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Time and distance – Easy

1. Correct option is : B
Distance = diff in time *(S1*S2)/S1-S2
D=[10-4]/60hr * (45*60)/[60-45] = 6/60 * 45*60/15
time T=D/S(take any one of the speed. 18/45 =2/5hrs = 2/5*60=24min
then correct time is 24-10=14mins.

2. Correct option is : B
The total distance covered by the truck in the first 5 hours
= 40 + 42 + 44 + 46 + 48
sum of five terms in AP whose first term is 40 and last term is 48
= 5/2 [40 + 48] = 220 km.

3. Correct option is : D
Time taken to meet for the first time = length of the track/ relative speed
= 700 / (45 + 25)
= (700*18)/(70*5) = 36 sec.

4. Correct option is : D
Solution :
Let the distance be x, then,
(Time taken to walk x km) + (Time taken to ride x km) =37min.
⇒ (Time taken to walk 2x km) + (Time taken to ride 2x km) = 74 min
But, time taken to walk 2x km = 55 min.
So, Time to ride 2x km = (74 - 55) min ⇒ 19 min

5. Correct option is : C
Average speed of whole journey = 30 km/hr
x = speed of first 40 km = 20 km/hr
2 × 20 × y
=⇒ 30 =
20 + y
Y = 60 km/hr

6. Correct option is : B
In first attempt frog climbs → (40 – 20) = 20 m
Total number of attempt = -1

7. Correct option is : B
As the distances are in Arithmetic Progression
∵ Sum of n terms in A.P. = {2a + (n – 1)d}

∴ Total Distance = {2a + (n – 1)d}
Given, n = 10, a = 56, d = 6
= {2 × 56 + (10 – 1)6}
= 5(112 + 54) = 830 km

8. Correct option is : D
Average speed = ( )km/hr

2 × 25 × 4
=( )km/hr
25 + 4

= km/hr.

Distance travelled in 5 hours 48 minutes i.e, 5 hrs

200 29
=( × ) km = 40 km.
29 5
So, Distance of the college from the home
= ( ) = 20 km.

9. Correct option is : C
Distance covered per hour = Relative speed × Time
= (3 + 2) × 1 = 5 km [opposite direction]
∴ Distance covered in 2 hours = 5 × 2 = 10 km.

10. Correct option is : E

D = S1 × T + S2 × T
400 = x × 2 + (x + 10) × 2
400 = 2x + 2x + 20
400 – 20 = 4x
4x = 380
x = 95
S1 = 95, S2 = 105
Ration = 95 : 105
= 19 : 21

11. Correct option is : E

Let 60 km be the length of the lap.
Then time taken by Rachit to complete the lap at 10 km/hr = Distance/speed=
= 6 hours
Then time taken by Rachit to complete the lap at 20 km/hr = Distance/speed=
= 3 hours
Then time taken by Rachit to complete the lap at 30 km/hr = Distance/speed=
= 2 hours
Then time taken by Rachit to complete the lap at 60 km/hr = Distance/speed=
= 1 hour
Total distance covered = 60 + 60 + 60 + 60 = 240 kms
Total time taken = 6 + 3 + 2 + 1 = 12 hours
Average speed = Total distance/Total time
= 240/12
= 20 km/hr

12. Correct option is : D

3/4 of speed = 4/3 of original time
4/3 of original time = original time + 18 minutes;
1/3rd of original time = 18 minutes;
Thus, original time = 18*3 = 54 minutes.

13. Correct option is : D

Total distance = 18*10 = 180
Journey traveled by auto = x hours
30 * x + (10-x )10 = 180
30x + 100 – 10x = 180
20x = 80
x = 4 hours
Distance traveled by auto = 4 * 30 = 120 km

14. Correct option is : C

40t 1 +60t 2 = d
t 1 /t 2 = 3/2
Solving d = 480 Km

15. Correct option is : C

Speed of bike = 100/2 = 50 km/hr
Speed of train = 4/5 * speed of bike
= (4/5) * 50 = 40 km/hr
Ratio of Speeds of Bus to Train = 4x:5x
Speeds of Bus = 32 km/hr
Distance = 100+32*8+40*9 = 716 km

16. Correct option is : E

Shaurya’s speed = = 18/1 kmph
=> Speed of Pratyusha = 18 × = 42 kmph

17. Correct option is : A

we have been given that the man walked for 1 hour 40 min , ie 1 + 2/3 = 5/3 hours.
Let us take that the distance covered by him is m
Then distance left = 5m
Hence total distance = m + 5m
= 6m
⇒ 6m = 24
⇒ m = 24/6
Hence, we walk 4 km in 5/3 hours.
⇒ 4 km = 4000 meter
⇒ 5/3 hours = 3600 × 5/3
= 6000 sec.
Hence speed = distance / time
Speed = 4000 meter / 6000 sec
= 2/3 m/s

18. Correct option is : D

Let the fixed charges = Rs. x (for the first 5 km)
and the additional charges = Rs. y /km
As per the question,
x + 5y = 350 ....(i)
x + 20y = 800 ...(ii)
On solving eqn. (i) and (ii), we get
x = 200, y = 30
∴ Charge for a distance of 30 km.
= x + 25y = 200 + 30 × 25 = Rs. 950

19. Correct option is : B

If R is the reduction in maximum speed and N is the number of passengers, then R
is proportional to N
⇒ R = NK where K is constant of proportionality,
Given data: R = 20, when N = 5, hence K = 4
Maximum number of passenger that bus can’t move = (80 – N × K) = 80 – N × 4
⇒ N = 20
So number of passenger for bust just move = 20 – 1 = 19

20. Correct option is : B

Let the distance between village and school = x km
Time taken to travel from village to school at a speed of 5 km/h
t1 = Hrs
Time taken to travel from school to village at a speed of 4 km/h
t2 = Hr
Given: total time taken = 4 hrs 30 minute
t = t1 + t2 =4 hrs
t = Hrs

x X 9
Thus, + =
5 4 2
Or, x = 10 km
∴ The distance between village and school = 10 km

21. Correct option is : C

Let the speed of auto be x kmph-1 . So, the speed of train will be 6x and that of bike
will be
= = 4x
As per the given information,
Time taken by auto + Time taken by train + Time taken by bike = 21 hours
132 852 248
⇒ + + = 21
X 6x 4x

132 142 62
or, + + = 21
X x x
or, 21x = 132 + 142 + 62 = 336
∴ x= = 16
∴ Speed of the train = 6x = 6 × 16 = 96 kmh-1

22. Correct option is : D

total distance
Average speed =
total time
Total distance = 50 + 130 = 180 miles
∴ Total time = = 4 hours.
Time spent for the first 50 miles = = 2 hours
∴ Time spent on the remaining journey = 4 − 2 = 2 hours
∴ Average speed for the remaining 130 miles = = 65 mph

23. Correct option is : E

Since different speeds are traveled for equal distance, the average speed can be
found out
(2 × 30 × 50) 300
Average speed = = km/h
(30 + 50) 8

Distance covered = × 16 = 600 km

24. Correct option is : C

Differences in Time taken for both movements are same here.
So, Speed = 2* (increased speed)*(decreased speed) /difference in speed
= 2*8*4 /8- 4
= 2*8*4/4
= 16kmph

25. Correct option is : C

Speed of the truck= D/T = 294/7 = 42km/hr
Now, Speed of car = (Speed of truck +14) km/hr = 42+14 = 56km/hr
Distance of car = 294+16 = 310 km
Time Taken = 310/56 = 5hr 32 min

