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The Sword of Intellect

Book - 4

The Child is born!

By: Mohammed Fareeduddin Siddique

Book Number: 4 Document number: 4.01 Dated Updated: 29th March 2004.



To the overwhelming Pauline population of the world the words Unto us a child is Born rings the bells of divinity. I happen to chat with many of them; this distinctive boast of the Christendom is very peculiar to the non-Christian world. Ask any lay-man on the streets-ofChristendom about this particular verse, his defenseless answer would be Jesus Christ! What does the Bible say about these distinctive words? Let us analyze. "For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, The mighty god, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace." Isaiah 9:6 When someone reads this verse of Isaiah they immediately see a clear prophesy of God coming to earth in the form on a human child. Is this not what the verse says? Does it not say that Jesus shall be the "incarnation" of God on earth? Actually, it does not. Let us analyze it together. Firstly, it is important when applying any prophesy to someone to not selectively pick and choose catch phrases from the prophesy and disregard the rest. In this prophesy we find that the very first stipulation presented for this person is that he shall carry the government upon his shoulders. However, as is popular knowledge, Jesus (pbuh) never in his whole lifetime ever formed a government nor became a head of state. In fact we find him saying in the Bible quite explicitly: John 18:36 "Jesus answered, My kingdom is not of this world: if my kingdom were of this world, then would my servants fight, that I should not be delivered to the Jews: but now is my kingdom not from hence." Matthew 22:21 "Then saith he (Jesus) unto them, Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's; and unto God the things that are God's." So according to the Bible, Jesus neither tried to establish any government nor to challenge the authority of the pagan emperor Caesar over himself and his followers. Now, if someone were to go the extra mile and to make the case that Jesus commands a "spiritual" government in the hereafter, then we need to know whether the hereafter shall be a place of governments, kings, laws and regulations. Secondly, when we study the words "mighty God" carefully, we notice an interesting fact. For some reason, the words used are not "Almighty God" but rather "mighty God." Naturally, this makes one curious as to what the original Hebrew text actually says. The word for "Almighty" as applied exclusively to God in the OT is the Hebrew word "Shadday" {shad-dah'-ee}. However, this is not the word used in this verse. The actual word used in this verse is the Hebrew word "Gibbowr" meaning "mighty" and not "The Almighty." Now, although to us such a difference might seem subtle and insignificant, still, to the Jews, the difference was quite pronounced. Let me elaborate more to the lambs of the Lord. In the famous Hebrew and Chaldee Dictionary by James Strong the word "gibbowr" or short "gibbowr" {ghib-bore'}, is translated as; warrior, tyrant, champion, chief, excel, giant, man,
Page 2 of 5 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ DISCLAIMER: This document in not intended to hurt any sects religious, emotional feelings. Any thing that is written by a human being is susceptible to errors (like the present day Bible). If there is any truth in this paper, then it is from Allh s.w.t, the typo errors (if any) are from myself, Allh s.w.t forgive me for my human / typo errors. I can be contacted at I will be happy to clarify any doubts from my Christian friends in particular and all others in general. Fareed Siddique



mighty (man, one), strong (man), valiant man. On the other hand the word "Shadday" {shaddah'-ee}, is translated as, the Almighty:-Almighty. The word translated as "God" here is the Hebrew word "El" {ale} which in addition to its use to refer to God Almighty in the Bible is also used to refer to mighty men, to demons, to angels, and to idols. As we have already seen in the previous section, it was a common practice in the Bible to use the word "god" to convey an air of authority or power. Some of the examples presented were: "I have said, Ye (the Jews) are gods; and all of you are children of the most High" Psalms 82:6 "And the LORD said unto Moses, See, I have made thee a god to Pharaoh" Exodus 7:1 "the god of this world (the Devil) hath blinded the minds of them which believe not." 2 Corinthians 4:4 When reading such verses we begin to understand the reason why Isaiah 9:6 refers to a "mighty god" and not an "Almighty God." If the author did indeed mean to convey that this person would be the "incarnation" of God Almighty who would come down to earth in the form of a human being in order to walk among us and die on the cross, then why did this author chose to "water down" his statement by only referring to him with the generic term used for humans, demons, idols, and angels, and not the specific term reserved for God Almighty alone? And finally, we study the term "everlasting father." In the Bible, the term "everlasting" or "forever" is often used as a figurative term and does not necessarily convey its literal sense, for example, "and my servant David [shall be] their prince forever." Ezekiel 37:25. "The king shall joy in thy strength, O LORD ... He asked life of thee, [and] thou gavest [it] him, [even] length of days for ever and ever." Psalm 21:1-4 The same goes for the use of the term "father". It does not necessarily mean; "the Heavenly Father" (God), or the biological father. Let us read for example: Joseph is called a father to Pharaoh. Genesis 45:8, and Job is called the father of the needy. Job 29:16. Jesus said: And do not call anyone on earth father, for you have one Father, and he is in heaven. (Matthew 23:9). So Jesus is not the Father, since Jesus was standing on the earth when he said this.

