Modallar Testi - Zafer Hoca YDS Academy

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1 - 65. sorularda, cümlede bırakılan boşluğu uygun şekilde 7.) James will book the hotel rooms for the German
tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz. representatives and you ........ them at the airport at eight
o'clock. Is that clear?
1.) The company had sent the advertisement to the
A) have met B) can meet C) are to meet
newspaper when they realised they'd mistyped the salary
D) had met E) would meet
they were offering for the position. Luckily, they .......... the
newspaper to correct their mistake before they printed it.
8.) ........ lending me 25,000 liras so that I don't have to give the
A) could have asked B) were able to ask Dolmuş driver a 5 million lira note?
C) must have asked D) were supposed to ask
A) Would you like B) Would you rather
E) might have asked
C) Would you mind D) Had you better
E) Do you mind if
2.) A: I wish I hadn't criticised Mark's drawings yesterday
because he hasn't spoken to me today. Do you think he'll
9.) A: Jack doesn't work for a computer company, so why
come to my party on Friday? B: Possibly, he .......... you by
has he gone to the computer exhibition?
B: I don't know. He ......... interested in buying a computer
A) has forgiven B) was able to forgive to use at home or perhaps he is thinking of starting his
C) might have forgiven D) must have forgiven own company.
E) used to forgive
A) must be B) has to be C) will be
D) ought to be E) could be
3.) Since the day his manager transferred him to the foundry
section of the steel works, he .......... safety goggles.
10.) You .......... anything to me. If you want to spend virtually
A) will be wearing B) has had to wear your entire wages on lottery tickets, then that's up to you.
C) ought to wear D) must have worn
A) couldn't have explained
E) is wearing
B) don't have to explain
C) weren't able to explain
4.) A: This student has circled the mistakes in the
D) shouldn't have explained
text, but he hasn't corrected them, so he'll only get
E) weren't supposed to explain
half marks.
B: He ........ the instructions properly.
11.) You .......... anything until after your operation. The
A) would rather not read B) had better not read nurses will tell you when it is all right.
C) needn't have read D) shouldn't have read
A) needn't eat B) don't have to eat
E) must not have read
C) couldn't eat D) mustn't eat
E) might not eat
5.) As a single woman, Lucy ......... quite a lot of
money on clothes, jewellery and cosmetics, but now married
12.) Oh dear, my fruit cake is a little too sweet. I ........ the
with two children, she can't spare so much money on them.
amount of sugar I add to the mixture next time.
A) might spend B) had spent
A) have been reducing B) should have reduced
C) would rather spend D) would spend
C) will have to reduce D) have had to reduce
E) should have spent
E) must be reducing

6.) A: Are you going to enroll on the

13.) Isn't it great that Tim and Sue have given up smoking? They
second course when we finish this one?
both ........ too much.
B: I don't know. It's tliurtf coming every day after work.
I.......... a month before I start the second course. A) used to smoke B) ought to be smoking
C) must be smoking D) would rather smoke
A) may wait B) am supposed to wait C) have waited
E) have been smoking
D) have to wait E) could have waited

14.) A: What's happened to Mr Meyer? 21.) We .......... get a visa before we .......... go to Bulgaria.
B: He is ill in hospital. They ......... keep him in overnight,
A) could/would B) are to/must C) have to/can
and if they do, he ........ travel back to Germany
D) may/have to E) will/shall
tomorrow morning.

A) may/won't be able to B) would/ought not to 22.) I only had a brief chat with Mary at the bus stop, so I .........
C) shall/doesn't have to D) can/couldn't to ask her how she .......... on in her new job.
E) ought to/didn't use to
A) might forget/could get
B) forgot/was getting
15.) A: ......... we paint the kitchen this weekend?
C) have forgotten/used to get
B: We could, but I ......... wait until the weather gets
D) would forget/gets
better because we'll have to open the windows.
E) must have forgotten/should get
A) Ought/prefer B) May/must C) Can/would like
D) Shall/would sooner E) Would/had better 23.) A: Well, I've got lots of great ideas, but I haven't written
anything down yet.
16.) A: I couldn't persuade John to come to the match with B: But you .......... us a written outline of your section of
us. He said he couldn't afford it. the project today!
B: You .......... to lend him the money. A: Don't panic. I'll do it tomorrow.
A: I did, but he said he .......... borrow any money at the
A) would rather have given B) were able to give
C) must have given D) were supposed to give
A) have offered/ought not to E) had to give
B) could have offered/would rather not
C) may have offered/used not to 24.) Our father ......... a small present for me and my
D) must have offered/wouldn't like sister every month when he ........ his salary.
E) can offer/had better not
A) was buy ing/had received
B) has had to buy/was receiving
17.) ......... I ask you a favour? ............ you work on Thursday
C) must have bought/could receive
night this week instead of Friday night?
D) would buy/received
A) Can/Will B) Would/Will C) May/Could E) bought/could have received
D) Might/Shall E) Must/Would
25.) I .......... listening to pop music at all, but recently
18.) Amy Johnson, the first woman pilot who ........ from I have realised that I quite like certain pop songs.
England to Australia, ........ several times during her flight to
A) didn't use to enjoy B) ought not to enjoy
fill her plane with petrol.
C) must not have enjoyed D) can't have been enjoying
A) had flown/has stopped B) could fly/was stopping E) wasn't enjoying
C) used to fly/might stop D) was flying/would rather stop
E) flew/had to stop 26.) When their baby was born, Lucy ......... up work until
they found someone to look after the baby.
19.) .......... you take this screwdriver back to Mr Smith
A) must give B) ought to give C) had to give
next door and thank him for lending it to us?
D) used to give E) has given
A) Will B) Must C) Ought D) Shall E)May