26. Correct option is : B

Relative speed = (65.5 /35) *60 = 786/7 kmph
Speed of A = 786/7 -45 = 471/7 = 67.28 kmph

27. Correct option is : D

The distance travelled at 70 km/h is 70 × 1 = 105 km
The distance travelled at 50 km/h is 50 × 3 = 150 km
The total distance travelled is 105 + 150 + 105 = 360 km
1 1
and time taken is 1 + 1 + 3 = 6 hours
2 2

∴ Average speed of car fro who journey = = 60 km/h

28. Correct option is : C

Let the total distance covered = LCM of (20, 30, 60) = 60.
As per the question,
Distance covered by the car with each speed = × 60 = 20 km
20 20 20 60
⇒ + + =
20 30 60 avg. speed

6 60
⇒ = ⇒ average speed = 30 km/hr.
3 avg. speed

29. Correct option is : C

50 × 30
D = 25 km Now new time = 30 × 125% = 37.5 minutes D = S × T
S × 37.5
25 =
S = 40 km/h

30. Correct option is : C

Let the total distance be 3x kms.
∴ The distance travelled in each part is x kms.
x x x
∴ The time taken to cover the three parts is , and respectively.
50 40 30
Now, average speed is total distance covered divided by the total time taken, so we
Total distance
Average speed =
Total time

Average speed =
x x x
( + + )
50 40 30

1 1 1
( + + )
50 40 30

12 + 15 + 20
( )

= ≈ 38.3 km/hr

31. Correct option is : D

speed= distance/time
Total speed=480/8=60 km/hr

3’s = 480 km
The distance covered by car → 1’s= 160 km

32. Correct option is : A

Average speed=2xy/(x+y)=2*50*70/120=58 1/3 km/hr

33. Correct option is : B

D1 =S*T=60*2 15/60= 60*9/4 =135km
Remaining distance=285-135=150 km
D2 =150, S=40 km/hr
T=D/S=150/40=3 ¾ hr (or) 3 hr ¾*60= 3 hr 45 mins
Already 2 hr 15 mins+3 hr 45 min=6 hrs
=>9.30+6= 3.30 pm

34. Correct option is : A

X=300 km

35. Correct option is : B

The speed ratio is,
Bus : car : jeep = 2 : 3 : 5
Bus’s speed=480/12=40 km/hr
2’s =40
We substituting this, we get Car’s speed=60,
Jeep’s speed=100 km/hr
Average speed of car and Jeep=160/2=80 km/hr

36. Correct option is : A

The speed of train and Car is,
Train : car = 18 : 13 = 18x : 13x
Bus’s speed=480/12=40 km/hr
Speed of Bus=5/9*train
Speed of train =9/5* 40= 72 km/hr = 18x
Speed of car = 52 km/hr t=5 hr
Distance covered by car in 5 hours =s*t=52*5=260 km

37. Correct option is : A

Given, distance between Salem and Koyambedu = 342 km.
Speed of bus = 57 kmph
Time = Distance/Speed
⇒ Time needed by the bus to travel from Koyambedu to Salem = 342/57 hours = 6
Time actually taken by the bus = 6 hours and 35 minutes.
Bus takes 35 minutes extra ⇒ The compulsory halt time of bus = 35 minutes

38. Correct option is : E

Both truck and car covers a distance = 640 km
Time taken by truck is 10 hrs.
∴ Speed of truck = 640/10 = 64 km/hr
Time taken by car is 8 hrs.
∴ Speed of car = 640/8 = 80 km/hr
∴ Ratio between speed of truck and car =
Speed of truck : speed of car = 64 : 80 = 4 : 5

39. Correct option is : B

Distance covered = Speed × Time
⇒Distance = 1100 × 11/5
= 1100 × 2.2
= 2420
Hence distance is 2420 feets.

40. Correct option is : A

For Forward Journey :
Speed = S kmph
Time = 7 Hrs
Distance = D kms
Distance = (Speed ) × (Time)
D = 7S ................... (i)
For Return Journey
Speed = ( S + 12 ) kmph
Time = 5 hrs
Distance = D kms
Distance = (Speed ) × (Time)
D = (S+12) × 5 ................... (ii)
Distance travelled is same,
So, 7S = 5S + 60
S = 30 kmph
Distance = 30 × 7 = 210 kms

41. Correct option is : C

For Forward Journey
Distance =120 km
Speed = 60kmph
Time Taken = (Distance Travelled) / (Speed) = 120/60 = 2 hrs
For Backward Journey
Distance =120 km
Speed = 40kmph
Time Taken = (Distance Travelled) / (Speed) = 120/40 = 3 hrs
Total Distance = 120 + 120 = 240
Total Time taken = 3 + 2 = 5
Avg. Speed = (Total Distance Travelled) / (Total Time)
Avg. Speed = 240/5 = 48kmph

42. Correct option is : B

Say D is the total distance in km.
Time = Distance / Speed
Time taken to cover (2/3) of D at 4 kmph = (2/3) × D/4 = D/6 hours.
Time taken to cover remaining (1/3) of D at 5 kmph = (1/3) × D /5 = D/15 hours.
1 hour 24 minutes = 1 hour + (24/60) hours = 1.40 hours.
∴ Total time = 1.40 hours
So, (D/6) + (D/15) = 1.40
⇒ (7/30) × D = 1.40
⇒ D = 1.40 × (30/7) = 6 km

43. Correct option is : C

Let one-fourth of the distance between P and Q be x km
Time taken for the first one-fourth distance = km/hour
Time taken for the remaining distance = km/hour
Since Total time taken is 7 hours.
X 3x
⇒7= +
10 12
On solving, x = 20
Total distance = 4x = 80 km.

44. Correct option is : A

According to the question,
Let Speed = 5x, 7x Distance = y m
y – 360 y
5x 7x

y – 360 y
5 7

7 (y – 360) = 5y
7y – 5y = 2520
2y = 2520
y = 1260
= 1.26 km.

45. Correct option is : C

Let speed of the car, the train, and the bus be 5a Km/hr , 9a Km/hr and 4a Km/hr
total speed = (72 × 3) Km/hr = 216 Km/hr
⇒ 5a + 9a + 4a = 216
⇒ 18a = 216
⇒ a = 12Km/hr
⇒ speed of car = 5 × 12 = 60 Km/hr
speed of train = 9 × 12 = 108 Km/hr
60 + 108
⇒ their average speed = = 84 Km/hr

46. Correct option is : E

Let the distance of his house to his office = D km

4 hour 30 minutes = +
16 20

9 9D
2 80
D = 40
The distance from his house to his office = 40 km
The distance from his office to his friend's house = 40 km × 120% = 48 km
The distance from his house to his friend's house = 40 + 48 = 88 km

47. Correct option is : D

Mohit runs 300m in 50 sec.
Anuj runs 300m in 60 sec.
Now, In 1 sec Anuj runs 5m
Therefore, in 50 sec Anuj runs 50×5 = 250m
Mohit beats Anuj by 300 - 250 = 50m .

