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LCPC Assessment Form 001-C

(for Province)
Provincial Council for the Protection of Children (PCPC)
Functionality Assessment Tool
City: ______________________________ Region: ___________________________
Province: __________________________ Assessment Year: __________________

Note: Please put a (✓) check mark on the appropriate box if applicable.

Indicator - ✓ 1.00 ✓ 3.00 ✓ 5.00 ✓

PCPC Organization PCPC is not organized Organized PCPC in accordance
with DILG MC through an EO or
Local Ordinance

Child Representation in the No Child Representative in the Child Representative is appointed/ Child Representative is selected Child Representative from
PCPC PCPC designated through Children’s congress different sectors [inclusivity]

Meetings No quarterly meeting conducted Less than four quarterly meetings Four quarterly meetings Conducted four quarterly
conducted with the ff agenda: conducted with aforementioned meetings with aforementioned
- planning agenda agenda plus two CFLGA meetings
- implementation review
- monitoring and status of action
points from previous meetings

Less than 50% of the issues 50-70% of the issues identified in 71-90% of the issues identified in 91-100% of the issues identified in
identified in the profiling /SitAn the profiling /SitAn discussed and the profiling/ SitAn discussed and the profiling/ SitAn discussed and
discussed and resulted into a resulted into a Resolution/ resulted into a Resolution/ resulted into a Resolution/
Resolution/ Recommendation for Recommendation for Action Recommendation for Action Recommendation for Action

Less than 50% member 50-70% member attendance in all 71-90% member attendance in all 91-100% member attendance in
attendance in all meetings meetings meetings all meetings

Capacity Building No capacity building [plan] for 50-70% of PCPC members 71-90% of PCPC members 91-100% of PCPC members
PCPC members trained or received at least 1 trained or received at least 1 trained or received at least 1
capacity development training capacity development training capacity development training

No capacity building [plan] for 50-70% of C/M/BCPCs trained or 71-90% of C/M/BCPCs trained or 91-100% of C/M/BCPCs trained or
lower level LCPC [C/M/BCPC] received at least 1 capacity received at least 1 capacity received at least 1 capacity
development training development training development training


Database on children No database on children Established consolidated Established consolidated and Established disaggregated
database on children disaggregated database on database with situational analysis
children of children

Local State of Children Report No LSCR LSCR prepared in accordance LSCR delivered in the State of LSCR included in the PLGU
(LSCR) with the DILG template (MC 2009- Province Address (SOPA) / Annual Accomplishment Report
106) National Children's Month (NCM) and submitted to higher LCPC

Local Development Plan for No LDPC LDPC prepared considering (a) LDPC presented and approved by LDPC integrated/ mainstreamed
Children (LDPC) [or midterm other sectoral plans, (b) the Local Sanggunian in the Comprehensive
plan for 3 years] consultation with children, and (c) Development Plan (CDP)
a monitoring and evaluation
(M&E) plan

LDPC % accomplishment Below 50% accomplishment 50-70% accomplishment 71-90% accomplishment 91-100% accomplishment

Annual Work and Financial No AWFPC Prepared AWFPC and approved AWFPC presented/recommended AWFPC integrated in the Local
Plan for Children (AWFPC) by the LCE to the Local Finance Committee Annual Investment Program (AIP)

AWFPC % accomplishment Below 50% accomplishment 50-70% accomplishment 71-90% accomplishment 91-100% accomplishment

Local Code for Children (LCC) No LCC With exisiting and approved LCC Existing LCC updated in the last LCC implementation is monitored
five years
Child Protection Policy (CPP) No CPP Drafted and approved CPP CPP utilized and monitored within Issuance of Ordinance directing
the LGU concerned private sector/org to
have its own CPP

Formulation of Policy/ No policy/resoulution issuance Prepared at least two P/R/R Presented P/R/R to the Local At least two P/R/R enacted within
Resolution/ Recommendation based on identified need of Sanggunian for approval the term of the PCPC
Advocacy Actvities No advocacy activity undertaken At least 1 advocacy or At least 2 advocacy or At least 1 advocay activity based
dissemination activitiy related to dissemination activities related to on the issues identified in the
increasing awareness on increasing awareness on available data on children
protection and promotion of protection and promotion of - to detail, issue being addressed,
children’s rights conducted children’s rights conducted target beneficiary, chosen


PCPC Budget Allocation below 1% 1% for PCPC strengthening Additional budget for the PCPC

Budget Utilization Below 50% utilization rate 50-70% utilization rate 71-90% utilization rate 90-100% utilization rate


Individualized folder of Zero percentage of violation of
children’s cases confidentiality

Referral System in place Functional referral system for

Less than 50% of CNSP cases 50-70% of CNSP cases provided 71-90% of CNSP cases provided 91-100% of CNSP cases provided
provided with services/ referred to with services/referred to with services/referred to with services/ referred to
appropriate office appropriate office appropriate office appropriate office

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Indicator - ✓ 1.00 ✓ 3.00 ✓ 5.00 ✓
Diversion Program No diversion program in-place Less than 50% of diversion 51%-100% Percentage of Zero percentage of reoffending of
proceedings conducted to all successful diversion all successful diversion programs
diversional cases by BCPC

Assessed by:

Name and Position/Designation Name and Position/Designation Name and Position/Designation Name and Position/Designation Name and Position/Designation
Chairperson, RIMTF Vice-Chairperson, RIMTF Member, RIMTF Member, RIMTF Member, RIMTF
Date: ____________________

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