20.) They ........ their house yet. They only put it up for 27.) They had their baby daughter in June and, since then, they
sale yesterday. .......... in restaurants very often.

A) haven't been selling B) might not be selling A) didn't use to eat B) couldn't eat
C) needn't have sold D) ought not to sell C) aren't supposed to eat D) haven't been able to eat
E) can't have sold E) weren't able to eat

28.) Do you think he .......... to watch the match with us? I 34.) A: I didn't think Paul and Sam were coming to the
know he enjoys football. picnic.
B: They .......... their minds.
A) would sooner B) had better C) would mind
A: Well, it's nice to see them again.
D) preferred E) would like
A) would rather change B) used to change
C) must have changed D) should have changed
29.) Would you mind if I .......... the secretary for half an E) had better change
hour, Mr Pitt? She has two thousand leaflets to send out.
35.) I'm glad that I .......... hard to persuade my parents
A) helping B) helped C) help
because they were already keen on the idea.
D) have helped E) to help
A) ought not to try
B) didn't need to try
30.) A: I missed this week's episode of 'The Simpsons'. C) needn't have tried
What happened? D) mustn't try
B: I don't know. I don't watch it any more. E) wasn't able to try
A: Why not? I thought you were a fan of the show
like me. 36.) When it was completed, the Eiffel Tower .......... the tallest
B: Yes. I ............ it three times a week, but now I building in the world, but now there are many others which are
go to German lessons every night. taller than the Eiffel Tower.

A) used to watch B) had watched A) would be B) must be C) used to be

C) must have watched D) have watched D) was E) has been
E) was able to watch
37.) Cats are very alert to any movement. For this reason they
31.) I believe you ......... this computer programme in your will pounce when a victim ........ but ........ prey that remains
previous job, so you ........ it difficult at times. Please don't still.
hesitate to ask me for help.
A) can move/couldn't attack
A) didn't use/might find B) haven't used/must find B) is moving/shouldn't attack
C) couldn't use/have found D) may not use/will find C) has moved/aren't attacking
E) hadn't used/can find D) moved/don't attack
E) moves/may not attack

32.) Apparently, the man across the road .......... his car after
all because he took down the for.)sale sign a week ago and he 38.) When I lived in England, I ......... Indian food
is still driving to work. several times a month, but here in Istanbul it's virtually
impossible to find.
A) used to keep B) had better keep C) was keeping
D) was able to keep E) is keeping A) shall eat B) would eat
C) ought to eat D) have eaten
E) had eaten
33.) A: Hopefully, Peter booked the tickets for us
B: He .......... them yesterday. The booking office is 39.) A: Mrs Parkinson ........ three accidents in the
closed on Saturdays. last month.
A: Oh well, I'm sure he'll order B: She ........ a very careful driver, then.
them tomorrow then. A: Couldn't it have been just bad luck?

A) had better not book B) hasn't booked A) was having/can't be B) has/shouldn't be

C) couldn't have booked D) needn't have booked C) has had/must not be D) is having/wasn't
E) wasn't supposed to book E) used to have/isn't

40.) The weather is awful again today. Let's look in the 48.) It's not easy learning Turkish at home. Do you think I ......
newspaper. There ......... a good film showing at the cinema. an evening course?