48. Correct option is : B

Time taken at 10 km/hour = hour
Time taken at 20 km/hour = hour
Time taken at 30 km/hour = hour
Time taken at 60 km/hour = hour
7 7 7 7
Total time taken = + + +
10 20 30 60

= hour

= Average speed = = 20 km/hour

49. Correct option is : A

On upward journey, time taken by him = distance/time
= 800/7 hours
Then on downward journey, time taken by him = 800/9 hours
Total time taken = (800/7) + (800/9)
= (7200 + 5600) / 63 hours
= 12800/63 hours
Total distance = 800 + 800 = 1600 m
Average speed = Total distance/ total time
= 1600 / (12800/63)
= 1600× 63/12800
= 7.875 mph

50. Correct option is : D

Distance = speed × time
Let x be the number of hours he travels at 20 km/h.
Distance covered in this x hours = 20x km
He would have therefore, traveled the balance (8 - x) hours at 70 km/h.
Distance covered in this (8 - x) hours = (8 - x) × 70 = (560 - 70x) km
The total distance traveled = 20x + 560 - 70x = 400
=>160 = 50 x
=>x = (160/50) hours = 3.2 hours = 3 hours and 12 minutes
Time and distance – Moderate
1. Correct option : B
80 % of the distance = VT km
𝑉𝑇 5
Total distance = ×100 = VT
80 4
5 1
Remaining distance = VT - VT = VT
4 4
Remaining time = hours
Total time = T +
𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑑𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒
Average speed =
𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑒
= 𝑉𝑇 = km/hr
T + 4𝑆 4𝑆+𝑉

2. Correct option is : B
t*40+ (t-2)*60 = 480
From Place C to A = C to B = 240
Then time taken by Sita = 6hours and GIta = 4 hours
Difference = 6-4 = 2 hours

3. Correct option is : B
Total distance = 370 km
Now, the distance covered by first car in (10 am to 1 pm= 3 hours)
= 80 × 3 = 240 km
Remaining distance = 370 – 240 = 130 km
Relative speed = 80 + 50 = 130 kmph
So, they meet 60 mins after 1 pm.
So, reqd answer = 2 : 00 pm

4. Correct option is : A
Let the usual duration of the flight be X hours
Usual speed of the flight =
1800 1800
- 1 = 300
𝑥 𝑥+ 2
1800 3600
- = 300
𝑥 2𝑥+1
= 300
1800 = 300 (2x2 + x)
600x2 + 300x – 1800 =0
X2 +x – 6 = 0
X = hours

5. Correct option is : A
Time taken by P to complete one round = = 22 minutes
Time taken by Q to complete one round = = 11 minutes
Time taken by R to complete one round = = 8 minutes
lcm of 22, 11 and 8 = 88
Hence, they will meet again after 88 minutes

6. Correct option is : C
Total distance 60 + 90
Relative speed = = = 5 m/s
Total time 30

∴ 5 m/s = 5 × = 18 kmph
Now relative speed = speed of auto rickshaw – speed of lorry
or, 18 = 38 – speed of lorry
∴ Speed of lorry = 38 – 18 = 20 km/h

7. Correct option is : A
Let after travelling “t” hr the two bus met each other
If the bus starting from lucknow have travelled for time “t” hr
then bus starting from delhi will have travelled for
(t + )hr
and so the equation
(15 x t) + 20 × (t + ) = 450

⇒ 15t + 20t = 450 -

⇒ 35t =

⇒t= hr
Distance from lucknow when the two bus will meet
= (average speed of bus from lucknow to delhi ) × ( time “t” for which it travelled
= 15 × km = 5 × 38 km = 190 km
Distance from delhi when they meet
= 450km - 190 km = 260km

8. Correct option is : B
Let the average speed of the car = x km per hour
Then, the average speed of the train = 5x km per hour
According to the question,
1260 1260
– = 168
x 5x
1260 × 4 = 5x × 168
1260 × 4
x= =6
5 × 168
The speed of the train = 5x = 5 × 6 = 30 km per hour
The time it will take to cover 1260 km
= = 42 hours

9. Correct option is : B
Let the speed = a km per hr
When he increases his speed by 4 km per hour
New speed = a + 4 km per hour
He stops for 15 minutes on a tea shop then he reaches 5 minutes earlier it means if
he had not stopped for 15 minutes then he would have reached 15 + 5 = 20 minutes
earlier @ a + 4 km per hour

We know that, time =

40 40 20
– =
a a + 4 60
40 × 3(a + 4 – a) = a (a + 4)
40 × 3 × 4 = 480 = a (a + 4)
By solving, a = 20 km per hour

distance 40
Value of x = = = 2 hours
speed 20

10. Correct option is : C

Let Distance = D km, Speed = S km/h

Time =

40 = .... (1)

After reducing speed,

Distance = Distance – 5 km, Speed = S × km/h

Time =

(Distance – 5)
40 =
14 .... (2)
Speed ×
After solving equation 1 and 2
Distance (Distance – 5)
Speed 14
Speed ×
14 Distance = 15 (Distance – 5)
14 Distance = 15 Distance – 75
Distance = 75 km.

11. Correct option is : A

Shyam’s speed = 83.33% of Ram’s speed = 5/6 of Ram’s speed

Ram’s speed: Shyam’s speed = 6 : 5

We know that speed is inversely proportion to time.
So, the respective time taken by Ram and Shyam = 5 : 6
Let Ram takes 5x hours and Shaym takes 6x hours then difference will become
6x – 5x = x = 1 hour 15 minutes
So, the time taken by Ram to reach the school = 5x = 5 × (1 hour 15 minutes) = 6
hours 15 minutes

12. Correct option is : D

Difference in time taken =40-30= 10min = 10/60 = 1/6 hr
Speed during the next journey= 15+3 =18kmph
So time taken, x/15 –x/18 = 1/6
3x/ (15*18) =1/6
X / (5*18) = 1/6
x = (18*5)/6
Distance (X) = 15km
If the distance between two points are same.
Then the distance is,
Distance= Difference between arrival time*Product of speed/Difference between
speed =>(10/60)*15*18 /3 =>15 km

13. Correct option is : D

Car A travels 3hrs. 3*30=90km
Difference between speeds 50-30=20km/hr
Distance ahead 12km .
T=D/S ===>102/20=5 hrs 6 mins

14. Correct option is : C

The speeds of two persons is 108 kmph and 75 kmph.
The first person covers (108*10)=1080 km in 10 hours and thus he makes
(1080/90)=12 rounds.
Thus, he will pass over another person 12 times in any one of the direction

15. Correct option is : C

Speed of 2 truck = [(400 + 200)/20] * [18/5] kmph = 108 kmph

16. Correct option is: C

Let speeds be x km/hr and y km/hr
So 225/(x+y) = 3 And
225/(x/2 + 2y/3) = 5
Solve, x = 30, y = 45

17. Correct option is : D

Distance = x
Initial Speed of car = y ((x/y) – x/(y + 20)) = 3
20x/y2 + 20y = 3
x/(y – 20) – x/y = 4.5
20x/(y2 – 20y) = 4.5
3y2 + 60y = 4.5y2 – 90y
3y + 60 = 4.5y – 90
1.5y = 150
y = 100 kmph
20x/(100 * 100 + 20 * 100) = 3
x = 1800 km

18. Correct option is : B

Raj Covers distance in 3 hrs= 3*30=90 km
Remaining distance=650-90=560 km
Relative speed=30+40=70 km
S=D/T=560/70=8 hrs
Raj covers total distance in (8+3=11hrs)
The distance between p and m is 11*30=330 km

19. Correct option is : A

s=usual speed
(50(s-10)+50(s-10))/(s2 -100)=12
100s=12s2 -1200
3s2 -25s-300=0
Faster speed y=15+10=25kmph

20. Correct option is : A

Let total distance = 100x
Distance covered by car = 20% of 100x = 20x
5 5
Distance covered by Train = × 50% of (100x – 20x) = × 40 x = 25x
5+3 8

3 3
Distance covered by Taxi = × 50% of (100x – 20x) = × 40 x = 15x
5+3 8
Distance covered on feet = 100x – 20x – 25x – 15x = 40x
Total distance covered by Car and Taxi = 20x + 15x = 35x = 126 km (Given)

Length of journey = 100 × = 360 km

21. Correct option is : B

Distance covered by Amitabh in 2 hours = 2 × 20 = 40 km
Time taken by Dharmendra to overtake Amitabh
= = 4 hours
30 – 20
This implies Amitabh had started 6 hrs before he was overtaken.
Distance covered by Dharmendra in this 4 hours = 30 × 4 = 120 km
Time take by Jitendra to cover = = 3 hours
It means Jitendra starts (6 – 3) = 3 hours after Amitabh.

