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Jurnal Dinamika Manajemen, 12 (1) 2021, 102-113
Nationally Accredited based on the Decree of the Minister of Research,
Technology and Higher Education, Number 85/M/KPT/2020

The Audience Motivation of Movie-Induced Tourism: an Indonesia

Case Study
Cesya Rizkika Parahiyanti1 , B. M. Purwanto2

Faculty of Economics, Universitas Negeri Malang, Malang, Indonesia1

Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia2

Info Article Abstract

History Article: This research aims at identifying movie-induced tourism in terms of business related to audience per-
Submitted 30 September 2020
sonal motivation using a study on movie Ada Apa Dengan Cinta (AADC) 2. It uses qualitative re-
Revised 3 January 2021
Accepted 5 January 2021 search with a descriptive approach. The in-depth interviews from 17 informants are analyzed using
conventional content analysis that would later raise the emergent themes to support the identification
Keywords: of movie-induced tourism in the study of AADC 2. The results of this study indicate that AADC 2 has
Movie-Induced Tourism; Movie
a function to influence audiences traveling decisions on the featured locations after watching the movie,
Roles; Audience Personal Motiva-
tion; General Personal Motivation; even though the film itself is not intended to promote a particular destination. This study’s audience’s
Specific Personal Motivation. personal motivations are grouped into two, namely general personal motivation and specific personal
motivation. The audiences also revealed some additional considerations, such as accessibility and cost,
in visiting the locations that influence their travel decision. It would be beneficial for a destination to in-
corporate filming into destination marketing plans by seeing a good case practice from AADC 2 movie
with these results.

Motivasi Penonton dari Pariwisata yang Terinduksi Film: Sebuah Studi Kasus
dari Indonesia

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi pariwisata yang diinduksi film ditinjau dari segi bis-
nis yang berkaitan dengan motivasi pribadi penonton menggunakan penelitian film Ada Apa Den-
gan Cinta (AADC) 2. Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskrip-
tif. Hasil wawancara mendalam dari 17 informan dianalisis menggunakan analisis isi konvensional
yang nantinya akan mengangkat tema-tema yang muncul untuk mendukung identifikasi pariwisata
terinduksi film dalam studi AADC 2. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa AADC 2 memiliki
fungsi untuk memengaruhi keputusan perjalanan penonton di lokasi unggulan setelah menonton
film, meskipun film itu sendiri tidak dimaksudkan untuk mempromosikan destinasi tertentu. Moti-
vasi pribadi penonton dalam penelitian ini dikelompokkan menjadi dua, yaitu motivasi pribadi se-
cara umum dan motivasi pribadi secara khusus. Ada juga faktor-faktor yang dipertimbangkan dari
penonton yang mempengaruhi keputusan mereka untuk melakukan perjalanan ke lokasi unggulan
dalam film, seperti biaya serta akses menuju lokasi. Dengan hasil yang telah disebutkan, sebuah des-
tinasi akan mendapatkan banyak manfaat dengan melakukan kolaborasi bersama para produser
film ke dalam rencana pemasarannya dengan melihat good-case practice dari film AADC 2.

JEL Classification: M31, Z32, Z33

How to Cite: Parahiyanti, R. P. & Purwanto, B. M. (2021). The Audience Motivation of Movie-Induced Tourism: an Indonesia Case Study.
Jurnal Dinamika Manajemen, 12(1), 102-113.

Correspondence Address

Jl. Semarang 5, Sumbersari, Kecamatan Lowokwaru, Sumbersari, Kec. Lowokwaru, Kota 2086-0668 (print) 2337-5434 (online)
Malang, Jawa Timur 65145h DOI: 10.15294/jdm.v10i1.17359
Cesya Rizkika Parahiyanti & B.M. Purwanto/ The Audience Motivation of Movie-Induced Tourism....

