying tribute to the martyrs at the mausoleum.
20 JULY 2022

Alms food offered to Buddhist monks at Yangon City

Hall to commemorate 75th Martyrs' Day
ALMS food was donated to the Yangon mayor, committee
venerable Bhuddhist monks members and guests attended
as a commemoration service the ceremony.
to the martyrs of national inde- First, Vice-Chairman of
pendence at the meeting room the State Sangha Maha Naya-
of the City Hall of the Yangon ka Committee Agga Maha Pan-
City Development Committee dita Agga Maha Saddhamma
at 10:30 am yesterday. Jotikadhaja Bhaddanta Kovi-
Chairman of the Central da Meiktila Sayadaw adminis-
Committee for Organizing tered the Five Precepts. Mem-
the 75th Martyrs’ Day Cere- bers of the Sangha recited
mony Union Minister for Re- Metta Sutta, and the congre-
ligion Affairs and Culture U gation offered alms and meals.
Ko Ko, Vice-Chairman of the Joint-Secretary of the
Central Committee Yangon State Sangha Maha Nayaka
Region Chief Minister U Soe Committee Agga Maha Sad-
Thein, Yangon Region Security dhamma Jotikadhaja Bhadd-
and Border Affairs Minister anta Pannadhaja Pazundaung
Colonel Win Tint, Chief Jus- Sayadaw delivered a sermon
tice Daw Sandar Thwe of the and the congregation shared
Region High Court, Deputy merits gained in dedication MoRAC Union Minister and the congregation take the Five Precepts from Sayadaws at the event.
Minister for Religious Affairs to General Aung San and mar-
and Culture Dr Moe Zaw Tun, tyrs. — MNA

Ceremony of lowering National Flag People pay tribute to General

to half-mast held at Ministers’ Office Aung San's statue marking 75th
(Secretariat) to mark 75th Martyrs’ Day anniversary of Martyrs’ Day
PEOPLE and social organiza-
tions paid tribute to the statue of
National Leader General Aung
San to mark the 75th Martyrs’ Day
in Bogyoke Park, Natmauk road
of Bahan township yesterday.
“When I was 14 years, Bo-
gyoke was assassinated. So,
I joined the army. I came here
every Martyrs’ Day to pay tribute
to the fallen leaders. I have faith
in General Aung San, the father
of the army, and General Ne Win
is the mother,” said U Soe Nyunt,
who is 89 years old and retired.
People and vehicles on the
roads stopped and honked their
horns with the Flag of the Repub-
lic of the Union of Myanmar be-
ing at half-mast to pay tribute to
The ceremony of lowering the National Flag to half-mast is in action at the former Ministers' Office. fallen leaders at 10:37 am. People
went to visit the house of General of Wakhaung 1309 ME. It was
A ceremony of lowering the and shared the merits in si- building, located in the Minis- Aung San and the Bogyoke Park engraved under the statue in
State Flag to half-mast was lence for two minutes. ters’ Office (Secretariat), as on Natmauk Road yesterday. Bogyoke Park. The opening cer-
held at the Ministers’ Office Following the rules of a special exhibition, only be- General Aung San, a leading emony of the statue was held on
(Secretariat) where General the Ministry of Health for tween 9 am and 3 pm yester- luminary of the country, was born 13 February 1955, Bogyoke’s 40th
Aung San and leaders were the COVID-19 pandemic, the day. On other days, the meet- on the 1st Waxing of Taboung 1276 birthday. — Nyein Thu (MNA)/
assassinated, to mark the 75th Ministers’ Office (Secretari- ing room, the parliamentary ME and died on the 2nd Waxing GNLM
Martyrs’ Day on the morning at) has been restricted from building and other historical
of 19 July 2022. exploring in the past years. sites are open to public from   PHOTO : KANU
Yangon City Develop- But in the current year 2022, 9 am to 5 pm following the
ment Committee Chairman people are allowed to visit prevention guidelines of the
Yangon Mayor U Bo Htay and the office building again, ac- Ministry of Health.
members, departmental staff cording to the rules for the People and vehicles on
and the Guard of Honour at- prevention of the COVID-19 road stopped and commem-
tended the event and saluted virus. orated the fallen leaders by
General Aung San and fallen People may visit the saluting and honking at 10:37
leaders. Then, they lowered meeting hall where the lead- am on the 75th Martyrs’ Day.
the National Flag to half-mast ers fell and the parliamentary — MNA
20 JULY 2022

Corn prices slide to over K800 per viss

THE prices of corn keep falling of their growers if the corn is
and touch a low of over K800 imported during the corn season
per viss (a viss equals 1.6 kilo- of Thailand.
grammes), according to the Therefore, only two months
Yangon Region Chambers of (July and August) are remaining
Commerce and Industry (Bay- for corn exports under Form D
intnaung wholesale commodity exemption.
centre).   Myanmar conveyed 1.7 mil-
In early June, the corn was lion tonnes of corn to Thailand
priced at K1,120 per viss depend- in the 2020-2021 Financial Year.
ing on the quality. The current In the 2021-2022 corn season,
market price dipped to the low- Myanmar targets to export 1.5
est of K850 per viss. The price million tonnes of corn.
reflects a decrease of K270 per Myanmar exported 2.3 mil-
viss within 45 days. lion tonnes of corn to foreign
The drop in prices is attrib- trade partners in the 2020-2021
uted to the transaction policy corn season. The majority of
changes. Earlier, export earn- them were sent to Thailand and
ings for beans were allowed to the remaining were shipped to
be made with the Yuan-Kyat or At present, corn is cultivated in Shan, Kachin, Kayah and Kayin states and Mandalay, Sagaing and Magway China, India and Viet Nam, ac-
regions. Myanmar has three corn seasons – winter, summer and monsoon. The country produces 2.5-3 million
Baht-Kyat direct payment. Start- cording to the association.
tonnes of corn every year.
ing from 30 June, transactions At present, corn is cultivated
for rice, corn, oil crops and beans ized exchanges. The large gap ing soon in Thailand, the leading tonne. in Shan, Kachin, Kayah and Kay-
and pulses are to be paid in US between the official and unof- buyer of Myanmar’s corn. The Thailand gives the green in states and Mandalay, Sagaing
dollars. ficial exchange rates is vividly prices of corn in Thailand are light to corn imports under zero and Magway regions. Myanmar
Additionally, the foreign seen. Therefore, traders have also declining accordingly, said tariff (with Form-D), between 1 has three corn seasons – win-
currency earnings are set to be to closely observe the impacts U Min Khaing, chair of the Myan- February and 31 August. How- ter, summer and monsoon. The
converted into local currency of this move, traders aired their mar Corn Industrial Association.  ever, Thailand imposed a max- country produces 2.5-3 million
at K1,850. The US dollar is val- opinions. The prevailing FOB price of imum tax rate of 73 per cent on tonnes of corn every year. — NN/
ued at over K2,300 in unauthor- Corn harvest season is com- corn stands at US$310-330 per corn imports to protect the rights GNLM