22. Correct option is: D

Approach 1:
The total time saved by them is 10 minute, which can be divided equally between
the car going to the station and coming back, i.e. 5 minute both ways.
∴ Instead of 5 pm, he must have met Sakshi at 4 : 55 pm
∵ Sakshi started walking at 4 pm, she walked for 55 minute.
Approach 2:

Let the husband's speed while driving the car is 60 km/hr which means he covers 1
km in 1 minute.
Usual time taken by him while going to the station and coming back = (60 min to
reach the station + 60 min to come back) = 120 minutes
In the given specific case, they saved 10 minutes time which means the husband
must have taken 110 minutes.
Therefore, the time taken by the husband to meet Sakshi on the way = 110/2 = 55
Clearly, Sakshi must have walked for 55 minutes.

23. Correct option is : A

Say speed of Jake is J and Speed of Paul is P.
Given J + P = 7 ……. (Eq.1)
Time = Distance/speed.
⇒ Time taken by Jake to cover 24 km = 24/J hours
⇒ Time taken by Paul to cover 24 km = 24/P hours
Given, sum of times = 14 hours.
⇒ (24/J) + (24/P) = 14
⇒ (1/J) + (1/P) = 7/12
Using Eq.1,
⇒ (J + P)/(JP) = 7/12
⇒ J × P = 12
∴ (J – P)2 = (J + P)2 – 4JP = 72 – 4 × 12 = 1
⇒ (J – P) = 1 ……. (Eq.2)
Eq.1 + Eq.2
⇒ 2J = 8
⇒ J = 4 km/h

24. Correct option is : B

For 1st hour Relative , Speed = 10 + 5 = 15, Time = 1 hr (Relative speed is in
addition, because both are moving in opposite direction)
Speed × Time = Distance
⇒ Distance covered in first hr = 15 km
Distance Remaining between them = 90 - 15 = 75km
For 2nd hour Speed Relative = 2 × 15 = 30, Time = 1 hr (Because every hour, they
double their speed)
⇒ Distance covered in second hr = 30km
Distance Remaining between them = 75 - 30 = 45km
For 3nd hour Speed Relative = 2 × 30 = 60, Time = x hr, Distance = 45 KM
⇒ Time = 45/60 = 3/4 hr
In third hr the Speed of Tim = 40kmph, time = 3/4 hr
⇒ Distance by Tim in Third Hour = 40 × (3/4) = 30km
In Second hr the Speed of Tim = 20kmph, time = 1 hr
⇒ Distance by Tim in Second Hour = 20 × 1 = 20km
In First hr the Speed of Tim = 10kmph, time = 1 hr
⇒ Distance by Tim in First Hour = 10 × 1 = 10km
Distance Covered by Tim during Journey = 10 + 20 + 30 = 60km

25. Correct option is : B

Let the distance be x and the difference in time taken by the father and the son =
60 + 60 = 120 mins = 2 hrs. (The son reaches 2 hours faster than the father.)
Time taken by the father - Time taken by the son = 2 hours

x x
– =2
12 18

3x – 2x
⇒ = 2 ⇒ x = 72 km

26. Correct option is : B

Let time taken from A to B be x hrs.
∴ Time taken from B to A is (3 – x) hrs
Distance between A to B = Distance between B to A
⇒ 40 × x = 45 × (3 - x)
⇒ 40x + 45x = 135
⇒ x = 135/85 = 1.59 hrs
∴ Total distance = 2(40 × x) = 2 × 40 × 1.59 = 127.2 km
∴ Average speed = 127.2/3 = 42.4 km/hr

27. Correct option is : D

Distance = speed * time
Let the original speed be 100x
Then Decreased speed = 100x * 75/100 = 75x
Distance between house and petrol bunk = 20 * 75x = 1500x
Distance between House and Office = 30 * 100x = 3000x
Required % = (1500x/3000x) * 100 = 50%

28. Correct option is : B

T = D/S. Let x be the speed
600/x = T+1 , 600/2x = T – 3/2
Equate T
(600-x)/x = (600+3x)/2x
1200-12x = 600+3x ==>x=120km

29. Correct option is : B

Speed of car A = 2x
Speed of car B = x
Time take to meet = 480/(2x + x) = 160/x
After meet car A reached Delhi takes 240 minutes,
480/2x = (160/x) + (240/60)
240/x – 160/x = 4
80/x = 4 x = 20
Time taken by meet = 160/20 = 8 hours
Time = 8 am + 8 = 4 pm

30. Correct option is : A

Distance = 30 × 6 = 180 km
Heena’s speed = 180/ 4 = 45 km/hr
After increasing their speed,
180 180
Required difference =( - ) × 60 = 0.9 × 60
40 50
= 54 minutes

31. Correct option is : A

Let the speed of X be x kmph. Distance travelled by X in 2 hours = 2x km.
Suppose x takes t hours to travel th of the distance AB.
Y would take (t–2) hours to travel th of the distance AB.
As Y’s speed is thrice that of X’s speed.
𝑡−2 1
𝑡 3
th of the distance AB = 3x m
AB = 15 km
Time taken by x to cover 15x km = = 15 hours
Time taken by Y to cover 15x km = = 5 hours
∴ Difference in the times = 10 hours.

32. Correct option is : B

Let speed of A was x km/hr.
Thus, speed of B = x+4 km/hr
So, by the time they met, B has travelled (60 + 12) km while A has travelled (60 –
12) km.
Or, B has travelled 24 km more than A.
Since B has a margin of 4 km per hour i.e. he travelled 4 km more every hour, so it
need him 6 hours to travel 24 km more than A
Required speed of A = = 8 km/hr

33. Correct option is : D

Distance covered in 10 minutes 20 kmph = distance covered in 8 minutes at (20 +
10 8
⇒ 20 × = (20 + x) ×
60 60
⇒ 200 = 160 + 8𝑥 ⇒ 8𝑥 = 40
⇒ 𝑥 = = 5 km/hr

34. Correct option is : A

Let original speed of Sandeep is= 4x km/h
Let reduced speed of Sandeep is = 3x km/h
according to question
24 24 (35−25)
- =
3𝑥 4𝑥 60
x = 12
original speed =12×4=48km/h

35. Correct option is : B

Let the distance of winning post from starting point of A be x m
Distance travelled by A = x m
Distance travelled by B = x – 80 m
Speed of A = 3 speed of B
Speed of A 11
Speed of B 3
Time is same for both A & B
𝑥 11
𝑥−80 3
x = 110

36. Correct option is : C

Sum of their speeds = Distance/time = 576/12 = 48 kmph
Respective Speed of Sofi and Priya = (25 + 23) = 48 kmph

37. Correct option is : B

50*12/60 = 10/60 * (50+x)
600 = 500 + 10x
x = 10 kmph

38. Correct option is : C

Total Distance = x
(x/2*30) +(x/2*40) = 7
x = 240

39. Correct option is : C

Total time taken,
[50/(x-10)] + 50/(x +10)] = 12 hours.
By solving the equation, we get
x = 15
Time is taken by the truck at faster speed = 50/(15+10) = 2 hours.

