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1 2 3 1 Your brother is Working. Please 1) play een UIE, 3) is 2) playing 4) be Ted ©. sectsner television now, 1) is watching 2) watches 3) watch 4) to watch ie et MALY oe ceeccerseees every Sunday? ae . au 2) Does/swim 3) Will/swim ayo ee football at 3 o'clock every aftemoon. 1) are playing 2) will play 3) play 4) left Yesterday on... Joe's birthday, he ... very happy. 1) was/was Peles 3) were/is 4) islis We ooeececcnen to Pattaya next week. 1) go 2) went 3) to go 4) shall go seusssean. 18 it from the market to the office? 1) How much 2) How far 3) How long 4) How tall ... salt does she want? 1) How long 2) How many 3) How much 4) How heavy The triangle is between the squares. 2,040 )OA0 4) & Ax a AXwA 10. 11, 12, 13, 14. 15, 16, 17. The star is near the circle 7oO* 1)OA 4) * O 3A0 ‘The square is on the triangle. oO 1) A a te A 20 4% o oO He ate two pieces of...... and drank two «2... Of milk. 1) bread/glass 2) breads/glasses 3) bread/glasses 4) breads/glass T met two ..... = .. ab the party yesterday 1) ladies/gentlemen 2) ladys/gentleman 3) lady/gentleman 4) ladies/gentlemans Bob teaches ..... to drive a car. 1) herself 2) myselé 3) yourself 4) himself Bin ... ar@ stronger than 1) Your/me 2) You/l 3) Your/t 4) You/me Her car is big but veeccccmen 18 small. 1) my 21 3) mine 4) me Kevin points to the green car. [t belongs to .. 1) him 2) he 3) his 4) he's 18. 20. 21. 23. 24. 25, Let's have a .. 1) bottle 3) glass 2) plate 4) cup Joe ...... come to school today, 1) do not fi 2) does not 3) is not 4) did not May : Do you...., Ann : Yes, I 1) have/do 2) had/had 3) have/have 4) haverhas TIM'S MOtHEL ernie -+-u his toom yesterday 1) asked/cleaned 2) asks/to clean 3) asked/to clean 4) asks/cleaning Sue : Who . English last semester? Jack : Miss Rachael ... 1) was/was 2) teaches/does 3) is/is 4) taught/did Tom : Where... Se yout an yesterday? Linda : I went to Robinson. 1) did/go 2) do/go 3) did/went 4) do/went My sister .... ... go to school last Friday because she oeeee OK 1) did/was ene 3) didn't/was See Mr. Michael ... to buy @ new car next month. in 1) will Zico 4) went 3) goes 3 lunch for us soon. My mother ; 1) will cook 2) is cooking will cook ked 3) cooks 4) cool il Henry. | drive fast. 1) am/wont 2) am/don't ‘ 4) were/didn’t 3) wereAwouldn'’t __ to be a doctor in the future. T bke to help people. I 1) shall 2) am 3) was 4) am going If today Monday, June 10, What... yesterday? 1) is/was 2) is/is 3) was/was 4) be/will be ). Please tum the light. Billy wants to sleep. 1) on 2) in 3) of 4) over The gate can open and close by ..... Bhs 1) himself 2) itself 3) myself 4) yourself .. anybody absent today? 1) Are 2) Is 3) Who 4) How many My grandmother looks me during the day because my pparents go to wat 1) at oe 3) after 4) on Her knife ts very sharp but his is _ 1) pointed er 3) crooked ene: 35. 40, al. 43. Mary 18 lazy gitl but hor brother tn q 1) intelligent. «boy, 9) hardworking vent 4) clover Judy is proud hor new bieyelo, 1) of 2) 3) at i i on My father bought thosa cakes ‘ from tho eee ae noat his offico. 2) boach 9) food centre 4) bakory i The chidien , » Vory early ovory morning. 1) get out 2) got up 9) got in myneecenn A ccccoseinns Aolivers lottors, 1) postman 2) author 3) butcher 4) optician Mr. Jackson thanked mo ..........0..... he birthday present. 1) for 2) on 3) by 4) in What ...... serves MOOS Tata KO ......cscce0e0? Blue. 1) fruitvgood 2) day/botter 3) color/best 4) food/well Tom .. his new bicycle to school. 1) drove 2) pulled 9) rode. 4) motored My friend sent me a beautiful sw. of Hong Kong, 1) letter ze 4) postcard 3) passport 45, 46. 47. 49. 50. 51. |. She received a wristwatch as 4 «- 1) reward 3) wap We shall eat ......... 1) at 3) for Data sat... me in class. 