Myanmar’s eel and crab exports to China via Muse border resume
MYANMAR’S exports of eel and 33.336 Yuan per kilogramme
crab to China via the Muse bor- whereas the prices of eel move
der post have restarted since in the range of 36-40 Yuan per
20 June following the closure kilogramme depending on the
of Sino-Myanmar border posts size and quality, according to the
triggered by the COVID-19 im- traders.
pacts, according to the Ministry Myanmar conveyed fishery
of Commerce. and aquaculture products to Chi-
Myanmar delivered na after disinfection and PCR
US$0.646 million worth of 129.249 testing.
tonnes of crab and $0.83 million The fisheries products
worth of 20.8 tonnes of eel in the across the country – Ayeyawady,
week ended 27 June. Bago, Yangon and Mandalay
Myanmar sent 8,211.759 regions and Rakhine and Shan
tonnes of crab ($23.737 million) states – are sent to the Muse
and 2,855 tonnes of eels ($9.675 land border and the traders ex-
million) in the 2019-2020 finan- port the frozen fish and live fish,
cial year. The country exported crab, eel, long-finned eel and oth-
Myanmar’s exports of eel and crab to China via the Muse border post have restarted since 20 June following
1,962.76 tonnes of crab ($5.43 er fisheries products to China the closure of Sino-Myanmar border posts triggered by the COVID-19 impacts, according to the Ministry of
million) and 6,984.35 tonnes of through the Muse border. During Commerce.
eel ($28.127 million) in the 2020- the last financial year 2019-2020,
2021FY. There is no export of crab fishery exports through Muse technologies for fresh seafood State’s income. value of trade via a major trad-
and eel recorded in the 2021-2022 were valued at $170.735 million are required in order for Myan- The Myanmar Fisheries ing hub Muse border plunged to
mini-budget period as per the for 128,067 tonnes. mar to penetrate the European Federation is endeavouring to $507 million as of 8 July 2022 in
news released by the Ministry   The market primarily de- market beyond China. provide breeding and hatchery the current FY2022-2023, indicat-
of Commerce online. pends on China. The trade sus- As Myanmar has marketa- technology to the breeders. ing a tremendous drop of $307
If the crab export volume ex- pension in China in the previous ble native eel species and has As the cross-border trade million compared to the value
ceeds 50 tonnes, the price tends mini-budget period battered both already carried out successful between Myanmar and China registered in the corresponding
to decline. The prices go up dur- the traders and the breeders en- eel farming on a trial run. Val- does not still return to normality period last year, the Customs De-
ing festivals and public holidays.  gaged in eel and shrimp farming. ue chain development with sys- amid the strict policy on COV- partment’s statistics indicated.
A crab fetches around Processing and packaging tematic farming will increase the ID-19 and travel restrictions, the — KK/GNLM
20 JULY 2022


Let’s overcome the

to succeed
undervalued activity. These 3Ms and maintain human dignity on

challenge of COVID-19 make our lives hard and tough.

To get rid of them, they said 5S
all fronts.
Changes happen as time
MYANMAR Daily Weather Report
(ISSUED at 7:00 pm Tuesday 19 July 2022)
sub-variants with good
is the tool to be used. passed. Ineffective or unpro-
One needs to sort out his ductive ways are outdated and
BAY INFERENCE: Monsoon is moderate to strong over the

or her problem or difficulty, and faded away. But innovative ways
shall try to understand why ab- or good practices shall remain Andaman Sea and south Bay and weak to moderate elsewhere
normal his or her behaviour or unchanged. It is evident that Cov- over the Bay of Bengal.
action is or why fruitless his or id-19 changes the way we live and

HE Ministry of Health recently issued a press release on its her efforts are. The parents, sib- we, in turn, adapt to new normal FORECAST VALID UNTIL AFTERNOON OF THE 20
detection of SARS-CoV-2 Variant Omicron for raising public By Chit Ko Pe lings, friends, or co-habitants in norms (3N) that we standardize July 2022: Rain or thundershowers will be isolated in Magway
awareness about various dangerous sub-variants related to a society shall step in unless it anew for personal and workplace region, scattered in Nay Pyi Taw, lower Sagaing, Mandalay
coronavirus. is sorted out by himself or her- hygiene. regions and northern Shan and Kayah states, fairly wide-
Currently, Omicron BA.4 and BA.5 sub-variants trigger a new
wave of the outbreak in some global countries including neigh-
bouring countries of Myanmar. In fact, the COVID-19 virus took a
AS ONE of the manufac-
turing superpowers,
Japan now stands as the third
go messy, they become some kind
of hazard on a site. With the 5S
approach, hazards are easily
self. It is when non-governmen-
tal organizations (NGOs) come
into existence to lend a helping
Not being complacent with
what has been diligently done
and successfully achieved, any
spread in upper Sagaing, Bago regions and southern Shan
state and widespread in the remaining regions and states with
likelihood of isolated heavyfalls in upper Sagaing, Taninthayi
break across the world but it resumed dangerous infection to attack largest economy in terms of identified and simultaneously hand in fixing it. Their scopes bit of let-up can cause failure and regions and Kachin, Rakhine, Kayin and Mon states. Degree
global countries in a few months. Hence, many countries resumed Gross Domestic Product (GDP) wiped out in order to create a vary from individual persons to setback. To sustain the whole of certainty is (100%).
businesses for the people to earn income for their families and in the world. Not lingering on safe and clean workplace. groups to the whole of mankind. process, a consistent review shall
nation-building tasks. ruins and damages left behind From the work safety per- The junks are put aside and be done without any interrup- STATE OF THE SEA: Sea will be moderate in Myanmar
Especially, the global countries resumed tourism industry for after the defeat of World War II spective, each S is scrutinized a proper direction or programme tions. Social dialogue is a means Waters. Wave height will be about (5-8) feet off and along
giving chances for the inter- in 1945, Japan braced itself and as follows- is set to ensure it suits well with among others involving social Myanmar Coasts.
national tourists to pay visits stormed through to be where “Sort” means the segrega- a person who deviates from a partners from different back-
No matter how severe to many eminent sites so as to Japan is now. tion of good or necessary items correct way. Parental guidance grounds or within a group voicing OUTLOOK FOR SUBSEQUENT TWO DAYS: Likelihood of
the disease is, all people take relaxation. On the other It is the manufacturing from bad or unnecessary ones. amends a misbehaved child to comments and suggestions and
increase of rain in Taninthayi region and Kayin, Mon states.
hand, host countries earn in- sector that has evolved Japan’s “Set” mentions the place- become an obedient one. A suita- exchanging opinions towards a
need to take basic comes for their budgets to be economy to such an enormous ment of good or necessary items ble environment such as a youth better end. Before it turns out to
preventive measures allotted to various development extent. Indeed, “5S” is the driving with labels, numbers, and zones development and rehabilitation be in a state of doom and gloom
AREA FOR 20 July 2022: Isolated rain or thundershowers.
tasks for their people. force behind it. In the 1980s, the at respective storage areas while centre or youth addiction treat- due to a lack of social dialogue,
such as wearing Degree of certainty is (100%).
In Myanmar, the 16 labora- word “5S” originated and grew red-tagging bad or unnecessary ment and recovery programme another means of administrative
masks, washing hands tory samples of COVID-19 virus in Japan’s manufacturing sector. ones in separate areas. is set to get the ones exposed measure shall resort to refresher
whenever return of the positive cases were sent The service industry followed “Shine” indicates the clean- to and integrated with it. These training courses or counselling
to the Department of Medical suit with 5S in the 1990s. 5S is ing and disinfection practice at examples are a few to name. sessions with a view to realigning FOR 20 July 2022: One or two rain or thundershowers. Degree
home, avoiding busy 5S is a system for organizing spaces so work can be performed efficiently,
Research on 30 June 2022. Ac- formed by abbreviations of Jap- the workplaces, as well as main- effectively, and safely.   IMAGE CREDIT: 5S TODAY There comes support in a distracted people back to the ori- of certainty is (100%).
and public places and cording to the results of the de- anese terms –Seri, Seiton, Seiso, tenance service of equipment form of moral encouragement ented path that is already proved
partment, the SARS-CoV-2 Var- Seiketsu and Shitsuke. They are and tools. or advice in kind or appropriate productive and prolific. FORECAST FOR MANDALAY AND NEIGHBOURING
taking vaccination full AREA FOR 20 July 2022: Isolated rain or thundershowers.
iant Omicron BA4 was found correspondingly expressed in “Standardize” directs the erment for further improvement well. Let me refer to the Japa- stuff or financial assistance to 5S is undeniably a tool for
time. If so, they will stay in one laboratory sample and English maintaining such a word routine up-keep of such actions through reporting and monitor- nese terms – “Muri”, “Mura”, shine anyone being cared for or quality and safety improvement Degree of certainty is (100%).
away from the infection BA5 in five laboratory samples. of 5S –Sort, Set, Shine, Standard- mentioned in the above-men- ing. and “Muda”. Their definitions reformed without any hardship in production.
Currently, the Ministry ize and Sustain respectively. tioned 3S with everyone’s par- Not only does 5S create a are- Muri: overstrain, irrationali- falling on. Incentives such as Rather, I prefer to remark –
of the pandemic to of Health is continuously con- In a safety context, “5S” is ticipation. good working environment with ty or absurdity, Mura: jaggedness hand-out, stipends, humanitar- 5S is the way to success in life,
some extent. Even if ducting “COVID-19 Molecular
Disease Surveillance”, and
widely known as a tool for house-
keeping at a workplace. As things
“Sustain” points to disci-
pline, commitment and empow-
improved quality and safety, but
it enhances the way we live as
or inconsistency in action and
thought, and Muda: wasteful or
ian aid and so forth are to be
offered to alleviate any suffering
too. Call 09251022355,
they suffer from the
releasing information on the
infection of the disease detection of COVID-19 cases
unavoidably, it is sure
that they may not face
and SARS CoV-2 Variant Omi-
cron from those who returned
by the Commercial Flight and
Supporting post-COVID-19 recovery among African cross-border traders
the severe infection of Relief Flight, and via border

