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(adjective) changing frequently
Kids are sometimes very fickle and may have a new favorite food every week.

(adjective) producing a great deal of profit
Max told me that ESL was a very lucrative field, and I believed him.

(adjective) subject to debate, unsettled.
Whether the tooth fairy is male or female is a moot point. No one knows.

(noun) wealth and luxury
Nina would not marry Charlie, for he had no money, and she was not willing to settle for anything less than a life
of opulence.

(adjective) active; lively
Max was amazingly spry for an old man.

(adjective) not certain or fixed
Our summer plans are still tentative. I think we are going to go camping in the mountains.

(adjective) cautious; leery
The children were very wary of the stranger and would not let him into the house.

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