1) on 3) beside This bag is small .. ... heavy. 1) and 3) with 1) fearfully 3) wortiedly Please give me a....... of soap. 1) roll 3) carton Pom can't go to the cinema, he has no............ 1) time 3) money Daral: an Noi : “Miss Judy was.” 1) Where was Miss Judy 2) When was Miss Judy at the Office 3) Why was Miss Judy at the office 4) Who was at the office yesterday 2) praise 4) punishment _.. you have finished your work. 2) after 4) on 2) at 4) in 2) or 4) but .... When she saw a snake. 2) nervously 4) sadly 2) bar 4) bag 2) cars 4) friends 55. 58. 59, sam : eset Sue : “Linda came with John.” 1) Did Linda come with John 2) He 2) Won di Linda come wie ) How did Linda come 4) Where did Linda come Jimmy: “What is the basket for?” May : steer 1) It's for looking in 2) It's for putting things in 4) It's for kicking Jack : “What does your new Puppy look like?" 8) It's for playing with 1) It's spot 3) It likes to play with me 2) It's one month old 4) It's white and fat Have you seen .. -. NEW motorcycle? 1) Palmers 2) Palmer 3) Palmer's 4) Palmers’ These flowers are beautiful. I like ..... a 1) them 2) they Slee 4) their The painter the ladder to paint the ceiling of the room. 1) climbs down 2) climbs up 3) climbs from 4) climbs off Fish have ......:.:.:.- but cats have fur. 1) feathers 2) shells 3) scales 4) hair The cece. boy cannot reach the top shelf to take those books. 1) tall 2) naughty 4) short 3) handsome ... story do you like best? Joe's story. 2) When 4) Where 1) Who. 3) Whose stud now. 61. Satit Chula is the school...» Moss and Tare studying 1) what 2 3) when eyes 62. Bunpithuk is the actress «0.0... died last October. 1) whom 2) who 3) which a) Rynoes) 63. ..... 18 at the office now. 1) Nobody 2) Anybody 3) Somebodies 4) Something 64. It's too dark that she can't Se@ .........0:0 there. 1) anywhere 2) nobody 3) anything 4) nothing 65. ” 1) driving 2) to drive 3) drives 4) dive 66, Miss Khinkhin lives .............. 18 Avenue 1) in 2) at 3) on 4) - 67. Mr. Pomchai arrived .... Australia last week 1) at ea 3) in of 68. Ali is. than Raju. 1) fater es 3) fatest apo nm. 74. 76. . Kawin is ~ Most handsome man 1) a/around =o 3) the/around : a 4) thein Miss Universe is .. ~~. Woman of all 1) the most beautiful 9) the beautifullest 2) more beautiful than 4) beautifuller than Somsri : “Tll go to Chonburi Next week” Meera lie: Hye ae Gs meer 1) Neither shall I 3) I shall too Dur 17 Seer ae Peet : ‘Tl be fourteen on August 6.” 1) When is your birthday 2) When will you be fourteen 3) Will you be fourteen on August 6 4) Is your birthday on August 6 2) SoamI 4) Tm going to 15 a enemy Linda : “Yes, it cost 99 baht” 1) Did it cost 99 baht 2) How much did it cost 3) What cost 99 baht 4) Does it cost 93 baht Billy Judy : “No, I cant” 1) Can't he drive 2) Who can't drive 4) Can you drive 3) What can't he do was expensive but ours were cheap. 1) She 2) She's 3) Hers 4) Her Which runs , the horse or the leopard? 1) fast 2) faster 4) fastest 3) as fast 77, What is she reading 1) at this moment 3) today esa. He studied 1¢ Bob can speak Japant 1) every week 9) this week Shall we go fishing 1) yesterday 3) tomorrow 80. Mr. Tanin runs ... 1) last night 9) soon Read the following notice carefully. 2) everyday 4) tonight 2) next month 4) six months ago 2) an hour ago 4) last Monday 2) every moming 4) at this moment ‘All Choir Members (Combined Practice) Attention : Date : Saturday 25 November. Time + 08.30 a.m. - 10.30 a.m. Place School hall Refreshments will be served. Mrs. Linda Teacher In Charge 1 October 81. Who wrote this notice? 1) The teacher. 3) The school hall teacher. 2) The principal. 4) The teacher in charge of the c 82. When will they have the combined practice? 1) On Saturday 1 October 3) On Saturday 25" November, 2) After school. 4) In the moming g3, Where must all the member meet? 1) At the church. 