INTRODUCTION gyakarta. Using one of the social media, which is

Instagram, a keyword #aadc2 has 166.042 posts.
The movie can play a role in influencing Many of them are pictures of visitors who visit
consumer behavior by adapting to its mass con- locations where AADC 2 was taken.
sumerism. Indeed, movies are used to promote Researchers conducting movie-induced
motor vehicles, drinks, foods, and clothing for tourism is usually built from a Western perspec-
merchandisers and promote tourism (Riley et tive (Beeton, 2006; Zhang & Ryan, 2018). It
al., 1998; Gundle, 2020). Therefore, featured raises the question of whether this study can be
locations could emerge as a new destination applied in other cultures, such as in Asia or not.
for the audiences of the movie. Moreover, it Hoffmann (2015) gathered the latest data that
could increase the branding of the destination coincided with an increase in publications on
as places featured in the box office movie. The the topic. A study by Beeton in 2010 also con-
popular concept of this phenomenon is known firms that there is an increasing body of know-
as movie-induced tourism. Therefore, movie- ledge coming out of Asia that suggests it may be
induced tourism could be described as tourist even more significant in those cultures. Conti-
visits due to a destination. nuity research conducted by Connell (2012)
Moreover, it could be described as attrac- showed that movie tourism research emerged
tion as a result of the destination featured on te- in Asia only in a recent year and mostly was stu-
levision, video, or the cinema screen (Hudson died from Korea’s movies or dramas.
& Ritchie, 2006; Connell, 2012; Mendes et There is a new paradigm to make film
al., 2017). In Indonesia, the phenomenon of tourism with more advanced knowledge (Bee-
movie-induced tourism is already found, such ton, 2010). The study revealed that film tourism
as the popularity of Belitung through Laskar research invites multi-disciplinary post-modern
Pelangi movie or Semeru Mount through a 5 study, which has moved from merely conside-
cm movie. Recently, a similar phenomenon, ring business and marketing to incorporating
which becomes interested, is the popularity of multiple disciplinary approaches. The model
the locations used by Ada Apa Dengan Cinta enables the researcher to see where it has gone
(AADC) 2 that was mostly taken in Yogyakarta. and where it is going. However, it still needs to
AADC 2 is a sequel to Ada Apa Dengan Cinta’s go in terms of knowledge development, both
previous movie in national theatres in 2002. theoretical and practical. Understanding where
The reason that makes AADC 2 look the researcher has come from, how it is structu-
different and more interesting than the previous red, and where it is going, this study enables the
sequel is that it took in Yogyakarta as the pri- researcher to develop a body of knowledge and
mary location that dominated the movie backg- look forward to the future rather than taking a
round. The director, Riri Reza, said that 70 per- backward-looking perspective by simply repea-
cent of filming was done in Yogyakarta. Many ting what is already known.
Yogyakarta artists were also involved, from pro- According to the interpretation of the mo-
duction into the production and the actors of del, this study puts knowledge about movie-in-
the movie. Riri Reza was interested in that area duced in an aspect of tourism business research
because of new developing things, such as the based on the personal motivation of individuals
development of comics to hip-hop music and when they were coming to film sites. To fill the gap
fun mural (Bisma, 2015; Saputra, 2016). Howe- of information about the phenomenon of visiting
ver, the most interesting fact about the success places in AADC 2, the researcher would determi-
of AADC 2 is the impact of the movie released ne the role of the movie as media promotion based
in April 2016. Not only successfully gaining mil- on the audience motivation using descriptive con-
lions of viewers, but also the movie can attract tent analysis study to provide new knowledge in
audiences to visit the shooting locations in Yo- this critical topic from Indonesia’s standpoint.