40. Correct option is : C

80/x – 80/(x+10) = 16/60= 4/15
300/x -300/x+10 =1
X2 + 10x – 3000 = 0
X = -60, +50
So 50km/hr

41. Correct option is : B

Speed of slower plane
1 1.2 1.2
= ×( - )
2 15 60
= 0.03 km/second

42. Correct option is : C

Let the distance travelled by x km.
x x
Then, - =2
10 15
3x - 2x = 60
x = 60 km.
Time taken to travel 60 km at 10 km/hr = = 6 hrs.
10 hrs
So, Robert started 6 hours before 2 P.M. i.e., at 8 A.M.
Required speed = = 12 kmph.

43. Correct option is : D

Let the distance between Y and Z =D
Distance between X and Y = 64 km
Speed of bus A = 40 km/hr
Speed of bus B = 32 km/hr
Total distance covered by bus A = D + 64
Total distance covered by bus B = D
𝐷+64 𝐷
40 32
32D + 2048 = 40 D
8 D = 2048
D =256 km

44. Correct option is : C

⇒ While A covers 1000 meters, B can cover 900 meters
⇒ While B covers 1000 meters, C can cover 900 meters
⇒ Lets assume that all three of them are running same race. So when B runs 900
meters, C can run 900 × 9/10 =810
⇒ So A can beat C by 190 meters

45. Correct option is : C

Here, S1 = 42 km/hr and S2 = 28 km/hr
S1− S2 42− 28
Stoppage time = =
S1 42
= 20 minutes

46. Correct option is : C

Distance covered in hour = 2x
= ×8=4
area x2 = 4 km

47. Correct option is : C

Relative speed = (2 + 3) = 5 rounds per hour
So, they cross each other 5 times in an hour and 2 times in half an hour
Hence, they cross each other 7 times before 9.30 a.m.

48. Correct option is : A

Let the total distance be 100 km.
Average speed
total distance covered
time taken

= 30 60 10
+ +
20 40 10
= 25 km/hr

49. Correct option is : A

Relative speed = 10 – 8 = 2km/ph
Distance covered in 30 min = 8×(30/60) = 4km
Lenin take time to overtake Rahul = 4/2 = 2hr
8+2 = 10 a.m

50. Correct option is : C

Let x be the speed
30x – (30*9/10)x = 9
30x – 27x = 9
3x = 9
X= 3 kmph

Time and distance – Hard

1. Correct option is : A
S=D/T Here we have two speeds.
We get 2 equations as.
250/1hr = C+B—1 (Travelling in opposite direction, speed must be added ie C+B)
250/5hr = C-B—2 (Travelling in same direction, speed to be subtracted. ie C-B)
solving 2 eqn C=150km/hr.

2. Correct option is : A
Distance=> P*49 = Q*50 = R*51
P= Distance/49, Q= Distance/50, R= Distance/51
Time => P*10 = Q*9 = R*8
P = Time/10, Q = Time/9, R= Time/8
P’s speed = (Distance/49)/(Time/10) = 10/49
Same like that,
The ratio of speeds of P, Q, R = (10/49) : (9/50) : (8/51)
Hence, P is the fastest.

3. Correct option is : D
When B started, A is ahead by 40 × 5 = 200 m
But C will catch A before the B as he is faster than the B.
Since A and C run in the same direction, relative speed of C = 60 − 40 = 20 m/min
∴ Time taken by C to actually catch A = = 10 mins
Distance actually covered by C in this duration = 10 × 60 = 600 m

4. Correct option is : E
Distance Travelled by Salman in 3 minutes
= × 120 = 6 km

Distance travelled by Govinda in 3 minutes

= × 80 = 4 km
Hence Salman will have to travel a distance of 10 km before catching up with
Relative speed of Salman to that of Govinda after taking U turn = 120 – 80 = 40
∴ Time taken by Salman after taking U turn to Meet Govinda = 10/40 = 15
Total time taken by Salman to meet Govinda = (3 + 15)minutes = 18 minutes

5. Correct option is : E
Let speed of faster rabbit = x
& speed of slower rabbit = y
x + y = 60/1.2
x + y = 50 —- a.
60/y – 60/x = 1 —- b.
Solve equations, we get y = 150 and 20 bt y cannot be
120 as x+y = 50. So y = 20 kmph and x = 30 kmph

6. Correct option is : B
Distance covered by Shaan in 3 hours = 3 × 50 = 150 km
∴ Remaining distance = 710 – 150 = 560 km
Relative speed = 50 + 30 = 80 kmph
∴ They meet after = = 7 hours
Now, Shaan covers the total distance in (7 + 3 )= 10 hours
∴Distaance covered by Shaan in 10 hours = 50 × 10 = 500 km
∴ Distance between R and N = 500 km.

7. Correct option is : C
If Hiten covers 1 km in x seconds, Vikash covers the same distance in (x +10)
If Hiten covers 1 km, then in the same time Priyank covers only 875 meter.
If Vikash covers 1 km in (x + 10) sec, then Priyank covers 1 km in (x + 25) sec
Thus in x seconds Priyank covers the distance of 875 meter.
⇒ × 1000 = x + 25
⇒ x = 175
Time taken by Hiten to complete 1 km = 175 seconds
Time taken by Vikash to complete 1 km = 185 seconds
Required ratio = 175 : 185 = 35 : 37

8. Correct option is : C
The time taken to cover one kilometer for Vira tand Amresh is in the ratio 4 : 3
Their speeds are in the ratio 3 : 4.
Virat covers 3/7th of the track and Amresh covers 4/7th from one crossing to the
next i.e.
Virat covers × 800 m from one crossing to the next.

In 90 min, Virat covers × (1000) = 7500 m.
The number of crossings
7500 ×
3 175
= = = 21.87
800 8
So, they will meet 21 times.

9. Correct option is : B
A beats B by 15 sec means A reaches the destination 15 sec ahead of B or B
reaches 15 sec later than B. Let all of them compete in a 2 km or 2000 m race,
now we can compare them as follows:
A beats B by 150 sec, B beats C by 100 sec, C beats D by 80 sec, D beats E by 70
sec, ⇒ E would finish the race 400 sec after A.
Now, if A has to beat E by 800 m then we can say that E will cover the remaining
800m in 400sec, and cover 2000m in 1000 sec. A has to reach 400s earlier i.e in
600 sec,
so A’s speed = = 3.33 m/s.
10. Correct option is : A
In order to meet them at starting point for the first time
The distance covered by A = 400 × n (where n = no of rounds taken by A) (∴ n is
an integer)
The distance covered by B = 400 × m (where m = no of rounds taken by B) (∴ m is
an integer)
Let the time after they meet at the starting point for the 1st time = t seconds
Distance = Speed × time
For A ⇒ 400 × n = 8 × t................. (i)
For B ⇒ 400 × m = 12 × t................. (ii)
Dividing Equation (i) & (ii)
⇒ n/m = 8/12
⇒ n/m = 2/3............ (iii)
As n and m are no. of rounds taken by A & B respectively to meet at the starting
⇒ n, m has to be integers
Lowest value for the (n, m) according to Eq. (iii) is (2, 3)
Putting Value of n or m in equation (i) or (ii) respectively
⇒ 400 × 2 = 8 × t OR 400 × 3 = 12 × t
⇒ t = 100 seconds
⇒ 1 min 40 seconds

11. Correct option is : B

Since the track is circular and speed of A relative to B is (10 – 8) = 2 m/s.
⇒ A and B meet after 100/2 = 50 seconds.
A and B meet every 50 seconds thereon.
∵ All three have to meet ⇒ A and B shall meet. C in the opposite direction has to
complete a full round to meet A and B
⇒ C takes 100s to be at the starting point again to meet A and B.
∴ All three meet for the first time after 100s.
A completes a full round in 100/10 = 10 s
B completes full round in 100/8 = 12.5 s
C completes full round in 100/15 = 20/3 s
A, B and C therefore meet after LCM (10, 12.5 and 20/3) seconds
= 100 seconds.

