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UNIVERSITY OF THE VISAYAS COLLEGE OF NURSING NAME: __________________________________________________ ________________ DATE:

1. Rhinoplasty (surgical repair of the nose) is classified as what type of surgery? a. Ablative b. Preventive c. Reconstructive d. Palliative 2. The worst of all fears among clients undergoing surgery is: a. Fear of financial burden b. Fear of death c. Fear of the unknown d. Fear of loss of job 3. The best time to provide preoperative teaching on deep breathing, coughing and turning exercises is: a. Before administration of preoperative medications b. The afternoon or evening prior to surgery c. Several days prior to surgery d. Upon admission of the client in the recovery room 4. The patient has been observed pacing along the hallway, goes to the bathroom frequently and asks questions repeatedly during the preoperative assessment. The most likely cause of the behavior is: a. She is anxious about the surgical procedure b. She is worried about separation from the family c. She has urinary tract infection d. She has an underlying emotional problem 5. The following are appropriate nursing actions during the preoperative phase, except: a. Ascertain that informed consent has been signed b. NPO status is implemented after midnight c. Shave the skin on the actual surgical site d. Instructing the client to empty the bladder 6. Which of the following nursing actions would help the patient decrease his anxiety during the preoperative period? a. Explaining all procedures thoroughly in chronological order b. Spending time listening to the patient and answering questions

c. Encouraging sleep and limiting interruptions d. Reassuring the patient that the surgical staffs are competent professionals 7. To ensure the validity of the informed consent before surgery, all must be taken into consideration, except: a. The patient is of legal age and in proper mental disposition b. The consent has been secured within 24 hours before the surgery c. If patient is unable to write, secure the consent directly from the relative d. Have the consent signed before administration of preoperative medications 8. Which of the following drugs is used to minimize respiratory secretions before and during the surgical procedure? a. Valium (diazepam) b. Nubain (nalbuphine HCl) c. Phenergan (promethazine) d. Atropine sulfate 9. Which of the following is experienced by the patient who is under spinal anesthesia? a. The patient is totally unconscious b. The patient is awake but cannot feel the operation c. The patient will have transient loss of memory d. The patient experiences total loss of sensation 10. Which of the following characterizes the excitement phase of anesthesia? a. Occurs from the onset of administration to the loss of consciousness b. Extends from the loss of consciousness to the loss of lid reflex c. Time from loss of lid reflex tot eh loss of most reflexes d. From the loss of most reflexes to the occurrence of CNS depression 11. Which of the following nursing interventions is the highest in priority for a client at risk for falls in a hospital setting? A. Keep all the side rails up. B. Review prescribed medications. C. Complete the get up and go test. D. Place the bed in the lowest positions. 12. A mother calls the home care nurse and tells the nurse that her 3-year-old child has just ingested liquid furniture polish. The home care nurse would direct the mother to immediately: A. Administer Ipecac to induce vomiting. B. Bring the child to the emergency room. C. Call an ambulance. D. Call the Poison Control Center.

13. A nurse is giving report to a nursing assistant who will be caring for a client who has hand restraints. The nurse instruct the nursing assistant to assess the skin integrity of the restrained hands. A. Every 30 minutes. B. Every 2 hours. C. Every 3 hours. D. Every 4 hours. 14. A nurse is monitoring the status of a postoperative client. The nurse would become most concerned with which of the following signs, which could indicate an evolving complications? A. Blood pressure of 110/70 mm Hg and a pulse rate of 86 beats per minute. B. Increasing restlessness. C. Hypoactive bowel sounds in all four quadrants. D. A negative Homans sign. 15. A nurse is developing a plan of care for a client scheduled for surgery. The nurse would include which of the following activities in the nursing care plan for the client on the day of surgery? A. Remove nail polish from fingernails and toenails. B. Report immediately any slight increase in blood pressure or pulse. C. Verify that the client has not eaten for the last 24 hours. D. Avoid oral hygiene and rinsing with mouthwash. 16. A postoperative client asks the nurse why is it so important to deep breath and cough after surgery. In formulating a response, the nurse incorporates the understanding that retained pulmonary secretions in a postoperative client can lead to: A. Fluid Imbalance. B. Carbon dioxide retention. C. Pulmonary edema. D. Pneumonia. 17. A nurse receives a telephone order call from the postanesthesia care unit (PACU) stating that a client is being transferred to the surgical unit. The nurse plans do which of the following first upon arrival of the client? A. Assess the patency of the airway. B. Assess the vital signs (VS) to compare with preoperative measurements. C. Check the dressing to assess for bleeding. D. Check tubes or drains for patency. 18. A nurse is preparing a preoperative client for transfer to the operating room (OR). The nurse should take which of the following actions in the care of this client at this time? A. Administer all the daily medications. B. Ensure that the client has voided. C. Verify that the client has not eaten for the last 24 hours. D. Practice postoperative breathing exercises.

19. The clients post-op orders state diet as tolerated. The client has been NPO. The nurse will advance the clients diet to clear liquids based on which of the following assessments? A. Pain level is maintained at a rating of 2-3/10. B. State passing flatus. C. Ambulates with minimal assistance. D. Express feeling hungry. 20. The nurse assesses a postoperative client who has a rapid, weak pulse; urine output less than 30 ml/hr; and decreased blood pressure. The clients skin is cool and clammy. What complication should the nurse suspect? A. Thrombophlebitis B. Hypovolemic shock C. Aspiration pneumonia D. Wound dehiscence

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