Publication Publication Ethics: Rof. Anmay Anda

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of. Tanmay Panda

Prof. Tanmay Panda

4.1 Describe publication ethics
Course 4.2 Describe the best practices –
Learning COPE,WAME etc.

Outcome 4.3 Identify publication

meaning, concept ,
misconduct –
reasons and
4.4 Discuss violation of publication ethics
and its redressal
4.5 Identify predatory publishers and journals

Prof. Tanmay Panda 2

• What is publication ethics
• What are publication misconduct
• Reasons for publication misconduct
• Consequences of publication misconduct

Prof. Tanmay Panda 3

What is Publication Ethics?

A standard that guides

• Responsible actions and following guidelines in conducting and
publishing their research work
• Must provide benefit to the society
• Build trust among researchers and funding agencies

Prof. Tanmay Panda 4

Why Publication Ethics? – The Concept

• Principles that helps the researcher in conducting research without any

deception or intention to harm whether knowingly or unknowingly.
• The objectivity and validity of research is enhanced
• Ethically correct research contribute to development of right plans for
the future and also saves public money spent on research
• The research available research protocols must be followed. Mutual
trust and respect are the key

Prof. Tanmay Panda 5

Publication Ethics – Importance

May result in discredit, loss of job through legal and administrative

It can happen anytime even after many years of the date of publication
A great demand worldwide for ethical publications from Government agenci
international associations, publishers, research institutions etc.
Funding and grants are given on the basis of trust, credibility and
accountability – and these call for being ethical.

Prof. Tanmay Panda 6

Reasons for being Unethical

Lack of awareness regarding protocols and codes

Financial and Political interventions
Inadequate training to researchers as well as supervisors
Peer pressure, stress and other psycho-social
psycho factors
Difficulties in managing large research groups
Poor communication among research team members

Prof. Tanmay Panda 7

Retractions of articles

etraction is the process announced by the journals and publishers to its

aders there's a published research work cannot be reliable and should not b
sed for further research . Retraction is possible when -
There is any major research misconduct
the research work is plagiarized
the research work contains errors and miscalculations
it is found that the publication is duplicate
the research findings have been published elsewhere without permission an
proper cross referencing that includes author’s own publications
Prof. Tanmay Panda 8
COPE (Committee On Publication Ethics)

ood research should be well justified, well planned, appropriately designed

nd ethically approved. To conduct research to a lower standard may constitu
isconduct .
COPE provides advice to publishers and editors on all aspects of publicatio
ethics and how to handle misconduct cases.
The main aim is to encourage a publishing culture where ethical practices a
an integral part of publication

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Core Principles of COPE

ope is build around three major principles

providing practical resources to educate and support
providing leadership in thinking on publication ethics
offering a neutral professional voice in current debates

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Core Practices of COPE

he core practices were developed in 2017, replacing the code of conduct

hey are
allegations of misconduct
authorship and contributor ship
complaints and appeal
conflict of interest
data and reproducibility

Prof. Tanmay Panda 11

Core Practices of COPE

he core practices were developed in 2017, replacing the code of conduct

hey are
ethical oversight
intellectual property
journal management
peer review processes
post publication discussions and corrections

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Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)
OAJ aims to curate, maintain and develope the reliable information about Open Access
urnals on the web. It aims to become the initial point for all information searches about qua
nd Open Access to peer reviewed material .
Search the libraries and indexers to upate there lists
help increase the visibility discover ability of the journal
facilitates the integration of Open Access journals
assists publishers too Linton digital publishing standards
it supports the transition of the system op scholarly communication and publishing into a
model that serves science higher education industry innovation societies and the people

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