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Ihlam, arshadanaallahu wa iyyaaka, anna-llaha azza wajalla Waahidun fee mulki-hi Be cognizant, may Allah guide us and you t o the truth, that Allah, the Great the Almighty is Uniquely One in His dominion. Khaaliqul aalami bi asrihee, al ulwiyyi wasufliyyi wal arshi wal kursiyyi wasamaawaati wal ardi wamaa feehimaa wamaa baynahumaa He is Creator of the entire universe, the celestials and terrestrials, the Throne and the Footstool, the skies and the earth, and what the skies and the earth both contains and all that is between both of them. Jameehul khalaahiqi maq-huuruuna biqudratihee All creations are subjugated under His power. Laa tata-haraku zaratun illaa bi-iznihee Not even an atom moves unless He permeates. Laysa mahahu mudabirun fil khalqi walaa shareekun fil mulki He employs no director in the affairs of creation and no partner in His dominion. Hayyun Qayyuumun laa takh-husuhu sinnatun walaa naomun He is the Living, the Self Subsisting Supporter of all, no slumber can seize Him nor sleep. aalimul gaybi washa-haadati laa yakhfaa alayhi shayhun fil ardi walaa fee samaahi He is the Knower of all things, both secret and open, nothing is hidden from Him on the earth and in the sky.

Yahlamu maa fil barri wal bahr, wamaa taskutu min warakatin ilaa yahlamuhaa, walaa habatin fee zulumaatil ardi walaa ratbin walaa yaabisin illaa f ee kitaabin mubeen He knows whatever there is in the earth and in the sea, and not a leaf shall fall but with His knowledge, and there is no grain in the darkness or depth of the earth, nor anything fresh or dry, but is inscribed in a record so clear. Ahaata bikuli shayhin ilman wa ahsaa kula shayhin adadan He encompasses all things with His knowledge and He takes account of every single thing. Fahaalun lima yureedu He is the Accomplisher of whatever He plans.

Qaadirun alaa maa yashaahu He is Most Capable in whatever He wishes. Lahul mulku wal ginaa, walahul izzatu wal baqaa, walahul hamdu wathanaa, walahul asmaahul husnaa His is the dominion, and the wealth, and His is the glory and eternity, and His is the Praise and extolment and His are the beautiful names. Laa daafiha lima qadaa, walaa maaniha lima ahtaa None can defend what He decreed and non can resist whatever He gives. Yafhalu fee mulkihi maa yureedu, wayahkumu fee khalqi-hee maa yashaahu He performs in His dominion whatever He wants and decide on His creation whatever He wills. Laa yarjuu thawaaban, walaa yakhaafu iqaaban, laysa alayhi haqqun walaa alayhi hukmun He expects no rewards and fears no punishment and there is no imposed right on Him and no judgment can be passed on Him. Fakullu nihmatin minhu Fadlun wa kullu niqmatin minhu adlun laa yus-alu ammaa yafalu wahum yusaluuna All blessings from Him are gift of grace and kindness, and all venoms from Him are divinely justified. He cannot be questioned for His acts, but they (creations) will be questioned for theirs. Maojuudun qablal khalqi He Exist before all creation Laysa lahu qablun, walaa bahdun, walaa faoqun, walaa tahtun, walaa yameenun, walaa shimaalun, walaa amaamun, walaa khalfun, walaa kullun walaa bahdun He has no prior and no after, no above and no under, no right side and no left side, no front and no rear, now wholly and no partly. Walaa yuqaalu mataa kaana, walaa ayna kaana, walaa kyfa kaana Its not uttered; when did He start to exist, nor where did He start to exist, nor how did He start to exist.

Kawanal akwaana, wadabara zamaana, walaa yataqayadu bizamaani, walaa yakhtasu bil makaani, walaa yalhaquhu wahmun walaa yukayafuhu aql un, walaa yanhasiru fee zihni, walaa yatamathalu fee nafsi, walaa yatasawaru fil wahmi walaa yatakayafu fil aqli, walaa yalhaquhul aohaamu wal afkaaru

He established existence (cosmos) and managed time, He is not confined to a time and not specified to a place, illusion do not connect to Him and brain do not imagines Him, He is not enclosed in the mind and not exemplifies in the psyche, not fashioned in fantasy and not modified in the brain and He is not catch up in illusions and thoughts

Jalla ani shabeehi wanazeeri, laysa kamithlihi shayhun wahuwa Sameehul Baseeru He is far above resemblance and counterparts, there is nothing whatever like unto Him and He is the All-hearing, the All- Seeing.

