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Napoleon – The person who changed the history of France

and the world 

Napoleon Bonaparte (1769 – 1821) is a French politician and one of the military top
transformational leaders who led many successful campaigns during the French Revolution and
the French Revolutionary War. He was Emperor of France of Napoleon I from 1804 to 1814 and
returned to the throne in 1815 for nearly 100 days of his reign.

In 1784, Napoleon was selected to enter the Paris Military Academy and joined the Artillery
Corps. During his time at this school, he held the rank of Lieutenant. Napoleon continuously
made many merits in his military career thanks to ingenious military strategies. Thanks to his
ability to control the army, Napoleon drove the British out of Toulon in 1795. Thus, the
reputation of the Napoleonic rulers spread throughout France as well as in the world. His
example of transformational leadership is reflected in words, “Mental strength, not quantity, can
determine victory”, he once said. Napoleon was very good at logistics.

Napoleon Leadership

1. Vision and Imagination

Napoleon was a man of great vision and imagination. During his reign as emperor, he would win
his men over with his visions of great glory. Also he would devise revolutionary military tactics
that was well ahead for any military leader in his time.
2. Know your people
Unlike the monarchy that was ruling France during that time, Napoleon understood the
importance of winning people over to himself. He would know his soldiers by name and he
would call them as he walked through the camps.Take time to get to know your team. Instead of
telling someone over email, perhaps walking over to their table will do far more than achieve
the task, it will bond you and your team member.

Persistence is key for your success

Napoleon saw the importance in persistence in attaining victory. We would see that most
evidently in his coming back to take the throne of France even after he was exiled.

Whatever you do, remember that consistent effort will be the key of your success. You can
start off failing a few times, but it is your ability to come back and try again that will ensure your
success in the long run.

Quotes from
Napoleon Leadership
The word impossible is not in my dictionary.
Alexander The Great – an all-time military genius 
Yes, Alexander was a great leader and a great general. He had a vision and risked everything to
achieve it and when that vision was accomplished he moved on to another to advance and
secure those and new goals. His greatest achievement was introducing and developing trade
throughout the known world and introducing vast new knowledge and trade to all areas they in
countered! He left his bias behind and learned Alexander the Great is the biggest general not
only by military point of view as with a small army but well equipped and organized and with a
capable general stuff of generals to assist him, managed to conquer and abolish the biggest
empire of the known world at that time but also spread the greek culture to the East and
created the hellenistic culture which had the well known impact in all aspects of our Civilization

Have a compelling vision

Alexander’s actions demonstrate what can be accomplished when a person is totally focused.
Through dramatic gestures and great rhetorical skills, Alexander spoke to the collective
imagination of his people and won the commitment of his followers.

Be unsurpassed in execution
Alexander not only had a compelling vision, he also knew how to make that vision become
reality. By maintaining an excellent information system .

Walk the talk

Alexander set the example of excellence with his leadership style; he led his troops quite literally
from the front. When his troops went hungry or thirsty, he went hungry and thirsty

Create a well-rounded executive team Alexander also knew how to build a committed
team around him and operated in a way that allowed his commanders to build on each other’s’

Encourage and support followers

Alexander knew how to encourage his people for their excellence in battle in ways that brought out
greater excellence.

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