A) can be B) had to be C) would rather be A) must have taken B) have taken

D) might be E) should have been C) should take D) had to take
E) used to take
41.) Cellulose is undigestible by humans, but herbivores, such
as cows and horses, ......... it because they retain it long 49.) I refused to give my son any money for the 'Mega Death'
enough for digestion by microorganisms present in their sweatshirt he wants to buy, but I'm sure he'll try to get some
digestive systems. from his grandmother. I'd really rather she ........ him the
money, because I don't want him to wear such an awful thing.
A) can digest B) have to digest C) used to digest
D) have digested E) ought to digest A) didn't lend B) won't lend C) not to lend
D) not lending E) had better not lend
42.) You .......... all your holiday money on the first
day. You will need some for the rest of the week. 50.) He .......... safety goggles, but he wasn't land, as a result,
the hot steel badly damaged his eyes.
A) didn't use to spend B) mustn't spend
C) don't spend D) might not spend A) could have been wearing
E) haven't spent B) must have been wearing
C) had been wearing
43.) Using lasers to produce extremely short and repeatable D) should be wearing
pulses of light, today scientists ....... events happening in time B) ought to have been wearing
intervals as short as l.OOO trillionth of a second
51.) I........... my car last week if I had accepted James' offer.
A) must have measured B) were measuring
He offered me two thousand dollars for it, but I wanted more.
C) used to measure D) may have measured
E) are able to measure A) used to sell B) could have sold C) had sold
D) may have sold E) was able to sell
44.) Living cells exist in a variety of shapes; for example, they
.......... cube.)shaped or flat. 52.) In parts of Africa women still.......... water a long way to
their villages.
A) may be B) must be C) were D) have been E) ought to be
A) used to carry B) might carry
45.) We .......... the football match on television yesterday, C) could have carried D) have to carry
but we .......... because there was a power cut. E) must have carried

A) should be watching/may not

B) were supposed to watch/haven't
53.) Why did yon bother so much trying to change your
C) were going to watch/couldn't
money? You .......... it, you know, as they accept US dollars in
D) had better watch/needn't
E) were watching/aren't
A) couldn't have changed B) haven't changed
46.) Oh no, look at the sign! We .......... here. These spaces C) didn't use to change D) needn't have changed
are for doctors and emergency patients only. E) can't change

A) needn't have parked B) won't be parking

C) haven't got to park D) aren't supposed to park
54.) I'd rather ......... the match on television than here in
E) couldn't have parked
the pouring rain. I'm sure we'll all catch a cold!

47.) You ............ your children some freedom; otherwise, A) I watched B) have watched
they will resent you. C) to watch D) to have watched
E) be watching
A) used to allow B) must allow C) have allowed
D) allow E) are able to allow

55.) You knew that we had to walk a long way today, so you 62.) It is a long journey and there may not be any restaurants
really .......... those high heeled shoes. You only have yourself on the way. You .......... something before you leave.
to blame for your aching feet.
A) might have eaten B) would eat C) had better eat
A) don't have to wear B) must not have worn D) are able to eat E) must have eaten
C) shouldn't have worn D) might not wear
E) can't have worn
63.) I knew that Marcus didn't have much money, but he has
just bought a new car. He ....... the money from someone.
56.) I think Victoria ............ to the party, although she
A) could borrow B) must have borrowed
really wants to, because she is flying to Paris the next day and
C) would rather have borrowed D) is able to borrow
has to pack her things.
E) is supposed to borrow
A) may not come B) couldn't come
C) wouldn't come D) didn't come
64.) .......... I get some plates while you are cutting the
E) must not come

A) Do B) Let C) Shall
57.) You .......... this report to the managing director
D) Did E) Would
personally. Do you understand?

A) would sooner hand B) would like to hand

65.) We ......... anything tonight. We .......... the leftovers
C) may have handed D) are to hand
from yesterday's dinner party.
E) have handed
A) didn't cook/used to eat
B) must not have cooked/will eat
58.) You .......... for the cocktail party after the conference C) won't have cooked/should eat
if you are worried about arriving home late. D) might not cook/would' eat
E) needn't cook/can eat
A) needn't have stayed B) don't have to stay
C) haven't stayed D) weren't able to stay
E) didn't use to stay

66 - 80. sorularda verilen cümleye anlamca en yakın olan

59.) He ........... handball quite often, but his new job
seçeneği bulunuz
requires him to travel a lot now. so he doesn't have time any
66.) Because it was pouring down so intensely, I bad to pull
A) must have played B) has to play
over the car and wait for the rain to get lighter.
C) should be playing D) could have played
E) used to play A) The rain intensified just as I was about to start the journey,
so I decided to wait until it got lighter.
B) I was lucky that the rain had become less intense by the
60.) Would you mind .......... your cigarette smoke in time I had to leave, because I couldn't have waited.
my face? It is getting on my nerves. C) I had to pull the car to the side of the road for some
reason, but just then, the rain started to get more and more
A) not to blow B) didn't blow C) not blowing
D) haven't blown E) not blow
D) The heavy downpour made it impossible for me to
continue driving, so I had to stop and wait until it became
less intense.
61.) Ton .......... your jacket on a clothes hanger and
E) I shouldn't have kept driving ignoring the heavy downpour,
not leave it on the chair. You'll crease it!
as the vision was poor and I very nearly drove off the road.
A) must have hung B) would hang C) may hang
D) ought to hang E) will have hung