checkpoints in a timely manner. AULINE Satau, a small far-reaching and disproportion- titled “Global initiative towards them. ness models. “Now that I know
the disease due to the
All the patients suffering business owner from Ka- ate consequences for low-income post-COVID-19 resurgence of the “Without the training, I would the rules, I spend less time clear-
effects of vaccinations. from Omicron BA4 and BA5 zungula village in north- households and small businesses. micro, small and medium-sized have continued on the path of play- ing my goods,” one trader said,
sub-variants are Myanmar cit- eastern Botswana, didn’t set out to “The pandemic brought my enterprise (MSME) sector”. ing small in this industry,” said adding: “I am no longer afraid of
izens who returned from for- be an informal cross-border trader. hard work to an abrupt stop,” she The project was aimed at re- Kefilwe Mogaetsho, a participant border officials.”
eign countries. At present, they all completed isolation in medical Like approximately 70 per said. building livelihoods and mitigating from Botswana. Some Tanzanian border cus-
treatment since they have tested positive for COVID-19. They are cent of informal cross-border trad- the impacts of the pandemic. toms officials said the number of
in good condition of health. ers in the Southern African region, Supporting the recovery of “The training sharpened my How the training sessions women carrying small consign-
According to the findings of international countries, the Omicron she ventured into business out African small businesses business skills. I learned that I helped ments through official border
variants cause less severe illness and fewer deaths among those who of necessity and a desire to feed Ms Satau was among 300 shouldn’t be stagnant, but make At a sub-regional project posts had increased steadily and
are fully vaccinated. As such, all people need to take vaccinations her family. small-scale traders who benefit- my business evolve,” Ms Satau workshop convened by UNCTAD cases of smuggling had reduced
under the arrangements of relevant authorities or own arrangements And for many years she did ed from UNCTAD’s training pro- said. The training programme in June 2022, participants heard after the training.
as part of preventing the infection of disease in time. just that, growing her business gramme on cross-border trade entailed dissemination of trad- the feedback reported by the train- UNCTAD shared with policy-
No matter how severe the disease is, all people need to take from selling corn on the cobb to and entrepreneurship held in ers’ guides, content on COVID-19 ees. Over 90 per cent of them said makers experiences and lessons
basic preventive measures such as wearing masks, washing hands poultry farming. In 2020, she ex- border towns of Botswana, Ken- control measures and sessions on they had acquired the confidence learned from the training. This
whenever return home, avoiding busy and public places and taking panded her business, conducting ya, Malawi, Tanzania and Zambia strategies for making businesses to pass through official border will help advance evidence-based
vaccination full time. If so, they will stay away from the infection of cross-border trade in neighbour- between February 2021 and May more resilient. posts because of their improved policymaking that is informed by
the pandemic to some extent. Even if they suffer from the infection of ing Zambia and the Democratic 2022. It also included opportunities understanding of trade and cus- the challenges, priority needs and
the disease unavoidably, it is sure that they may not face the severe Republic of the Congo. UNCTAD conducted nine for engagement between trad- toms rules. expectations of the small-scale
infection of the disease due to the effects of vaccinations. Then COVID-19 hit, forcing six-day training sessions as part ers and border officials to dispel And 96 per cent of them said traders. UNCTAD equips 300 women small-scale traders in five countries with greater knowledge of trade rules, customs
her out of business and triggering of a UN multi-agency project en- long-standing mistrust between they were ready to adopt new busi- SOURC E: UNCTAD procedures and entrepreneurship skills.  PHOTO: WAZZKII/SHUTTERSTOCK/UNCTAD
20 JULY 2022

