5 - Blueprint Cycle I UT - I (2022-23)

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Class V

Blueprint for Cycle I Unit 1 (2022-2023)

Time: 1 hr. 10 mins. M.M.: 20

S.NO Chapter RTC Short One Fill in the Q/Ans Total
Answers Word blanks/Complete
the sentences
1 Chapter-1
Chandu and Raja Chakor 2x1=2 1x1=1 - 1x1=1 1x2=2 6 marks

2 The Sentence - 1x1=1 4x½=2 - - 3 marks

3 Subject and Predicate - 2x½=1 - 1x1=1 - 2 marks
4 Parts of Speech - - 6x½=3 - - 3 marks
5 Articles - - - 6x½=3 - 3 marks
6 Comprehension Passage - 1x1=1 - 1x1=1 1x1=1 3 marks
Total 2 marks 4 marks 5 marks 6 marks 3 marks 20 marks

* Dictation – Words and Lines (5 marks)

S.NO Chapter One Word Word Sentences Fill in the Q/Ans Total
Meaning blanks
1 व्याकरण (सभी पाठों में से) - - - 4x½=2 - 2 marks
2 वणण एवं शब्द 2x1=2 - - - - 2 marks
3 संयुक्तव्यंजन 2x1=2 - - 2 marks
4 वतणनी की सामान्य अशुद्धियााँ 2x½=1 - - - - 1 mark

5 समूहवाची शब्द - - - 2x½=1 - 1 mark

6 ववराम धचह्न - - 2x1=2 - - 2 marks
7 राख की रस्सी (पाठ–1) - 2x1=2 1x1=1 - 2x1=2 6 marks
8 गड़बड़झाला (कहानी) - - - - 2x1=2 2 marks
9 अपठठत गद्यांश 2x½=1 - - - 1x1=1 2 marks

Total 6 marks 2 marks 3 marks 3 marks 6 marks 20 marks

* Dictation – Words and Lines (5 marks)


S.NO CHAPTER Fill in the Large calculation sums Matching Problem Total
blanks sums

1. Chapter-1
More on Large Numbers 12 x ½ = 6 3x2=6 - - 12 marks

2. Chapter-2
Operations on Large 4x½=2 1x2=2 4x½ =2 1x2=2 8 marks

TOTAL 8 marks 8 marks 2 marks 2 marks 20 marks

* Mental Maths – Fill in the blanks (10 x ½ = 5 marks)


S.NO Chapter Fill in the Complete Correct the Name the Ques Diagram Total
blanks the given underlined following /Ans
table word and
rewrite the
1 L1: Growing Plants 4x½=2 - 1x1=1 2x1=2 1x2=2 1x2=2 9 marks

2 L2: Food and Health 4x½=2 4x½=2 1x1=1 2x1=2 1x1=1 - 11 marks
Total 4 marks 2 marks 2 marks 4 marks 6marks 2marks 20 marks


S.NO CHAPTER Complet Tick the Correct Name Matching Q/Ans Map Work Total
e the correct the the
Sentence option incorrect following
s sentence
1. Parallels and 2x½=1 2x½=1 2x½=1 2x½=1 2x½=1 1x2=2 2x1=2 9 Marks
Chapter- 4
2. Major Landforms 2x½=1 2x½=1 2 x½ = 1 2x½=1 2x½=1 2x2=4 2x1=2 11 Marks

TOTAL 2 Marks 2 Marks 2 Marks 2 Marks 2 Marks 6 Marks 4 Marks 20 Marks

Computer Science

S.NO CHAPTER Choose the Fill in the Complete One word Q/Ans Total
correct answer blanks the table

1. Chapter-1
Generation and Types of 3 x ½ = 1½ 2x1=2 2x1=2 1x1=1 2x2=4 10½ marks
2. Chapter-5 More on
Editing and Formatting 3 x ½ = 1½ 3x1=3 - 3x1=3 2x1=2 9½ marks
in Word

TOTAL 3 marks 5 marks 2 marks 4 marks 6 marks 20 marks

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