2) At the 9) In the classroom. ee 4) In the theater. = For how long will the practice last? 1) 08.30 a.m. - 10.30 am. 2) Two hours. 9) In the moming. 4) Saturday moming 86. When did Mrs. Linda write this notice? 1) On 1% October. 3) 08.30 am. - 10.30 am. 2) On 28% November. 4) Saturday. A Good boy Somchai is a boy of ten. He lives with his parents in a flat at Din Daeng. He goes toa school nearby. Somchai is a polite and friendly boy and his school-mates like him. Somchai is the youngest in the family. He has two sisters and two brothers. Everyday, when he comes home from school, he has to look after the house because his brothers and sisters are schooling and both his parents are at work. His father is a carpenter who works in a fumiture factory. His mother is a nurse who works in a private clinic. Somchai likes to collect stamps and plays tabletennis well 86. Somchai is sesso Years old. 1) ten 2) eleven 3) twelve 4) thirteen 87, Somchai lives with his .... 1) friends 2) neighbours 3) schoolmates 4) parents 88, Somchai is the 5 in the family dest 1) eldest 2) ol 4) elder one 3) youngest 89. Somchar's mother works in 4 2) furniture factory 4) flat 1) private chnic 2) near his flat 4) far away A greedy monkey was a greedy monkey which went around stealing food from house id school canteens. ey saw a jar in the backyard of a house which stood ca tcpe sn must have put something out to dry in the sun.” thougt to itself Then 3t entered the backyard and crept up to the jar. The nd the monkey quickly put one of its hands inside. " it shouted, pulling out its hand quickly. There were tho and they had bitten its hand. The monkey ran down nd scratching. From that day onwards, the greedy monks ‘steal food from? 2) houses 4) 1), 2) and 3) 2) a hil 4) the top of a hill jar contained? 2) something 4) some ants gu Why did the monkey shout and ay? 1) Because it was afraid, 2) Because the ants bit its hand 9) Because it put one of its hands in the jar. 4) Because the old woman hit it 6. What was actually in the jar? wes someone else 1) the old woman 9) asnake 2) some food 4) ted ants A happy day = Postman came and Sam went to collect his mail. Doris, his sister, watched bm tear open the ordinary envelope with sympathy. “Doris. it has come at last!” he cried happily. “What” she asked. Her hopes had been raised too often and of course, let down st es often. She was not to be taken in so easily this time. “My work is accepted!” he laughed and danced around like a child although he was already past twenty-one. “Are you sure? she asked suspiciously. She could not believe her ears. “Yes. Listen to this,” said Sam, “We are pleased to inform you that your work has n accepted for publication. Your story is unusual and interesting. We believe that wld be able to capture the hearts of the young minds. Doris was glad that her brother's effort has not gone to waste At least, there who appreciated what he wrote, besides herself What did Sam mean by “it has come"? 1) The postman has come. 2) The env 3) His work has come tue. 4) The letter he had been waiting fo lope has come had arrived. 97. 100. What does “the work” in the passage refer to? 1) Doris's work 2) Sam's work. 3) Doris’s hopes. 4) Sam's letter. Why did they accept Sam's work? 1) Because it's a good work. 2) Because Sam tried his best. 3) Because Sam sent it to them very often. 4) Because it's unusual and interesting. Why was Doris glad? 1) Because her brother was happy. 2) Because she helped her brother write that work too. 3) Because she loves her brother. 4) Because there was someone else who appreciated her brother's work. Find a word from the passage which has a similar meaning to “common”. 1) ordinary 2) sympathy 3) certain 4) sure LHESLII HSE S SEH SS HHS

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