67.) Generous people prefer giving to receiving. 71.) The shoes you bought may be a fashionable style,
but they are not at all appropriate for school.
A) People who are generous would rather give than receive.
B) People in general should give more and receive less. A) You shouldn't have chosen these shoes because the school
C) Generous people don't like receiving gifts, but they like will not allow you to wear them.
giving them. B) You are not going to a fashion show but to school, so take
D) More people ought to buy things for other people as well those shoes off and put on a pair suitable for school.
as for themselves. C) Next time you go shopping, I'll come with you and help you
E) Generous people feel that they have to think of others as choose shoes more suitable for school.
well as themselves. D) Buying these shoes was a mistake, as they are neither
fashionable nor suitable for school.
68.) He can't have read the report prior to the meeting E) You have chosen a pair of shoes, stylish though they are,
because he didn't know anything about the project. totally unsuitable for school.

A) He needn't have read the report, but he didn't know they

72.) It was only towards the end of the sixth month In her
weren't going to talk about the new project.
swimming course that she could swim across the pool.
B) It was clear that he hadn't read the report before the
meeting as he knew nothing about the project. A) She'd been taking swimming lessons for almost six months
C) They didn't talk about the project in the meeting, so he by the time she was able to swim across the pool.
needn't have read the report anyway. B) She found it difficult to swim across the pool even after six
D) He didn't read the report before the meeting because he months of swimming lessons.
didn't know that they were going to discuss the project. C) She should never have expected to learn how to swim
E) He had to read the report carefully before the meeting across the pool In a period of less than six months.
because he knew nothing about the project. D) She was unable to swim across the pool despite having
taken swimming lessons for six months.
69.) He had better not forget my book today, or I'll E) Because she had only taken swimming lessons for six
never lend him anything again. months, she had difficulty swimming across the pool.

A) I am angry with him because he keeps forgetting to bring

73.) We can't change the date of our party because the hotel
my book back.
has reservations for every other day this week.
B) He was supposed to bring my book back today, but as
usual he forgot it, so i'm no longer lending him anything. A) We should have decided earlier which date we wanted our
C) I won't lend him anything in the future if he doesn't party because now the hotel has bookings for the whole
rememberto bring my book today. week.
D) He's promised to bring my book back as soon as he gets B) We'll either cancel the reservation or hold the party at the
better, but I can't believe him. weekend because the hotel is full on weekdays.
E) I think it will be better for me not to lend him any more C) As the hotel is fully booked for all the other days this week,
books from now on. to change the date of our party is out of the question.
D) We could have changed the date of the party if we had
decided earlier and told the hotel which day we wanted.
70.) Let's go out for a walk in the sunshine instead of sitting at E) The hotel should have told us that we couldn't change the
home watching TV. date of our party once we had booked it.

A) Would you rather stay at home and watch TV or take a

walk in the sunshine?
B) Rather than watching TV here at home, why don't we go
out and take a walk in this nice, sunny weather?
C) We wouldn't be at home watching TV if the weather was
nice; instead, we could go out and take a walk.
D) I wouldn't mind taking a walk as I find staying at
home boring especially in this sunny weather.
E) I would much sooner be outside in the sunshine
than be here at home just watching TV.

74.) The parents needn't have given their children any money 77.) He must have forgotten that today is my birthday.
as the school paid the museum entrance fee.
A) He'd forgotten about my birthday, so I had to remind him.
A) The parents didn't give their children any money because B) I'm really cross at his forgetting my birthday today.
they knew the school was going to pay for them to go into C) He'll probably remember later in the day that today is my
the museum. birthday.
B) The school had to pay for the children to go into the D) It is highly likely that he hasn't remembered that it's my
museum as their parents hadn't given them any money. birthday today.
C) The school paid the children's entrance fees so that the E) I don't think he'll remember that today is my birthday.
parents didn't have to give their children any money.
D) The school paid the entrance fee of the museum for the 78.) Airmail service, including parcels, is available at relatively
children, so the parents had given them some money low cost throughout the world.
A) You can send letters and parcels to your relatives by air
E) The school didn't have to pay the entrance fee of the
wherever they are in the world, and it'll cost you very little.
museum for all the children as some parents had given
B) Choose airmail service for your post and parcels if it is
their children some money.
available to where your relatives live because it is not as
expensive as generally considered.
C) It's possible to send your post as well as your parcels
everywhere in the world by air, and it isn't expensive at all.
75.) We'll have nowhere to stay If we can't find a new flat by
D) Airmail service is available for letters throughout the
the end of this month, when our contract is due.
world, but not for parcels as the cost is relatively high for
A) I don't think we'll be able to find a new flat by the end of them.
this month, and then we won't have anywhere to stay. E) The postage you'll pay to send your mail and parcels by air
B) Our contract will be over at the end of this month, so we varies depending on where in the world you're sending
il have to find a new flat by then, if vre don't want to be them.
C) We only have one month to evacuate this flat and move 79.) I doubt that he realised the importance of the situation
into a new one, because our contract is due to end at the despite your excellent explanation.
end of this month.
A) You should have found a better way to explain the
D) We don't have to start looking for a new flat just yet,
importance of the situation to him.
because our contract is valid until the end of this month.
B) Although you explained it perfectly, he might still not have
E) If we have to evacuate this flat at the end of this month,
understood how important the situation is.
then we have one month ahead of us to look for a new
C) In spite of your perfect explanation, he seemed doubtful
about whether the situation was indeed so important.
D) I admit that you explained the situation excellently, but he
couldn't understand it.
E) You couldn't have explained the importance of the
76.) As a child, I used to believe that the old woman who lived
situation any better, but he still didn't understand it.
in the cottage in the woods was a witch.