Bayintnaung market: More than 1,600 foreign tourists visit Myanmar

weekly commodity prices rate of infection is increasing
exponentially in the neighbour-
BETWEEN 13 and 19 July, the Shwebo Paw San, chilli and onion ing countries of Myanmar, with
prices were high and the green gram prices reached below K1.6 dozens of casualties. Myanmar
million per ton in the Bayintnaung market. Moreover, the palm oil has alerted those coming to the
prices outside Yangon are still higher than the reference prices. country through border check-
Black gram points, including from Thailand,
On 18 July, the black gram (FAQ/RC) was priced at K1,582,500 to comply with the disease pre-
per tonne in the Yangon market while K1,812,500 per tonne of vention and control measures.
SQ/RC and K1,462,500 per tonne of pigeon pea (Red/RC). Myanmar has opened for
Rice tourism since 20 May this year,
The Shwebo Paw San is priced at K70,000 per bag this week with the resumption of interna-
and it is about K5,000 higher than the price of last week. tional flights at its international
It was K54,500 per bag of Pathein and Myaungmya rice, airports on 17 April and the e-visa
K49,000 per bag of Bogale, K35,000-37,000 per bag of 90 days rice A tourist is pictured at the Bagan temple complex in Myanmar. application on 20 May. Further-
and K32,000-32,500 per bag of double-cropping rice. more, the country also allowed
Onion A total of 1,622 foreign tourists Japan, Malaysia, Thailand, Viet online e-visa (business) applica-
The onion prices rose by K100 per viss in the regions where from 54 countries visited Myan- Nam, and the US. tions for foreign investors on 1
produce onion and in the Yangon market, it rose by K100 per viss mar between 20 May and 14 June, With the influx of foreign April. From 17 April to 14 July
than the prices of 11 July while K200 per viss of Monywa onion. according to the statement of the tourists, the new variants of 2022, over 85,000 foreign visitors
On 18 July, Seikpyu onion price was K1,250-1,550-1,650-1,750 Ministry of Hotels and Tourism. COVID-19, namely BA.4 and visited Myanmar, according to the
per viss and Monywa onion fetched K1,450-1,650-1,800-1,900 per Most of the tourists came BA.5, are also spreading at a Ministry of Hotel and Tourism. —
viss in the Yangon market. from China, followed by India, rapid rate across the world. The TWA/GNLM
It is K1,500 per viss of onion at the Seikpyu wholesale centre
and K1,550 per viss at the Pakokku wholesale centre.
On 18 July, Shan garlic price was K2,000-2,600-3,200-3,700
YBS vehicle catches fire on Aung Zeya
per viss while K2,950 per viss of Kyukok garlic.
Chilli suspension bridge
The chilli prices are still high. It is K9,500-9,800 per viss
of new Thedaw Moe Htaung, K9,500 per viss of long Thedaw A YBS bus from No 61 bus line
chilli, K8,300-8,500 per viss of Myarni, K8,500-8,700 per viss of caught fire on the Aung Zeya
Panye, K8,300-8,500 per viss of delta chilli and K11,000 per viss suspension bridge in Insein
of Seinsar chilli. Township, Yangon Region, yes-
Potato terday morning. The fire broke
It was K1,450 per viss of Shan (Aungban) potato, K1,800 per out at around 7:25 am and was
viss of Hnone Akyaw Thee and K1,550 per viss of Chinese potato. extinguished at 7:49 am.
Cooking Oil Although the entire vehicle
On 18 July, two trucks sold a total of 1,100 visses of palm oil was destroyed by fire, no pas-
at K3,900 per viss in the Nay Pyi Taw Council Area. senger was injured. The Insein
The palm oil price was about K7,000 per viss outside Yan- Township Fire Station, Hline-
gon although the foreign and local reference prices drastically thaya Township Fire Station, and
declined. Super Myanmar Special Fire
It is K7,800 per viss of sunflower oil and K8,000 per viss of Brigade and Insein Township
sesame oil. Red Cross Society went to the
The peanut oil price was K9,000-11,000 per viss. — TWA/ scene to help put out the fire. —
Firefighters are pictured putting out the fire on the YBS bus.

Exports reach $2.90 mln; imports stand at $6,960 on Myanmar-Bangladesh border

TWO Myanmar-Bangladesh and the Maungtaw border Bangladesh after shipping
border trade posts – Sittway trade camp (Kanyinchaung) the goods.
trade camp (Shwe Min Gan) exported $2,327,948 worth of The health officials test-
and Maungtaw border trade products. ed Myanmar crews between
camp (Kanyinchaung) The export volume of 4 and 14 July and 11 tested
— exported US$2.90 mill- Myanmar was higher and positive for COVID-19. The
lion worth of products and the import volume was only patients are in good condi-
imported products worth 0.04 per cent of the trade, tion and have recovered.
$6,960 in June. according to data. The The government per-
Sittway trade camp government also conduct- mits only those who are
(Shwe Min Gan) exported ed COVID-19 tests on the fully vaccinated against
$589,161 worth of products crews who returned from COVID-19 for embarking
and the respective township
Export cargoes are loaded on to the ship at the Sittway health departments also pro-
border post. vide Booster dose. — TWA/
20 JULY 2022


Beijing issues coupons to boost Thailand sees rise in

catering consumption severe COVID-19 cases
THE number of severe COV- ed or not fully vaccinated.
BEIJING began issuing cou- ID-19 cases and coronavi- A high volume of inter-pro-
pons worth a total of 100 million rus-related deaths in Thailand vincial traveling during the re-
yuan (14.82 million US dollars) has increased slightly, fuelled cent holidays could have led
on Monday to spur catering by the Omicron sub-variants to an increase in the number
consumption, according to the and the country’s long holidays. of COVID-19 infections, and
municipal commerce bureau. The majority of the critical requires further monitoring,
Funded by the govern- cases and people on ventilators Opas added.
ment and platform enterprises are found in the capital Bang- The Thai cabinet on Mon-
that provide catering services, kok and neighbouring prov- day approved nearly four billion
the promotional campaign is inces, Opas Karnkawinpong, baht (around 110 million US
expected to cover more than director-general of the Depart- dollars) for the procurement
70,000 restaurants, the bureau ment of Disease Control, said of COVID-19 medicines and
said. at a press conference Monday. medical supplies to prepare
The first batch of restaurant He said most of the new for a potential outbreak. Thai-
coupons was issued through on- A trending restaurant in Beijing filled with customers on 6 June 2022 cases detected last week were land on Monday reported 1,814
line platforms, such as as the city resumed dine-in services at midnight.  PHOTO: LI HAO/GT/ among high-risk groups, in- COVID-19 cases and 17 deaths,
and Meituan. The restaurant XINHUA cluding the elderly and people which excluded those who test-
coupon issuance is among a ket impacted by COVID-19. as, expanding vehicle consump- with chronic diseases, of which ed positive with rapid antigen
host of measures the Chinese Other measures include tion and launching events to many were either not vaccinat- test kits.—Xinhua
capital has been implementing launching coupons for accom- boost digital, cultural and sports
to revitalize the consumer mar- modations in the suburban are- consumption.— Xinhua

