Lesson Plan On Infancy

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Subject - paediatric nursing
Unit - II
Topic - Growth and Development of infants
Placement - III YEAR BSC (N)
Size of group - 80
Venue - Lecture hall 3
Duration of teaching - 45 mins
Method of teaching - Lecture cum discussion
A / V Aids - PPT, chart, blackboard
Date & time of presentation -
Previous knowledge - Students will have some knowledge regarding Growth and Development.
Name of the subject teacher- Prof.Jeya vanitha.A

General objective:
General Objectives :

After class students will be able to:-

 Understand the concept of growth and development of infants.

 Know the patterns of growth and development in infants.
 Apply this knowledge in clinical setting.
1. Min Self & introduction to Good morning, my
topic. Self Ms. Anu Kurien , M.Sc (N) I yr. going to lecture listening
take class on growth and development of LCD,
infant. blackboard
embryo - An organism in its early stages of
2. Min After completion of class development, especially before it has reached lecture listening blackboard Students will be
students will be able to a distinctively recognizable form. able to define
define embryo, fetus and embryo, fetus and
infant. foetus - an unborn or unhatched vertebrate in infant.
the later stages of development showing the
main recognizable features of the mature
Infant- A child up to 1 years (12 months) of

3. Min  explain growth and Weight gain: 3 + 4.4kg ± 0.8kg. Gains 680 Lecture listening LCD Students will be
development of 1 grams a month or 150 - 210gms a week able to explain the
month infant. growth and
Length: 53±2.5cm increases about 2.5cms in a development of the
month during the first 6 months. 1 month infant.
Head Circumference: Increases about 1.5cm a
month during the first 6 months.


Respirations: 35±10

Blood Pressure: 80/50 ± 20/10

Physiological Immaturity, breathes through


Gross motor: Lies in flexed position. When

prone pelvis is elevated but knees are not
between abdomen as they were after birth.

Fine motor: Holds hands in a tight fist.


Startled by sounds, attentive to speech of


Pshycological, psycosexual, spiritual


Sence of trust.

Intellectual, pshycosocial & spiritual


Sensory motor stage.

Language, speech development

Actively vocalises pleasure with cooing or


Play stimulation, (Visual, auditory, tactile &


Encourage infant to look in a mirror. Repeat

names of parts of face such as mouth nose &

Explain the growth and Physical or Biologic :

4. min development of 2 month Posterior fontanels closed at 6 to 8 weeks of Lecture Listening LCD Students will be
infant. age. able to explain the
growth and
Motor: development of 2
Gross motor: Less fixed prone position, arms
flexed, hips flat, legs extended, head in mid
position or side.

Fine motor: Hands may be open. Holds a rattle

briefly when placed in the hand.

Sensory :

Turns head to side when a sound occurs at ear


Pshycological, psycosexual, spiritual

development :

Sence of trust. Recognises parents. Recognises

strangers as different from family menbers.

Intellectual, pshycosocial & spiritual


Secondary circular reaction. Beginning of

object permanance

Language, speech development:

Actively vocalises pleasure with cooing or


Play stimulation, (Visual, auditory, tactile &


pull from supine to sitting position. Hold or

dangle toy in front of infant to encourage eye

Explain the growth and Weight: 5.7 ± 0.8kg

5. min development of 3 month Lecture Listening LCD Students will be
infant. Length: 60 ± 2cm able to explain the
growth and
Pulse: 130 ± 20 development of 3
month infant.
Respirations: 35 ± 10

Blood pressure: 80/50 ± 20/10

Gross Motor: Symmetric posture of head &

body. Very slight head lag when pulled from
supine to sitting position.

Fine motor: Hands open or closed loosely.

Holds hands in front of face & stares at them.


Turns head & looks in the same direction to

locate sound.

Psychosocial: Sense of trust Recognizes &

smiles in response to caregivers face.

Intellectual: Sensorimotor stage Substage II.

Receptive language: Looks in the direction of

the speaker.
Encourage infant to raise headwhen in prone
position thus encouraging head control.

Explain the growth and Drooling indicative of increased production of

6. min development of 4 month of saliva & unable to swallow it. lecture listening LCD Students will be
infant. Gross Motor: Symmetric body postures able to explain the
predominates. Sits with support & enjoys growth and
being propped up.
development of 4
Fine Motor: Holds hands open. Brings hands
together in midline. Plays with fingers. month infant.
Follows moving objects well with eyes. Looks
briefly for the toy that disappears.
Pshycological, psycosexual, spiritual

Sence of trust. Smiles in response to smile of

others or when they appear nearby.Initiates
social play by smiling or vocalising.

Intellectual, pshycosocial & spiritual


Repeats an action that affect an object to get a


Language, speech development

Responds differently to pleasant or angry

voice. Does not cry when sscolded.