Jurnal Dinamika Manajemen, 12 (1) 2021, 102-113

Hypothesis Development in the government tourism campaign (Beeton,

Popular media shapes awareness and 2006; Hoffmann, 2015). It seems as though
reinforces the imagery of a destination (Hoff- the volume of publications on different fa-
mann, 2015). That is why popular media, which cets of movie-induced tourism has increased
is the regular consumption of society, could dramatically over the past decade. The study
play a role in influencing people to visit a desti- conducted by Riley et al. (1998) focuses on
nation. Many people are consuming many me- the tourist gaze and the icon in the movie in
dia, for example, art, literature, and movie. With supporting the audience’s intention to do a site
the development of digital technology, internet visit in the featured locations. The gaze should
consumption also overgrew in the early years, be directed at objects featured, which are ex-
though television still dominated global media traordinary and distinguish the gaze from ot-
consumption (Tooke & Baker, 1996; Austin et hers. Whether scenic, historical, or literary, the
al., 2016; Kantarci et al., 2016). properties of a movie location qualify as icons
A movie is the most influential popular for tourists. In the sense that people are see-
media for many people from the famous media king a site on the silver screen, they become
examples mentioned (Hoffmann, 2015). Me- movie-induced tourism.
dia, especially movies, has become one of the In addition to the effects of the tourist
principal vehicles for shaping people’s aware- gaze, the icon in the movie also plays an impor-
ness, as it can bring the world and its beauty to tant role. One of them is to attract the audien-
millions of people through a screen. Furthermo- ces to visit featured locations. Icon implies that
re, people’s willingness to read is also declining, a movie’s symbolic content, a single event, a fa-
as they desire to watch a movie, video, or televi- vorite performer, a location’s physical features,
sion. Therefore, movies and television became or a theme can represent all that is popular and
the principal mass entertainment and effective- compelling about a movie. In closing the study,
ly influenced tourism’s attractiveness (Tooke & it was mentioned that the 12 sites studied and
Baker, 1996; Beeton, 2016). This process cer- the results revealed differ from each other.
tainly adds to the power of media to impact the Some previous studies have not focus-
community. Including the desire to do traveling ed on audience motivation in visiting featured
according to what they have seen on a screen. locations. It makes the discussion more comp-
Film tourism becomes a growing phenomenon licated because of the “private” and personal
worldwide (Hudson & Ritchie, 2006; Qiao et motivation of someone when they visit the
al., 2016; Farida, 2016; Muhammad & Artan- destinations in the movie. The motivation was
ti, 2016; Rattanaphinanchai & Rittichainuwat, more complicated, arguing that visitors were
2018. The increasing numbers of tourism arri- coming to film sites to re-live an experience (or
val after the location were used as a movie set even emotion) encountered in the film, reinfor-
(O’Connor & Kim, 2014). Therefore, as a form ce myth, storytelling, or fantasies, or for reasons
of media tourism, movie-induced tourism has of status (or celebrity) (Beeton, 2005; Beeton
been identified as a spin-off effect of film pro- 2010). Macionis (2004) identifies different ty-
ductions (Hoffmann, 2015). pes of film-induced tourists, depending on their
The interest of the study in movie-in- increasing motivation in actively seek out film
duced tourism is increasing with the pheno- locations. Hoffmann (2015) analyses the profi-
menon of the movie trilogy The Lord of the le of film location tourists by determining their
Rings, which increases tourism in New Zea- motivations, possible experiences, expectations,
land dramatically. New Zealand is being mar- and other elements before they visit the site. He
keted as “Middle-earth” based on the movie identifies the actual experiences of film location
trilogies The Lord of the Rings and The Hob- tourists, noting the “gaze” as they perceive the
bit, as a part of the 100% Pure New Zealand filmed environments.

Cesya Rizkika Parahiyanti & B.M. Purwanto/ The Audience Motivation of Movie-Induced Tourism....

METHOD dents are left to tell their stories and develop by

themselves from these questions. Although it
This study uses descriptive qualitative ac- reserves the right to disclose all matters relating
cording to the purpose of the research. Quali- to the research topic, the researcher remains
tative research refers to a study whose findings in control to keep the interview focused until
are not subject to quantification or quantitative it gets the answers required from the respon-
analysis. It is often used to examine consumer dents. This control could be obtained because
attitudes, feelings, and motivation (Churcill, the researcher keeps trying to lure answers from
2010). The researcher used in-depth interview respondents to get more specific answers. This
techniques to the moviegoers who had watched research is designed with exploratory study, so
AADC 2 movie as informants for this study. that, the validity of respondent’s answers could
Some criteria are set to select the informants. be maintained.
Those are the AADC 2 movie audience, having A direct approach is processed by reading
age above 18 years old, and having visited at le- the data transcripts and highlighting all tex-
ast one featured location in the film. ts that show the first impression to present an
The method to obtain the respondents in emotional reaction. The next step is to encode
this study used the snowball-sampling techni- the highlighted parts by using predefined codes.
que. The snowball technique is used to help to The rest of the text that could not be specified
get respondents because the search of respon- in the initials of the codes would be given a new
dents that match with the previously mentioned code. Then, the codes would be grouped into
criteria is quite tricky. Notably, some potential emergent themes that would be unique findings
respondents who entered the requirements are to be examined and developed by the resear-
also there who refused to do an in-depth inter- cher.
view. Furthermore, sample sizes for qualitative Data analysis uses the content analysis
research vary by technique but are generally method. Research using content analysis fo-
small (Cooper & Schindler, 2014). The num- cuses on the characteristics of language as a
ber of respondents in this study amounted to communication tool by taking contextual or
17 people. Each interview would be conducted contextual content from the text or data (Hsieh
between 20 to 35 minutes. In general, the in- & Shannon, 2005). According to the problem
depth interview would be executed between 20 statement, the researcher wants to develop a
minutes until 2 hours to complete, depending body of knowledge and to look forward to the
on the issues or topics of interest (Cooper & concept of movie-induced tourism rather than
Schindler, 2014). taking a backward-looking perspective. This
Behavioral and motivation research relies analysis could be categorized as conventional
on respondents to be accurate, honest, and clear content analysis. Conventional content analysis
in their responses to often very personal inter- is generally used with a study design that aims to
view questions. Even if respondents are coope- describe a phenomenon.
rative, they might not understand the question
or even remember their account details. Having RESULT AND DISCUSSION
a systematic set of interviews and a series of gui-
delines would increase the validity and reliabili- This study began with a general approa-
ty of this study. ch to data collection that investigated how and
Interview materials that have been prepa- what motivation influences people to travel in
red by the researcher only a reference to obtain featured locations in the movie, in this case, the
the elements of the required answers. The inter- movie Ada Apa Dengan Cinta (AADC) 2. The
view begins with some inducement questions result also attempts to discover the effect of mo-
or probing questions. Furthermore, respon- vie-induced tourism as a behavioral intention