A) The old woman who lives in the cottage in the woods is

very scary because she looks just like a witch. NOTLAR:
B) I was terrified to hear that the old woman who lived in
the cottage in the woods was a witch as a child. ……………………………………………………………………………………………..
C) The old woman who lives in the cottage in the woods
used to say she was a witch, but I didn't believe her. ……………………………………………………………………………………………..
D) As a child, whenever I saw an old woman living in a
cottage in the woods, 1 used to think that she was a ……………………………………………………………………………………………..
E) When I was young, there was an old woman living in the ……………………………………………………………………………………………..
cottage in the woods, who, then I thought, was a witch.

80.) Would you mind if I used your mobile phone to tell my 83.) Sınav gözcüsü sürenin bitmek üzere olduğunu
mother about my exam results? hatırlattığında ben daha soruların yarısını bile
A) Do you think 1 should telephone my mother and tell her
that I passed all my exams? A) The examiner should have reminded us about the time
B) My mother will be happy to hear that I passed ail my because I'd only answered half of the questions when the
exams. Can I use your mobile to phone her? time was up.
C) Have you got your mobile with you as I need lu phone my B) I was about to finish answering the questions when the
mother and tell her about my exam results? examiner told us that we'd left halfan hour behind.
D) Is it all right with you if I telephone my mother on your C) When the examiner reminded us that the time was almost
mobile to tell her about my exam results? up, I hadn't even been able to answer half of the questions.
E) Would you mind telephoning my mother on your mobile D) I couldn't answer all the questions because by the time the
and telling her about my exam results? examiner told us about the time, we were already about to
run out of if.
81 - 90. sorularda, verilen: Türkçe, cümlenin İngilizce dengini E) By the time the examiner told us to hand in our papers
bulunuz. because our time was up. I'd only answered half of the
81.) O kaba davranışından sonra cezayı haketti ama cezanın
bu kadar ağır olması gerekmiyordu.

A) Although she deserved to be punished after that rude

84.) Şeftalilerin fazla olgunlaşmış olanlarını önce yiyelim yoksa
behaviour, you could have given her a less severe
yarın onları atmak zorunda kalırız.
B) The punishment she was given was a little too severe A) We ought to eat the overripe peaches first because they
compared with what she had done. won't keep until tomorrow.
C) She should have been punished for that rude behaviour B) Some of tliese peaches are overripe and should be eaten
of hers, though not with a severe punishment. before tomorrow.
D) After that rude behaviour of hers, she deserved a C) If we don'! want to throw away these overripe peaches
punishment, but it needn't have been such a severe one. tomorrow, we have to eat therrf first.
E) She deserved to be punished for that rude behaviour D) We'd better eat the overripe peaches first: otherwise,
with an even more severe punishment than the one she they'll be rotten by tomorrow.
was given. E) Let's eat the overripe peaches first, or we'll have to throw
them away tomorrow.

82.) Resmi işlemler sırasında karşılaştığı pek çok tersliğe

rağmen turizm sezonu başlamadan önce bürosunu açabildi.
85.) Zavallı adam kazada hem karısını hem de oğlunu
A) He could have opened his office before the tourism
kaybettiğini duyunca yıkılmış olmalı.
season started if he hadn't encountered so many
problems during the official procedures. A) The poor man must have collapsed upon hearing hat he'd
B)The officials caused him so many problems during the lost both his wife and his son in the accident.
procedures that he very.) nearly didn't open his office B) When he heard that both his wife and son had died in the
before the tourism season started. accident, the poor man collapsed in despair.
C) Despite the many mishaps he encountered during the C) The news that his wife and son had been killed in the
official procedures, he was able to open his office before accident was too much for the poor man to bear, so he
the tourism season started, collapsed.
D) He has failed to open his office in time for he D) The poor man felt so desperate as he'd lost not only his
approaching tourism season due to the many mishaps he wife but also his son in the accident.
encountered during the procedures. E) It must have been a real shock for the poor man to hear
E) Even if he had encountered a few problems during the about the accident as he'd lost not only his wife but also his
official procedures, he still had enough time to open his son.
office before the tourism season.