Play stimulation, (Visual, auditory, tactile &


Hold, touch & rock the infant gently. Smile

when talking to the infant.
Weight: At least twice the birth weight. Student will be
7. min - explain the growth and Physical growth slows down. Can breath lecture listening LCD able to explain the
development of 5 month through mouth when nose is blocked. growth and
infant. Gross Motor: Sits with slight support. development of 5
Balances head well. Rolls from back to front. month infant.
Fine Motor: Uses thumb in partial apposition
to fingers more skillfully.

Localizes the sound that are made above the

ear. Revives a dropped object that can be seen
& reached.

Pshycological, psycosexual, spiritual


Recognises parents.Recognizes stranger (5th

and 6th months) as different from family

Intellectual, pshycosocial & spiritual


Beginning of object permanence when infant

briefly searches for a dropped object.

Language, speech development

responds when owm name is spoken.

Expressive language: squeals when excited or

Play stimulation, (Visual, auditory, tactile &

Provide sufficient different objects for play
(small objects which are too large to swallow.

8. min Weight: 7.4±1kg. Gains about 340 gms a lecture listening Students will be
- explain the growth and month or 90 to 150 gms a week during the LCD able know the
development of 5 month second 6 months. growth and
infant. development of 5
Length: 65.5 ± 3cm. Gains about 1.25cms in a month infant.
month during the second 6 months.

Head Circumference: 43cm. Increase about

0.5cm per month in the second 6 months

Pulse: 120 ± 20

Respirations: 31 ± 9

Blood Pressure: 90/60 ± 28/10

Teething: 2 lower central erupt (6 ± 2months).

Begins to bite & chew.

Gross Motor: Sits alone briefly with back

straight if placed in a favorable leaning
position on hard surface. Holds arm out.

Fine Motor: Grasps with simultaneous flexion

of fingers & begins to use fingers to feed self
if solid food given in hands.


Localizes the sound that are made above the

ear. Revives a dropped object that can be seen
& reached.

Pshycological, psycosexual, spiritual


Recognises parents. Recognises strangers as

different from family menbers. Begins to
extend arms to be oicked up.

Intellectual, pshycosocial & spiritual


Beginning of object permanance when infant

briefly searches for a dropped object.

Language, speech development

Cries eaislly on slight or no

provocation( withdrawal of a toy). Vocalises
several well defined syallables.

Play stimulation, (Visual, auditory, tactile &


Make funny faces of infant to immitate. Point

out people, food objects & repeat their names.
Talk to infant about own & surrounding

9. Min Explain growth and Weight: 7.4±1kg. Gains about 340 gms a lecture listening LCD Students will be
development of 6 months month or 90 to 150 gms a week during the able know the
infant. second 6 months growth and
development of 6
Length: 65.5 ± 3cm. Gains about 1.25cms in a month infant.
month during the second 6 months.

Head Circumference: 43cm. Increase about

0.5cm per month in the second 6 months

Pulse: 120 ± 20

Respirations: 31 ± 9

Blood Pressure: 90/60 ± 28/1

Teething: 2 lower central erupt (6 ± 2months).

Begins to bite & chew.

Gross Motor: Sits alone briefly with back

straight if placed in a favorable leaning
position on hard surface.

Fine Motor: Grasps with simultaneous flexion

of fingers & begins to use fingers to feed self
if solid food given in hands.

Sensory: Localizes the sound that is made

above the ear.

Pshycosocial: Sence of trust.

Psycosexual: Oral stage. Spiritual:


Intellectual: Sensory motor stage.

Moral: Preconventional morality stage.

Receptive language: Recognises familiar


Expressive language: Actively vocalises

pleasure with cooing or crowing.

Play stimulation, (Visual, auditory, tactile &

kinetic.)Encourage infant to look in a mirror.
Repeat names of parts of face such as mouth
nose & eyes.

Explain growth and Sucking & rooting reflexes disappear at 7 to 8 lecture listening LCD Students will be
10. Min development of 7 months when asleep & parachute reflex able know the
months infant. appears. Upper central incisors erupt(7.5 ± 2 growth and
development of 7
months) & lower lateral incisors erupt (7 ± 2
month infant.
months). Ultimate color iris is established.

Gross Motor: Sits alone in hard surface

leaning forwards on hands. Lifts head up as if
trying to sit up when supine.

Fine Motor: Holds 2 toys at once.

Sensory: Head turns in a curving arch to

locate sound.

Pshycosocial: Sence of trust.

Psycosexual: Oral stage (0-1yaeer) Oral

Spiritual: Undifferentiated (0-1year.)

Intellectual: Sensorimotor stage

Moral: Preconventional morality stage.(0-


Receptive language: Recognizes own name &

responds with gestures with words like

Expressive language: Vocalizes eagerness.

Play stimulation, (Visual, auditory, tactile &

kinetic: Place toy under the blanket &
encourage finding it. Repeat simple sounds
like "dada, mama".

