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Cyril's ~ime Travel Machine

Written by• Siddhesh Behuray

It was a cool sunny day on the beaches of Kerala. Cyril was roaming around the
farmhouse he had come to spend his vacation in. Little and dainty BROWNIE the
German shepherd quite liked the cool winds of Kerala rather than the bustling streets
of New Delhi. His name captured his brown-white fur and his melting brown eyes. Cyril
was just about to go home when he saw an oddly colored compass hall- hidden
behind some stones. Was it green, blue or yellow?
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He sirnpiy 'llvasn'l sure! He picked up the compass and noticed lhe arrow pointing
north. Suddenly, a voice deep inside of him tole him 1ha1 he was to follov,• the north
point After a h;;w minutes of walking, i1e fell 1,is lsg bump into something smoo,h. He
looked tiown c1nd 5£1'-'-' a oro::n circular disc. Tt•iis disc looked a bit like a rlying ~aucar
with a bm< on top of it. Tnis time, lhe voice !.old him that this objeci was dangerous.
Bui, Cyril was .1ot u,e kind oi boy who ~!Ould back out of an advemura. He noticed a
small door near his 1eel ll1al 'Nas the size of a mouse hole.
As he pushed the door with his finger. il grew into a large sized door that was big
enough for a man to squeeze in . No wonder Cy, il found it easy to go through the
door for he was just sixteen. LO AND BEHOLD. what a sight! He saw numbers
that he couldn 't understand. He saw two buttons VJhich read "Back In Time" 01

"Into The Future." Now. Cyril wasn 't one of those fantasy children who simply
wanted to see into the future . Instead. he had an interest in history so he clicked
the button to go 50 years back in time. BOOM! He didn't know what had
happened. For a momern. it felt like a stun grenade had been thrown on him. But,
when he opened his eyes he saw a different world. A world where there were no
smart-phones and only telephones and telegraphs to communicate. He soon
realized that he was at Mistletoe farm in England.
His wonder was disrupted by the voice of a young boy older that was calling out to
him. Tile boy said, "I heard that my father has hired you for a job on Mistletoe
farm ." Cy1il c1uickly agreed because lie did not want to be questioned about the
time machine. A few days went by and Cyril was sta1 ting to get used to lhe ways oI
the farm . But one day, he remembered Brovmie. He haa forgotten him back home
and he suddenly began to feel homesick. He decided to retrace the time machine
travel 50 yeE,rs back into the future. As he opened his eyes, he round Brownie
sniffing by his toes. He was surp1ised to see that Brownie had not missed him. He
glanced at his smart watch and exclaimed "WHAT!" It had only been one minute
before 110 had gone into the time machine. Novi,, we must leave Cy.-il and his dog
Brownie in tilis i1appy state because all stories have to come to an end.

Good oye Cyril! And , goodbye lO our dearest and best friend Brownle!

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