12. Correct option is : C

Let there are 2 cars, car A and car B.
Let time taken by car A = a hours and Let time taken by car B = b hours
Let the time after which the speed is interchanged be t
For car A,
⇒ 60 × t + 90 × (a-t) = 420,
⇒ 90a - 30t = 420..... ..[1]
For car B,
⇒90t + 60(b—t) = 420,
⇒60b + 30t = 420.... [2]
Adding both (1) and (2),
we get 90a + 60b = 840 -------[3]
But according to information given in the question,
a - b =1,
So, we put the value of b = a - 1 in eqn 3
⇒ 90a + 60(a - 1) = 840
⇒ 90a + 60a – 60 = 840
⇒ 150a = 840 + 60
⇒ 150a = 900
⇒ a= 900/150
Substituting in equation 1, we have
⇒ 90 × 6 – 30 × t = 420
⇒ 540 – 30t = 420
⇒ 540 – 420 = 30t
⇒ 120 = 30t
⇒ t = 120/30

13. Correct option is : B

Car Y reached in Trichy = t
Car X reached in Trichy = t + 3
Speed ratio of X and Y = t : (t + 3)
Distance = t * (t + 3)
t * (t + 3)/(t + t + 3) = 2
t2 + 3t = 4t + 6
t2 – t – 6 = 0
t2 – 3t + 2t – 6 = 0
t(t – 3) + 2(t – 3) = 0
(t + 2)(t -3) = 0
t = -2, 3(negative value neglect)
t = 3 Car Y reached Trichy at after three hours, in time = 11 am + 3 = 2 p.m
14. Correct option is : C
Let the regular speed of the man = x km/hr.
Now, time = distance/speed
∴ regular time taken by the man to travel the full distance = (8/x) hrs
Distance travelled at regular speed = 8/2= 4 km
∴ time taken to travel this distance = (4/x) hrs ---(1)
Waiting time = 10 mins = 1/6 hrs
⇒ for the remaining 4 kms, the man increases his speed by 2 km/h (i.e. x + 2)
∴ time taken to travel last 4 km = 4/(x + 2) ---(2)
From the given data, we can clearly deduce that:
Regular time = (time taken to travel first 4 km) + (waiting time) + (time taken to
travel last 4 km)
8 4 1 4
⇒ = + +
𝑥 𝑥 6 𝑥+2
4 4 1
⇒ - =
𝑥 𝑥+2 6
1 1
⇒ =
𝑥(𝑥+2) 48
⇒ x + 2x – 48 = 0

⇒ (x + 8) (x - 6) = 0
Omitting the negative value of speed,
x = 6 km/h
Now, in the second case:
The man travels first 4 kms at its regular speed and waits for 15 mins.
In this case: waiting time = ¼ hrs
Let y = the speed with which he travels the remaining distance.
Again, he reaches the destination in regular time.
8 4 1 4
⇒ = + +
𝑥 𝑥 4 𝑦
4 1 4
⇒ = +
𝑥 4 𝑦
Substituting x = 6,
⇒ y = 9.6 km/h
Increase in usual speed = y – x = 9.6 – 6 = 3.6 km/hr

15. Correct option is : C

Let first part of journey takes ‘𝑡1’ hour at 6 km/hr and rest part of journey takes ′𝑡2
′ hour at 10 km/hr
∴ 6𝑡1 + 10𝑡2 = 140 _____(i)
After replacing the speed
10𝑡1 + 6𝑡2 = 140 + 8
10𝑡1 + 6𝑡2 = 148 _________(ii)
⇒ On solving (i) and (ii)
𝑡1 = 10 hour and 𝑡2 = 8 hour
Time required in total journey = 𝑡1 + 𝑡2 = 18 hours.
Average speed of the car = km/hr
= 7 km/hr

16. Correct option is : B

Let initial speed of Aman is x km/hr.
Distance travelled by him in 2 hours is 2x km.
While distance travelled by Rajiv in these 2 hours is 75 × 2 = 150 km
When both of them meet, Aman had travelled a distance of 108 km.
Distance travelled by Aman with 25% increase in his speed = (108 – 2x) km
And his increased speed = x (125/100) = km/hr
If Aman had travelled 108 km, Rajiv had travelled 192 km.
192 – 150 = 42 km after 2 hours
Time taken by Rajiv to travel 42 km
42 14
= = hours
75 25
This is equal to time taken by Aman to travel (108 – 2x) km
108−2𝑥 14
5𝑥 =
108 -2x =
108 = + 2x
= 108 → x = 40 km/hr
Therefore increased speed of Aman was
= × 40
= 50 km/hr

17. Correct option is : B

Initial speed of police = 10 m/s
Increased speed of police= 20 m/s
Speed of thief = 15 m/s
Initial difference between thief and police = 250 m
After 5 seconds difference between thief and police = 250 - (5 × 10) = 200 m
After 10 seconds more, the difference between thief and police = 200 + (5 × 10) =
250 m.
Now, the time required by police to catch the thief=250/5=50s
Distance travelled = 50 × 20 = 1000 m
Total time = 50 + 15 = 65 s
Total distance = 1000 + (15 × 10) = 1150 m

18. Correct option is : D

When A and B meet for the first time, both of them have travelled for the same
As a result, the distance covered by them will be equal to the ratio of their speeds
Let the time taken to meet for the first time be ‘T’ hours from the time of the start
A and B would take (T + 8) and (T + 18) hours respectively to cover the entire
⇒ Ratio of the total time taken by A and B = (T + 8) : (T + 18)
If the distance is constant, then the speed is inversely proportional to Time
⇒ Ratio of speeds of A: B = (T + 18) : (T + 8)
Given A’s speed = 96 km/hr
When they meet for the first time, A should have covered (96 × T) kms which is
the distance which B will cover in 18 hours Speed of B = (Distance/Time) = (96 ×
T)/18 kmph
⇒ Ratio of the speeds of A and B = 96 :(96T/18)
⇒ (T + 18) : (T + 8) = 96 : (96T/18)
⇒ (T + 18) : (T + 8) = 18 : T
⇒ (T + 18) × T = (T + 8) × 18
⇒ T2 + 18T = 18T + 144
⇒ T2 = 144 ⇒ T = 1 2 hours
Speed of B = (96 × 12)/18 kmph = 64 kmph
∴ Speed of B = 64 kmph

19. Correct option is : B

Total distance travelled by Rakesh in his entire lifetime = 30 + 15 +7.5 ….
Sum of infinite terms of a Geometric progression = a/(1-r)
Where a = 1st term, r = common ratio
a = 30, r =0.5
Required distance = 30/(1-0.5) = 60 km

20. Correct option is : C

Distance covered in 3 minutes = 3*(1000/60) = 50
Now he has to cover (500+50)m in (30-3) minutes
Required speed = (550/1000)/(27/60) = 11/9 km/h

21. Correct option is : D

Let B and A takes T minutes and (T + 20) minutes respectively. Speed Inversely
proportional to time, So time taken by A and B is
(T + 20) : T = 1/2 : 1/3 = 3 : 2
=> (T + 20)/T = 3/2
=> 2T + 40 = 3T
T = 40
A takes (T + 20) = (40 + 20) = 60 min.
If A had walked at double the speed then the time taken by A is 30 minutes.