Jurnal Dinamika Manajemen, 12 (1) 2021, 102-113

of the audiences who become visitors after they mants who were the audiences of the film feel
visit the featured locations. Each point is discus- encouraged to make visits to the featured loca-
sed, and verbatim quotes provide support from tions that look attractive to them.
the interviews. Emergent themes are identified “because the movie used unpredictable pla-
to clarify the meanings inherent in these moti- ces, it turns out for me like ‘oh Jogja has somewhere
vations for the movie’s audiences as the visitors like this’” (R15, Female, 28 y.o.)
to featured locations.
Adding Valuable Image of Certain Fea-
The Role of Movie in Motivating Audience to Vi- tured Locations. Besides, to create awareness
sit Featured Locations from the audiences, AADC 2 seems to be able
The answers from the informant about to change some mindsets from the audience
the movie attributes in AADC 2 could identify about the locations used in the movie. The in-
the role of the movie in generating a desire to formants explained that the effect of the film for
visit featured locations. These movie attributes the featured sites is also able to form a new as-
are the primary trigger, either directly or indi- sessment in their minds.
rectly, in causing a willingness of the audience “maybe like Ratu Boko Temple, the impres-
to visit related sites. It is caused by the activity sion for me was only the temple. From AADC, it
of watching the movie at the early stage for the could give a romantic atmosphere in that temple…
audience in generating interest to visit featu- from the movie, it could add value or could get ro-
red locations. When the informants watched mantic ambiance in a certain place. That is what
AADC 2 on the big screen, it was the first im- I get from AADC. There might be a mind that is
petus for them to make visit decisions to these changed from watching this movie” (R6, Female,
locations. 26 y.o.)

Providing Information. The role of the Providing Recommendation. This study

movie AADC 2 for respondents regarding their reveals that the movie also has a role as a form
desire to visit the location is to inform them of of perception in the audience’s mind associated
new places. In the case of AADC 2, the function with the featured locations. Respondents have
of the movie as a media that influences the au- an understanding that the sites used by the mo-
dience to visit the featured location starts from vie are recommended places. There is a per-
the role itself as a giver of information about the ception which the movie crew carefully selects
locations that are considered ‘new’ by the audi- those locations. Therefore, the informants think
ence. that the site is worth visiting.
“because a lot of information that is not ob- “and when I see it in AADC, it means it’s
tained, do not know where to go, then, with AADC, something that should be visited. Because it is in,
I know where to go. So, AADC adds my reference what, it’s in the frame. The movie world means the
for new destination” (R2, Male, 34 y.o.) locations are recommended” (R13, Male, 24 y.o.)