America’s Fauci to retire by end

of Biden’s current term
globally from China, he became
a trusted source of reliable in-
formation, reassuring the public
with his calm and professorial
demeanor during frequent me-
dia appearances.
But his honest takes on Visitors buy Thai SIM cards upon arrival at Suvarnabhumi
America’s failures to get to grips International Airport in Bangkok on 1 July 2022.   PHOTO: LILLIAN
with the virus brought Fauci into SUWANRUMPHA / AFP
conflict with former president
Donald Trump, and turned the
physician-scientist into a hated
figure for some on the right.
Fauci now lives with secu-
rity protection after his family 7th COVID-19 wave starts in Iran
received death threats and har-
assment. IRANIAN Health Minister Bahram Einollahi said on Sunday that
People line up at a walk-up COVID-19 testing site in Miami Beach, But he was conciliatory to- the seventh wave of COVID-19 infections has started in the country,
Florida on 17 November 2020.  ward his former nemesis Trump official news agency IRNA reported. At a press conference, he called
PHOTO: CHANDAN KHANNA / AFP/FILE in his Politico interview. on the people to receive a booster dose of vaccines and observe the
“We developed an inter- health protocols especially wearing face masks in crowded indoor
ANTHONY Fauci, who has things in my career, even though esting relationship,” said the places. The Iranian Health Ministry reported 5,751 new COVID-19
helmed the United States’ re- I’m at a rather advanced age,” Italian-American. cases on Sunday, while 13 people died from the virus over the past
sponse to infectious disease Fauci, who is also Biden’s chief “Two guys from New York, 24 hours.— Xinhua
outbreaks since the 1980s, will medical advisor, said to CNN. different in their opinions and
retire by the end of President He told Politico he did not their ideology, but still, two guys
Joe Biden’s current term, he plan to stay in office long enough who grew up in the same envi- SAS and pilots’ unions reach agreement,
said in interviews Monday. to see out Covid-19 because the ronments of this city. I think that ending strike
The 81-year-old told Politico disease was not going away we are related to each other in
and CNN he would step down soon. that regard.” SCANDINAVIAN airline SAS and the unions representing their
from his position as director of “I think we’re going to be During the 1980s, Fauci pilots said Tuesday that they had reached an agreement, ending
the National Institute of Aller- living with this,” said Fauci, who became a lightning rod for crit- a two-week strike that has cost the ailing airline between $9 and
gy and Infectious Diseases (NI- was appointed director of the icism that the government was $12 million a day.
AID) to pursue other avenues National Institutes of Health’s not doing enough to stem the The agreement ending the strike after 15 days was confirmed
sometime before January 2025. NIAID in 1984 and has served rise of HIV-AIDS — but later by both the company and the unions after a negotiation session
“Obviously, you can’t go on under seven presidents. forged a close collaboration with ran through Monday and into the early hours of Tuesday.— AFP
forever. I do want to do other When Covid first spread activists.— AFP
20 JULY 2022

Japan, Saudi Arabia vow to work together for stable int’l oil market
THE foreign ministers of Japan according to the Japanese For- decided to maintain its plan for
and Saudi Arabia agreed Tues- eign Ministry. August of increasing the mem-
day that the two nations will work The talks came days after bers’ crude oil production de-
together to stabilize the global oil US President Joe Biden visited spite pressure from Washington
market as oil prices have surged Saudi Arabia, an OPEC member to further ratchet up the supply.
following Russia’s invasion of and one of the world’s largest Since Russia launched mil-
Ukraine. crude oil producers, and met itary attacks against Ukraine in
During their meeting in de facto Saudi Arabian leader late February, Western nations,
Tokyo, Yoshimasa Hayashi also Crown Prince Mohammed bin led by the Group of Seven ma-
asked his Saudi Arabian coun- Salman on Friday. jor developed countries, have
terpart, Prince Faisal bin Farhan Biden conveyed his hope strongly condemned Moscow
Al-Saud, for cooperation in an that Riyadh would take action and imposed economic sanc-
additional oil output increase by to ensure the availability of ad- tions on it, including a ban or
This picture taken on 11 December 2019, shows an oil tanker at the port
the Organization of the Petro- equate oil supplies but failed to phase-out of oil imports from of Ras al-Khair, about 185 kilometres north of Dammam in Saudi Arabia’s
leum Exporting Countries and reach any agreements. Russia, another major oil pro- eastern province overlooking the Gulf.  PHOTO: GIUSEPPE CACACE /
its allies, known as OPEC Plus, In late June, OPEC Plus ducer.—Kyodo AFP/FILE

Thai monetary policy normalization to be LATEST DEVELOPMENTS

sooner than later, says central bank governor Malaysian airline to resume flights to more
THAILAND’S central bank Australian capital cities
governor Sethaput Suthiwart- MALAYSIAN airline AirAsia has announced that it would recom-
narueput said a monetary policy mence flights to several Australian capital cities and New Zealand
normalization should be “sooner later this year for the first time since the COVID-19 pandemic hit.
rather than later” and in a grad- AirAsia X, which is the long-haul arm of the budget airline, will
ual manner to anchor inflation fly from the Malaysian capital of Kuala Lumpur to Melbourne and
expectations without stymieing Perth from 1 November . The airline, which has already restarted
the country’s economic recov- flights from Kuala Lumpur to Sydney, will also offer flights from
ery. New Zealand’s capital city to Auckland from November.— Xinhua
The Bank of Thailand
(BOT) still needs to balance Jiangxi province sees booming digital
risks between growth and in-
flation, but with the economic
recovery becoming more intact, THE digital economy in east China’s Jiangxi Province registered 19.5
The Bank of Thailand (BOT) still needs to balance risks between growth
the emphasis is now shifting and inflation, but with the economic recovery becoming more intact, the per cent year-on-year growth in 2021, reaching nearly 1.04 trillion
more on inflation, Sethaput said emphasis is now shifting more on inflation.   PHOTO: AFP/FILE yuan (around 154 billion US dollars), local authorities told a press
in an exclusive interview with conference on Monday. Jiangxi’s digital economy contributed 35
Xinhua. The 6-plus percent rate high of 7.66 per cent in June. per cent to the province’s gross domestic product in 2021, according
“We expect inflation to would be Thailand’s highest Growth of the core inflation, to a white paper on Jiangxi’s digital economy development, which
come in at above six per cent inflation growth in 24 years. which excludes raw food and en- was released at the press conference.
this year, well above our target Surging energy and other com- ergy prices, also accelerated to The conference also saw the release of the province’s first batch
range of 1-3 percent, and gradu- modity prices have pushed up 2.51 per cent in June, according of digital technology application scenarios in an “opportunity list”
ally get back into the range next consumer inflation in the South- to the Ministry of Commerce.— and digital technology “product list.”— Xinhua
year,” he said. east Asian country to a 14-year Xinhua

Indian rupee breaches 80 per dollar, hits new record low

THE Indian rupee fell to more increasingly risk-averse. la Sitharaman attributed the
than 80 per US dollar for the Tighter US monetary pol- rupee’s sharp fall to external
first time on record Tuesday, as icy has exacerbated outflows reasons.
the greenback extended its ral- from emerging markets such as “Global factors such as
ly and foreign capital outflows India, where foreign investors the Russia-Ukraine conflict,
intensified. have withdrawn a net $30.8 bil- soaring crude oil prices and
The rupee 80.0600 against lion in debt and equity this year. tightening of global financial
the greenback soon after trad- Data released last week conditions are the major rea-
ing started, Bloomberg data showed US consumer price in- sons for the weakening of the
showed. flation hit a fresh four-decade Indian Rupee against the US
High inflation and rising high in June, exceeding market dollar,” she said.
interest rates in the United forecasts and stoking expecta- At the same time, the Indi-
States coupled with fears of tions of another large Federal an currency has strengthened
The Indian rupee fell to more than 80 per United States dollar for the
an impending recession in the Reserve rate hike next week. against the British pound, the
first time on record on Tuesday (19 July), as the greenback extended its
rally and foreign capital outflows intensified. The rupee was 80.0600 world’s biggest economy have In a written statement to Japanese yen and the euro in
against the greenback soon after trading started, Bloomberg data fuelled a broad dollar rally in the Indian parliament on Mon- 2022 so far, Sitharaman add-
showed.  PHOTO: AFP recent weeks as investors turn day, finance minister Nirma- ed.—AFP
20 JULY 2022