Explain growth and Physical or Biologic: Beginning of a pattern lecture listening LCD Students will be
11. Min development of 8 in bowel & bladder elimination. able know the
months infant. growth and
Gross Motor: Sits alone & stands with development of 8
support. Hand eye coordination is perfect. month infant.
Fine Motor: holds 2 objects holding the third
& releases objects from hands voluntarily.

Sensory: Recognizes familiar words &


Psycosocial: Sence of trust.

Intellectual: Sensorimotor stage

Moral: Preconventional morality stage.(0-


Receptive language: bStops activity when own

name is being called.
Expressive language: Shouts for attention.

Play stimulation, (Visual, auditory, tactile &

kinetic.): Hold touch, & rock infant gently.
Talk & sing to the infant.

Explain growth and Physical or Biologic: Plantar grasp absent. Lecture listening LCD Students will be
12. Min development of 9 Upper lateral incisors erupt(9 ± 2 months) able know the
months infant. growth and
Gross Motor: Raises to a sitting position alone development of 9
with good coordination month infant.

Fine Motor: Bangs two objects together.

Pokes objects with fingers.

Sensory: Head turns directly to the source of


Psycosocial: Sence of trust.

Psycosexual: Oral stage (0-1year)

Spiritual: Undifferentiated (0-1year.)

Intellectual: Sensorimotor stage.

Moral: Preconventional morality stage (0-


Receptive Language: Stops activity in

response to no.

Expressive Language: Cries when scolded.

Play stimulation, (Visual, auditory, tactile &

kinetic: Encourage exploration of toys with
eyes & fingers. Show infant large pictures in

Explain growth and Physical or Biologic: Macula is well lecture listening LCD Students will be
13. Min development of 10 months developed so tht the visual discrimination can able know the
infant. be made growth and
development of 10
Gross Motor: Moves from prone to sitting month infant.

Fine Motor: Picks small finger up with index

finger & thumb.

Sensory: Marked interest in very small

objects. Searches a lost toy with great

Psychological: Sense of trust.

Intellectual: Sensorimotor stage

Moral: Preconventional morality stage(o-2


Receptive language: Understand simple

commands like gives a toy on request with

Expressive language: May speak words like

"no & hi".

Play stimulation, (Visual, auditory, tactile &

kinetic.): Obtain infants attention when
requests are made & use gestures to indicate
the meaning.

Explain growth and Gross motor: Stands errect with minimal lecture listening LCD Students will be
14. Min development of 11 months support & lifts one foot to take a step & able know the
infant. cruises. growth and
development of 11
Fine motor: Explores toys & objects carefully. month infant.
Removes covers from boxes. Takes toy out of
box or cup & puts it back. Begins to hold
crayon & make mark on a paper.

Sensory: Tilts head backwards to see


Psycosocial: Sence of trust. Shows pleasure

when a desired act is accomplished.

Psycosexual: Oral stage (0-1year).

Spiritual: Undifferentiated(0-1year).

Intellectual: Sensorimotor stage.

Moral: Preconventional morality stage(0-2


Receptive Language: Responds to simple

questions eg"Where is the kitty" by pointing &
looking towards the object.

Expressive Language: Imitates specific

speech sounds of others. Jargon well
Play stimulation, (Visual, auditory, tactile &
kinetic.): Provide oppourtunities for placing
small objects into larger objects & taking them
out again.

Explain growth and Weight: 10 ± 1.5kg ie has trippled birth lecture listening LCD Students will be
15. Min development of 12 months weight. able know the
infant. growth and
Length: 74.5 ± 3 cm ie the length has development of 12
increased by 15 % from birth. month infant.

Head Circumference: 46cm. Head

circumferance has increased by 1/3rd since

Anterior fontanelle closes between 12-18


Pulse: 115 ± 20

Respirations: 30 ± 10.

Blood pressure 96/66 ± 30/24

Gross Motor: Stands alone for varible period

of time. Walks with help or alone. Improves
competence in motor skills through practice

Fine Motor: Good pincer grasp. Picks up

small bits of food & transfers them to its

Sensory: listens for rescuing sounds. Follows

fast moving objects with eyes. Discrimintes
simple geometric forms.

Psycosocial: Sence of trust theoritically

achived. If not, a sence of mistrust

Psycosexual: Oral state (0-1year)

Spiritual: Undifferentiated(0-1year)

Intelllectual: Sensorimotor stage.

Moral: Preconventional morality stage (0-


Receptive language: Responds with gestures

or actions to more complex verbal reruests
such as please give it to me.

Expressive language: May speak two or more

words more than"ma-ma, da-da".

Play stimulation, (Visual, auditory, tactile &

kinetic.): Provide large crayons for drawing.

Demonstrate neonatal NEONATAL REFLEXES:- Video and Active Transparency Students will be
16 Min reflexes demonstration participation able demonstrate
Rooting . neonatal reflexes.
Sneezing & coughing
Dolls eye
Palmar grasp
Plantar grasp
Tonic neck

To conclude the
17. Min topic by question
answer session.

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