22. Correct option is : A

Suppose the man covers first distance in x hrs and second distance in y hrs.
Then, 4x+5y=35 and 5x+4y = 37 Solving the equations, we get x = 5 and y = 3
Total time taken = (5+3)hrs = 8 hrs.

23. Correct option is : A

Speed of streamer = 30 km/hr
Speed of rail = 70 km/hr
Total distance = 400 km
Now distance travelled by streamer in 9 hours extra
= 9*30 =270 km
Remaining 130 km is travelled by both rail and streamer combined so time taken
by each
= 130/(70 + 30 ) = 1.3 hours
Total distance by streamer
= 270 + 30*1.3 = 309 km

24. Correct option is : C

Let the speed of D in first hour is x
As D doubles his speed in every hour so distance travelled in 37/8 hours
Distance travelled by D = x + 2x + 4x + 8x+ 16x*(5/8) = 25x
Given ,
25x = 300, x = 12
At the end of four hour C travelled 120 km and D travelled 12 + 24 + 48 + 96 =
180 km
And 120 + 180 = 300 km
So they meet each other after four hours i.e., 5:00 pm

25. Correct option is : D

Speed of train = x km/hr
Speed of car = y km/hr
120 480
+ =8
𝑥 𝑦
200 400 1
+ =8
𝑥 𝑦 3
Solving these equation,
15 y + 60 x = 24 y + 48 x
12x = 9y
𝑥 3
𝑦 4

26. Correct option is : B

Distance travelled by the first car in 4 hours =Speed ×
Time = 55 × 4 = 220 km
Remaining distance = 320 – 220 = 100 km
Time for both cars to meet = Distance/(Relative Speed) =100/(55+45)=100/100=1
∴ Both the cars will meet after 1 hours means at (11am + 1) = 12 noon.

27. Correct option is: B

Distance travelled by them in first hour = 12 km Distance travelled by them in
second hour = 13 km and so on
In 9 hours both will cover exactly 144 km.
In 9 hours each will cover half the total distance.

28. Correct option is : E

Let the speed of Bhanu be ‘y’ km/hr
Distance between city B and city D = 5y km
Now, distance between city A and city B = (360 -5y) km
Speed of Bhanu = 180 11
= (25+11)
= 50 km/hr
Required distance = 5y – (360 – 5y)
= 5y – 360 + 5y
= 140 km

29. Correct option is : D

Let speed of P & Q be 2s & s kmph respectively.
2s =
D = 8s ---------- (1)
D = 6s – 10 ---------- (2)
From (1) & (2) , s= 5
D = 40 km
Required difference = 16s – 12s = 4s = 20 km
30. Correct option is : B
Distance travelled by Veer in two hours = 90*2 =180 m
Now, distance between Veer and Anurag at 5:00 pm.
= 1080 -180 = 900km
Time in which they meet each other = 900/(90+110) = 4.5 hours
Required time = 5:00 pm + 4.5 hour = 9:30 pm

31. Correct option is : A

Distance travelled by Abhishek in 4 hours = 8*4 =32 km
Distance travelled by Ayush in 4 hours = 13 * 4 = 52 km
Now , speed of Abhishek = 8 * 2 =16 km/hr
Speed of Ayush = 13 -1 = 12km/hr
Relative speed =16 -12 = 4km/hr
Distance between both = 52 -32 = 20 km
Required total time = 4 + = 9 hr

32. Correct option is : A

Let speed of A is 2x & speed of B is x
= 5 min
=> a- b =150 meters/min
=> 2x –x = 150 meters/min
=> x= 150 meters/min
It is speed of B hence
3000 3000
Time taken = = = 20 minutes
𝑥 150

33. Correct option is : C

Let speed of Sawan while going to Kanpur from Delhi = 8x km/hr
So, speed of Sawan when returning to Delhi from Kanpur = 7x km/hr
560 560
- = 2.5
7𝑥 8𝑥
560 8−7
( ) = 2.5
𝑥 56
560 560
so, time required in whole journey = + = 20 + 17.5 = 37.5 hours
7 ×4 8 ×4

34. Correct option is : A

Let, Speed of car = x km/hr
Speed of bus = y km/hr
Distance covered by bus in one hour = Distance between bus and car in 8 hour
=> y = 8(y – x)
y = 8y – 8x
8x = 7y --------- (1)
And x+y =240 --------- (2)
On solving 1 & 2
x = 112, y =128
After T hour bus is 48 km ahead of car
=> (128 – 112) T = 48
=> T = = 3
Required distance = 2.5 * 128 = 320 km

35. Correct option is : B

Distance covered by karim in 4 hours
= 1.5 * 16 + 1 * 16
= 40 km
Time taken by Rahim to overtake Karim
= h
Distance travelled by them
= 28 *
= 93.33 km

36. Correct option is : D

Short Trick:
Let total distance = 100 and original speed = 5
Total time required
= 100/5 =20 units
New time required
80 20
+ = 21 units
5 4
Difference in time = (30 – 20) mins
1 unit = 10mins
20 unit = 200 mins = 3h 20 mins
So if he leaves at 6 am, he reaches at 9:20 am

Basic method:
Let the distance to office be d km
Let the speed of the bike = s kmph and time taken to reach office normally be ‘t’
On normal days when he reaches on time
=> t = d/s
On the day given when he got into traffic for 20 minutes.
=> For 80% distance (i.e., 4d/5) speed =s
=> For 20% distance (i.e., d/5) speed = s(1-20/100) = 4s/5
He reaches ½ hour late
1 4𝑑 𝑑 20
=> t + = + 4𝑠 +
2 5𝑠 5∗ 60
t = d/s
1 4𝑡 𝑡 1
t+ = + +
2 5 4 3
4𝑡 𝑡 1 1
=> t - - = -
5 4 3 2
𝑡 1
=> =
20 6
=> t = = 3h 20 mins
So if he leaves at 6 am, he reaches at 9:20 am

37. Correct option is : D

𝑆𝑝𝑒𝑒𝑑 𝑜𝑓 𝑅𝑎𝑚𝑒𝑠ℎ 𝑇𝑖𝑚𝑒 𝑡𝑎𝑘𝑒𝑛 𝑏𝑦 𝑅𝑎𝑚𝑒𝑠ℎ
𝑆𝑝𝑒𝑒𝑑 𝑜𝑓 𝑀𝑎ℎ𝑒𝑠ℎ 𝑇𝑖𝑚𝑒 𝑡𝑎𝑘𝑒𝑛 𝑏𝑦 𝑀𝑎ℎ𝑒𝑠ℎ
84 𝑡 5
= 5 => v = 84 * = 60 m/min
𝑣 𝑡 7
= 60 * = 3.6 km/hr

38. Correct option is : E

Speed of train = x km/hr
Speed of car = y km/hr
160 700
+ =8
𝑥 𝑦
240 520 1
+ =8
𝑥 𝑦 5
Solving these equation,
x = 80 km/hr
y = 100 km/hr
Required % = × 100 = 25%

39. Correct option is : B

Let, original speed of plan = 100a km/hr
So, increased speed of plan = 100a × 1.2 = 120a km/hr
3600 3600 50
- =
100𝑎 120𝑎 60

36 30 5
- =
𝑎 𝑎 6
5a = 36
a =7.2
original speed of plane = 7.2 × 100
= 720 km/hr
Increased speed of plane = 720 × 1.2 = 864
Let plane travel ‘D’ with its increased speed in 45 minutes
= 864 ×
= 3240 km

40. Correct option is : D

Distance travelled in t hours at x kmph
D = x * t -------(1)
Distance travelled in t-2 hours at x+4 kmph is,
D = (x+4)*(t-2)
D =xt – 2x + 4t – 8
D = D – 2x + 4t – 8 ------ (sub (1))
2x – 4t + 8 =0
If speed (x) or time (t) is given we can find other value otherwise we can’t
determine any value.