: AL-HIKMATUL BAALIGAT ALMUSAMAA BIDURIL MAKNOONI MIN KALAAMI AMEERIL MUMINEENA SAYYIDINAA ALI KARAMALLAHU WAJ-HAHAU. Excerpts from the book: The Ripped Wisdom also known as the Cherished Pearls from the sayings of the leader of the faithful Sayyidinaa Ali son of Abi Taalib. May Allah honor his face ALPHABET ALIF TRANSLITERATION TRANSLATION

Eemaanul marhi yuhraf biamaanatihee Akhuuka man waasaaka fi shidat Izhaarul ginaa mina shukri Adabul marhi khayrun mina zahabi Adaahu dayni mina deeni Adib iyaalika yanfahuhum Ahsin ilal museehi tasud Ikhwaanu aazaa zamaani jawaaseesul uyuubi Istiraa-haatu nafsi fil yahsi Ikhfaahu shadaahidi minal muruuhati

Faith of a person is known through his trustworthiness. Your brother is the one who helps you overcome difficulty. Manifestation of graces and bounties is a form of gratitude. Education of a person is better than his gold. Payment of debt is a part of religion. Educate your family, it will benefit them. Do well to the bad people, you will prevail over them. Brothers of this era are spies of faults. Peace of mind is in abstaining and contentment. Concealment of difficulties is part of magnanimity.



Birrul waalidayni salafun Bashir nasfsaka bisafari bahad sabri Barakatul maali fee adaahi Zakaat Bih dunyaa bil aakhirati tarbah Balaahul insaani mina lisaani Bukaahul insaani min khashyatillahi quratu aynin Baakir tashad Nafsul marhi aduwu-hu Bukratu sabti wal khamees barakatun Barakatul umri husnul amali Birruka laa tubtil-hu bilminnat Bashaashatul wajhi atiyatun thaaniyyatun wabushraa lisaahili

Goodness to both parents is compulsory. Give yourself glad tidings of victory after patience. The blessings in money is in paying the Zakaat. Sell this world for the next world, you will gain profit. Affliction of a man is from the tongue. Tears of a man due to fear of Allah is a delight of the eye. Rise up early, you will be fortunate, a person ego is his enemy. The dawn of Saturdays and Thursdays are blessings. Prosperity of a life time is in good work. Do not spoil your good works by reminders of your generousity. Cheerfulness of the face is a second gift and a good news for the beggar.

Wafee kuli shayhin lahuu aayatun # tadullu alaa anahu waahidun There is an evident signs in everything which shows that He (Allah) is Uniquely One.

Tazakar jameelee feeka izh kunta nutfatan # wala tansa tasweeree li shakhsika fil ashaa Remember My gracious goodness to you when you are a semen, and dont forget how I fashioned your person while inside the placenta. Wakun waasikan bee fee umuurika kulihaa # sa akfeeka minhaa maa takhaafu watakhtashaa And, have trust in Me in all your affairs and I will sufficiently protect you from whatever you fear and dread. Wasalim ilayal amra wahlam bi ananee # usarifu ahkaamee wa afhalu maa ashaa

And, surrender your affair to Me and know that I solely disburse my judgments and I do as I wish.

Ataytuka qaasidan ya zal mahaalee # fafarij maa taraa min suuhi haalee I came to you purposely O You the exalted One; let me be relieved from all my bad situations. Ilaa man yarjihul mamluuku illaa # ilaa maolaahu ya maolaal mawaalee Unto to whom do servant runs for help, surely it is to his owner, O You the Owner of all servants.
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Alayka bi ahlil khayri inshihta suhbatan # wafee subatil akhyaari talqaal fawaahida It is incumbent upon you to partner good people if you want companionship, for it is in the company of good people that you will encounter benefits. Waman jaalasa ataara taaba biteebihee # waman jaalasal hadaada yalqaa sawaahida For whoever sits with a perfume seller surely smells good from his scent, and whoever sits with a goldsmith carries some blackness.

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