86.) Çok fazla eşyası olduğu için havaalanına otobüsle 89.) Eski denizciler Albatros kuşunun doğa üstü güçleri
gitmektense taksi tutmayı tercih etti. olduğuna ve onu öldürmenin kötü şans getireceğine inanırlardı.

A) She had to hire a taxi to the airport instead of taking the A) Because they believed that the bird Albatross had
bus because she had too much luggage. supernatural powers, ancient sailors were not very keen to
B) Even though she had too much luggage, she could still kill one.
have taken the bus to the airport, but she preferred a taxi. B) Ancient sailors used to believe that the bird Albatross had
C) She might not have gone to the airport by taxi but have supernatural powers, and that killing one brought bad luck.
taken the bus if she hadn't had so much luggage. C) Ancient sailors believed that, whoever had bad luck at sea,
D) As she had so much luggage, she preferred to hire a taxi he must have killed an Albatross, the bird they considered
to the airport rather than take the bus. to have supernatural powers.
E) She'd rather go to the airport by taxi than take the bus D) Ancient sailors attributed all bad luck to the bird Albatross,
because she has too much luggage. so wherever they saw one, they wanted to kill it.
E) In the ancient sailors' belief, the one who killed an
87.) Yüzündeki mutlu ifadeye bakılırsa, kötü haberi henüz Albatross, the bird which brought bad luck, had
duymamış olmalı. supernatural powers.

A) She can't have heard the bad news yet because look how
90.) Yarın teslim etmem gereken raporu bitirmek için bütün
happy she appears to be.
gece uyanık kalmak zorundayım.
B) Judging from the happy look on her face, she must not
have heard the bad news yet. A) I have to hand in this report tomorrow, and I can only
C) We gathered from the happy look on her face that she finish It if I stay up all night.
hadn't heard the bad news yet. B) I can only finish this report by staying up all night, or I
D) As she had a happy look on her face, we couldn't won't be able to hand it in tomorrow.
understand whether she'd heard the bad news. C) I'll have to stay up all night today for this report as I'll need
E) It was obvious that she hadn't heard the bad news as she it tomorrow.
looked very happy. D) I may have to stay up all night so as to get this report ready
for tomorrow.
88.) Tüm geleceğini etkileyebilecek bu kararı almadan E) I have to stay up all night in order to finish the report I'm
önce, en azından annen baban olarak bizim de fikrimizi supposed to hand in tomorrow.

A) Before you took this decision, which might affect your

91 - 100. sorularda verilen İngilizce cümlenin Türkçe dengini
whole future, as your parents, you could have at least
asked for our opinion as well.
B) As your parents, we were expecting that you would ask
for our opinion before you took this decision about your 91.) As it might cause drowsiness and dizziness, you mustn't
future. drive for a period of two hours after you've taken this
C) Although you didn't consult us before taking this medicine.
decision, as your parents, we must warn you that it might
A) Uyku ve baş dönmesine neden olduğu için bu ilacı aldıktan
affect your whole future.
ancak iki saat sonra araç kullanabilirsiniz.
D) You took a decision that will affect your whole future,
B) Uyku ve baş dönmesine yol açabileceği için bu ilacı aldıktan
but didn't even bother to ask for our, that Is, your
sonra iki saat süreyle araba kullanmamalısınız.
parents', opinion.
C) Uyku ve baş dönmesi yaratabilir endişesiyle bu ilacın
E) You should have consulted your parents too before you
etkileri geçinceye kadar, yani iki saat süreyle araba
took this decision because it will affect your whole future.
D) İki saat sonra araç kullanacaksanız, bu ilacı hemen alın ki
uyku ve baş dönmesi gibi etkileri o zamana kadar kaybolsun.
E) Bu ilacı şimdi aldığınıza göre iki saat araba
kullanmayacaksınız demektir çünkü bu ilaç uyku ve baş
dönmesi yapar.

92.) Thanks to his experience and his calm attitude 94.) With proper care, buildings made of adobe, which is an
throughout the incident, the pilot was able to land the plane, excellent building material in dry climates, may last for
damaged badly during the hurricane, safely. centuries.