Creating Awareness. Through its functi- Creating Imagery. A movie holds an im-
on as an information giver of movie AADC 2 is portant role in creating awareness and shaping
also perceived to create an awareness that was the image of scenes, including the locations it-
not previously realized by the audience. Infor- self. Through the film, the audience would port-
mants expressed that they were aware of a sui- ray the vision of what they have seen when they
table location according to their point of view do the activity of watching on the big screen.
through the movie. Awareness was obtained The picture forms a separate image for each lo-
when the respondent did an activity-watching cation by the thoughts of each audience. Each
movie AADC 2. With this awareness, infor- audience has a different image formation for

Cesya Rizkika Parahiyanti & B.M. Purwanto/ The Audience Motivation of Movie-Induced Tourism....

each area in the movie AADC 2. In the results Branding of the Previous Sequel. Movie
of this study, there are four images of featured AADC 2 gets a unique advantage because of the
locations that dominate the minds of most res- success achieved by the previous sequel. Both
pondents. Those images are beautiful places, branding and the success of the previous sequel
exclusive performances, romantic ambiance, make AADC 2 as a movie that is awaited by the
and reposeful. audiences. Branding brought by the first movie
“…seems like the scenery was very beauti- is considered quite memorable by the infor-
ful when I saw it in the movie…when there was a mants.
scene, ride up in Gereja Ayam, then seeing the sun- “because, I think, hem what, I got the soul
rise. So beautiful. It affects me because it’s beauti- when I watch it. From the first movie, the feel is still
ful” (R7, Female, 27 y.o.) there, about their friendship, and then, about the
love story between Rangga and Cinta” (R10, Fe-
Creating Iconic Scene. The crew of male, 22 y.o.)
movie AADC 2 seems successfully creating
the iconic scenes that are quite imprinted in The Filming Ability of Movie Crew in
the minds of the audience. One of the iconic Lighting and Coloring. Some informants reali-
scenes takes place in a café in Yogyakarta. In- zed that the beauty of locations seen in AADC
formants stated that the iconic scene caused a 2 is the result of the ability of a successful crew
sense of curiosity towards the location used to to show the appearance in the movie with im-
make that scene. pressive coloring and lighting. The capability of
“well, like the scene ‘Rangga, yang Kamu la- the movie crew to display the location with the
kukan ke saya itu jahat (Rangga, what you do to atmosphere in the surrounding is also conside-
me is so mean),’ yes, it is like the tagline of AADC red appropriate by the respondents. Informants
2, the scene is iconic. So, more I want to know where also stated that the movie crew managed to
the location is” (R10, Female, 22 y.o.) make the actual places seem ordinary to be seen
as more cinematic in the movie.
The Difference between AADC 2 with “I’ve had experience in making movies too,
Other Commercial Movies in Indonesia. The like a short movie. Because I do not like romantic
audience entirely perceives differences in movies, so my interest was moved from the story to
AADC 2 compared to other commercial mo- the shooting technique, like the lighting. The supe-
vies. The noticeable difference in AADC 2 is riority of this movie can make an originally ordina-
the location in which Yogyakarta dominates. ry place looks more cinematic. It is from its shoo-
One of the exciting things that make the movie ting technique” (R16, Male, 25 y.o.)
AADC 2 memorable is the use of unusual pla-
ces. If other moviemakers use sites such as Alun- Duration of Location Appearing in the
Alun Kidul, Prambanan Temple, and Maliobo- Movie. Informants said that showing sufficient
ro, then different circumstances would be found length for various locations used in the movie
when the audiences see the location in the mo- would add their desire to visit those locations.
vie AADC 2. The selection of the site decided In addition, this duration would help the audi-
by the movie crew is considered auspicious by ence to understand better and enjoy the beauty
the informants. Moreover, it can attract them to and uniqueness of the place used by the movie
visit those featured locations. AADC 2. Length with the right time is conside-
“if it is like FTV, it would usually use Alun- red able to cover all sides of the location. Howe-
Alun Kidul...because I come to Jogja every year. So ver, since the film is a type of media consump-
for me, a movie or FTV that uses Alun-Alun Kidul, tion in which the airing is limited by time, the
BNI Corner, or Malioboro are widespread and or- movie crew must still have the ability to present
dinary” (R13, Male, 24 y.o.) the scene with the right duration.

