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Meristem Location Function

Apical Tips of root & stem Increases the length of root &
lateral Lateral sides of root & Stem Increases the girth of root &
Intercalary Near the nodes, at the base of Increases the length of
the leaves internodes, increases the
length of the leaves.

Simple permanent Parenchyma Collenchyma Sclerenchyma

Structure Thin cell wall, loosely Elongated cells , Fibrous cells with
packed with irregular thickening at tapering ends.
intercellular spaces the inner corners of Lignified cell wall.
the cell wall with
Pectin and cellulose:
Living / dead Living cells Living cells Dead cells
Location All parts of the plant - At the base of the Stem, hard coat of
roots, stem, leaves, petiole of the leaf , seeds , veins of leaves,
flowers & seeds Stem & branches outer covering of
Functions Storage of food, fill Provide support & Provide strength &
vacant spaces, provide flexibility to various rigidity to various
support. parts. plant parts.
Sub-type 1.Aerenchyma:
Help aquatic plants
float in water.
2. Chlorenchyma:
Contains helps to
Epithelial tissue Location Structure Function
Squamous epithelium Inner lining of the Thin, small and flat Helps in selective
mouth, blood vessels, cells transportation of
alveoli 10 esophagus, substances
Stratified squamous Outer layer of the skin Multilayered made up Protection of organs,
of thin small and flat preventing wear and
cells tear of the organs
Columnar epithelium Small interestine Cells are tall and pillar Secretion of digestive
like with upper free juices and absorption
ends showing multiple of digested food
foldings at the site of
Ciliated columnar Inner surface of the Cells are tall and pillar Cilia push air and
respiratory tract like with upper free mucus forward to
ends having hair like keep the respiratory
projections tract clean
Cuboidal epithelium Kidney tubule Cuboidal cells Reabsorption of water
(nephrons), salivary and other useful
glands substances to form
urine, secretion of
Glandular epithelium Inner layer of the skin Cells contain glands Secretion of mucus,
which can secrete oil, sweat, etc.
various materials

Connective tissue Location Structure Function

Blood Closed circulatory RBCS, WBCS, Platelets Transportation of
system suspended within the gases, hormones,
liquid plasma. nutrients, waste retic
Bone Form the skeleton Osteocytes are Helps in movement,
embedded within the Supports and protects
solid matrix made up various organs
of calcium phosphate.
Cartilage Ears, nose, larynx Different type of cells Provides shape &
,trachea supported by fibrous , support to organs,
flexible jelly like Lubricates the surface
matins. of the cells.
Ligament At the joints Strong, fibrous & Joins two bones to
highly flexible each other
Tendons At the end of a muscle Strong. Fibrous, less Joins muscles to bones
Areolar Present between skin Different type of cells Acts as a packaging
& muscles, around the & elastic fibres tissue between the
blood vessels supported by a jelly organs. It supports
like matrix. many delicate organs.
It helps in repair of
Adipose Below the skin,around cells filled with fat Storage of fats, supply
the internal organs. droplets embedded energy, provide
within a jelly like insulation.
ground substance.

Muscular tissue Striated Nonstriated Cardiac

Structure Long, cylindrical, Short, spindle shaped, Cylindrical, branched
multinucleated and uninucleated and & uninucleated.
unbranched. unbranched.
Striations They show alternate No striations Light striations
dark & light
Work Voluntary Involuntary Involuntary
Location attached to the Present in the internal Walls of the heart.
skeleton organs like:
Tris of the eye,
alimentary canal,
blood vessels, etc
Functions Help in physical Movement of eye lids, Rhythmic contraction
movement of the contraction or dilation and relaxation of the
body. of pupils passage of heart.
food through
alimentary canal , etc

Important terms:

1. Tissue- Tissue is a group of cells having similar origin, structure and function.
2. Differentiation- the process by which a cell attains permanent shape size and function.
3. Voluntary muscles- muscles which can be controlled according to our will.
4. Involuntary muscles -muscles which are not under the control of our will.
5. Impulse: an electrical signal transmitted along a nerve fibre as a response to a stimulus.

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