A) Fırtınada ağır hasar görmüş uçağı sağ salim yere A) Özellikle kurak iklimler için uygun olan kerpiç binaların
indirdiğine göre, pilot çok deneyimli ve soğukkanlı biri asırlarca dayanması için çok iyi bir bakıma ihtiyaçları vardır.
olmalı. B) Kurak iklimler için mükemmel bir inşaat malzemesi olan
B) Deneyimi ve olay boyunca takındığı sakin tavrı sayesinde kerpiçten yapılmış binalar, iyi bir bakımla, asırlarca
pilot fırtınada ağır hasar görmüş uçağı sağ salim yere dayanabilir.
indirebildi. C) İklimin kurak olması koşuluyla, iyi bakılan kerpiç binalar
C) Fırtına sırasında deneyimi ve sakinliğiyle dikkat çeken yüzlerce yıl mükemmel ayakta kalabilirler.
pilota, büyük hasar gören uçağı sağ salim yere indirmeyi D) Çok iyi bakılsalar bile, kerpiçten yapılmış binaların yüzlerce
başardığı için herkes teşekkür etti. yıl ayakta kalabilmesi ancak kurak iklimlerde mümkün
D) Tüm yolcular, fırtına sırasında çok hasar görmüş olan olabilir.
uçağı, soğukkanlı davranarak usta bir şekilde yere indiren E) Kurak iklimlerde yüzyıllardır inşaat malzemesi olarak
pilota şükran borçluydular. kullanılan kerpiçten yapılmış evler, uzun süre ayakta
E) Pilot çok deneyimliydi ve fırtına sırasında büyük hasar kalabilmeleri için iyi bakılmalıdırlar.
görmüş uçağı, soğukkanlı davranarak, usta bir şekilde
yere indirmeyi başardı.
95.) She knew that they couldn't afford a holiday abroad, yet
she still called at a travel agent's and took a few brochures.
93.) When New Zealand was deforested, the huia bird, which
A) Bir seyahat acentasından istediği broşürler eline geçene
was used to living in the forest, was no longer able to feed in
dek, yurt dışında bir tatili rahatlıkla karşılayabileceklerini
Its accustomed way and soon became extinct.
A) Yeni Zelanda ormanlarını yitirince, ormanda yaşamaya B) Yurt dışında tatil yapmaya güçlerinin yetmeyeceğini bile
alışmış olan huia kuşu artık alışkın olduğu biçimde bile bir seyahat acentasına telefon etti ve birkaç broşür
beslenemez oldu ve kısa sürede nesli tükendi. istedi.
B) Yeni Zelanda'nın ormanlarında yaşayan huia kuşu ormanlar C) Yurt dışına tatile gitmeyi çok istiyordu ama seyahat
yok olmaya başlayınca yeterli besin bulamadı ve bir süre acentasından aldığı broşürlerdeki rakamları asla
sonra nesli tükendi. karşılayamayacaklarını da biliyordu.
C) Huia kuşunun neslinin tükenmesinin başlıca nedeni. Yeni D) Seyahat acentasından aldığı broşürleri inceleyince, tatil için
Zelanda'da ormanların yok edilmesidir çünkü bu kuş sadece yurt dışına gitmeye güçlerinin yetmeyeceğini anladı.
orman koşullarında yaşamaya alışkındı. E) Yurt dışında bir tatile güçlerinin yetmeyeceğini biliyordu
D) Yeni Zelanda'da ormanların yok edilmesi, ormanda ama yine de bir seyahat acentasına uğrayıp birkaç broşür
yaşamaya alışkın huia gibi bazı kuş türlerinin neslinin aldı.
tükenmesine neden olmuştur.
E) Huia kuşu Yeni Zelanda ormanlarında yaşardı ancak
ormanlar yok olunca alışkın olduğu besinleri bulamayan bu 96.) Would you mind if I sat here and had a look at the
kuşun nesli tükendi. magazines while you're working?

A) Burada oturup dergilere göz atmam çalışmanı

engellememiştir umarım?
B) Sen çalışırken burada oturup dergilere göz atmak
istiyorum, olur mu?
C) Sen çalışırken burada oturup dergilere göz atmamın bir
sakıncası var rnı?
D) Senin çalışmanı engellemezse eğer, burada oturup
dergilere göz atabilir miyim?
E) Sen çalışırken benim dergi okumam seni rahatsız eder mi?

97.) People who are overweight, past middle age, or who 99.) International air travel has become so extensive that it's
suffer from heart disease should consult a physician before now possible to reach any place in the world in less than a day
starting any exercise program. on one of the more than 350 airlines operating worldwide.