Jurnal Dinamika Manajemen, 12 (1) 2021, 102-113

“…in Puthuk Setumbu, we could see a lot Participating in the Latest Trend. Infor-
from the movie, starting from the inside, from mor- mants in this study admitted that the trending
ning until the sun rises. So, we could have many pic- factor becomes their motivation to visit the
tures of the location. Simply influence” (R14, Male, shooting location of the movie AADC 2. This
23 y.o.) motivation is also considered weak as well as
the coincidental factor because the respondent
General Personal Motivation visited just to follow the trend that is being
Motivations are categorized in general discussed by many people. After the release
because it does not involve depth emotional at- of movie AADC 2 in cinema, the featured lo-
tachment compared with motives that are revea- cations became a trending topic discussed by
led in specific personal motivation. General per- many people in Indonesia. Social media, like
sonal motivation also classifies motivation when Instagram, becomes one of the favorite plat-
the movie is not a significant factor as a driver for forms for people to share the trend. They feel
the respondents to visit the featured locations. curious about something that is being discus-
sed by many people, whether it comes from
Exploring New Destination. The role of people around them or the topic that is being
the movie as an informant for the audience would crowded on social media.
create their motivation and also intention to visit “…because everyone is talking about AADC
the featured locations. Respondents said that the and the places in the movie scene like ‘the place is
film provided them with information about new like this’ ‘the place is good’. So yeah, I went there.
places in Yogyakarta. The new sites certainly help That’s what affects me” (R3, Female, 34 y.o.)
tourists add the list of destinations worth visiting
when they are in Yogyakarta. The curiosity to ex- Doing Activity Related to the Specialties
plore new locations featured in the movie AADC of the Location. During a visit to the featured
2 is one of the motivations why most informants locations, informants claimed to do some activi-
want to visit the place. ties there. Activities that each informant would
“I am not familiar with Lokal Resto, like the do varies, ranging from photos, hanging out, to
popular background with a mural YOGYAKAR- a culinary tour. The events of the respondents
TA and the colorful design. That’s so funny for me, are related to the advantages of each location.
like, which part of Jogja it is. But, if it is not caused “I have been to Lokal Resto. At that time,
by AADC 2, I would never know about the Lokal I wanted to take a picture in the mural YOGYA-
Resto there” (R9, Female, 29 y.o.) KARTA that is painted on the wall of the resto.
That is one of the effects of the movie for me” (R11,
The Coincident Factor. Unintentional vi- Female, 27 y.o.)
sits are another type of motivation expressed by
the respondents. This motivation is related to Cultural Interest. The interest in the cul-
respondents’ familiarity with the region in which ture shown in the movie also seems to be one of
the featured places are located. Besides, the coin- the factors that influence the audience’s desire
cidental factor is also based on the reason becau- to visit existing locations. Although in the movie
se the informant has lived or domiciled in Yo- AADC 2, it does not feature the point, the film
gyakarta. They visited the location because they could display the artistic side of particular sites
happened to be living or visiting Yogyakarta. for some respondents. Culture in this movie is
“The locations are in Jogja. I keep familiar not always associated with the ancient culture,
with the locations. It makes me more notice or used but a new culture, such as contemporary art, is
to know about it; then, the place was framed in the also considered unique by the respondents.
movie so that it becomes interesting for me” (R14, “…something related to the culture, such as
Male, 23 y.o.) Papermoon and the place of Jogja Hiphop Foun-

Cesya Rizkika Parahiyanti & B.M. Purwanto/ The Audience Motivation of Movie-Induced Tourism....