41. Correct option is : D

Andrew covers a distance of 0.5 km in 2 minutes and 40 seconds= 160 seconds
Therefore, Andrew will cover 25 km in (25/0.5)*160 seconds = 8000 seconds
James covers 0.5 km distance in 3 minutes and 30 seconds = 200 seconds
Distance covered by James in 8000 seconds = (8000/200)*0.5 km = 20 km
Therefore the distance with which Andrew win a 25 km marathon = (25 -20) km =
5 km

42. Correct option is : A

From option (A)
Time taken by car A travels 20% of the distance = x
Time taken by car B travels 20% of the distance = (x -2)
Speed of car A = y
Speed of car B = 3y
Distance = * D = D/5
D/5 = xy
D/5 = (x-2) * 3y
xy = (x-2) * 3y
x = 3x – 6
x =3
Distance (D) = 3 * y * 5 = 15y
Time taken by car B = 15y/3y = 5 hours
This satisfied the given condition.
From option (B)
Time taken by car A travels 20% of the distance = x
Time taken by car B travels 20% of the distance = (x -2)
Speed of car A = y
Speed of car B = 60 kmph
D/5 = xy
D/5 = (x-2) * 60
This is not satisfied
From option (C)
Time taken by car A travels 20% of the distance = x
Time taken by car B travels 20% of the distance = (x -2)
Speed of car A = 40 kmph
Speed of car B = y
D/5 = x * 40
D/5 = (x-2) * y
This is not satisfied
From option (D)
Time taken by car A travels 20% of the distance = x
Time taken by car B travels 20% of the distance = (x -2)
Distance = 120 km
Speed of car B = z
Speed of car A = y
120/5 = x * y
24 =xy
24 (x- 2) * z
24 = xz – 2z
This is not satisfied the given condition.

43. Correct option is : E

36 = s * t ----------(1)
36 =( s -6) * (t+1) ------------(2)
From 1 and 2
36/(s-6) – 36/s = 1
s2 – 6s – 216 = 0
s = -12, 18
s = 18
t = 36/18 = 2
In later case s- 6 = 12
t + 1 =3
Hence, we can find all from the given statement.

44. Correct option is : E

From option (A)
Distance = speed * time
1st 2 hour distance = 60 * 2 =120
Remaining distance = 560 -120 = 440
Time = 440/(80+60) = 3.1428 hours
Meet each other = 12 + 3.1428 = approximately 3 pm
This is not satisfied the given condition.
From option (B)
1st 2 hour distance =70 * 2 =140
Remaining distance = 560 -140 = 420
Time = 420/(80+70) = 2.8 hours
This is not satisfied the given condition.
From option (C)
1st 2 hour distance =40 * 2 =80
Remaining distance = 560 -80 = 480
Time = 480/(80+40) = 4 hours
Time = 4pm
This is satisfied the given condition.
From option (D)
1st 2 hour distance =25 * 2 =8=50
Remaining distance = 560 -50 = 510
Time = 510/(80+25) = 4.857 hours
This is not satisfied the given condition

45. Correct option is : D

Average speed = 2xy/(x+y) = 200/9 --------(III found)
D =200/29 kmph * (348/60) hr
D = 40 ---------- ( I and II can be found)
IV also be found

46. Correct option is : B

Distance = speed * time
Distance between S and T = 90 *8 =720
60% of the distance = 60 * = 432
Speed of Bus = 432/8 =54 kmph
After reduced the speed of bike = 90 -10 = 80 kmph
After increased the speed of bus = 54* = 60 kmph
720 720
Required time = + = 9 + 12 =21hours
80 60

47. Correct option is : A

Hare starts aer tortoise covers 1/5th distance.
When hare covers 1/8th of distance tortoise meets hare
⇒ Distance covered by tortoise while the hare covers 1/8th of the distance = 1 –
(1/5 + 1/8)
= 27/40
Time = Distance/Speed
Time taken by both is same
Let speed of tortoise be t and of hare be h
⇒ 27/(40t) = 1/(8h)
⇒ h = (40/(8×27) ) × t = 5/27 × t
Now for the next part hare has to cover 7/8 th distance when tortoise covers 1/8 th
⇒ 1/(8t) = 7/(8h’)
h’ = 7t [Assuming speed of tortoise is constant] So the factor by which h's speed
increases = h’/h = 7t/(5/27 × t)
= 37.80

48. Correct option is : C

Time taken by Akash = 4 h
Time taken by Prakash = 3.5 h
For your convenience take the product of times taken by both as a distance.
Then the distance = 14km
Since, Akash covers half of the distance in 2 hours(i.e at 8 am)
Now, the rest half (i.e 7 km) will be coverd by both prakash and akash
Time taken by them = 7/7.5 = 56 min
Thus , they will cross each other at 8 : 56am.

49. Correct option is :E

Total distance covered = 2400 km
Let actual speed of car P is 's' km/hr and actual time taken by car P is 't' hours.
Distance covered by car P = s * t = 80% of s * (t + 4.2)
t = 16.8 hours
Let time taken by car Q and R are 3a and 4a hours respectively. Then,
Distance covered by Q = 600 km
Speed of R = 600/12.5 = 48 km/hr
Then, speed of car Q = 48 * 5/6 = 40 km/hr
Difference between time taken by car Q and R is 1.8 hours more than the
difference between time taken by P and R.
Case 1:
4a - 3a = 1.8 + 16.8 - 4a
a = 3.72
Then, time taken by Q = 3 * 3.72 = 11.16 hours
And, time taken by R = 4 * 3.72 = 14.88 hours
Now, speed of Q = 600/11.16 = 53.76 km/hr ≠ 40 km/hr
Therefore, this case is invalid.
Case 2:
4a - 3a = 1.8 + 4a - 16.8 a = 5
Then, time taken by Q = 3 * 5 = 15 hours
And, time taken by R = 4 * 5 = 20 hours
Now, speed of Q = 600/15 = 40 km/hr (this case is valid)
Then, distance covered by R = 20 * 48 = 960 km
Therefore, distance covered by P = 2400 - 600 - 960 = 840 km
And, speed of P = 840/16.8 = 50 km/hr
From I: Speed of car P = 50 km/hr
From II: Distance covered by R = 960 km
From III: Difference between time taken by car R and P = 20 – 16.8 = 3.2 hours
From IV: Time taken by R = 20 hours
Hence all (I), (II), (III) and (IV) can be determined.

50. Correct option is : C

Let the speed of the car from Patna be x and the speed of the car from Gaya be y.

Then, =1
So, x + y = 110 ....(i)

And, = 11
∴ x – y = 10 ....(ii)
From equation (i) and (ii), we get
x = 60 kmph, y = 50 kmph
So, the speed of car from Gaya = 50 kmph

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