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on ah) 3 | y Oithererces behocen Coryiley ond Aeterprekss “Comeuce | TER PRETER, 'T ler tvortlates ov VCompley checks dv beans ty 4, Toterpre eMOL Aghlevel prover Bolermert cloner cttaree. : ' / ates preeinen os evealer, Th the peosfiann is COON fle, ; ie compiles the pram inte | Ht excels Be peogicen and | One Praparo Hmachine Continua HN Me last Langu whith haste be pha timent” exceutid by an intey} pretey: ———— LO ENS 3. The “Lentatin proces Cmateats 0 Sorerpaitin out by a Lov ti foe aL coreg ‘- | iygtervd oO» Dotewpretatien. Hr Obyeet profarn Texeautinn Object proqvan execution u tn nat Casdied our bythe i CakAlad out Py Tae interpreta, conpiles: > es acedidung fe tu eRe | Sak process 4 pecs the P ohyfital logical You oly evinwiol througly » gdures iq toe the on inpuk _& tr oe 6 St wight Proew dowe Shalnd depeatealy ard onignt ignce ; &: Interpreters ane malin than Compilers. & compiley ope\ates phaset- Q pratse logically oterrelald operation tuk taker d0usce prrogham wm one sepsrcntalio and producs ouknit in anoles peparsenlatinn “The phases O% compiles OX civic into wo posts: le Ermalyoes 2. Supnthesls The Analyses Phase = . tne anabycs contuts ols the pharers Le Lineas, Grats KR ketical analyse Se Scanning B. Eievarchiol Grabs dv Byrtax analysis & paving, & Semontc analy: , ' The Gintheie Phaser es the Syrthexts consists 6 trsuc phases * { VGrterrediale code Qeneralion Bigon a. Code Optimigatisn Ss Code | Geriétation: —4 Scanned by CamScanner ow “ 1 Lettcot Qralysiens The 1 “Raiget propam lexical analyey does letical anallxts This phase Zuads the chatacieu ‘inthe dource progam and gfoubs ‘them int> Go SGuam of te kerk. Tokens at the Sequen, havin EN Of Charade MY A Celleative meanings The charactin 4 QUIN {pbening The AMdgnment Symbol += g& the identifi initial q The plus San 5+ the, ‘Identijun, nol - 6. the muskiptiadinn , 80 + the, mimbey, 60 Scanned by CamScanner we blank, betosaiing te chatadnt, wil ee chiminatd * diving lexi} oralyh. Hinen aye lexical arabyzey pods te idertifay potition, ‘een Soke. a teu, fay id. 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Snahiyde’s Semantic Aralyds checks Ore phource profiam jo Sernantic eouds: DF Wes the Wieraxenial , Szueh determined by the bpekern analytrnaiphaye te identiyy Ci operatas ond operands ‘ol, exrpmerddons and Bratienents, » Serrantic Onabeyein pertduns byoe checking ey, it checks that “eachy operal hay Operands Anak, OR Pormittrd by tre dower language Speciffattin . ce Wh & sual number Wed korindex an anny ies 5 ALLS] then tu comply ill Rept on ead Thr ed y handlad duviing temanble analysts: . Guppowe ib umd tat “all Menbifies pave ber daclosid: tale Sade Ruk 60 QAtmes ithely be an ‘mbeger > Bo oben x abbled tr a suck dat ‘ard Integel 60. \nteqa Scanned by CamScanner /, wnverted ae sual using the type cncing pos (sR UU acheived® Bern the operotd, tnt torent conve an intequ. into Sued. he chanadiw qfoued as token will 6e reeds in tale -catlcl as dymbol table ‘ 4 | povition + . Gnitiol A . Rate inkl nen] Srkermedio’. Code Gemenaton 60 sd Ber &pnitan and serrate analysis bom cCompiluy generate an vere te eae ey ote na ea “mo the eae pxopen ce ON ane pasion Pi Thus the ntermedial Code qe™ 4 sransipre Be pase Bue te an “internigdiatt = anguede poser det xckep tem|-fom berm > id] dum be digit 7 7 (ot) digits 