So, just as king David shall be an "everlasting prince" so too shall this person be called an "everlasting father." This is the language of the Jews. This is how it was meant to be understood. We can not simply interpret verses in a vacuum of the culture, customs, and verbal constructs of the people who wrote them. We must always be careful when
Page 3 of 5 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ DISCLAIMER: This document in not intended to hurt any sects religious, emotional feelings. Any thing that is written by a human being is susceptible to errors (like the present day Bible). If there is any truth in this paper, then it is from Allh s.w.t, the typo errors (if any) are from myself, Allh s.w.t forgive me for my human / typo errors. I can be contacted at I will be happy to clarify any doubts from my Christian friends in particular and all others in general. Fareed Siddique



"translating" such verses to make sure that we translate them as they were intended by the author and as his people had come to understand them. I am sure that the people of this age would be quite upset if one of them were to write to their closest friend "you are an angel and a prince" and then centuries later a Japanese speaking person were to say: "See? The author has just born witness that his friend is a divine creature with wings that came down to earth and became royalty. He says so very clearly right here!" Well, do you think all of this is only my own personal attempt to pervert the verses and manipulate their meanings? Nope! Far from it. Many Christian scholars have known and recognized the true meaning of this verse and translated it into English accordingly, however, their translations were not met with a whole lot of enthusiasm and thus, they did not receive the same degree of publicity as has such translations as the King James Version. For example, Mr. J. M. Powis Smith in "The Complete Bible, an American Translation," quotes this same verse as follows: "For a child is born to us, a son is given to us; And the government will be upon his shoulder; And his name will be called 'Wonderful counselor is God Almighty, Father forever, Prince of peace'The Complete Bible, an American Translation Isaiah 9:6. And again, if we were to read the translation of another Christian, for example Dr. James Moffatt, we would find that in his translation "The Holy Bible Containing the Old and New Testaments" the verse reads: "For a child has been born to us, a child has been given to us; the royal dignity he wears, and this the title he bears - 'A wonder of a counselor, a divine hero, a father for all time, a peaceful prince'" Isaiah 9:6 "The Bible Containing the Old and New Testaments" We read in the Quran, it also names him as Masih. Let us read: 3. l-'Imrn Verse 45. (Remember) when the angels said: "O Maryam (Mary)! Verily, Allh gives you the glad tidings of a Word ["Be!" - and he was! i.e. 'Iesa (Jesus) the son of Maryam (Mary)] from Him, his name will be the Messiah 'Iesa (Jesus), the son of Maryam (Mary), held in honour in this world and in the Hereafter, and will be one of those who are near to Allh." So it is only a name, a title given to him, not the essence granted to him. There were others that were named in similar forms of naming system very familiar to the people of those days. If we continue to attribute divinity to human beings and messenger of God, the entire hard work of these messengers will be rendered useless and we will have to bear the consequences of such blasphemies.

They will say, "If only we had really listened and used our intellect, we would not have been Companions of the Blaze." (Noble Quran, Surat al-Mulk: 10) or would the followers of St. Paul like to regret!
O my Christian reader! Respond to your Lord before a Day comes from Allah [S.W.T], which cannot be turned back. On that Day you will have no hiding-place and no means of denial. (Noble Quran, Surat ash-Shura: 47)
Page 4 of 5 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ DISCLAIMER: This document in not intended to hurt any sects religious, emotional feelings. Any thing that is written by a human being is susceptible to errors (like the present day Bible). If there is any truth in this paper, then it is from Allh s.w.t, the typo errors (if any) are from myself, Allh s.w.t forgive me for my human / typo errors. I can be contacted at I will be happy to clarify any doubts from my Christian friends in particular and all others in general. Fareed Siddique



Except for those who are steadfast and do right actions. They will receive forgiveness and a large reward. (Surah Hud, 11) I invite you now, O my Christian reader, to use your intellect and be a true believer, a truthful submitter to your and my God Allah [ .] May Allah [ ] bestow upon you his mercy and help you understand the fallacies of the Christian Pauline religion of Saul of Tarus...Ameen, ya Rabbal Izzah. Color codes: Red italics are the words of the present day bible. Blue italics are the Holy verses of Quran Al-Kareem, Translations by Yousuf Ali / M. Pickthal. Normal blacks are my words.

Page 5 of 5 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ DISCLAIMER: This document in not intended to hurt any sects religious, emotional feelings. Any thing that is written by a human being is susceptible to errors (like the present day Bible). If there is any truth in this paper, then it is from Allh s.w.t, the typo errors (if any) are from myself, Allh s.w.t forgive me for my human / typo errors. I can be contacted at I will be happy to clarify any doubts from my Christian friends in particular and all others in general. Fareed Siddique

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