CGA Arg Arginine: UCC Ser Serine

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Name: Mafe Nenia A.

Section: A
Student Number: 2020-04903
1. The nucleotide sequence of a DNA codon is GTA. A messenger RNA molecule with a
complementary codon is transcribed from the DNA. In the process of protein synthesis, a transfer
RNA pairs with the mRNA codon. What is the nucleotide sequence of the tRNA anticodon?
Nucleotide Sequence of DNA codon- GTA
Nucleotide Sequence of mRNA codon- CAU
Nucleotide Sequence of tRNA anticodon- GUA (Final Answer)
Protein- Histidine
The central dogma showed how genetic information flow in the cells. It started in the
transcription process in the nucleus. RNA polymerase will connect complimentary RNA to DNA
to form messenger RNA or mRNA. Then the mRNA will travel to the cytoplasm in the ribosome
in which protein will be synthesize in the process of translation. In the process of translation, a
transfer RNA is attached to an amino acid and the tRNA is composed of anticodon that is
complimentary to the mRNA codon.The given DNA codon is GTA. We should first remember that
Guanine is paired with Cytosine while Adenine is paired to Uracil. We used Uracil in this situation
because we were to find out the complimentary mRNA codon. G (Guanine) will be paired to C
(Cytosine), T ( Thymine) will be paired to A (Adenine), and A (Adenine) will have a complimentary
base U (Uracil). The mRNA codon will be CAU. After that, we will find the tRNA anti-codon with
the same process to find the mRNA. C (Cytosine) will be paired with (G) Guanine, A (Adenine)
will be paired to U (Uracil), and U (Uracil) will be paired to Adenine. The tRNA anticodon is GUA.
2. The base sequence of the gene coding for a short polypeptide is CTACGCTAGGCGATTGACT.
What would be the base sequence of the mRNA transcribed from this gene? Using the genetic
code, give the amino acid sequence of the polypeptide translated from this mRNA.
GAUGCGAUCCGCUAACUGA (NOTE: We will start at AUG since it was a start codon.)
Met-Arg- Ser-Ala-Asn-STOP
Methionine-Arginine- Serine-Alanine-Asparagine-STOP
Methionine-Arginine- Serine-Alanine-Asparagine (Amino Acid Sequence)
To answer this, we first find out the mRNA complimentary of the DNA base sequence.
After that we group the mRNA base sequence into three. We should take note that we start
grouping at AUG since it was a start codon for translation. Lastly, we find the corresponding
protein of the mRNA codon using the mRNA Codon Chart.

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