4 aig’ hummer 2 alls’? digits) 7 CE Jafep gts” [ettert a) [A -? a-3) id > latter | ( feter Pay oh ese > else won 7H a= | ze | =|427 Ye tpleen ‘tho power? of optimization cd DPA Ang. A padleihn pptchors, — (UMeRED) —~ — OPtimézection of DAA _Bual_ puller Corsstauct optimigel pA 481 (alb)*abat + Ctede syne feo 2+ umley tho bef nodes 3. Find nublabb d ech node Ys Pind — Plast Pod dy ach hale Be 6: Pind Lasipos a each halo Find Polloupos dp ech helo 1) no-thon plasipes( ca) lasts (ct) ti) n> tHeo Eiastpo 3(n) tas\p0.5(1) wate Syrtar tee i») eres ie 5 onside, the ee (albyra . > construct Jyntot tieo $l -the qn Regalos Cxpsons'y i en cota > TNE Saver +e 43) algie expsasdion 2) un wumbes tho Leah Ne e a b 7 a 2) Eind tblable gf each role? wae reste node "ns loop € THO ‘ ; a)yabyt Mi 3 3) e rH Fiesta) ae wa We 7 arial tasers . astoC>) 4) Ss a puthubtes) crasto3(C2) otc) bbe i r)) Oo ruthie) Sls or Leis Nalco) v fea) vy easposce> SG wll Herescad “rinslo) w ind_e tin _ SIE 2 F fi28y A Goh Pri2h te ta f\ ao 3 sua / $355, e ’ /eXb i a 2 a fe 5) Pind the task position 4 ech nedo F033 a $53 — lots rad sete) F ae B35 fe Oe og ‘gut | Vat ¢ $a fy PR Bf 6) Find satis ploy qe Och Mee” f) noe the Poses cca) 7 Batre? %) 2 Hthon Fastpos Ln) > @3tPaCh) Treo | 1 2 3 Yy 5 C2013 (foot pote) = 61224 7O) pena) = £35 ayga)= $133 = followofo> (2) v Foleo 3) = poppe Roper?) = FUABy 8 coy fda 9 (NDZ Ravca) = Papp I0 PROC) eo'5 a} —3 & 2 1218154 7€) 3) (4a) = 61,33 = Fop () veopl) = Pl, 2/34 © Cee 2 fa} ; = Fop(2) = $13/33 A itt 4 sou ae aashiel dbuet optimized pea *sonsition toble % TFA 8 * Cc se Now We daw BELA R® owl >O Bo optirnt2ee DPA Leased on goles ‘ matchont - vy ~. “Pein of late Men Garett: . ( structwe d presi Aral 363 (umes). . 1 Sp tO ope laters 4guxod ve ie E- NFA DFA sil se lot progam cordon aad & Lenin ap Oe ‘ul RE donotion ove L sein have abl Wis ec wi ccnvestes PA ue rove a Sh acktory Sy oe along i ainwbate the FA a i ¥ 404 oe uh 8 ol Se okt in ; moe toe ox hover? ba eed es mq ake y grin RE gules col F ye oe BY conve os «all é ean) rq 4o wet a ee = We "hon 2 aera c nea &Y oF) ane a adotied ott. edille! dan » an acuoh ° 2, cadtion ck loxema i eG? suites ae cnoanngte mew 4 ‘ soca urd - A ound - yer your me ees To derign the leuical Andly 2zex Orenexator fivast dextay. whe CaPreM™s of rane evanessiom fOr the tol ond then Wom WM patrexis iE IS Cary to design pon GeteuMNiNiShe ini te automata - see eo we exrnudare tne nehanigt of OFA with ao axoqlom fe we Have FO convex the WEA drown thom the porte OFA. The design Of, \eutcal om Uo adproctchen Q = Pattoun mnorching wring OFA. _ vara HEA foot leuic ove zen . Portes fretching arsed on WFAS aly ee generator is oued on | 7 - ah jaa ~ —— “rest shes Re host (oat nak /. bese [expivatent\ / cayivebent CY pattems. | econ: oat « Sig@renion) 7 wrA a OFA tomb / / eS / | To design henical Analy ze LeNetator , He povtteun of | otequhart Supression ate deri nedl Float. These partrerns | ans Of HECDAMI Zia. NOXOUY TOKEns Hom inpet, | toting , Fotom thexseY Portex Ve ieany Fo destgna ora Nauk itis cloays easy to cimutatey We vor | of DFA with o pro von ttbince we convert (OFA Axed | piom thee Potters to OFA - oT this method the Aoiemsition talsle 4o4 each MFA Fcom we down omd each MEA is dexiqned cred on the | Potten mentioned im the Speciicoti pie of LEX. “There Cam be N TUMbbeX Of FAS OH num sex 0) | porte . The stant state 18 taven ome withtotomsl How alk there WFAS com be Connected -toaeiner . “THis combined MFA stecognizer the longest Pree gin of the input matched ae. potter of HE QUAOH eUpMoy | RE. While simulatin n we ack Accepting states wel should arxoceeal HL (EX teaches the texnwinoton. © Fert a pattewn peas Process there coulel he muthpk accept states in cuwurete Seb of states . Gwotent input Posi tion amd patton Fox LXdtes ponding Regutam —_ Eypression Rr is ctecerded , we comttyl eh OLOMSiH OVA unk Fenminoation cs found 3 ° AS SOON as WE vIeEaAch to the Femi Maton, tse the foouword pointes to PostHon a the lost vnokdh, Thus this pattenn frosting process iden H hex tokens drom iment stolng: WFA-evem to Fox Evewmple 5 - 6 : ew Pattern ( OW o) Pattrem 2 o*tlr ca Patten. wee : ain with hittah sek of. To idem * hy stodng OO we he States. she oUt Pattom is matched with tne (sk symbol input Cot! Buk os iw the neuk totam Hon oi seein to accer™ state. We Simpl wtecooid Mhe state omd caput inpuk Poin TOt. Moto, we choose the 24 gakton, amd move on sme aoramsition diagram of Olt Boe whe ore SeeNhor of the impos does nok martes with porte UN | we vtecoid the sek Oo states ond fou forthe | ol ds | atence rived Potton we. exoceed “fOr aotomsitord dogo ot LF when “Woe input perminorerwe tenes Fo | oceept State. “he foes com PE iden HEed POM gowrtce to ae Porrenr | f Potten > oe i) ©) I ey ey o | nm youn nekpos { ts a gton Kot ro match me input S o amd i€ ton ow to matdn th. paitens one toy one puilt this ror longest levee - - Ome “corn posite YOR A tS converted "> OF As vm +e MEAs dxatoMn [Moi wthe OFATS © oO Soult ‘eon Of RE. THEN We * ao marten He WP Ce tna ; cept Stale ston oh each of the ee : ee oo (| fe one Qoiecovtd ed omd we & on moun on Aotamsi Hows ust the MP stottn yun mating wim the |» thee ore two Patter’ A rey which ¢S mentioned nen te eal okon ye XS owes os FO be inpuk stoi | SE 0 ane LEX species cowmidered. Zoot Euommple t- LEX specification {ele consis ts Ob Lo oO | ov o> [aims od s Raiqn Bea” pom noFR: wR OF ARLIOM frorFA:- Foor con stout alithe E- weachahle states stept - we oxqin with prom aiuteo he & teachable stakes ate ee etnex TO foot o state O37 Them we obtain the oa Bb toanvition gtebes O37 Step i- We obtain state 248. Thus | npuk @ &, lo tocomsi Hows ith toad wi meal enexated gtater . ind complete REA com beY deriened To marth the stating oll We get tuo ‘mate ead ORGS 1 BE. GN i ed pattein crit oppeowatoehoue Of 1 fn th Wis matched pattern Me € toca sition Specify cation swe, Step2*- T ~* x ena a ° —— : } ° G) SE > ox25| ——K@)) eee ee aa O2OOO ey ihn cl — Conveodston “470% Requilart EtpeoBlon ity & ha. Ariivalond to ver 481 bebo Lrprvin -lotlorn yA . F Comers gy Ree Fo Ue We a mothed called subse) mmettonl sep + pes a enti Lge 41 que Re Mg Nea with E-MAD- HPA Gmved FA wth ¢ to NFA ated € StP3; convestt “tn dddatral nea 0 qo DPA: . RE Nea with € 9 nen bat lot (ot) OL athe Regula Etpsexion ib Ss pa (®) ns oHlOG) 10 cotn) ota Stes" eh , SEB! gpa tensition ca ¥ Now ue have qot NEA cstthout E Now cnvert NEA cottnout E NPA ~_ pFA- . i ste transtfion tabb -Bt NPA + fiast tdegte mansion Bo tat sede Ste 2 = 7% t, fue 5747 Ld pad ce) te ru} oe g [v3] a, 2 wy Fe " ’ ag) 4) tae) ‘< Pe cup) Oe) [2] a ae 6 ‘4 ae coe) D p ye we @n chau tho teansitin cliegeam Bi DFA

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