dation, those kinds of culture are interesting for putra. Others were impressed with the acting
me” (R1, Male, 26 y.o.) of the celebrities in this movie. One of the in-
formants said that excellent acting ability would
Specific Personal Motivation give the impression attached to the audience’s
This type of motivation is grouped to spe- mind. Based on the statement revealed by the
cific because it relates more to personal reasons respondents, celebrities also influence their de-
compared to the general personal motivation. sire to visit the featured locations used by the
The idea is such as hobbies and causes that are movie. Informants said there is a feeling, like
strictly related to the movie AADC 2 itself. satisfaction and pleasure for them, to be in one
Personal Interest. Personal interest is place with their favorite stars.
usually related to the hobby of the informants. “related to the acting. The analogy is like
AADC 2 is capable of displaying various loca- this, if the acting is good, the moment they played
tions related to the coffee. Not only featuring a can be memorable, like the scene ‘yang kamu laku-
physical picture of the café, but this movie also kan itu jahat’. That makes me want to go to the
managed to show some of the specialties that place, because the actions of celebrities were excel-
exist in the café. In this study, by chance, some lent and memorable” (R10, Female, 22 y.o.)
respondents are coffee lovers or someone who
has a hobby to enjoy coffee. Self-confirmation. A deep curiosity be-
“I actually pay attention to the coffee place comes one of the motivations of the informant to
in the movie. Because, at that time, I like everything visit the featured locations in the movie AADC
about coffee, for example, in Klinik Kopi. From the 2. Curiosity becomes a desire that is needed to
beginning, I want to go there because I, myself, love be proved to achieve personal satisfaction after
coffee” (R13, Male, 24 y.o.) carrying out the proof. Another respondent ex-
plained that self-confirmation became his moti-
Personal Emotional Attachment to the Mo- vation because the respondent would not make
vie. The storyline presented by the movie is quite maximum comfort before proofing of what he
dramatic for this genre. The audience’s emotio- saw in the movie with reality. High curiosity
nal attachment is also coupled with a sense that is arises because the film can display the location
still carried by the first movie. Being in one loca- on the most exciting side to generate a sense of
tion with a film that takes enough feelings for the interest from the audience to the featured site.
respondent is one of the things that gives satis- “I’ve known Klinik Kopi before watching
faction and pleasure for some informants. Emo- AADC 2. Therefore, when I saw Klinik Kopi in the
tional attachment is indeed quite complicated movie, I repeated to ensure myself about the loca-
because it brings the warmth that respondents tion ‘is this place like it or not?’, which means that
themselves are also difficult to express. In essen- I tried to match it with the picture, it’s true. Yes, it
ce, they would feel satisfied and glad when they does, but when it is seen from digital visual, that
are in the same location with some touching and would not enough for me if I do not make direct
memorable scenes in their minds. visits to the location. That’s not good, and now, it
“I just want to be in Ratu Boko when it is will be impossible in my mind if a movie uses a per-
sunset like I got the feeling and the emotion, and I functory site. That’s impossible. It means the place
want to feel the same as the situation that had been is really, like what, it is difficult to be explained by
successfully created when I watch the movie” (R4, me anyway. I just want to go there. I want to know
Female, 26 y.o.) the real location” (R13, Male, 24 y.o.)

Celebrity Involvement. Some informants Doing Activity Related to Movie. For the
admitted that they are fans of the primary cast, study of movie-induced tourism, the activity
such as Dian Sastrowardoyo and Nicholas Sa- that is often desired by the audience is to rec-

Jurnal Dinamika Manajemen, 12 (1) 2021, 102-113

reate the scenes contained in the movie. The marks in Yogyakarta. On the contrary, negative
action also seems to be one of the motivations assessment is caused by respondents’ unplea-
for the informants in this case of film AADC 2. sant experiences in specific locations such as
This motivation is usually based on the impres- uncomfortable location, the bad taste of food,
sion attached to one of the scenes in the iconic bad service, and lack of attraction.
scene in a movie.
“ what I often say is ‘jahat (mean)’ Behavioral Intention of Audience after Visiting
haha. When Cinta said ‘jahat’ to Rangga, is it in a Featured Locations
restaurant, huh? I want to go there and do repeat In closing, the informants also revealed
the scene, and then I will put it on my Instagram some behavioral intentions to the featured loca-
Story. So funny. Just for fun. When I visited Ratu tions. The informants published two behavioral
Boko, I also did repeat the scene there with my fri- intentions: first, giving recommendations for ot-
end ‘ah Rangga had been here, Cinta been here’ hers and not revisiting the places. Each respon-
like that” (R8, Female, 26 y.o.) dent has different assessments and behavioral
intentions for each area. Some informants have
Additional Considerations in Visiting the Loca- visited more than one featured site used in the
tions movie AADC 2. One place with another might
Besides, to give motivation, there are also get different assessments and behavioral inten-
some considerations expressed by informants tions. An informant might feel satisfied when
to visit featured locations in the movie AADC visiting one of the locations. However, such sa-
2. Those considerations influence the decision tisfaction might also not be obtained when the
of the informants to be or not to visit related informant visits other sites.
places. The findings of this consideration factor This study stands alone in its own right
could be categorized as unique because it is si- by collecting rich qualitative data about mo-
milar to tourist behaviors in Indonesia. In pre- vie-induced tourism’s motivations and expe-
vious studies of movie-induced tourism, which riential aspects. Further to this, it has descri-
mostly took place in Western Countries, these bed the movie-induced tourism experience
consideration findings might not necessarily related to the motivation to visit a movie site
found. However, for AADC 2 located in Indo- and provides a series of critical themes. This
nesia, the informants revealed that the conside- study has demonstrated that movie does play
ration factors might affect their motivation and a role in motivating some audiences to see
decision to travel to the featured locations. The- specific locations. However, it is its role could
re are four dominant considerations said by the vary in importance and intensity depending on
respondents, which are partner, accessibility, tourist types.
cost, and past issue. The movie AADC 2 motivates the audi-
ences based on the movie attributes, like the
The Assessments of Audience after Visiting Fea- initial stage before the respondent is motivated
tured Locations to visit the featured locations. There are ten
There are two kinds of assessments given movies AADC 2 in influencing the desire of
by the informants after they visited the featu- audiences to visit the featured locations. Those
red locations. Those assessments are positi- roles are 1) providing information; 2) creating
ve assessments and negative assessments. For awareness of audience; 3) adding a valuable
example, a positive evaluation would be given if image of specific featured locations; 4) provi-
the informant got favorable experience during ding recommendation; 5) creating imagery; 6)
their visit to a particular location such as beau- creating iconic scene; 7) the difference between
tiful scenery, a unique attraction, the energetic AADC 2 with other commercial movies in In-
ambiance of Yogyakarta, and creating new land- donesia; 8) branding of the previous sequel;