Heatwave-hit Farnborough airshow basks in bumper Boeing order

BRITAIN’S Farnborough cides with Britain’s first-ev- The business terraces
airshow flew into view er “extreme heat” red alert were meanwhile deserted
Monday under a swelter- that has been declared for as some plucky visitors
ing heatwave, as US plane- both Monday and Tuesday, -- clad in hats, shorts and
maker Boeing basked in when temperatures set to sunglasses -- headed to the
the glow of the first gigantic soar further. tarmac to watch the com-
order in global aviation’s “People who come mercial and military jets
first get-together since to visit are really happy soar across the skies.
Covid. to visit. Some of the stays
Visitors flocked to are a little longer than they Beads of sweat
air-conditioned chalets would normally be because “It the hottest I’ve
and exhibition halls to es- it’s pretty relaxing inside,” seen, we just have to power
cape the intense heat on said John Paul Frasier, ad- through,” said Aaron Rut-
the first day of one of the viser for Canadian manu- ter, vice-president of sales
world’s biggest civil and de- facturer De Havilland at Lisi Aerospace, with
fence shows, while queues Aircraft, speaking to AFP beads of sweat dropping
snaked for ice cream vans inside its business chalet. from his forehead as he
under dizzying air displays. “It’s pretty challenging watched Boeing’s new 777X
Tens of thousands of and we know that tomor- jumbo jet make a series of
visitors are expected at this row is going to be a little twists and turns across the Visitors flocked to the airshow for the first time since 2018 after the last event in 2020 was
year’s event, which coin- bit warmer.” sky.— AFP cancelled due to Covid.   PHOTO: AFP

Volvo sees higher sales despite France to launch buy-out

of power giant EDF
supply disruptions THE French government vestors holding 15 per cent
on Tuesday outlined its and staff one per cent.
SWEDISH truck maker by disruptions, unpredict- plans to take full control EDF’s finances have
Volvo on Tuesday reported ability and lack of freight of EDF, the highly indebt- been weighed down by
higher sales and profits in capacity,” he noted. ed power utility that is to declining output from
the second quarter despite “We will therefore spearhead efforts to re- France’s ageing nucle-
the company still feeling continue to have disrup- launch the country’s nu- ar power stations, which
the effects of global supply tions and stoppages both clear industry. it manages, and the
chain disruptions. in the production of trucks The offer to minori- state-imposed policy to
The world’s number and in other parts of the ty shareholders will be sell energy at below cost
two truck maker report- group.” priced at 12 euros per to consumers in an effort
ed a better than expected Like many other share, meaning the oper- to help them pay their en-
revenue of 118.9 billion companies, Volvo has also ation to fully nationalize ergy bills.
Swedish kronor ($11.4 bil- been impacted by Rus- the group will cost 9.7 bil- The energy crisis
lion) and a net profit of 10.5 sia’s invasion of Ukraine. lion euros ($9.9 billion), the triggered by Russia’s war
billion. In February, it said it had finance ministry said. in Ukraine has added to
Analysts had predict- stopped sales and halted The electricity provid- EDF’s acute difficulties,
ed an average of 107 billion US Department of Transportation Federal Motor Carrier production at its Kaluga er is currently 84-per-cent and to the urgency of en-
in revenue and 8.9 billion Safety Administration Special Agents demonstrate plant. owned by the state, with suring France’s energy
the inspection methods used to inspect commercial
in net profit, according to In April, Volvo an- institutional and retail in- security.—AFP
vehicles such as this Volvo semi-truck in Centreville,
a survey by Factset. Virginia.   PHOTO: AFP / PAUL J. RICHARDS /FILE nounced it had nine bil-
“In this quarter, we lion kronor in assets re-
have had extra costs re-
lated to supply chain dis-
proactively and success-
fully with price manage-
“The situation in the
global supply chain for
lated to Russia and that
in the first quarter assets
ruptions as well as high- ment to mitigate these ef- semiconductors and other amounting to four billion
er costs for material and fects,” Martin Lundstedt, components continues to would negatively impact Consignees of cargo carried on M.V AS FENIA
have continued to work CEO of Volvo, said. be unstable, characterized its results.—AFP VOY.NO. (034W) are hereby notified that the vessel will
be arriving on 20-7-2022 and cargo will be discharged into
the premises of AWPT where it will lie at the consignee’s

Stellantis ending Jeep production in China

risk and expenses and subject to the byelaws and
conditions of the Port of Yangon.
Damaged cargo will be surveyed daily from 8 am
to 11:20 am and 12 noon to 4 pm to Claim’s Day now
US-EUROPEAN car- one of two joint ventures mination of the joint ven- ity share” in the business. declared as the third day after final discharge of cargo
from the Vessel.
maker Stellantis said on in China embarked on ture formed in March 2010, The decision to wave
No claims against this vessel will be admitted after
Monday it was ending by Stellantis, which was which has been loss-mak- goodbye to GAC would the Claims Day.
production in China of its formed in January 2021 ing in recent years,” the show up as “a non-cash Phone No: 2301185
Jeep SUV after failing to last year by the merger group said. It said the impairment charge of ap- Shipping Agency Department
acquire a majority stake in of Fiat-Chrysler and PSA. move was “due to a lack proximately 297 million Myanma Port Authority
its joint venture with local “Stellantis intends of progress in the previ- euros ($302 million) in its Agent For:
firm GAC. to cooperate with GAC ously announced plan for first-half 2022 results”, due M/S NEW GOLDEN SEA LINES
GAC-Stellantis is Group in an orderly ter- Stellantis to take a major- out on July 28.—AFP
20 JULY 2022

