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▪ To maximize your revenue, consider multiple monetization models for your app.
▪ Different audiences have different preferences for paid apps, in-app purchases, subscriptions,
ads, and e-commerce.

▪ In-app purchases: Use Play in-app Billing to sell items and additional features, or to
remove ads. Take advantage of automatic conversion to local prices—with options
to round for local pricing patterns or set local prices yourself—pricing templates,
promotion codes, the In-app Billing Sandbox, and the ability to sell both durable
and consumable virtual goods.
▪ Subscriptions: Use Play in-app Billing to offer users ongoing access to content or
services for a recurring fee. Use features such as flexible billing frequencies, free
trials, introductory and local pricing, payment grace periods, upgrades and
downgrades, conversion analytics, and billing reports and dashboards.
▪ Advertising: Get paid for showing AdMob ads, including features such as native ads
that allow you to match ads to your app’s look and feel.
▪ Paid apps/ Premium Apps: Set a price for your app that the user must pay before
they can download and install it. Here, you can also take advantage of automatic
local pricing (or set prices yourself), promo codes, and pricing templates.
▪ E-commerce: Use Android Pay to sell physical goods and services from your app.
Take advantage of user familiarity with their payment methods and a simplified
checkout while continuing to use your clearance provider and processes.

Premium apps
● Charge users to download your app
● Set prices in the Developer Console
● Good model for apps that address a market niche
● BUT users often won't download an app if they have to pay for it

Best Practices for setting your initial monetization

▪ Research other apps in your category. Learn how other developers charge for
their apps and content.
▪ Think about how your app will be used. Your app’s use patterns can guide the best
monetization choices. The more casual the use is likely to be, the more appropriate
advertising or in-app purchases are for monetization.
▪ Make use of natural extensions. If your app can be extended or expanded, such as
adding levels in a game, consider making the core app available for free and
offering extended features through in-app purchases or subscriptions.
▪ Consider your cost structures. If you have significant recurring content costs,
consider using subscriptions. Use a free trial period to encourage uptake.
▪ Take your audience into account. For some audiences, the scope for using
advertising, subscriptions, or in-app purchases is limited. For example, users are
more likely to pay for an ad-free, kid-friendly app than a casual use app. In these
cases, premium (paid) apps are more appropriate.
▪ Consider local factors when setting prices. When setting prices for apps, in-app
purchases, or subscriptions in specific markets consider cost of living differences,
local pricing patterns, the pricing of competitive apps, and other market factors.

AdMob in your App

▪ AdMob is a multi platform mobile ad network that allows you to monetize

your android app.
▪ By integrating AdMob you can start earning right away. It is very useful
particularly when you are publishing a free app and want to earn some
money from it.
▪ Integrating AdMob is such an easy task that it takes not more than 5mins.
▪ .

Run ads using AdMob

● Runs ads in your app to earn revenue

● 650,000 + apps use AdMob
● $1 billion+ paid to developers in the last 2 years

Type of Ads – Banner and Interstitial
▪ AdMob currently support two kinds of ad units. One is Banner ad which
occupies a portion of the screen. Other is Interstitial ad which occupies
device full screen. Interstitial completely blocks your app UI and places the
ad on top it.

1. Use the link below and sign up for an admob account with your email
2. Click on Add your first app to set up a new application

▪ Click No in the screen below since you have not yet published a new app to the
play store.

▪ Fill in the details of the mobile application such as the platform and the mobile
app name then click next.
▪ After a successful operation, admob will generate an app id as shown below.

The first ad unit we are going to create is for a banner. In the screen below select

▪ Name the banner add unit as shown below then click save.

▪ Copy and save the add unit ID generated to be integrated to our mobile
application. Then create a new Ad unit for interstitial ad

The first add unit we are going to create is for an Interstitial ad. In the screen
below select Interstitial.

▪ Name the Billboard add unit as shown below then click save.

▪ Copy and save the add unit ID generated to be integrated to our mobile
application. Click on done since we are done creating IDs.

▪ Your final screen should look like the one below to list all your ad units. Click
on the ad unit name(in blue) to see details of the ad unit.

▪ Interstitial ads occupies full screen of the app. Adding interstitial ad doesn’t
require an AdView element to be added in the xml layout.
▪ Rather we load the ad programatically from the activity. Normally these ads
will be populated when user is moving between activities or moving to next
level when playing a game.
▪ We’ll test this ad by creating a second activity and popup the full screen ad
when the second activity is launched.

▪ As per AdMob Policies you are not allowed to click on your own live ads. In order
to protect your AdMob account from getting suspended, use test ads during
development as you might click the ads accidentally.
▪ When you run the project, if you monitor the LogCat, you can find a similar line
to get test ads on this device.
▪ Copy the device id and add it to AdRequest as shown below. Note that this ID
varies from device to device, By doing this, the test ads will be loaded instead of
live ads.
▪ In production you need to make sure that you
removed addTestDevice() methods in order to render the live ads and start

Thank you

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