Cesya Rizkika Parahiyanti & B.M. Purwanto/ The Audience Motivation of Movie-Induced Tourism....

9) the filming ability of movie crew in lighting before visiting and compare the difference bet-
and coloring; and 10) duration of location ap- ween the actual scenes and prior expectations.
pearing in the movie. This result strengthens a Kim and Wang (2012) added an indication that
previous study from Kim & O’Connor (2011) movie-induced tourism has the motivation of
and Kulcsar et al. (2017). The study found that “quest for authenticity,” such as tourists moti-
exotic atmosphere, relaxation, scenic beauty, vated to see the scenes depicted in the movie.
good climate, and recommendations are the im- The more emotional involvement audience de-
portant components of developing destination velops through viewing the film or TV drama,
image. The potential visitors of the destination the greater the likelihood of them visiting film
captured those factors after watching a movie. tourism locations.
Therefore, movies are a big screen to show
beautiful landscapes and have the power to inc- CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION
rease the number of tourists visiting the destina-
tions (Park et al., 2010; Wen et al., 2018). The primary research objective of this
This study’s audience’s personal motiva- study is to identify audience motivations to visit
tions are grouped into two types: general per- locations used in the movie. In this study, based
sonal motivation and specific personal motiva- on the results obtained through in-depth inter-
tion. Macionis (2004) also identified different views with informants, audience personal moti-
types of film-induced tourists. These types are vations are grouped into two, namely personal
depending on their increased motivation to motivation in general and personal motivation
seek out film locations actively. Another rese- in specific. However, each informant might
arch showed some additional characteristics of have more than one motivation depending on
visiting a destination. Those characteristics are the locations where they want to visit.
on-site, off-site, storyline, celebrity, film genres, In a qualitative study, the bias of the re-
and film festivals (Rahman et al., 2019). The searcher is often difficult to be avoided. To mi-
motivation was more complicated, arguing that nimize this limitation, the researcher limits the
visitors were coming to film sites to re-live an number of respondents to as many as 17 people.
experience (Beeton, 2010) Another limitation in behavioral and motivati-
In general motivation, there is no strong on research is reliance on respondents to be
desire revealed by the respondent to visit the accurate, honest, and precise in their responses.
featured locations. Moreover, the movie is not a Having a systematic set of interviews and a se-
primary reason for respondents to visit the loca- ries of guidelines would deal with this potential
tion. Instead, those motivations are included 1) limitation.
exploring new destination; 2) coincident factor; The phenomenon of movie-induced tou-
3) participating in latest trend; 4) doing an acti- rism has much potential for the future. It would
vity related with specialties of the location; and also have the potential for further research. In
5) cultural interest. Indonesia, related research about movie-indu-
In specific motivation, the desire of res- ced tourism is still very rarely studied by scho-
pondents to visit the featured locations is vital. lars. However, the challenge is that there are not
The movie is also one of the primary factors to many national box office movies in Indonesia
visit the sites. Those motivations are included that focus their filming process on a location.
1) personal interest; 2) personal emotional at- Further study should find the appropriate mo-
tachment with the movie; 3) celebrity involve- vie to be used as research material about the
ment; 4) self-confirmation, and 5) doing an acti- effect of the movie to induce tourism. Mixed-
vity related to the movie. The self-confirmation method might also be applied for further rese-
factor is related to a study conducted by Kim arch to gain the richness of the study in this res-
(2010). Tourists may have their imagination pected topic.

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