With Russia’s war, Japan renews Pentagon awards

focus on nuclear deterrence contracts for satellites to
track hypersonic missiles
NUCLEAR deterrence is taking
centre stage in Japan’s security THE US Defence Department specifically designed to go after
policy after Russia’s threat to on Monday announced two that next generation version
use nuclear weapons in its war contracts worth $1.3 billion of threats out there,” he told
against Ukraine, with Tokyo for the fielding of satellites to reporters.
re-emphasizing the centrality better detect hypersonic mis- Hypersonic weapons are
of the US nuclear umbrella amid sile threats posed by Russia designed to travel at more than
regional tensions heightened by and China, with deployment five times the speed of sound.
China’s muscle flexing. to begin in April 2025. Detection and defence against
But Japan will still face a The satellites are designed them is believed to be chal-
delicate juggling act since, as to track not only missile launch- lenging because they can ma-
the only country to have expe- es but also hypersonic manoeu- noeuvre en route to the target
rienced the horrors of a nuclear vring vehicles. Historically, the and fly at lower altitudes than
attack, it remains committed to United States has not flown conventional ballistic missiles,
leading discussions on bringing such satellites, according to according to experts. The agen-
about a world without nucle- Derek Tournear, director of the cy awarded the agreements
Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida (2nd from L) visits the
ar weapons and will continue Space Development Agency. to two American companies
Ground Self-Defence Force’s Asaka base straddling Tokyo and Saitama
to face calls from survivors of Prefecture on 27 Nov 2021.  PHOTO: KYODO “Primarily Russia and Chi- — L3Harris Technologies Inc.
the 1945 atomic bombings to do na have been developing and and Northrop Grumman Corp.
more to bring that about. reminded the world that Russia potential aggressor will face de- testing hypersonic glide vehi- — which will deliver a total of 28
When launching an attack remains one of the most power- feat and ominous consequenc- cles -- these advanced missiles satellites that will enable mis-
on Ukraine in February, Rus- ful nuclear states, saying there es should it directly attack our that are extremely maneuvera- sile tracking from low-Earth
sian President Vladimir Putin should be no doubt that “any country.”—Kyodo ble. And so these satellites are orbit.—Kyodo


Erdogan renews threat to ‘freeze’ Europe must not tire in battle

against Russia: EU’s Borrell
Swedish, Finnish NATO bids
EUROPEANS must not tire in about fears that EU leaders
their effort to defeat Russia’s resent the domestic econom-
Ankara’s conditions. invasion of Ukraine, EU for- ic cost of the sanctions and
At a NATO summit in Ma- eign policy chief Josep Borrell Russian disruption to energy
drid at the end of June, Erdo- said Monday, warning Vladimir supplies.
gan called on the two countries Putin would seek to exploit “EU member state gov-
to “do their part” in the fight “democratic fatigue”. ernments have to continue
against terrorism, and accused Speaking after talks with standing behind the decisions
them of providing a haven for EU foreign ministers, Borrell they have taken. They took the
outlawed Kurdish militants. said the Russian leader “be- decisions on restrictive meas-
Speaking Monday, the lieves democracies are weak” ures on the Russian economy
eve of three-way summit with and urged Europe to stand by and they have to stick to it.
Russia and Iran, Erdogan told its decisions to arm Ukraine “For us this is a test of our
reporters; “I want to reiterate and impose sanctions on Mos- resilience at the level of our
once again that we will freeze cow. societies. We have to be tough
the process if these countries “I’m sure Putin is count- enough to hold on. We have no
Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has led to a swift turnaround in Finnish and do not take the necessary steps ing on democratic fatigue,” he choice — and neither do the
Swedish public opinion in favour of NATO membership.  PHOTO: AFP /
to fulfil our conditions”. said, responding to a question Ukrainians.”—AFP
“We particularly note that
TURKISH President Recep NATO membership bids of both Sweden does not have a good
Tayyip Erdogan on Monday re- Sweden and Finland unless the image on this issue,” the Turk-
newed his threat to “freeze” the military alliance complies with ish leader added.—AFP

Banned Russian TV channel broadcasts from abroad

RUSSIAN TV station Dozhd, gramme hosted by its editor many journalists went into
which was blocked in March and chief and top presenter, exile to avoid the possibility
as the government cracked Tikhon Dzyadko. of being charged under a new
down on independent media Dozhd decided to suspend law that carries up to 15 years
outlets following the invasion operations after authorities of jail time for publishing false
of Ukraine, began broadcasting blocked its broadcasts which information on the Russian mil-
from abroad on Monday. contained critical coverage of itary.
Ukrainian military forces lieutenant Anton Galyashinskiy aka
The station began broad- the conflict. Like several other media,
“Wider” holds a Parrot drone during a practice session on the
casting at 1700 GMT via its Other independent media Dozhd decided to base itself in outskirts of Kyiv, on 14 July 2022.  PHOTO: IONUT IORDACHESCU
YouTube channel a news pro- outlets faced similar bans and neighbouring Latvia. — AFP / AFP
20 JULY 2022

Three-way fight for Sri Lanka presidency: parliament

THREE candidates were nomi- secret ballot on Wednesday. for one to be president and the
nated Tuesday to replace former The three were formally other prime minister and to work
Sri Lankan president Gotabaya nominated by legislators in a ses- to form a unity government to
Rajapaksa, who fled the coun- sion that lasted under 10 minutes navigate the country’s worsening
try and resigned last week over at the tightly guarded parliament economic crisis.
the island’s worsening economic building. But Wickremesinghe, 73, a
crisis. Moments earlier, opposi- veteran political operator and
The winner will take charge tion leader Sajith Premadasa six times prime minister, has the
of a bankrupt country that is in announced on Twitter that he formal backing of the leadership
talks with the IMF for a bailout was withdrawing from the race of the SLPP, which remains the
as its 22 million people endure in favour of the 63-year-old Ala- largest party in the 225-member
severe shortages of food, fuel and happeruma, a dissident member parliament. The third candidate
medicines. of Rajapaksa’s SLPP party. is Anura Dissanayake, 53, leader
The parliament announced “For the greater good of my of the leftist JVP, or People’s Lib-
that acting President Ranil Wick- country that I love and the peo- eration Front, which has three
remesinghe will face former edu- ple I cherish, I hereby withdraw parliamentary seats. A possible
Sri Lanka army soldiers stands guard near the parliament building
cation minister Dullas Alahappe- my candidacy for the position of fourth candidate, former army
in Colombo on 14 July 2022, a day after thousands of anti-
ruma — who has the backing of President,” Premadasa said. chief Sarath Fonseka, failed to get government protesters stormed into Sri Lanka Prime Minister Ranil
the main opposition — and leftist Political sources said the support from legislators to enter Wickremesinghe’s office after he was named acting president.  
leader Anura Dissanayake in a two had struck a deal overnight the presidential race.—AFP PHOTO: STR/AFP

Sunak widens lead in race to become Fresh roadblocks as

UK PM after party vote Panama protesters
Liz Truss on 71, Kemi Badenoch reject deal
on 58 and Tom Tugendhat on 31,
who drops out as the last-placed THERE were fresh demonstra- way. “In the meantime, there
candidate, the party announced. tions and roadblocks in Panama is no agreement,” said Sanchez
MPs will keep voting until on Monday as protest groups as he tore up a sheet of paper.
only two candidates remain, the turned their backs on a deal On Sunday, the govern-
winner then being decided by the signed with the government to ment and some protest leaders
party members. end their protest in exchange announced a deal to end more
Mordaunt had been book- for a fuel price cut. than two weeks of demonstra-
makers’ favourite before the After union leaders con- tions over high fuel prices and
weekend, but lost votes from sulted grassroots supporters rising living costs in the country
the previous round. on the deal announced Sunday, of 4.4 million people.
Foreign Secretary Truss it was decided to continue the The outpouring has cost
closed the gap to 11 and can protest, said Luis Sanchez, a the economy millions of dollars
probably expect more support leader of the Anadepo civic in losses and has led to shortag-
switching to her from Baden- grouping. “We had warned the es of fuel and food in some parts
och’s backers, should the insur- executive that we still have to of the country, according to the
gent candidate be eliminated consult the rank and file,” he private sector. “We are in a bad
in the next round, promising told the TVN-2 channel. way; no food, no buses. I want-
Five candidates were in the running to replace UK Prime Minister Boris a tense race to make the final The agreement, he added, ed to buy rice and... what little
Johnson but now Tom Tugendhat is out.  PHOTO: AFP cut Wednesday. Television boss- “was signed under pressure” can be found is very expensive.
es earlier Monday scrapped a and members have opted to con- The vegetables are damaged,”
FORMER finance minister Rishi but the race to get in the final planned debate between the tinue the mobilization that had said Angelica Ruiz, a resident
Sunak widened his lead in the two tightened. remaining contenders for Tues- seen trucks and banner-wav- of Pacora east of Panama City
latest round of voting Monday Sunak won the support of day night after Sunak and Truss ing demonstrators paralyze the who also had trouble getting to
by Conservative MPs to decide 115 Tory lawmakers, followed pulled out, said Sky News, which strategic Pan-American High- her place of work.—AFP
Britain’s next prime minister, by Penny Mordaunt on 82 votes, was due to host it.—AFP