A) Orta yaşı geçmiş kişiler, üstelik kilolu iseler ve kalp A) Dünya çapında 350 havayolları tarafından sürdürülen
rahatsızlıkları varsa, bir egzersiz programına başlamadan uluslararası hava taşımacılığı çok yaygın ve sık olduğu için
önce mutlaka bir hekime danışmalıdırlar. dünyanın herhangi bir yerine günübirliğine gidip gelmeniz
B) Orta yaşı geçmiş kişiler kilo vermek amacıyla bir egzersiz mümkündür.
programına başlamadan önce bir hekime başvurup kalp B) Uluslararası hava taşımacılığı yapan şirketlerin sayısı şu
kontrolünden geçmelidirler. anda 350'dir ve bu şirketler dünyanın hemen her yerine
C) Kilolu, orta yaşı geçmiş ya da ka!p rahatsızlığı olan günlük seferler düzenlemektedirler.
kişilerin herhangi bir egzersiz programına başlamadan C) Uluslararası hava taşımacılığı şu anda dünyanın 350
önce bir hekime danışmaları gerekir. merkezine seferler düzenlemektedir ve bu merkezlerden en
D) Orta yaşın üzerindeki kişiler eğer kilolu iseler ve kalp uzak olanına bile bir günden daha az bir sürede
rahatsızlıkları varsa, uygun bir egzersiz programı için bir ulaşılabilmektedir.
hekimin tavsiyesi gerekir. D) Uluslararası hava taşımacılığı o kadar yaygınlaştı ki dünya
E) Orta yaşın üzerindeki kişilerin kaldırabileceği egzersiz çapında hizmet veren 350 havayollarından biriyle bir
programlan için kilo ve kalbin durumu önemli olduğu için günden daha az bir sürede dünyanın herhangi bir yerine
mutlaka hekim tavsiyesi gerekmektedir. ulaşmak artık mümkün.
E) Dünyanın her yerine çok sık seferler düzenleyen 350
98.) Even if we'd found out in advance that the speaker was havayollarından herhangi biriyle bir günden daha az bir
not coming, we couldn't have found someone in such a short sürede dilediğiniz yere gitmeniz hiç de imkansız değildir.
time to replace him.
100.) The long coastline and large number of rivers and lakes
A) Eğer konuşmacının gelmeyeceğini bu kadar kısa bir süre
provide Africa with plenty of fish resources.
önce öğrenmeseydik, belki de onun yerine bir başkasını
bulabilirdik. A) Afrika'da balığın bol olmasının nedeni sahip olduğu uzun
B) Konuşmacının gelmeyeceğini önceden öğrenemediğirniz kıyı şeridi ve çok sayıdaki nehir ve gölleridir.
için sürenin azlığı nedeniyle yerine birini bulamadık. B) Uzun kıyı şeridi ve çok sayıda nehir ve göl Afrika'ya bol
C) Konuşmacının gelmeyeceğini son anda öğrendiğimiz için miktarda balık kaynağı sağlamaktadır.
yerine bir başkasını bulacak kadar zamanımız yoktu. C) Afrika'da balık bol bulunmaktadır çünkü kıta uzun bir kıyı
D) Konuşmacı gelemeyeceğini bize o kadar geç bildirdi ki şeridine ve çok sayıda nehir ve göle sahiptir.
yerine bir başkasını bulmamız mümkün değildi. D) Afrika'nın başlıca yiyecek kaynağı, sahip olduğu uzun
E) Konuşmacının gelmeyeceğini önceden öğrenmiş olsaydık kıyılan, nehirleri ve göllerinden sağlanan balıktır.
bile bu kadar kısa sürede yerine birini bulamazdık. E) Uzun kıyı şeridinin yanı sıra, çok sayıda nehir ve göl,
Afrika'ya bol miktarda balık sağlayan kaynaklardır.


l.B 2.C 3.B 4.E 5.D 6.A 7.C 8.C 9.E 10.B
11.D 12.C 13.A 14.A 15.D 16.B 17.C 18.E 19.A 20.E
21.C 22.B 23.D 24.D 25.A 26.C 27.D 28.E 29.B 30.A
31.A 32.E 33.C 34.C 35.B 36.D 37.E 38.B 39.C 40.D
41.A 42.B 43.E 44.A 45.C 46.D 47.B 48.C 49.A 50.E
51.B 52.D 53.D 54.E 55.C 56.A 57.D 58.B 59.E 60.C
61.D 62.C 63.B 64.C 6S.E 66.D 67.A 68.B 69.C 70.B

…………………………………………………………………………………………….. 71.E 72.A 73.C 74.D 75.B 76.E 77.D 78.C 79.B 80.D
81.D 82.C 83.C 84.E 85.A 86.D 87.B 8S.A 89.B 90.E

…………………………………………………………………………………………….. 91.B 92.B 93.A 94.B 95.E 96.C 97.C 98.E 99.D 100.B


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