Spain’s former king wins permission to

appeal in harassment case
SPAIN’S former king Juan Car- personal injury damages from no jurisdiction to hear the case.
los I on Monday won permis- the 84-year-old monarch, who Judge Matthew Nicklin
sion to appeal against a London lives in the United Arab Emir- ruled that he was no longer
court ruling that allowed his ates. a member of the royal house-
former lover to bring a harass- In March, a High Court hold of his son, the current
ment case against him. judge rejected Juan Carlos’ Spanish King Felipe VI, that
Corinna zu Sayn-Wittgen- claim that he had state immuni- would give him legal protection. Protesters in Panama have blockaded important roads with trucks
stein-Sayn, 58, is seeking civil ty and that English courts had —AFP and burning barricades.  PHOTO: AFP
With Russia’s war,
Japan renews
focus on nuclear

Republic of the Union of Myanmar

State Administration Council
Nine Objectives

1. Political affairs
(a) To build a Union based on democracy and federal-
ism, through a disciplined and genuine multiparty
democratic system that is fair and just.
(b) To emphasize the achievement of enduring peace
for the entire nation in line with the Nationwide
The Myanmar women’s national football team arrive back at the Yangon Ceasefire Agreement (NCA).
International Airport from the Philippines after winning the third prize in (c) To continue implementing the principle of peaceful
the 2022 ASEAN Women’s Championship.   PHOTO: MFF
co-existence among countries through an independ-

AFF Women’s Championship bronze medallist ent, active and non-aligned foreign policy.
2. Economic affairs
Myanmar women’s team come back home (a) To enhance production based on agriculture and
livestock through modern techniques and strengthen
all-round development in other sectors of the econ-
THE Myanmar national wom- Members of the women’s International Airport.
en’s team returned to Yangon at football committee of the Myan- The Myanmar women’s na-
(b) To develop a stable market economy and promote
8:00 pm on 17 July after winning mar Football Federation, Feder- tional team will resume camp
international investment in order to enhance the
the bronze medal with a 4-3 vic- ation officials, Myanmar national training for the upcoming in- economic development of the entire National people.
tory over Viet Nam in the third- team U-19 and U-16 women’s ternational competitions after (c) To promote and support local businesses to create
place match of the 2022 ASEAN teams and family members the ASEAN Championship, ac- employment opportunities and increase domestic
Women’s Championship hosted welcomed back the Myanmar cording to the Myanmar Football production.
by the Philippines. women’s team at the Yangon Federation. — GNLM 3. Social affairs
(a) To ensure a strong and dynamic Union spirit, the
genuine spirit of patriotism.
Participating teams changed for Viet Nam (b) To respect and promote the customs and traditions
of all National peoples and preserve and safeguard
U-19 Invitational Cup their cultural heritage and national characteristics.
(c) To enhance the health, fitness and education quality
THE 2022 Viet Nam U-19 invita- of the entire nation.
tional tournament, also named
the U-19 Thanh Nien Cup, which
will be organized by the Viet
Nam Football Federation, has
seen some changes in the par-
Spurs sign Middlesbrough
ticipating teams. defender Spence
Although there were some
changes in the teams participat- TOTTENHAM signed Middlesbrough defender Djed Spence on
ing in the tournament, a total of Tuesday in a deal that could rise to a reported £20 million ($24
four teams will compete. The host million).
Viet Nam team and Myanmar Spence agreed a five-year contract with Tottenham after im-
team will compete as usual, but pressing during a loan spell with Championship side Nottingham
Malaysia and Thailand will com- A Myanmar striker (red) tried to pass over Thai defenders during the Forest last season.
pete as new teams. previous match of the AFF U-19 Championship 2022.   PHOTO: MFF The 21-year-old right-back’s initial price is believed to be
In the past, the top teams in £12.5 million but that could rise to £20 million if add-on clauses
Asia, such as Japan and Saudi pionship and Thailand and Viet compete in the next tournaments, are reached.
Arabia, registered to participate, Nam reaching the semi-finals. including this, with 28 preliminary Spence shot to prominence as Forest won promotion to the
but withdrew, so it was replaced The International U-19 players. The team is managed Premier League via the second tier play-offs last term.
by the Malaysian and Thai teams. Thanh Nien Cup will be held at by U Soe Myat Min as the head He made 46 appearances, scoring three goals in a season that
All four of these teams com- Binh Duong Stadium from 5 to 11 coach, and the team that partic- culminated with victory over Huddersfield in the play-off final at
peted in the recently concluded August. The Myanmar team has ipated in the 2022 ASEAN U-19 Wembley. Tottenham boss Antonio Conte has been on a major
2022 ASEAN U-19 Championship, been taking training since the end competition is basically formed. recruitment drive since leading his team to Champions League
with Malaysia winning the cham- of the ASEAN U-19 tournament to — Ko Nyi Lay/GNLM qualification via a top four finish in the Premier League. —AFP

Myanmar national youth teams to compete in MNL-2 competition

THE Myanmar youth national ic, the Myanmar U-19 and U-16 preliminary players, and the My- qualifiers this year, but since local leagues for players to gain
team U-19 and U-16, which are teams have not been able to take anmar U-19 team is headed by U they will be formed for a long experience for the past decade.
preparing to compete in interna- training in camp for more than Soe Myat Min, and the Myanmar time, they are planning to com- The Myanmar U-19 team
tional competitions, will compete two years, and have only been U-16 team is managed by U Aung pete in the MNL-2 (first division) participated in the ASEAN U-19
in the 2022 season MNL-2 (first able to start training in April and Zaw Myo as the head coach. tournament so that the players tournament held in Indonesia
division) tournament, which is May. The Myanmar teams will can gain experience. from 2 to 15 July and was elim-
scheduled to start in August. Both of these teams are compete in the ASEAN-level Myanmar’s youth national inated from the group stage.
Due to the Covid-19 epidem- composed of between 25 and 30 tournament and the Asian Cup teams have been competing in — Ko Nyi Lay/GNLM

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